blob: 079f75f3df3c6c664c3ec9c7df6344b538246643 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// This file defines the messages used by the patchpanel D-Bus API. It is
// strongly recommended to not use the patchpanel D-Bus API directly and to
// instead use the thin client defined at platform2/patchpanel/client.h that
// provides additional functionalities and abstracts the details of the wire
// format. Access control for clients is defined in platform2/patchpanel/dbus.
package patchpanel;
option go_package = "";
// Notification that the ARC++ container is starting up.
// This is informational. The ARC boot and setup sequences do not require
// any information or permission from networking to continue.
message ArcStartupRequest {
// The PID of the ARC++ container.
// Required.
int32 pid = 1;
// This is an intentionally empty mesage. ARC++ startup does not require
// any information from networking to proceed.
message ArcStartupResponse {}
// Notification that the ARC++ container is shutting down.
message ArcShutdownRequest {
// TODO(hugobenichi) Deprecate this unused argument.
// The PID of the ARC++ container; must match the PID that was sent at
// startup.
// Required.
int32 pid = 1;
// This is an intentionally empty message. ARC++ startup does not require
// any information from networking to proceed.
message ArcShutdownResponse {}
// Notification that the ARC VM is starting up.
// Unlike in the container case, Concierge needs to know which TAP devices
// it can use.
message ArcVmStartupRequest {
// The content ID of the VM.
uint32 cid = 1;
// Represents an IPv4 subnet given a base address and prefix length.
message IPv4Subnet {
// The base address of the subnet, represented as 4 bytes in network order.
bytes addr = 3;
// Deprecated, use addr instead. The base address in network order.
uint32 base_addr = 1 [deprecated = true];
// The prefix length of the subnet.
uint32 prefix_len = 2;
// Represents an IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR address with a prefix length.
message IPAddrCIDR {
// The base address represented as 4 or 16 bytes in network order.
bytes addr = 1;
// The prefix length.
int32 prefix_len = 2;
// Represents a virtual network device created and managed by patchpanel and
// used for one of the hosted guest platforms.
message NetworkDevice {
// Identifies the guest for which the virtual device is used.
enum GuestType {
ARC = 1;
ARCVM = 2;
// Identifies the technology of the underlying physical device of the virtual
// device reported.
enum TechnologyType {
WIFI = 3;
// The name of the main virtual interface created by patchpanel for carrying
// packets out of the guest environment and onto the host routing setup. For
// ARC this corresponds to the virtual bridge used for that virtual device.
// For other crosvm guests (Termina, Crostini, Parallels VM, etc) this
// corresponds to the tap device used by crosvm virtio net stack.
string ifname = 1;
// The name of the physical interface to which the virtual device is mapped.
// This corresponds to the interface name used by the shill Network class and
// may be different from the shill "Interface" property of the DBus Device
// object associated with this physical interface, e.g., Cellular multiplexed
// PDN connections. Only valid for ARC virtual devices and otherwise empty for
// virtual devices tracking the default logical or physical networks.
// TODO(b/273744897): Replace the ifname here by the patchpanel Network id
// and/or add the DBus path of the shill Device tracked by this virtual
// Device.
string phys_ifname = 5;
// The name of the interface inside the guest. Only available for ARC virtual
// devices, and otherwise empty for other crosvm guests.
string guest_ifname = 7;
// The IPv4 address assigned to the guest, in network order.
uint32 ipv4_addr = 2;
// The IPv4 address assigned to the host device interface, in network order.
// This corresponds to the next hop IPv4 address for the guest and should be
// used for the default IPv4 route of the guest.
uint32 host_ipv4_addr = 6;
// The IPv4 subnet allocated for this virtual device.
IPv4Subnet ipv4_subnet = 3;
// The type of guest to which the device is bound.
GuestType guest_type = 4;
// The IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the DNS proxy instance tied to the guest
// virtual device. Only available for ARC virtual devices with the GetDevices
// DBus method call. The addresses are represented in network order as a byte
// array of size 4 and 16 respectively for IPv4 and IPv6.
bytes dns_proxy_ipv4_addr = 8;
bytes dns_proxy_ipv6_addr = 9;
// Technology of the underlying physical device of the virtual device.
