blob: 19f430a5e818e60e2393834372decfe1ffd961c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "wimax_manager/utility.h"
#include <base/stl_util.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using std::map;
using std::set;
namespace wimax_manager {
class UtilityTest : public testing::Test {
TEST_F(UtilityTest, GetKeysOfMapWithEmptyMap) {
map<int, char> empty_map;
set<int> keys = GetKeysOfMap(empty_map);
TEST_F(UtilityTest, GetKeysOfMap) {
map<int, char> test_map;
test_map[2] = 'b';
test_map[1] = 'a';
test_map[3] = 'c';
set<int> keys = GetKeysOfMap(test_map);
EXPECT_EQ(3, keys.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsKey(keys, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsKey(keys, 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsKey(keys, 3));
EXPECT_FALSE(ContainsKey(keys, 4));
TEST_F(UtilityTest, RemoveKeysFromMapWithEmptySetOfKeys) {
set<int> keys_to_remove;
map<int, char> test_map;
test_map[2] = 'b';
test_map[1] = 'a';
test_map[3] = 'c';
RemoveKeysFromMap(&test_map, keys_to_remove);
EXPECT_EQ(3, test_map.size());
EXPECT_EQ('a', test_map[1]);
EXPECT_EQ('b', test_map[2]);
EXPECT_EQ('c', test_map[3]);
TEST_F(UtilityTest, RemoveKeysFromMapWithEmptyMap) {
set<int> keys_to_remove;
map<int, char> test_map;
RemoveKeysFromMap(&test_map, keys_to_remove);
TEST_F(UtilityTest, RemoveKeysFromMap) {
set<int> keys_to_remove;
map<int, char> test_map;
test_map[2] = 'b';
test_map[1] = 'a';
test_map[3] = 'c';
RemoveKeysFromMap(&test_map, keys_to_remove);
EXPECT_EQ(2, test_map.size());
EXPECT_FALSE(ContainsKey(test_map, 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(ContainsKey(test_map, 4));
EXPECT_EQ('b', test_map[2]);
EXPECT_EQ('c', test_map[3]);
} // namespace wimax_manager