blob: 076ab4f53a524552fa3a1225859e7feca44fb9f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <base/compiler_specific.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_refptr.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <policy/libpolicy.h>
#include "metrics/metrics_writer.h"
class MetricsLibraryInterface {
virtual bool AreMetricsEnabled() = 0;
virtual bool IsAppSyncEnabled() = 0;
virtual bool IsGuestMode() = 0;
virtual bool SendToUMA(
const std::string& name, int sample, int min, int max, int nbuckets) = 0;
virtual bool SendRepeatedToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int min,
int max,
int nbuckets,
int num_samples) = 0;
template <typename T>
bool SendEnumToUMA(const std::string& name, T sample) {
static_assert(std::is_enum<T>::value, "T is not an enum.");
// This also ensures that an enumeration that doesn't define kMaxValue fails
// with a semi-useful error ("no member named 'kMaxValue' in ...").
static_assert(static_cast<uintmax_t>(T::kMaxValue) <=
static_cast<uintmax_t>(INT_MAX) - 1,
"Enumeration's kMaxValue is out of range of INT_MAX!");
return SendEnumToUMA(name, static_cast<int>(sample),
static_cast<int>(T::kMaxValue) + 1);
virtual bool SendEnumToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int exclusive_max) = 0;
template <typename T>
bool SendRepeatedEnumToUMA(const std::string& name,
T sample,
int num_samples) {
static_assert(std::is_enum<T>::value, "T is not an enum.");
// This also ensures that an enumeration that doesn't define kMaxValue fails
// with a semi-useful error ("no member named 'kMaxValue' in ...").
static_assert(static_cast<uintmax_t>(T::kMaxValue) <=
static_cast<uintmax_t>(INT_MAX) - 1,
"Enumeration's kMaxValue is out of range of INT_MAX!");
return SendRepeatedEnumToUMA(name, static_cast<int>(sample),
static_cast<int>(T::kMaxValue) + 1,
virtual bool SendRepeatedEnumToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int exclusive_max,
int num_samples) = 0;
virtual bool SendLinearToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int max) = 0;
virtual bool SendRepeatedLinearToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int max,
int num_samples) = 0;
virtual bool SendPercentageToUMA(const std::string& name, int sample) = 0;
virtual bool SendRepeatedPercentageToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int num_samples) = 0;
virtual bool SendBoolToUMA(const std::string& name, bool sample) = 0;
virtual bool SendRepeatedBoolToUMA(const std::string& name,
bool sample,
int num_samples) = 0;
virtual bool SendSparseToUMA(const std::string& name, int sample) = 0;
virtual bool SendRepeatedSparseToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int num_samples) = 0;
virtual bool SendUserActionToUMA(const std::string& action) = 0;
virtual bool SendRepeatedUserActionToUMA(const std::string& action,
int num_samples) = 0;
virtual bool SendCrashToUMA(const char* crash_kind) = 0;
virtual bool SendRepeatedCrashToUMA(const char* crash_kind,
int num_samples) = 0;
virtual bool SendCrosEventToUMA(const std::string& event) = 0;
virtual bool SendRepeatedCrosEventToUMA(const std::string& event,
int num_samples) = 0;
virtual bool SendTimeToUMA(std::string_view name,
base::TimeDelta sample,
base::TimeDelta min,
base::TimeDelta max,
size_t buckets) = 0;
virtual bool SendRepeatedTimeToUMA(std::string_view name,
base::TimeDelta sample,
base::TimeDelta min,
base::TimeDelta max,
size_t buckets,
int num_samples) = 0;
virtual void SetOutputFile(const std::string& output_file) = 0;
virtual ~MetricsLibraryInterface() = default;
// Library used to send metrics to Chrome/UMA.
// The thread-safety of Send* methods in this class depends on the
// `MetricsWriter`. By default (if using `SynchronousMetricsWriter`),
// it is safe to call Send* functions from multiple threads, as long as
// no other MetricsLibrary functions are being called.
// Other functions in this class are not thread-safe.
class MetricsLibrary : public MetricsLibraryInterface {
// Creates `MetricsLibrary`.
// This sets `SynchronousMetricsWriter` as the default.
// Creates `MetricsLibrary` with custom `MetricsWriter`.
// Example:
// base::ThreadPoolInstance::CreateAndStartWithDefaultParams("name");
// scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> sequenced_task_runner =
// base::ThreadPool::CreateSequencedTaskRunner({base::MayBlock()});
// scoped_refptr<AsynchronousMetricsWriter> metrics_writer =
// base::MakeRefCounted<AsynchronousMetricsWriter>(sequenced_task_runner,
// false);
// MetricsLibrary metrics = MetricsLibrary(metrics_writer);
explicit MetricsLibrary(scoped_refptr<MetricsWriter> metrics_writer);
MetricsLibrary(const MetricsLibrary&) = delete;
MetricsLibrary& operator=(const MetricsLibrary&) = delete;
~MetricsLibrary() override;
// Returns whether or not the machine is running in guest mode.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool IsGuestMode() override;
// Returns whether or not metrics collection is enabled.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool AreMetricsEnabled() override;
// Returns where or not users have opted in to AppSync.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool IsAppSyncEnabled() override;
// Chrome normally manages Enable/Disable state. These functions are
// intended ONLY for use by devices which don't run Chrome (e.g. Onhub)
// but are based on Chrome OS.
