blob: 99cb26c46147c13ee90cdea52d08666d191cadb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
namespace biod {
// A Biometric object represents one biometric input device and all of the
// enrollments registered with it. At a high level, there are 3 operations that
// are supported: 1) enrolling new enrollment objects, 2) authenticating
// against those enrollment objects, and 3) destroying all enrollment
// objects made from this biometrics. For DestroyAllEnrollments the operation
// is as simple as calling the function. For the other operations,
// the biometric object must be entered into authentication or enroll mode,
// which is represented in code by the return of the session objects.
// Enroll and authentication can be thought of as session objects that
// are ongoing as long as the unique pointers remain in scope and
// the End/Cancel methods haven't been called. It's undefined what
// StartEnroll or StartAuthentication will do if there is an valid
// outstanding Enroll or Authentication object in the wild.
class Biometric {
enum class Type {
kFingerprint = 0,
kRetina = 1,
kFace = 2,
kVoice = 3,
// Results of any type of any scan operation can fail due to user error. These
// codes tell the user a little bit about what they did wrong, so they should
// be conveyed to the user somehow after unsuccessful scan attempts.
enum class ScanResult {
kSuccess = 0,
kPartial = 1,
kInsufficient = 2,
kSensorDirty = 3,
kTooSlow = 4,
kTooFast = 5,
struct EnrollEnder {
void operator()(Biometric* biometric) { biometric->EndEnroll(); }
struct AuthenticationEnder {
void operator()(Biometric* biometric) { biometric->EndAuthentication(); }
// Invokes the function object F with a given Biometric object when this
// Session(Enroll or Authentication) object goes out of scope.
// It's possible that this will do nothing in the case that the session
// has ended due to failure/finishing or the Biometric object is
// no longer valid.
template <typename F>
class Session {
Session() = default;
Session(Session<F>&& rhs) : biometric_(rhs.biometric_) {
explicit Session(const base::WeakPtr<Biometric>& biometric)
: biometric_(biometric) {}
~Session() { End(); }
Session<F>& operator=(Session<F>&& rhs) {
biometric_ = rhs.biometric_;
return *this;
explicit operator bool() const { return biometric_; }
// Has the same effect of letting this object go out of scope, but allows
// one to reuse the storage of this object.
void End() {
if (biometric_) {
F f;
base::WeakPtr<Biometric> biometric_;
// Returned by StartEnroll to ensure that enrollment eventually ends.
using EnrollSession = Session<EnrollEnder>;
// Returned by StartAuthentication to ensure that authentication eventually
// ends.
using AuthenticationSession = Session<AuthenticationEnder>;
// Represents an enrollment previously registered with this biometric in an
// enroll session. These objects can be retrieved with GetEnrollments.
class Enrollment {
virtual ~Enrollment() {}
virtual uint64_t GetId() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetUserId() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetLabel() const = 0;
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool SetLabel(std::string label) = 0;
// Returns true on success.
virtual bool Remove() = 0;
virtual ~Biometric() {}
virtual Type GetType() = 0;
// Puts this biometric into enroll mode, which can be ended by letting the
// returned session fall out of scope. The user_id is arbitrary and is given
// to attempt callbacks in the Authentication object. The label should be
// human readable and ideally from the user themselves. The label can be read
// and modified from the Enrollment objects. This will fail if ANY other mode
// is active. Returns a false EnrollSession on failure.
virtual EnrollSession StartEnroll(std::string user_id, std::string label) = 0;
// Puts this biometric into authentication mode, which can be ended by letting
// the returned session fall out of scope. This will fail if ANY other mode is
// active. Returns a false AuthenticationSession on failure.
virtual AuthenticationSession StartAuthentication() = 0;
// Gets the enrollments registered with this biometric. Some enrollments will
// naturally be unaccessible because they are currently in an encrypted state,
// so those will silently be left out of the returned vector.
virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Enrollment>> GetEnrollments() = 0;
// Irreversibly destroys enrollments registered with this biometric, including
// currently encrypted ones. Returns true if successful.
virtual bool DestroyAllEnrollments() = 0;
// The callbacks should remain valid as long as this object is valid.
// Invoked from Enroll mode whenever the user attempts a scan. The first
// parameter tells whether the scan was successful. If it was successful, the
// second parameter MAY be true to indicate that the enrollment was complete
// and is now over. However, it make take many successful scans before this is
// true. When the enrollment is complete, enroll mode will automatically be
// ended.
using ScanCallback = base::Callback<void(ScanResult, bool done)>;
virtual void SetScannedHandler(const ScanCallback& on_scan) = 0;
// Invoked from authentication mode to indicate either a bad scan of any kind,
// or a successful scan. In the case of successful scan, recognized_user_ids
// shall be a (possibly zero-length) array of strings that are equal to all
// enrollments user IDs that match the scan.
using AttemptCallback = base::Callback<void(
ScanResult, std::vector<std::string> recognized_user_ids)>;
virtual void SetAttemptHandler(const AttemptCallback& on_attempt) = 0;
// Invoked during any mode to indicate that the mode as ended with failure.
// Any enrollment that was underway is thrown away and authentication will no
// longer be happening.
using FailureCallback = base::Callback<void()>;
virtual void SetFailureHandler(const FailureCallback& on_failure) = 0;
virtual void EndEnroll() = 0;
virtual void EndAuthentication() = 0;
} // namespace biod