blob: 94ac019e9fff42c7b2a8641a45eb90637cda9e57 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Common utilities for shell programs that manipulate devices and the
# connection manager, including "modem" and "connectivity"
# Prints an error message to stderr.
error() {
echo "ERROR: $@" >/dev/stderr
# Prints an error message to stderr and exits with a status code 1.
error_exit() {
error "$@"
exit 1
# Generates a small snippet of code to take a single argument out of our
# parameter list, and complain (and exit) if it's not present. Used in other
# places like: $(needarg foo), which binds foo to $1.
needarg() {
# We need to echo eval here because the part of bash that understands
# variable assignments has already run by the time we substitute in the
# text of $(needarg foo) - i.e., bash will try to execute 'foo="$1"' as
# a *command*, which it isn't. The eval forces bash to reparse the code
# before executing it.
echo eval "$1=\"\$1\";
[ -z \"\$$1\" ] && echo 'Missing argument: $1' && usage;
# Generates a small snippet of code to take a matching flag argument
# and value out of our parameter list if present. If not, assign the
# default value to $1.
# Used in other places like: $(arg_or_default foo bar)
# which binds foo to "bar", unless $1 is "-foo" in which case foo is
# bound to $2.
arg_or_default() {
echo eval "[ x\"\$1\" = x\"-$1\" ] && $1=\"\$2\" && shift 2;
[ -z \"\$$1\" ] && $1=\"$2\""
# Generates a small snippet of code to take a single argument out of our
# parameter list. If it's not present, prompt the user and accept a
# blank input as if the users chose the default specified as $2.
arg_or_prompt() {
echo eval "$1=\"\$1\";
[ -n \"\$$1\" ] && shift ;
[ -z \"\$$1\" ] && read -p \"$1 [$2]: \" $1 ;
[ -z \"\$$1\" ] && $1=\"$2\";"
# Requires a key in a csv list of key value pairs
# $1 - comma separated list of keys and values
# $2 - required key
# If the key is not found in the argument list, then prompt the user
# for a value for key, and return $key,$value appended to $1
require() {
local value
local args=$1
local key=$2
if [ -z "$args" -o -n "${args##*$2*}" ] ; then
read -p "$key: " value
if [ -n "$args" ] ; then
echo "$args"
# Removes the indexes output by the --fixed option of dbus-send
stripindexes() {
sed -e 's/^\/[[:digit:]]\+\///' -e 's/[^[:space:]]*/\0:/' -e 's/^/ /'
# Prints values for dbus-send --fixed output lines whose keys match
# the first argument. Call it with 'Key' and it will take input like
# /4/Key/0 value value
# /5/SomethingElse/0 something else
# and write
# value value
extract_dbus_match() {
local argument=$1
sed -r -n -e "s_^/[[:digit:]]+/$argument/\S+\s+__p"
# Invokes a DBus method on a DBus object.
dbus_call() {
local dest="$1"
local object="$2"
local method="$3"
shift 3
dbus-send --system --print-reply --fixed --dest="${dest}" \
"${object}" "${method}" "$@"
# Gets a DBus property of an interface of a DBus object.
dbus_property() {
local dest="$1"
local object="$2"
local interface="$3"
local property="$4"
dbus_call "${dest}" "${object}" org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get \
"string:${interface}" "string:${property}"
# Gets all DBus properties of an interface of a DBus object.
dbus_properties() {
local dest="$1"
local object="$2"
local interface="$3"
dbus_call "${dest}" "${object}" org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll \
# Unpacks output by the --fixed option of dbus-send into key-value pairs.
# e.g. The following code
# echo "
# /0 value1
# /1 value2
# " | unpack_tuple key1 key2
# will output
# key1: value1
# key2: value2
unpack_tuple() {
local cmd='sed'
local argidx=0
while test $# != 0; do
# Grab a variable name
local varname=$1
# Generate an expression that turns the current index into that
# variable name, and append it.
cmd="$cmd -e s/^\\/${argidx}/$varname:/"
# Formats dictionary output by the --fixed option of dbus-send into
# key-value pairs.
# e.g. The following code
# echo "
# /0/key1 value1
# /1/key2/0 value2a
# /1/key2/1 value2b
# " | format_dbus_dict
# will output
# key1: value1
# key2: value2a, value2b
format_dbus_dict() {
awk 'BEGIN {
entry_pattern = "/([0-9]+)/([^ /]+)(/[0-9]+)?"
num_entries = 0
$0 ~ entry_pattern {
entry_value = substr($0, length($1) + 2)
split($1, entry_tokens, "/")
entry_index = entry_tokens[2]
if (entry_keys[entry_index] == "") {
entry_indices[num_entries++] = entry_index
entry_keys[entry_index] = entry_tokens[3]
entry_values[entry_index] = entry_value
} else {
entry_values[entry_index] = entry_values[entry_index] ", " entry_value
for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
entry_index = entry_indices[i]
print entry_keys[entry_index] ": " entry_values[entry_index]
# Indents non-empty lines with two spaces per indent level.
indent() {
local level="$1"
local space
[ -n "${level}" ] || level=1
space=$(printf "%${level}s%${level}s" ' ' ' ')
sed -E "s/^(.+)/${space}\1/"