// In those cases, "User Consent" is given via an "external" app
// (e.g. cloud service or directly from a smart phone app).
// Enable metrics by creating and populating the Consent file.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool EnableMetrics();
// Disable metrics by deleting the Consent file.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool DisableMetrics();
// Look up the consent id for metrics reporting.
// Note: Should only be used by internal system projects.
bool ConsentId(std::string* id);
// Send output to the specified file. This is
// useful when running in a context where the metrics reporting system isn't
// fully available (e.g. when /var is not mounted). Note that the contents of
// custom output files will not be sent to the server automatically, but need
// to be imported via Replay() to get picked up by the reporting pipeline.
void SetOutputFile(const std::string& output_file) override;
// Replays metrics from the given file as if the events contained in |file|
// where being generated via the SendXYZ functions.
bool Replay(const std::string& input_file);
// Sends histogram data to Chrome for transport to UMA and returns
// true on success. This method results in the equivalent of an
// asynchronous non-blocking RPC to UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS
// inside Chrome (see base/histogram.h).
// |sample| is the sample value to be recorded (|min| <= |sample| < |max|).
// |min| is the minimum value of the histogram samples (|min| > 0).
// |max| is the maximum value of the histogram samples.
// |nbuckets| is the number of histogram buckets.
// [0,min) is the implicit underflow bucket.
// [|max|,infinity) is the implicit overflow bucket.
// Note that the memory allocated in Chrome for each histogram is
// proportional to the number of buckets. Therefore, it is strongly
// recommended to keep this number low (e.g., 50 is normal, while
// 100 is high).
// The new metric must be documented in
// //tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/platform/histograms.xml in the Chromium
// repository.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool SendToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int min,
int max,
int nbuckets) override;
// Sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
// Otherwise equivalent to SendToUMA().
bool SendRepeatedToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int min,
int max,
int nbuckets,
int num_samples) override;
// Sends enumerated histogram data to Chrome for transport to UMA and
// returns true on success. These methods result in the equivalent of
// an asynchronous non-blocking RPC to UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION
// inside Chrome (see base/metrics/histogram_macros.h).
// |sample| is the value to be recorded (0 <= |sample| < |exclusive_max|).
// |exclusive_max| should be set to 1 more than the largest enum value.
// (-infinity, 0) is the implicit underflow bucket.
// [|exclusive_max|,infinity) is the implicit overflow bucket.
// An enumeration histogram requires |exclusive_max| + 1 number of
// buckets. Note that the memory allocated in Chrome for each
// histogram is proportional to the number of buckets. Therefore, it
// is strongly recommended to keep this number low (e.g., 50 is
// normal, while 100 is high).
// The new metric must be documented in
// //tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/platform/histograms.xml in the Chromium
// repository.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
// Sample usage:
// // These values are logged to UMA. Entries should not be renumbered and
// // numeric values should never be reused. Please keep in sync with
// // "MyEnum" in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml in the Chromium repo.
// enum class MyEnum {
// kFirstValue = 0,
// kSecondValue = 1,
// ...
// kFinalValue = N,
// kMaxValue = kFinalValue,
// };
// SendEnumToUMA("My.Enumeration", MyEnum::kSomeValue);
// // or
// SendEnumToUMA("My.Enumeration",
// static_cast<int>(MyEnum::kSomeValue),
// static_cast<int>(MyEnum::kMaxValue) + 1);
using MetricsLibraryInterface::SendEnumToUMA;
bool SendEnumToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int exclusive_max) override;
// Sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
// Otherwise equivalent to SendEnumToUMA().
bool SendRepeatedEnumToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int exclusive_max,
int num_samples) override;
// Sends linear histogram data to Chrome for transport to UMA and
// returns true on success. These methods result in the equivalent of an
// asynchronous non-blocking RPC to UMA_HISTOGRAM_EXACT_LINEAR inside Chrome
// (see base/metrics/histogram_macros.h).
// |sample| is the value to be recorded (0 <= |sample| < |exclusive_max|).
// (-infinity, 0) is the implicit underflow bucket.
// [|exclusive_max|,infinity) is the implicit overflow bucket.
// |exclusive_max| should be 101 or less.
