blob: 54ccf0b40b6e730de5de9628094e738109be172f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
namespace chromeos {
namespace ui {
// ChromiumCommandBuilder facilitates building a command line for running a
// Chromium-derived binary and performing related setup.
class BRILLO_EXPORT ChromiumCommandBuilder {
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> StringMap;
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
// Name of user account used to run the binary.
static const char kUser[];
// Location of the file containing newline-separated USE flags that were set
// when the system was built.
static const char kUseFlagsPath[];
// Location of the file containing .info files describing Pepper plugins.
static const char kPepperPluginsPath[];
// Location of the lsb-release file describing the system image.
static const char kLsbReleasePath[];
// Names of Chromium flags (without "--" prefixes) that need to be merged due
// to containing lists of comma-separated values.
static const char kVmoduleFlag[];
static const char kEnableFeaturesFlag[];
static const char kDisableFeaturesFlag[];
static const char kEnableBlinkFeaturesFlag[];
static const char kDisableBlinkFeaturesFlag[];
static const char kCrosConfigBluetoothFlagsPath[];
static const char kCrosConfigBlockFlossAvailability[];
static const char kCrosConfigBlockLLPrivacyAvailability[];
ChromiumCommandBuilder(const ChromiumCommandBuilder&) = delete;
ChromiumCommandBuilder& operator=(const ChromiumCommandBuilder&) = delete;
uid_t uid() const { return uid_; }
gid_t gid() const { return gid_; }
bool is_chrome_os_hardware() const { return is_chrome_os_hardware_; }
bool is_developer_end_user() const { return is_developer_end_user_; }
bool is_test_build() const { return is_test_build_; }
const StringMap& environment_variables() const {
return environment_variables_;
const StringVector& arguments() const { return arguments_; }
void set_base_path_for_testing(const base::FilePath& path) {
base_path_for_testing_ = path;
// Performs just the basic initialization needed before UseFlagIsSet() can be
// used. Returns true on success.
bool Init();
// Determines the environment variables and arguments that should be set for
// all Chromium-derived binaries and updates |environment_variables_| and
// |arguments_| accordingly. Also creates necessary directories, sets resource
// limits, etc.
// Returns true on success.
bool SetUpChromium();
// Reads a user-supplied file requesting modifications to the current set of
// arguments. The following directives are supported:
// # This is a comment.
// Lines beginning with '#' are skipped.
// --some-flag=some-value
// Calls AddArg("--some-flag=some-value").
// !--flag-prefix
// Removes all arguments beginning with "--flag-prefix".
// vmodule=foo=1
// Prepends a "foo=1" entry to the --vmodule flag.
// enable-features=foo
// Appends a "foo" entry to the --enable-features flag.
// Calls AddEnvVar("NAME", "VALUE").
// Any flags beginning with prefixes in |disallowed_prefixes| are disregarded.
// Returns true on success.
bool ApplyUserConfig(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::set<std::string>& disallowed_prefixes);
// Returns true if a USE flag named |flag| was set when the system image was
// built (and additionally listed in the libchromeos-use-flags ebuild so it
// will be included in the file at kUseFlagsPath).
bool UseFlagIsSet(const std::string& flag) const;
// Adds an environment variable to |environment_variables_|. Note that this
// method does not call setenv(); it is the caller's responsibility to
// actually export the variables.
void AddEnvVar(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
// Returns the value of an environment variable previously added via
// AddEnvVar(). Crashes if the variable isn't set. Note that this method does
// not call getenv().
std::string ReadEnvVar(const std::string& name) const;
// Adds a command-line argument. For --vmodule, --enable-features, or
// --enable-blink-features flags (which contain lists of values that must be
// merged), use the following dedicated methods instead.
void AddArg(const std::string& arg);
// Prepends |pattern| to the --vmodule flag in |arguments_|.
void AddVmodulePattern(const std::string& pattern);
// Appends |feature_name| to the --enable-features or --disable-features flag
// in |arguments_|.
void AddFeatureEnableOverride(const std::string& feature_name);
void AddFeatureDisableOverride(const std::string& feature_name);
// Appends |feature_name| to the --enable-blink-features or
// --disable-blink-features flag in |arguments_|.
void AddBlinkFeatureEnableOverride(const std::string& feature_name);
void AddBlinkFeatureDisableOverride(const std::string& feature_name);
// Converts absolute path |path| into a base::FilePath, rooting it under
// |base_path_for_testing_| if it's non-empty.
base::FilePath GetPath(const std::string& path) const;
// Removes arguments beginning with |prefix| from |arguments_|.
void DeleteArgsWithPrefix(const std::string& prefix);
// Adds an entry to a flag containing a list of values. For example, for a
// flag like "--my-list=foo,bar", |flag_name| would be "my-list",
// |entry_separator| would be ",", and |new_entry| would be "foo" or "bar". If
// |prepend| is true, |new_entry| will be prepended before existing values;
// otherwise it will be appended after them.
void AddListFlagEntry(const std::string& flag_name,
const std::string& entry_separator,
const std::string& new_entry,
bool prepend);
// Checks if an ASAN build was requested, doing appropriate initialization and
// returning true if so. Called by InitChromium().
bool SetUpASAN();
// Reads .info files in |pepper_plugins_path_| and adds the appropriate
// arguments to |arguments_|. Called by InitChromium().
void SetUpPepperPlugins();
// Add UI- and compositing-related flags to |arguments_|.
void AddUiFlags();
// Path under which files are created when running in a test.
base::FilePath base_path_for_testing_;
// UID and GID of the user used to run the binary.
uid_t uid_ = 0;
gid_t gid_ = 0;
// USE flags that were set when the system was built.
std::set<std::string> use_flags_;
// True if official Chrome OS hardware is being used.
bool is_chrome_os_hardware_ = false;
// True if this is a developer system, per the is_developer_end_user command.
bool is_developer_end_user_ = false;
// True if this is a test build, per CHROMEOS_RELEASE_TRACK in
// /etc/lsb-release.
bool is_test_build_ = false;
// Data in /etc/lsb-release.
std::string lsb_data_;
// Creation time of /etc/lsb-release.
base::Time lsb_release_time_;
// Environment variables that the caller should export before starting the
// executable.
StringMap environment_variables_;
// Command-line arguments that the caller should pass to the executable.
StringVector arguments_;
// Index in |arguments_| of list-based flags (e.g. --vmodule,
// --enable-features), keyed by base flag name (e.g. "vmodule",
// "enable-features"). Flags that have not been set are not included.
std::map<std::string, int> list_argument_indexes_;
} // namespace ui
} // namespace chromeos