blob: 740e53cfadfc4999ee7d33d5308679460c4b0e19 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -eux
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Test --sys_props (primitive test needed for future updating tests).
test_sys_props() {
! "${FUTILITY}" --debug update --sys_props "$*" 2>&1 |
sed -n 's/.*property\[\(.*\)].value = \(.*\)/\1,\2,/p' |
tr '\n' ' '
test "$(test_sys_props "1,2,3")" = "0,1, 1,2, 2,3, "
test "$(test_sys_props "1 2 3")" = "0,1, 1,2, 2,3, "
test "$(test_sys_props "1, 2,3 ")" = "0,1, 1,2, 2,3, "
test "$(test_sys_props " 1,, 2")" = "0,1, 2,2, "
test "$(test_sys_props " , 4,")" = "1,4, "
test_quirks() {
! "${FUTILITY}" --debug update --quirks "$*" 2>&1 |
sed -n 's/.*Set quirk \(.*\) to \(.*\)./\1,\2/p' |
tr '\n' ' '
test "$(test_quirks "enlarge_image")" = "enlarge_image,1 "
test "$(test_quirks "enlarge_image=2")" = "enlarge_image,2 "
test "$(test_quirks " enlarge_image, enlarge_image=2")" = \
"enlarge_image,1 enlarge_image,2 "
# Test data files
# Work in scratch directory
cd "$OUTDIR"
set -o pipefail
# In all the test scenario, we want to test "updating from PEPPY to LINK".
cp -f ${LINK_BIOS} ${TO_IMAGE}
patch_file() {
local file="$1"
local section="$2"
local section_offset="$3"
local data="$4"
local fmap_info="$(${FUTILITY} dump_fmap -p ${file} ${section})"
local base="$(echo "${fmap_info}" | sed 's/^[^ ]* //; s/ [^ ]*$//')"
local offset=$((base + section_offset))
echo "offset: ${offset}"
printf "${data}" | dd of="${file}" bs=1 seek="${offset}" conv=notrunc
# PEPPY and LINK have different platform element ("Google_Link" and
# "Google_Peppy") in firmware ID so we want to hack them by changing
# "Google_" to "Google.".
patch_file ${TO_IMAGE} RW_FWID_A 0 Google.
patch_file ${TO_IMAGE} RW_FWID_B 0 Google.
patch_file ${TO_IMAGE} RO_FRID 0 Google.
patch_file ${FROM_IMAGE} RW_FWID_A 0 Google.
patch_file ${FROM_IMAGE} RW_FWID_B 0 Google.
patch_file ${FROM_IMAGE} RO_FRID 0 Google.
unpack_image() {
local folder="${TMP}.$1"
local image="$2"
mkdir -p "${folder}"
(cd "${folder}" && ${FUTILITY} dump_fmap -x "../${image}")
${FUTILITY} gbb -g --rootkey="${folder}/rootkey" "${image}"
# Unpack images so we can prepare expected results by individual sections.
unpack_image "to" "${TO_IMAGE}"
unpack_image "from" "${FROM_IMAGE}"
# Hack FROM_IMAGE so it has same root key as TO_IMAGE (for RW update).
"${FUTILITY}" gbb -s --rootkey="${TMP}.to/rootkey" "${FROM_IMAGE}"
# Hack for quirks
cp -f "${FROM_IMAGE}" "${FROM_IMAGE}.large"
truncate -s $((8388608 * 2)) "${FROM_IMAGE}.large"
