Chameleon Unit Tests

The unit tests for Chameleon live in the tests directory. These tests are built to run on the host PC and do not require the use of actual Chameleon v3 hardware.

Build the unit tests inside the chroot environment using cmake and ninja:

(cr) $ export ZEPHYR_BASE=/mnt/host/source/src/third_party/zephyr/main/v2.4
(cr) $ cd /mnt/host/source/src/platform/zephyr-chrome/projects/chameleon
(cr) $ cmake -S tests/fpgaboot_sm -B build/fpgaboot_sm \
 -D ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=host -D BOARD=native_posix -G Ninja
(cr) $ ninja -C build/fpgaboot_sm
(cr) $ build/fpgaboot_sm/zephyr/zephyr.exe


This is the test for the state machine for the FPGA power/boot sequence. It covers the normal start-up and shut-down flows, as well as timeouts while waiting for power to stabilize or for the FPGA to complete its configuration. It adds cases where the start-up sequence is interrupted by a request to shut down or by a failure.