blob: ab6c4957e8c69cb8164cdf62943ddca5ee4565a1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Module for computing drag latency given logs of touchpad positions and
# QuickStep laser crossing timestamps
import numpy
import latency_measurement as lm
debug_mode = False
def load_laser_data(fname_laser):
laser_data = numpy.loadtxt(fname_laser)
t = laser_data[:, 0]
transition = laser_data[:, 1].astype(int)
if transition[0] != 0:
print('WARNING: First laser transition should be from light to dark')
return t, transition
def calc_ssr(x, y):
"""Return sum of squared residuals (SSR) of a linear least square fit"""
p = numpy.polyfit(x, y, 1, full=True)
r = p[1][0]
return r
def minimize_lsq(t, x, y, tl, min_shift, max_shift, step):
"""Find best time shift so that the shifted laser crossing events fit nicely
on a straight line. Upper and lower side are treated separately.
# generate an array of all shifts to try
shifts = numpy.arange(min_shift, max_shift, step)
# side = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ...
# this is an indicator of which side of the beam the crossing belongs to
side = ((numpy.arange(len(tl)) + 1) / 2) % 2
residuals0 = []
residuals1 = []
for shift in shifts:
# Find the locations of the finger at the shifted laser timestamps
yl = numpy.interp(tl + shift, t, y)
xl = numpy.interp(tl + shift, t, x)
# Fit a line to each side separately and save the SSR for this fit
residuals0.append(calc_ssr(xl[side == 0], yl[side == 0]))
residuals1.append(calc_ssr(xl[side == 1], yl[side == 1]))
# Find the shift with lower SSR for each side
best_shift0 = shifts[numpy.argmin(residuals0)]
best_shift1 = shifts[numpy.argmin(residuals1)]
# Use average of the two sides
best_shift = (best_shift0 + best_shift1) / 2
return best_shift
def minimize(fname_touch, fname_laser):
# Load all the data
tl, transition = load_laser_data(fname_laser)
positions = lm.get_finger_positions(fname_touch)
t = numpy.array([p.timestamp for p in positions])
x = numpy.array([p.x for p in positions])
y = numpy.array([p.y for p in positions])
# Shift time so that first time point is 0
t0 = t[0]
t = t - t0
tl = tl - t0
# Sanity checks
if numpy.std(x)*2 < numpy.std(y):
print('WARNING: Not enough motion in X axis')
# Search for minimum with coarse step of 1 ms in range of 0 to 200 ms
coarse_step = 1e-3 # Seconds
best_shift_coarse = minimize_lsq(t, x, y, tl, 0, 0.2, coarse_step)
# Run another search with 0.02 ms step within +-3 ms of the previous result
lmts = numpy.array([-1, 1]) * 3 * coarse_step + best_shift_coarse
fine_step = 2e-5 # seconds
best_shift_fine = minimize_lsq(t, x, y, tl, lmts[0], lmts[1], fine_step)
print("Drag latency (min method) = %.2f ms" % (best_shift_fine*1000))
if debug_mode:
debug_plot(t, x, y, tl, best_shift_fine)
return best_shift_fine
def debug_plot(t, x, y, tl, shift):
"""Plot the XY data with time-shifted laser events
Note: this is a utility function used for offline debugging. It needs
matplotlib which is not installed on CrOS images.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(x, y, '.b')
yl = numpy.interp(tl + shift, t, y)
xl = numpy.interp(tl + shift, t, x)
sides = (((numpy.arange(len(tl)) + 1) / 2) % 2)
colors = ['g', 'm']
x_linear = numpy.array([min(x), max(x)])
for side in [0, 1]:
xls = xl[sides == side]
yls = yl[sides == side]
plt.plot(xls, yls, 'o' + colors[side])
a, c = numpy.polyfit(xls, yls, 1)
plt.plot(x_linear, a * x_linear + c, colors[side])
plt.title('Laser events shifted %.2f ms' % (shift*1000))