# Generate expected results.
cp -f "${TO_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full"
cp -f "${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}"
cp -f "${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.a"
cp -f "${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.b"
cp -f "${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.legacy"
"${FUTILITY}" gbb -s --hwid="${FROM_HWID}" "${TMP}.expected.full"
"${FUTILITY}" load_fmap "${TMP}.expected.full" \
RW_VPD:${TMP}.from/RW_VPD \
"${FUTILITY}" load_fmap "${TMP}" \
"${FUTILITY}" load_fmap "${TMP}.expected.a" \
"${FUTILITY}" load_fmap "${TMP}.expected.b" \
"${FUTILITY}" load_fmap "${TMP}.expected.legacy" \
cp -f "${TMP}.expected.full" "${TMP}.expected.full.gbb0"
"${FUTILITY}" gbb -s --flags=0 "${TMP}.expected.full.gbb0"
cp -f "${FROM_IMAGE}" "${FROM_IMAGE}.gbb0"
"${FUTILITY}" gbb -s --flags=0 "${FROM_IMAGE}.gbb0"
cp -f "${TMP}.expected.full" "${TMP}.expected.large"
dd if=/dev/zero bs=8388608 count=1 | tr '\000' '\377' >>"${TMP}.expected.large"
cp -f "${TMP}.expected.full" "${TMP}.expected.me_unlocked"
patch_file "${TMP}.expected.me_unlocked" SI_DESC 128 \
test_update() {
local test_name="$1"
local emu_src="$2"
local expected="$3"
local error_msg="${expected#!}"
local msg
shift 3
cp -f "${emu_src}" "${TMP}.emu"
echo "*** Test Item: ${test_name}"
if [ "${error_msg}" != "${expected}" ] && [ -n "${error_msg}" ]; then
msg="$(! "${FUTILITY}" update --emulate "${TMP}.emu" "$@" 2>&1)"
echo "${msg}" | grep -qF -- "${error_msg}"
"${FUTILITY}" update --emulate "${TMP}.emu" "$@"
cmp "${TMP}.emu" "${expected}"
# --sys_props: mainfw_act, tpm_fwver, is_vboot2, platform_ver, [wp_hw, wp_sw]
# tpm_fwver = <data key version:16><firmware version:16>.
# TO_IMAGE is signed with data key version = 1, firmware version = 4 => 0x10004.
# Test Full update.
test_update "Full update" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "Full update (incompatible platform)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!platform is not compatible" \
-i "${LINK_BIOS}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "Full update (TPM Anti-rollback: data key)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!Data key version rollback detected (2->1)" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 1,0x20001,1
test_update "Full update (TPM Anti-rollback: kernel key)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!Firmware version rollback detected (5->4)" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 1,0x10005,1
test_update "Full update (TPM Anti-rollback: 0 as tpm_fwver)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x0,1
test_update "Full update (TPM check failure due to invalid tpm_fwver)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!Invalid tpm_fwver: -1" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,-1,1
test_update "Full update (Skip TPM check with --force)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,-1,1 --force
test_update "Full update (from stdin)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
-i - --wp=0 --sys_props 0,-1,1 --force <"${TO_IMAGE}"
test_update "Full update (GBB=0 -> 0)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}.gbb0" "${TMP}.expected.full.gbb0" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "Full update (--host_only)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1 \
--host_only --ec_image non-exist.bin --pd_image non_exist.bin
# Test RW-only update.
test_update "RW update" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=1 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "RW update (incompatible platform)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!platform is not compatible" \
-i "${LINK_BIOS}" --wp=1 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "RW update (incompatible rootkey)" \
"${FROM_DIFFERENT_ROOTKEY_IMAGE}" "!RW not signed by same RO root key" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=1 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "RW update (TPM Anti-rollback: data key)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!Data key version rollback detected (2->1)" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=1 --sys_props 1,0x20001,1
test_update "RW update (TPM Anti-rollback: kernel key)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!Firmware version rollback detected (5->4)" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=1 --sys_props 1,0x10005,1
