blob: beb04b73821c6ae4d6fe43007d89fc183d7b2fbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <dbus-c++/types.h> // for DBus::Error &
#include "cromo/sms_message.h"
#include "cromo/utilities.h"
namespace cromo {
// Low-level routines that the caller needs to implement
class SmsModemOperations {
// Given an integer storage index, returns a new SmsMessageFragment object
// representing that fragment on the device. On error, returns nullptr and
// sets the error parameter.
virtual SmsMessageFragment* GetSms(int index,
DBus::Error& error) = 0; // NOLINT - refs.
// Deletes the message fragment at the given index from the device.
virtual void DeleteSms(int index,
DBus::Error& error) = 0; // NOLINT - refs.
// Return a list of the storage indexes of all of the message
// fragments currently on the device.
virtual std::vector<int>* ListSms(DBus::Error& error) = 0; // NOLINT - refs.
// Cache of SMS messages and their index numbers in storage which
// assists in assembling multipart messages.
// Multipart messages are made out of several individual messages with
// the same reference number and part count. The multipart message as
// a whole is referred to by one index number, the canonical index
// number, which is generally the index number of the first part of
// the message seen by the cache. Most operations that take index
// numbers only take canonical index numbers and do not operate on
// bare message fragments.
class SmsCache {
SmsCache() {}
// The user of the cache invokes this when they receive notification
// of a new message (fragment), passing in the storage index of the
// new fragment. If the fragment was a standalone message, or if
// the fragment completes an existing multipart message, a
// SmsMessage object is returned; otherwise this returns nullptr.
SmsMessage* SmsReceived(int index,
DBus::Error& error, // NOLINT - refs.
SmsModemOperations* impl);
// Retrieve a complete SMS message with the given canonical index.
// Suitable for implementing org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Gsm.SMS.Get
// Returns the SMS message as a DBusPropertyMap of key/value pairs.
utilities::DBusPropertyMap* Get(int index,
DBus::Error& error, // NOLINT - refs.
SmsModemOperations* impl);
// Delete all fragments of a SMS message with a given canonical index
// from the cache and from the underlying device.
// Suitable for implementing org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Gsm.SMS.Delete
void Delete(int index,
DBus::Error& error, // NOLINT - refs.
SmsModemOperations* impl);
// Return all of the complete SMS messages in the cache.
// Suitable for implementing org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Gsm.SMS.List
// Returns each SMS message as a DBusPropertyMap of key/value pairs.
std::vector<utilities::DBusPropertyMap>* List(
DBus::Error& error, SmsModemOperations* impl); // NOLINT - refs.
// Adds the message fragment to the cache, taking ownership of the
// fragment.
void AddToCache(SmsMessageFragment* message);
// Get the message corresponding to the index number from the cache,
// or nullptr if there is no such message.
// If the index refers to the canonical index of a multipart
// message, the multipart message is returned rather than the
// original fragment. If the index refers to a non-canonical index
// of a multipart message, nullptr is returned.
SmsMessage* GetFromCache(int index);
// Take the index number of a message fragment and return the
// canonical index number of the message that fragment belongs to.
// Returns -1 if no such fragment exists.
int GetCanonicalIndex(int index);
// Remove and free the message with the corresponding canonical index.
void RemoveFromCache(int index);
// Empty the entire cache.
void ClearCache();
// Messages by canonical index.
// Owns messages and hence their fragments.
std::map<int, SmsMessage*> messages_;
// Mapping from fragment index to canonical index.
std::map<int, int> fragments_;
// Mapping from multipart reference numbers to canonical index
// of corresponding messages.
std::map<uint16_t, int> multiparts_;
} // namespace cromo
#endif // CROMO_SMS_CACHE_H_