// The new metric must be documented in
// //tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/platform/histograms.xml in the Chromium
// repository.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool SendLinearToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int exclusive_max) override;
// Same, but sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
bool SendRepeatedLinearToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int exclusive_max,
int num_samples) override;
// Sends percentage histogram data to Chrome for transport to UMA and
// returns true on success. This is a specialization of SendLinearToUMA with
// |exclusive_max| = 101 for percentage values. These methods result in the
// equivalent of an asynchronous non-blocking RPC to UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE
// inside Chrome (see base/metrics/histogram_macros.h).
bool SendPercentageToUMA(const std::string& name, int sample) override;
// Same, but sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
bool SendRepeatedPercentageToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int num_samples) override;
// Specialization of SendEnumToUMA for boolean values.
bool SendBoolToUMA(const std::string& name, bool sample) override;
// Same, but sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
bool SendRepeatedBoolToUMA(const std::string& name,
bool sample,
int num_samples) override;
// Sends sparse histogram sample to Chrome for transport to UMA. Returns
// true on success.
// |sample| is the 32-bit integer value to be recorded.
bool SendSparseToUMA(const std::string& name, int sample) override;
// Same, but sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
bool SendRepeatedSparseToUMA(const std::string& name,
int sample,
int num_samples) override;
// Sends a user action to Chrome for transport to UMA and returns true on
// success. This method results in the equivalent of an asynchronous
// non-blocking RPC to UserMetrics::RecordAction.
// |action| is the user-generated event (e.g., "MuteKeyPressed").
// The new metric must be added to AddChromeOSActions() in
// //tools/metrics/actions/ in the Chromium repository,
// which should then be run to generate a hash for the new action.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool SendUserActionToUMA(const std::string& action) override;
// Same, but sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
// NOTE that this operation will result in a loop within chrome to call
// RecordAction |num_samples| times, so num_samples should not be too large.
// (see kMaxRepeatedUserActions).
bool SendRepeatedUserActionToUMA(const std::string& action,
int num_samples) override;
// Sends a signal to UMA that a crash of the given |crash_kind|
// has occurred. Used by UMA to generate stability statistics.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool SendCrashToUMA(const char* crash_kind) override;
// Same, but sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
bool SendRepeatedCrashToUMA(const char* crash_kind, int num_samples) override;
// Sends a "generic Chrome OS event" to UMA. This is an event name
// that is translated into an enumerated histogram entry. Event names
// must first be registered in See that file for
// more details.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool SendCrosEventToUMA(const std::string& event) override;
// Same, but sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
bool SendRepeatedCrosEventToUMA(const std::string& event,
int num_samples) override;
// Sends timing data in milliseconds to UMA. Uses `SendToUMA()` under the hood
// and converts the timedeltas to milliseconds before handing it off.
// NOTE: If sandboxing, please also check that the necessary paths have the
// proper permissions:
bool SendTimeToUMA(std::string_view name,
base::TimeDelta sample,
base::TimeDelta min,
base::TimeDelta max,
size_t buckets) override;
// Same, but sends |num_samples| samples with the same value to chrome.
bool SendRepeatedTimeToUMA(std::string_view name,
base::TimeDelta sample,
base::TimeDelta min,
base::TimeDelta max,
size_t buckets,
int num_samples) override;
void SetConsentFileForTest(const base::FilePath& consent_file);
void SetDaemonStoreForTest(const base::FilePath& daemon_store) {
daemon_store_dir_ = daemon_store;
void SetAppSyncDaemonStoreForTest(
const base::FilePath& appsync_daemon_store) {
appsync_daemon_store_dir_ = appsync_daemon_store;
friend class CMetricsLibraryTest;
friend class MetricsLibraryTest;
// This function is used by tests only to mock the device policies.
void SetPolicyProvider(policy::PolicyProvider* provider);
// Check the per-user metrics consent, returning true if *all* of the
// logged-in users enabled consent and false if *any* disabled it.
// Return nullopt if we're unable to check per-user consent, if no users
// have overridden device policy, or if no users are logged in.
// We check all files because determining *which* consent file to use is
// tricky.
// We can't necessarily make a dbus call to session-manager (what if
// session-manager is not up, or session-manager calls AreMetricsEnabled?) and
// anyway it's not totally clear which user a metric or crash is from if
// multiple users are signed in simultaneously.
std::optional<bool> ArePerUserMetricsEnabled();
// Checks for user opt-in to AppSync. All the same caveats as
// ArePerUserMetricsEnabled apply.
std::optional<bool> IsPerUserAppSyncEnabled();
// Helper function which contains all the logic for ArePerUserMetricsEnabled
// and IsPerUserAppSyncEnabled.
std::optional<bool> CheckUserConsent(const base::FilePath& root_path,
const std::string consent_file);
// Time at which we last checked if metrics were enabled.
time_t cached_enabled_time_;
// Time at which we last checked if AppSync opt-in is enabled.
time_t cached_appsync_enabled_time_;
// Cached state of whether or not metrics were enabled.
bool cached_enabled_;
// Cached state of whether or not AppSync opt-in is enabled.
bool cached_appsync_enabled_;
scoped_refptr<MetricsWriter> metrics_writer_;
base::FilePath consent_file_;
base::FilePath daemon_store_dir_;
base::FilePath appsync_daemon_store_dir_;
std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyProvider> policy_provider_;