blob: e1003ff6eb77888ac3f32850833b99da9e797b40 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" This is a gesture that draws a line with one finger while holding
another steady in a fixed spot.
The script takes in three points in relative coordinates. The first specifies
where the stationary finger should be placed. The other two specify the start
and end coordinates for the mobile finger. Finally it takes a speed paramater
between 0 and 100.
There is one optional flag to indicate how many times to tap the stationary
finger during the gesture. If this is omitted, the finger will just rest on
the pad.
python device.p stationary_pos start_pos
end_pos speed [--taps=n]
# Slowly move one finger from the top left to bottom right corner while
# keeping a finger stationary in the bottom left
python link.p 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.9 10
# The same as above but tapping in the bottom left corner 3 times
python link.p 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.9 10 --taps=3
import math
import sys
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from touchbotII import Touchbot, Device, PositionArg
device = Device(sys.argv[1])
stationary_x, stationary_y = (float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]))
start_x, start_y = (float(sys.argv[4]), float(sys.argv[5]))
end_x, end_y = (float(sys.argv[6]), float(sys.argv[7]))
speed = float(sys.argv[8])
num_taps = 0
if len(sys.argv) > 9:
for arg in sys.argv[9:len(sys.argv)]:
if arg.startswith('--taps='):
num_taps = int(arg.split('=')[1])
print ('Usage: python %s device.p stationary_pos start_pos end_pos speed' %
print 'Example: python %s link.p 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.9 10' % __file__
# Connect to the robot and configure the profile
bot = Touchbot()
prof = bot.GetCurrentProfile()
prof.speed = speed
prof.straight = Touchbot.STRAIGHT_INTERPOLATION
prof.inRange = Touchbot.BLEND_MOVEMENTS
if not (bot.IsLegalRelativeCoordinate((stationary_x, stationary_y)) and
bot.IsLegalRelativeCoordinate((start_x, start_y)) and
bot.IsLegalRelativeCoordinate((end_x, end_y))):
print ('All coordinates must fall in the range of %s' %
if not bot.IsLegalSpeed(speed):
print 'The speed %f is not acceptable for this robot' % speed
if num_taps < 0:
print 'The number of taps to execute (%d) must be >= 0' % num_taps
abs_stationary = device.RelativePosToAbsolutePos((stationary_x, stationary_y))
# Split the movement up into a bunch of small steps to increase precision
# in the middle of the gesture
last_angle = None
positions = []
for step in range(NUM_STEPS):
# Compute where the moving finger should be at this point
percent = float(step) / float(NUM_STEPS - 1)
moving_finger_x = percent * end_x + (1.0 - percent) * start_x
moving_finger_y = percent * end_y + (1.0 - percent) * start_y
# Compute the hand position required to put the fingers on these spots
mid_x = (stationary_x + moving_finger_x) / 2.0
mid_y = (stationary_y + moving_finger_y) / 2.0
abs_mid = device.RelativePosToAbsolutePos((mid_x, mid_y))
# Compute the angle the hand needs to make
abs_stationary = device.RelativePosToAbsolutePos(
(stationary_x, stationary_y))
abs_moving = device.RelativePosToAbsolutePos(
(moving_finger_x, moving_finger_y))
dx = abs_stationary.x - abs_moving.x
dy = abs_stationary.y - abs_moving.y
angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(dy, dx))
# The fingers are offset by 45 degrees
angle += 45
# Check to see if the angle aliased onto another configuration
# This can cause the robot to spontaneously switch the role of the fingers
# if we don't check for it and compensate.
if last_angle:
curr_change = abs(angle - last_angle)
aliased_change_pos = abs((angle + 360) - last_angle)
aliased_change_neg = abs((angle - 360) - last_angle)
min_change = min([curr_change, aliased_change_pos, aliased_change_neg])
if aliased_change_pos == min_change:
angle = angle + 360
elif aliased_change_neg == min_change:
angle = angle - 360
last_angle = angle
abs_mid.yaw = angle
# Find the distance between the two points to spread the fingers
dx = abs_stationary.x - abs_moving.x
dy = abs_stationary.y - abs_moving.y
dist = (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) ** 0.5
# Store this position
positions.append((abs_mid, dist))
# Check to make sure the wrist won't alias around to the other side
# If it does, determine if it can be fixed with a 180 or 360 deg offset
min_yaw, max_yaw = bot.NonBindingYawRange(positions[0][0], YAW_BUFFER)
chosen_yaw_shift = None
for yaw_shift in [-360, -180, 0, 180, 360]:
legal = True
for abs_pos, _ in positions:
if (abs_pos.yaw + yaw_shift > max_yaw or
abs_pos.yaw + yaw_shift < min_yaw):
legal = False
if legal:
chosen_yaw_shift = yaw_shift
if chosen_yaw_shift is None:
print 'ERROR: Unable to perform this gesture with wrapping the wrist'
for i in range(len(positions)):
positions[i][0].yaw += chosen_yaw_shift
# Nudge the wrist into the right direction before starting. If the wrist
# begins the gesture way on the other side of its rotation sometimes it will
# go the wrong direction and result in problems when it tries to over-extend.
# By nudging the wrist closer to the starting position, this shouldn't happen.
dist_min = abs(positions[0][0].yaw - min_yaw)
dist_max = abs(positions[0][0].yaw - max_yaw)
nudge_pos = bot.GetCurrentPosition()
nudge_pos.ax_4 = bot.AX_4_MAX if dist_min > dist_max else bot.AX_4_MIN
# Compute which steps (if any) the taps will be executed on
tap_steps = []
if num_taps > 0:
tap_steps = [(i + 1) * len(positions) / (num_taps + 1)
for i in range(num_taps)]
lifted_fingers = [1, 0, 0, 0] if chosen_yaw_shift % 360 == 0 else [0, 0, 1, 0]
# Execute the move
for step, (abs_pos, finger_distance) in enumerate(positions):
bot.SetCartesian(abs_pos, finger_distance=finger_distance, blocking=False)
# If the stationary finger should tap here, do it. The non-blocking nature
# of the SetCartesian command should allow this to work without issues
if step in tap_steps:
bot.SetFingerStates([1, 0, 1, 0])
# If this is the first or last step, block then raise/lower the fingertips
if step == 0:
bot.SetFingerStates([1, 0, 1, 0] if num_taps is 0 else lifted_fingers)
elif step == (len(positions) - 1):
bot.SetFingerStates([0, 0, 0, 0])