# Test Try-RW update (vboot2).
test_update "RW update (A->B)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.b" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" -t --wp=1 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "RW update (B->A)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.a" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" -t --wp=1 --sys_props 1,0x10001,1
test_update "RW update -> fallback to RO+RW Full update" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" -t --wp=0 --sys_props 1,0x10002,1
test_update "RW update (incompatible platform)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!platform is not compatible" \
-i "${LINK_BIOS}" -t --wp=1 --sys_props 0x10001,1
test_update "RW update (incompatible rootkey)" \
"${FROM_DIFFERENT_ROOTKEY_IMAGE}" "!RW not signed by same RO root key" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" -t --wp=1 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "RW update (TPM Anti-rollback: data key)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!Data key version rollback detected (2->1)" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" -t --wp=1 --sys_props 1,0x20001,1
test_update "RW update (TPM Anti-rollback: kernel key)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!Firmware version rollback detected (5->4)" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" -t --wp=1 --sys_props 1,0x10005,1
test_update "RW update -> fallback to RO+RW Full update (TPM Anti-rollback)" \
"${TO_IMAGE}" "!Firmware version rollback detected (4->2)" \
-i "${FROM_IMAGE}" -t --wp=0 --sys_props 1,0x10004,1
# Test Try-RW update (vboot1).
test_update "RW update (vboot1, A->B)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.b" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" -t --wp=1 --sys_props 0,0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,0
test_update "RW update (vboot1, B->B)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.b" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" -t --wp=1 --sys_props 1,0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,0
# Test 'factory mode'
test_update "Factory mode update (WP=0)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1 --mode=factory
test_update "Factory mode update (WP=0)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
--factory -i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "Factory mode update (WP=1)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!needs WP disabled" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=1 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1 --mode=factory
test_update "Factory mode update (WP=1)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!needs WP disabled" \
--factory -i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=1 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "Factory mode update (GBB=0 -> 39)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}.gbb0" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
--factory -i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
# Test legacy update
test_update "Legacy update" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.legacy" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --mode=legacy
# Test quirks
test_update "Full update (wrong size)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}.large" "!Image size is different" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "Full update (--quirks enlarge_image)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}.large" "${TMP}.expected.large" --quirks enlarge_image \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "Full update (--quirks unlock_me_for_update)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.me_unlocked" \
--quirks unlock_me_for_update \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1
test_update "Full update (failure by --quirks min_platform_version)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "!Need platform version >= 3 (current is 2)" \
--quirks min_platform_version=3 \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,2
test_update "Full update (--quirks min_platform_version)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
--quirks min_platform_version=3 \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3
# Test archive and manifest.
mkdir -p "${A}/bin"
echo 'echo "${WL_TAG}"' >"${A}/bin/vpd"
chmod +x "${A}/bin/vpd"
cp -f "${LINK_BIOS}" "${A}/bios.bin"
echo "TEST: Manifest (--manifest)"
${FUTILITY} update -a "${A}" --manifest >"${TMP}.json.out"
cmp "${TMP}.json.out" "${SCRIPTDIR}/link.manifest.json"
cp -f "${TO_IMAGE}" "${A}/bios.bin"
test_update "Full update (--archive, single package)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.expected.full" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3
echo "TEST: Output (--mode=output)"
mkdir -p "${TMP}.output"
${FUTILITY} update -i "${LINK_BIOS}" --mode=output --output_dir="${TMP}.output"
cmp "${LINK_BIOS}" "${TMP}.output/bios.bin"
mkdir -p "${A}/keyset"
cp -f "${LINK_BIOS}" "${A}/bios.bin"
cp -f "${TMP}.to/rootkey" "${A}/keyset/rootkey.WL"
cp -f "${TMP}.to/VBLOCK_A" "${A}/keyset/vblock_A.WL"
cp -f "${TMP}.to/VBLOCK_B" "${A}/keyset/vblock_B.WL"
${FUTILITY} gbb -s --rootkey="${TMP}.from/rootkey" "${A}/bios.bin"
${FUTILITY} load_fmap "${A}/bios.bin" VBLOCK_A:"${TMP}.from/VBLOCK_A"
${FUTILITY} load_fmap "${A}/bios.bin" VBLOCK_B:"${TMP}.from/VBLOCK_B"
test_update "Full update (--archive, whitelabel, no VPD)" \
"${A}/bios.bin" "!Need VPD set for white" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3
test_update "Full update (--archive, whitelabel, no VPD - factory mode)" \
"${LINK_BIOS}" "${A}/bios.bin" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3 --mode=factory
test_update "Full update (--archive, WL, single package)" \
"${A}/bios.bin" "${LINK_BIOS}" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3 --signature_id=WL
WL_TAG="WL" PATH="${A}/bin:${PATH}" \
test_update "Full update (--archive, WL, fake vpd)" \
"${A}/bios.bin" "${LINK_BIOS}" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3
echo "TEST: Output (-a, --mode=output)"
mkdir -p "${TMP}.outa"
cp -f "${A}/bios.bin" "${TMP}.emu"
WL_TAG="WL" PATH="${A}/bin:${PATH}" \
${FUTILITY} update -a "${A}" --mode=output --emu="${TMP}.emu" \
cmp "${LINK_BIOS}" "${TMP}.outa/bios.bin"
