blob: d57450dee219735a2af06595c0776bc281ca9501 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All Rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governemd by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/* Python wrapper for accessing the xiQ USB3.0 camera.
* ===================================================
* This file contains wrappers that allow access of general functions
* to control the xiQ camera. To use, run "make" and import xiCam
* to your python file.
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/numeric.hpp>
#include <m3api/xiApi.h>
#include <m3api/m3Api.h>
#include <m3api/m3Ext.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;
// Maximum buffer size allowed by API
int kMaxBuf = 40*1024*1024;
// Large queue size to avoid frame skipping
int kMaxQ = 500;
struct HandHolder
HandHolder() : triggered_(false), frames_captured_(0) {
// Handle to camera
HANDLE handle_;
bool triggered_;
// Most recent collection of stored images
std::vector<XI_IMG> image_store_;
// Number of frames captured so far
int frames_captured_;
int Cameras() {
DWORD num_devices = 0;
XI_RETURN stat = xiGetNumberDevices(&num_devices);
if (stat!=XI_OK) return -1;
return num_devices;
// Initializes the xiCam camera with the sepcified framerate, exposure
// and gain. Returns a handle object to be used with other functions.
HandHolder InitHandle(int fps, int exposure, float gain) {
HandHolder holder;
DWORD index = 0;
char* env = getenv("CAM_INDEX");
if (env) {
index = atoi(env);
DWORD num_devices = 0;
stat = xiGetNumberDevices(&num_devices);
if (stat != XI_OK) return holder;
if (num_devices > 0) {
stat = xiOpenDevice(index, &(holder.handle_));
if (stat != XI_OK) return holder;
// xiQ camera is B&W: user RAW8 or MONO
xiSetParamInt(holder.handle_, XI_PRM_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, XI_RAW8);
// Set the timing mode to user-controlled frame rate
// Set the frame rate
xiSetParamInt(holder.handle_, XI_PRM_FRAMERATE, fps);
// Safe buffer policy: makes copies of XI_IMG structures
xiSetParamInt(holder.handle_, XI_PRM_BUFFER_POLICY, XI_BP_SAFE);
// Set exposure
xiSetParamInt(holder.handle_, XI_PRM_EXPOSURE, exposure);
// Set Gain
xiSetParamFloat(holder.handle_, XI_PRM_GAIN, gain);
// Set queue and buffer sizes
xiSetParamInt(holder.handle_, XI_PRM_ACQ_BUFFER_SIZE, kMaxBuf);
xiSetParamInt(holder.handle_, XI_PRM_BUFFERS_QUEUE_SIZE, kMaxQ);
return holder;
// Sets FPS of camera to specified value.
int SetFps(float fps, HandHolder& holder) {
if(holder.handle_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1;
xiSetParamFloat(holder.handle_, XI_PRM_FRAMERATE, fps);
return 0;
// Returns the current FPS reading of the camera.
float Fps(HandHolder& holder) {
float fps=0;
xiGetParamFloat(holder.handle_, XI_PRM_FRAMERATE, &fps);
return fps;
// Converts a XI_IMG object to a frame tuple, which consists of
// an ndarray (or numpy array), the frame number, time elapsed
// in milliseconds, and GPI data.
bp::tuple ImgToFrame(XI_IMG &img) {
bp::list list;
int width = img.width;
int height = img.height;
int size = width * height;
// Use OpenCV to convert from XI_IMG to numpy array
cv::Mat frame(cv::Size(width, height), CV_8U, img.bp);
for(int i = 0; i < frame.rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < frame.cols; ++j)
bp::numeric::array arr(list);
double mS = (double)img.tsUSec / 1000;
return bp::make_tuple(arr, img.nframe, mS, img.GPI_level);
// Returns a garbage 3X3 frame of zeros. This frame is returned
// by functions that encounter errors accessing real frame data.
bp::tuple GarbageFrame() {
bp::list list;
bp::numeric::array arr(list);
return bp::make_tuple(arr, -1, -1, -1);
// Sets the XI_IMG pointer to the most recent image in the buffer.
// REturns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int GetLastImg(XI_IMG* img, HandHolder& holder) {
if (holder.triggered_) {
img->size = sizeof(XI_IMG);
img->bp = NULL;
img->bp_size = 0;
XI_RETURN stat = xiGetImage(holder.handle_, 100, img);
if (stat == XI_OK) return 0;
return -1;
// Returns the next image in the buffer as a frame tuple.
bp::tuple GetCurrentImg(HandHolder& holder) {
if (holder.triggered_) {
XI_IMG img;
img.size = sizeof(XI_IMG);
img.bp = NULL;
img.bp_size = 0;
XI_RETURN stat = xiGetImage(holder.handle_, 100, &img);
if (stat != XI_OK) return GarbageFrame();
return ImgToFrame(img);
return GarbageFrame();
// Triggers the recording to start filling internal image buffers.
// Returns -1 if camera has not been intiialized or fails to respond.
int Trigger(HandHolder& holder) {
if (holder.handle_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1;
if(!holder.triggered_) xiStartAcquisition(holder.handle_);
holder.triggered_ = true;
return 0;
// Stops camera acquisition and clears the internal buffers.
// Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int StopTrigger(HandHolder& holder) {
if (holder.handle_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1;
if(holder.triggered_) xiStopAcquisition(holder.handle_);
holder.triggered_ = false;
return 0;
// Closes the camera
void CloseCam(HandHolder& holder) {
if (holder.handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) xiCloseDevice(holder.handle_);
// The FrameSet structure is returned after a call to the python
// wrapped function trigger (xiCam.trigger(500)). The trigger function
// will return a frameset, from which one can access frame data at any index.
struct FrameSet
FrameSet(std::vector<XI_IMG> imgs) : images_(imgs) {};
bp::tuple getFrame(int frameIdx) {
if (frameIdx >= images_.size()) return GarbageFrame();
XI_IMG img = images_[frameIdx];
return ImgToFrame(img);
std::vector<XI_IMG> images_;
// Triggers the camera, records the specified number of frames
// and returns a frameset for easy access of frame data.
FrameSet TriggerFrames(int frames, HandHolder& holder) {
holder.frames_captured_ = frames;
for(int i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
XI_IMG img;
if (GetLastImg(&img, holder) >= 0) holder.image_store_.push_back(img);
else holder.frames_captured_--;
FrameSet set1(holder.image_store_);
return set1;
// Initializes boost functions for visibility within python.
using namespace boost::python;
numeric::array::set_module_and_type("numpy", "ndarray");
class_<FrameSet>("FrameSet", init<std::vector<XI_IMG> >())
.def("getFrame", &FrameSet::getFrame);
class_<HandHolder>("HandHolder", init<>());
def("initCam", InitHandle);
def("trigger", &TriggerFrames);
def("setFPS", &SetFps);
def("fps", &Fps);
def("start", &Trigger);
def("stop", &StopTrigger);
def("curr", &GetCurrentImg);
def("cameras", &Cameras);