blob: 0323e607e61af501a998ad4a9903a20634280d38 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
DESTDIR ?= target
LOCALDESTDIR=$(shell readlink -f local-install)
all: replay framework
OUT=build make -C replay clean
make -C framework clean
OUT=build make -C replay all
make -C framework all
OUT=build make -C replay tests
make -C framework tests
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)
DESTDIR=$(shell readlink -f $(DESTDIR)) OUT=build make -C replay install
DESTDIR=$(shell readlink -f $(DESTDIR)) make -C framework install
install -D touchtests $(DESTDIR)/touchtests
# for each filetype in tests folder
# install all files of this type. Ignore paths with . or : in them
for extension in dat props log py ; do \
find tests \( -iname \*.$$extension ! -wholename \*/.\* ! -wholename \
\*/:\* \) -exec install -D -m 0755 \{\} $(DESTDIR)/\{\} \; ; \
# install script locally. Create local-install folder with links to
# original folders. So there is no need to reinstall after changes.
install -D touchtests $(LOCALDESTDIR)/touchtests
ln -sf ../framework/src local-install/framework
ln -sf ../replay/build/replay local-install/replay
ln -sf ../tests local-install/tests
ln -sf $(LOCALDESTDIR)/touchtests /usr/bin/touchtests
.PHONY: all clean replay framework tests install local-install