blob: 90c882d15d7a4c89cc4567a17a86f9d15b6a15bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Implement the USB-related functions using sysfs and usbfs.
// The structure of sysfs:
// /sys/bus/usb/devices/
// |-- <bus>-<port>/
// |-- idVendor
// |-- idProduct
// |-- configuration
// |-- uevent
// |-- <bus>-<port>:<config>.<interface>/
// |-- bInterfaceNumber
// |-- bInterfaceClass
// |-- bInterfaceSubClass
// |-- bInterfaceProtocol
// |-- ep_<ep_num>/
// |-- wMaxPacketSize
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
namespace hammerd {
constexpr int kUsbEndpointIn = 0x80;
constexpr int kUsbEndpointOut = 0x00;
constexpr uint8_t kUsbClassGoogleUpdate = 0xff;
constexpr uint8_t kUsbSubclassGoogleUpdate = 0x53;
constexpr uint8_t kUsbProtocolGoogleUpdate = 0xff;
// Get the path of the USB device root sysfs.
const base::FilePath GetUsbSysfsPath(const std::string& path);
enum class UsbConnectStatus {
kSuccess, // USB device is connected successfully.
kUsbPathEmpty, // Sysfs path of USB device is not found.
kInvalidDevice, // USB device has wrong VID/PID.
kUnknownError, // Other failure.
class UsbEndpointInterface {
virtual ~UsbEndpointInterface() = default;
// Check whether the USB sysfs file exist or not.
virtual bool UsbSysfsExists() = 0;
// Initializes the USB endpoint.
virtual UsbConnectStatus Connect() = 0;
// Releases USB endpoint.
virtual void Close() = 0;
// Returns whether the USB endpoint is initialized.
virtual bool IsConnected() const = 0;
// Sends the data to USB endpoint and then reads the result back.
// Returns the byte number of the received data. -1 if the process fails, or
// if `allow_less` is false and the received data does not match outlen.
virtual int Transfer(const void* outbuf,
int outlen,
void* inbuf,
int inlen,
bool allow_less = false,
unsigned int timeout_ms = 0) = 0;
// Sends the data to USB endpoint.
// Returns the byte number of the received data. -1 if the process fails, or
// if `allow_less` is false and the received data does not match outlen.
virtual int Send(const void* outbuf,
int outlen,
bool allow_less = false,
unsigned int timeout_ms = 0) = 0;
// Receives the data from USB endpoint.
// Returns the byte number of the received data. -1 if the process fails, or
// if `allow_less` is false and the received data does not match outlen.
virtual int Receive(void* inbuf,
int inlen,
bool allow_less = false,
unsigned int timeout_ms = 0) = 0;
// Gets the chunk length of the USB endpoint.
virtual int GetChunkLength() const = 0;
// Gets the configuration string of the USB endpoint.
virtual std::string GetConfigurationString() const = 0;
class UsbEndpoint : public UsbEndpointInterface {
UsbEndpoint(uint16_t vendor_id, uint16_t product_id, std::string path);
UsbEndpoint(const UsbEndpoint&) = delete;
UsbEndpoint& operator=(const UsbEndpoint&) = delete;
// UsbEndpointInterface:
~UsbEndpoint() override;
bool UsbSysfsExists() override;
UsbConnectStatus Connect() override;
void Close() override;
bool IsConnected() const override;
int Transfer(const void* outbuf,
int outlen,
void* inbuf,
int inlen,
bool allow_less = false,
unsigned int timeout_ms = 0) override;
int Send(const void* outbuf,
int outlen,
bool allow_less = false,
unsigned int timeout_ms = 0) override;
int Receive(void* inbuf,
int inlen,
bool allow_less = false,
unsigned int timeout_ms = 0) override;
int GetChunkLength() const override { return chunk_len_; }
std::string GetConfigurationString() const override {
return configuration_string_;
// Returns the actual transfered data size.
// If the timeout is not assigned, then use default timeout value.
// |direction_mask| should be one of kUsbEndpointIn or kUsbEndpointOut.
int BulkTransfer(void* buf,
int direction_mask,
int len,
unsigned int timeout_ms = 0);
uint16_t vendor_id_;
uint16_t product_id_;
std::string path_;
int fd_;
std::string configuration_string_;
int iface_num_;
int ep_num_;
int chunk_len_;
} // namespace hammerd