blob: b7c4dd8ca84236c21cc0d1de9916fcefb34645d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include "mist/usb_constants.h"
#include "mist/usb_error.h"
struct libusb_device;
struct libusb_device_descriptor;
struct libusb_device_handle;
namespace mist {
class UsbConfigDescriptor;
class UsbDeviceDescriptor;
// A USB device, which wraps a libusb_device C struct from libusb 1.0 and
// related libusb library functions into a C++ object.
class UsbDevice : public base::SupportsWeakPtr<UsbDevice> {
// Constructs a UsbDevice object by taking a raw pointer to a libusb_device
// struct as |device|. The ownership of |device| is not transferred, but its
// reference count is increased by one during the lifetime of this object.
explicit UsbDevice(libusb_device* device);
// Constructs a UsbDevice object by taking a raw pointer to a
// libusb_device_handle struct as |device_handle|. The device is considered
// open and the corresponding libusb_device struct is obtained via
// |device_handle| and has its reference count increased by one during the
// lifetime of this object. |device_handle| is closed when this object is
// destructed.
explicit UsbDevice(libusb_device_handle* device_handle);
// Destructs this UsbDevice object, closes any open libusb_device_handle, and
// decreases the reference count of the underlying libusb_device struct by
// one.
// Returns true if the device is open.
bool IsOpen() const;
// Opens the device. Returns true on success. It is a no-op if the device is
// already open.
bool Open();
// Closes the device. It is a no-op if the device is not open.
void Close();
// Reinitializes the device by performing a USB port reset. Returns true on
// success.
bool Reset();
uint8_t GetBusNumber() const;
uint8_t GetDeviceAddress() const;
UsbSpeed GetDeviceSpeed() const;
bool GetConfiguration(int* configuration);
bool SetConfiguration(int configuration);
bool ClaimInterface(int interface_number);
bool ReleaseInterface(int interface_number);
bool SetInterfaceAlternateSetting(int interface_number,
int alternate_setting);
bool IsKernelDriverActive(int interface_number);
bool AttachKernelDriver(int interface_number);
bool DetachKernelDriver(int interface_number);
bool ClearHalt(uint8_t endpoint_address);
// Returns a pointer to a UsbConfigDescriptor object for the descriptor of the
// currently active configuration, or a NULL pointer on error. The returned
// object should be deleted by the caller after used and should not be held
// beyond the lifetime of this object.
UsbConfigDescriptor* GetActiveConfigDescriptor();
// Returns a pointer to a UsbConfigDescriptor object for the configuration
// descriptor indexed at |index|, or a NULL pointer if the index is invalid.
// The returned object should be deleted by the caller after use and should
// not be held beyond the lifetime of this object.
UsbConfigDescriptor* GetConfigDescriptor(uint8_t index);
// Returns a pointer to a UsbConfigDescriptor object for the
// configuration descriptor with configuration value |configuration_value|,
// or a NULL pointer if the configuration value is invalid. The returned
// object should be deleted by the caller after use and should not be held
// beyond the lifetime of this object.
UsbConfigDescriptor* GetConfigDescriptorByValue(
uint8_t configuration_value);
// Returns a pointer to a UsbDeviceDescriptor object for the descriptor
// of this device, or a NULL pointer on error. The returned object should be
// deleted by the caller after use and should not be held beyond the lifetime
// of this object.
UsbDeviceDescriptor* GetDeviceDescriptor();
// Returns a string value, in ASCII, of string descriptor indexed at |index|,
// or an empty string if the index is invalid.
std::string GetStringDescriptorAscii(uint8_t index);
libusb_device_handle* device_handle() const { return device_handle_; }
const UsbError& error() const { return error_; }
// Verifies that the device is open, and if so, returns true. Otherwise, set
// |error_| to UsbError::kErrorDeviceNotOpen and returns false.
bool VerifyOpen();
libusb_device* device_;
libusb_device_handle* device_handle_;
std::unique_ptr<libusb_device_descriptor> device_descriptor_;
UsbError error_;
} // namespace mist
#endif // MIST_USB_DEVICE_H_