# Test archive with Unified Build contents.
cp -r "${SCRIPTDIR}/models" "${A}/"
mkdir -p "${A}/images"
mv "${A}/bios.bin" "${A}/images/bios_coral.bin"
cp -f "${PEPPY_BIOS}" "${A}/images/bios_peppy.bin"
cp -f "${LINK_BIOS}" "${A}/images/bios_link.bin"
cp -f "${TMP}.to/rootkey" "${A}/keyset/rootkey.whitetip-wl"
cp -f "${TMP}.to/VBLOCK_A" "${A}/keyset/vblock_A.whitetip-wl"
cp -f "${TMP}.to/VBLOCK_B" "${A}/keyset/vblock_B.whitetip-wl"
cp -f "${PEPPY_BIOS}" "${FROM_IMAGE}.ap"
cp -f "${LINK_BIOS}" "${FROM_IMAGE}.al"
patch_file ${FROM_IMAGE}.ap FW_MAIN_A 0 "corrupted"
patch_file ${FROM_IMAGE}.al FW_MAIN_A 0 "corrupted"
test_update "Full update (--archive, model=link)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}.al" "${LINK_BIOS}" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3 --model=link
test_update "Full update (--archive, model=peppy)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}.ap" "${PEPPY_BIOS}" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3 --model=peppy
test_update "Full update (--archive, model=unknown)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}.ap" "!Model 'unknown' is not defined" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3 --model=unknown
test_update "Full update (--archive, model=whitetip, signature_id=WL)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}.al" "${LINK_BIOS}" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3 --model=whitetip \
WL_TAG="wl" PATH="${A}/bin:${PATH}" \
test_update "Full update (-a, model=WL, fake VPD)" \
"${FROM_IMAGE}.al" "${LINK_BIOS}" \
-a "${A}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3 --model=whitetip
# Test special programmer
if type flashrom >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "TEST: Full update (dummy programmer)"
cp -f "${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.emu"
sudo "${FUTILITY}" update --programmer \
dummy:emulate=VARIABLE_SIZE,image=${TMP}.emu,size=8388608 \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1,3 >&2
cmp "${TMP}.emu" "${TMP}.expected.full"
if type cbfstool >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "SMM STORE" >"${TMP}.smm"
truncate -s 262144 "${TMP}.smm"
cp -f "${FROM_IMAGE}" "${TMP}.from.smm"
cp -f "${TMP}.expected.full" "${TMP}.expected.full_smm"
cbfstool "${TMP}.from.smm" add -r RW_LEGACY -n "smm store" \
-f "${TMP}.smm" -t raw
cbfstool "${TMP}.expected.full_smm" add -r RW_LEGACY -n "smm store" \
-f "${TMP}.smm" -t raw -b 0x1bf000
test_update "Legacy update (--quirks eve_smm_store)" \
"${TMP}.from.smm" "${TMP}.expected.full_smm" \
-i "${TO_IMAGE}" --wp=0 --sys_props 0,0x10001,1 \
--quirks eve_smm_store