blob: 13a3bf4aed7afb539b6cb59b3ab6bb64be7c2f6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
namespace power_manager {
class PrefsInterface;
namespace system {
// Abstraction layer that allows us to mock MachineQuirks when testing.
class MachineQuirksInterface {
virtual ~MachineQuirksInterface() = default;
virtual void Init(PrefsInterface* prefs) = 0;
// When a machine quirk is found, set the corresponding pref to 1
virtual void ApplyQuirksToPrefs() = 0;
// Checks if the machine quirk indicates that
// the suspend should be blocked.
virtual bool IsSuspendBlocked() = 0;
// Checks if the machine quirk indicates that
// the suspend should be allowed but only to
// Idle (freeze).
virtual bool IsSuspendToIdle() = 0;
// Checks if the machine quirk indicates that
// the device doesn't have an internal monitor.
virtual bool IsExternalDisplayOnly() = 0;
// Checks if the machine quirk indicates that
// the device uses the generic ACPI battery.
virtual bool IsGenericAcpiBatteryDriver() = 0;
// Check for machine specific quirks from the running machine.
// When broken devices are discovered in testing, they get added
// to lists in the /usr/share/power_manager directory on the device.
// This class uses those lists to make decisions.
// Some machines and configurations have broken behavior
// and certain power_manager actions must be avoided.
class MachineQuirks : public MachineQuirksInterface {
MachineQuirks(const MachineQuirks&) = delete;
MachineQuirks& operator=(const MachineQuirks&) = delete;
~MachineQuirks() override = default;
void Init(PrefsInterface* prefs) override;
// When a machine quirk is found, set the corresponding pref to 1
void ApplyQuirksToPrefs() override;
// Determine if the machine is blocked from suspending.
// These workarounds are required due to certain models
// being unable to suspend and resume properly.
bool IsSuspendBlocked() override;
// Determine if the machine should use suspend-to-idle
// instead of suspending.
// This quirk is for machines which do not return from a suspend-to-ram
// case. They do work if the system is suspend-to-idle. (freeze)
bool IsSuspendToIdle() override;
// Determine if the machine does not have an internal monitor.
// TODO(b/325660762): The current implementation uses regex to match the model
// name now. Re-implement this function to determine at run time if the
// machine has an internal monitor or not.
bool IsExternalDisplayOnly() override;
// Determine if the machine is using the generic ACPI battery driver, that is,
// linux/drivers/acpi/battery.c
// This quirk is required as the generic ACPI battery driver can read out the
// current charge as 0. Such devices then cause various power related tools to
// crash as they do not expect to receive a 0 value for current charge.
bool IsGenericAcpiBatteryDriver() override;
// Reads the DMI value, given a DMI filename
bool ReadDMIValFromFile(std::string_view dmi_file_name,
std::string* value_out);
// Return true if DMI val in the pref string is equal to the product name of
// the device
bool IsProductNameMatch(std::string_view product_name_pref);
// Return true if DMI val(s) in string match DMI val(s) of device
bool IsDMIMatch(std::string_view dmi_entry);
// Return true if the DMI IDs pref contains a DMI entry that matches the
// device's DMI val(s).
bool ContainsDMIMatch(std::string_view dmi_ids_pref);
// Functions used to pass in mock directories for unit tests
void set_dmi_id_dir_for_test(const base::FilePath& dir) { dmi_id_dir_ = dir; }
void set_power_supply_dir_for_test(const base::FilePath& dir) {
power_supply_dir_ = dir;
base::FilePath dmi_id_dir_;
base::FilePath power_supply_dir_;
PrefsInterface* prefs_ = nullptr; // non-owned
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager