blob: b3581d6401a42304b42c311f602da4e91fcd614f [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
package vm_tools.concierge;
// A history entry for TbwTracker.
message TbwHistoryEntry {
// The microseconds relative to Windows epoch (1601-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
int64 time_us = 1;
// The written size in bytes.
uint64 size = 2;
// TBW is reported to UMA weekly. An entry with `reported_fence = true`
// ensures that all prior Tbw entries have been reported.
bool reported_fence = 3;
// Container for multiple TbwHistoryEntry
// The file /var/lib/vm_concierge/vmm_swap_policy/tbw_history2 is serialized
// with TbwHistoryEntryContainer.
message TbwHistoryEntryContainer {
// The entries
repeated TbwHistoryEntry entries = 1;
// A history entry for VmmSwapUsagePolicy.
message UsageHistoryEntry {
// The microseconds relative to Windows epoch (1601-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
int64 start_time_us = 1;
// The length how long the vm is swappable idle.
int64 duration_us = 2;
// Whether vm was shutdown while vmm-swap is enabled.
bool is_shutdown = 3;
// Container for multiple UsageHistoryEntry
// The file /run/daemon-store/crosvm/<user hash>/<vm name>.vmm_swap_history is
// serialized with UsageHistoryEntryContainer.
message UsageHistoryEntryContainer {
// The entries
repeated UsageHistoryEntry entries = 1;