blob: 9be2176180d1faa3e2e144167dff554c15ae7e3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "shill/key_value_store.h"
namespace shill {
class WPASupplicant {
static const char kAuthModeWPAPSK[];
static const char kAuthModeWPA2PSK[];
static const char kAuthModeBothPSK[];
static const char kAuthModeFTPSK[];
static const char kAuthModeEAPPrefix[];
static const char kAuthModeFTEAP[];
static const char kAuthModeInactive[];
static const char kAuthModeUnknown[];
static const char kBSSPropertyAge[];
static const char kBSSPropertyBSSID[];
static const char kBSSPropertyFrequency[];
static const char kBSSPropertyIEs[];
static const char kBSSPropertyMode[];
static const char kBSSPropertyRates[];
static const char kBSSPropertySSID[];
static const char kBSSPropertySignal[];
static const char kCaPath[];
static const char kCurrentBSSNull[];
static const char kDBusAddr[];
static const char kDBusPath[];
static const char kDebugLevelDebug[];
static const char kDebugLevelError[];
static const char kDebugLevelExcessive[];
static const char kDebugLevelInfo[];
static const char kDebugLevelMsgDump[];
static const char kDebugLevelWarning[];
static const char kDriverNL80211[];
static const char kDriverWired[];
static const char kEAPParameterAlertUnknownCA[];
static const char kEAPParameterFailure[];
static const char kEAPParameterSuccess[];
static const char kEAPRequestedParameterPin[];
static const char kEAPStatusAcceptProposedMethod[];
static const char kEAPStatusCompletion[];
static const char kEAPStatusLocalTLSAlert[];
static const char kEAPStatusParameterNeeded[];
static const char kEAPStatusRemoteCertificateVerification[];
static const char kEAPStatusRemoteTLSAlert[];
static const char kEAPStatusStarted[];
static const char kEnginePKCS11[];
static const char kErrorNetworkUnknown[];
static const char kErrorInterfaceExists[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyAssocStatusCode[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyAuthStatusCode[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyConfigFile[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyCurrentBSS[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyDepth[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyDisconnectReason[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyRoamTime[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyRoamComplete[];
static const char kInterfacePropertySessionLength[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyCurrentAuthMode[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyDriver[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyName[];
static const char kInterfacePropertyState[];
static const char kInterfacePropertySubject[];
static const char kInterfaceState4WayHandshake[];
static const char kInterfaceStateAssociated[];
static const char kInterfaceStateAssociating[];
static const char kInterfaceStateAuthenticating[];
static const char kInterfaceStateCompleted[];
static const char kInterfaceStateDisconnected[];
static const char kInterfaceStateGroupHandshake[];
static const char kInterfaceStateInactive[];
static const char kInterfaceStateScanning[];
static const char kKeyManagementFTEAP[];
static const char kKeyManagementFTPSK[];
static const char kKeyManagementFTSAE[];
static const char kKeyManagementWPAEAP[];
static const char kKeyManagementWPAPSK[];
static const char kKeyManagementSAE[];
static const char kKeyManagementIeee8021X[];
static const char kKeyManagementMethodSuffixEAP[];
static const char kKeyManagementMethodSuffixPSK[];
static const char kKeyManagementMethodSAE[];
static const char kKeyModeNone[];
static const char kNetworkBgscanMethodLearn[];
// None is not a real method name, but we interpret 'none' as a request that
// no background scan parameter should be supplied to wpa_supplicant.
static const char kNetworkBgscanMethodNone[];
static const char kNetworkBgscanMethodSimple[];
static const char kNetworkModeInfrastructure[];
static const char kNetworkModeAdHoc[];
static const char kNetworkModeAccessPoint[];
static const char kNetworkModeMesh[];
static const char kNetworkModeP2P[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyBgscan[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyCaPath[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyDisableVHT[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapKeyManagement[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapIdentity[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapEap[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapOuterEap[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapInnerEap[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapAnonymousIdentity[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapCaCert[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapCaPassword[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapCertId[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapKeyId[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapCaCertId[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapPin[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapProactiveKeyCaching[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapSubjectMatch[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapSubjectAlternativeNameMatch[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEapolFlags[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEngine[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyEngineId[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyFrequency[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyIeee80211w[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyMode[];
static const char kNetworkPropertySSID[];
static const char kNetworkPropertyScanSSID[];
// TODO(quiche): Make the naming scheme more consistent, by adding the
// object type to the property names below. (
static const char kPropertyAuthAlg[];
static const char kPropertyBSSID[];
static const char kPropertyMode[];
static const char kPropertyPreSharedKey[];
static const char kPropertyPrivacy[];
static const char kPropertyRSN[];
static const char kPropertyScanSSIDs[];
static const char kPropertyScanType[];
static const char kPropertySecurityProtocol[];
static const char kPropertySignal[];
static const char kPropertyWEPKey[];
static const char kPropertyWEPTxKeyIndex[];
static const char kPropertyWPA[];
static const char kScanTypeActive[];
static const char kSecurityAuthAlg[];
static const char kSecurityMethodPropertyKeyManagement[];
static const char kSecurityModeRSN[];
static const char kSecurityModeWPA[];
static const char kFlagDisableEapTLS1p1[];
static const char kFlagDisableEapTLS1p2[];
static const char kFlagInnerEapAuthMSCHAPV2[];
static const char kFlagInnerEapNoMSCHAPV2Retry[];
static const uint32_t kDefaultEngine;
static const uint32_t kNetworkIeee80211wDisabled;
static const uint32_t kNetworkIeee80211wEnabled;
static const uint32_t kNetworkIeee80211wRequired;
static const uint32_t kNetworkModeInfrastructureInt;
static const uint32_t kNetworkModeAdHocInt;
static const uint32_t kNetworkModeAccessPointInt;
static const uint32_t kScanMaxSSIDsPerScan;
static const uint32_t kProactiveKeyCachingDisabled;
static const uint32_t kProactiveKeyCachingEnabled;
static const char kSupplicantConfPath[];
// Retrieve the |subject| and |depth| of an a remote certifying entity,
// as contained the the |properties| to a Certification event from
// wpa_supplicant. Returns true if an |subject| and |depth| were
// extracted successfully, false otherwise.
static bool ExtractRemoteCertification(const KeyValueStore& properties,
std::string* subject,
uint32_t* depth);
} // namespace shill