// Only valid for ARC virtual devices, and otherwise empty for virtual devices
// tracking the default logical or physical networks.
TechnologyType technology_type = 10;
// Request to obtain the list of virtual network devices that patchpanel
// manages for guest OSes. This does not include physical or virtual (e.g. VPN)
// devices managed by shill or virtual devices in connected namespaces.
message GetDevicesRequest {}
message GetDevicesResponse {
// The list of devices under patchpanel's management/control.
repeated NetworkDevice devices = 1;
// Information required by Concierge to continue the ARC VM startup process.
message ArcVmStartupResponse {
// The IPv4 address of the "arc0" legacy management interface, represented in
// network order as a byte array of size 4.
bytes arc0_ipv4_address = 1;
// The initial list of TAP devices to be used in the VM.
repeated string tap_device_ifnames = 2;
// Notification that the ARC VM is shutting down.
// This message should also be sent if the startup process fails so any
// allocated resources are properly freed.
message ArcVmShutdownRequest {
// The CID of the ARC VM; must match the CID that was sent at
// startup.
// Required.
uint32 cid = 1;
// Intentionally empty response.
message ArcVmShutdownResponse {}
// Notification that a Termina VM is starting up.
message TerminaVmStartupRequest {
// The content ID of the VM.
uint32 cid = 1;
// Information required by Concierge to continue the Termina VM startup.
message TerminaVmStartupResponse {
// The TAP device to be used for the VM.
string tap_device_ifname = 1;
// The IPv4 subnet assigned to the VM.
IPv4Subnet ipv4_subnet = 2;
// The IPv4 address assigned to the VM, represented as 4 bytes in network
// order, contained inside |ipv4_subnet|.
bytes ipv4_address = 3;
// The IPv4 next hop gateway address for the VM, represented as 4 bytes in
// network order, contained inside |ipv4_subnet|.
bytes gateway_ipv4_address = 4;
// The container IPv4 subnet to be used for the LXD bridge.
IPv4Subnet container_ipv4_subnet = 5;
// The container IPv4 address, contained inside |container_ipv4_subnet|.
bytes container_ipv4_address = 6;
// Notification that the Termina VM is shutting down.
// This message must also be sent if the startup process fails so any
// allocated resources, including the subnets, are properly freed.
message TerminaVmShutdownRequest {
// The CID of the Termina VM; must match the PID that was sent at
// startup.
// Required.
uint32 cid = 1;
// Intentionally empty response.
message TerminaVmShutdownResponse {}
// Notification that a Parallels VM is starting up.
message ParallelsVmStartupRequest {
// The unique ID of the VM.
uint64 id = 1;
// The 1-based index of the desired subnet to allocate for use.
// Optional.
// TODO(b/236092161) Migrate to uint32.
int32 subnet_index = 2;
// Information required by Concierge to continue the Parallels VM startup.
message ParallelsVmStartupResponse {
// The TAP device to be used for the VM.
string tap_device_ifname = 1;
// The IPv4 subnet assigned to the VM.
IPv4Subnet ipv4_subnet = 2;
// The IPv4 address assigned to the VM, represented as 4 bytes in network
// order, contained inside |ipv4_subnet|.
bytes ipv4_address = 3;
// Notification that the Parallels VM is shutting down.
// This message must also be sent if the startup process fails so any
// allocated resources, including the subnets, are properly freed.
message ParallelsVmShutdownRequest {
// The unique ID of the Parallels VM; must match what was sent at startup.
// Required.
uint64 id = 1;
// Intentionally empty response.
message ParallelsVmShutdownResponse {}
// Notification that a Bruschetta VM is starting up.
message BruschettaVmStartupRequest {
// The unique ID of the VM.
uint64 id = 1;
// Information required by Concierge to continue the Bruschetta VM startup.
message BruschettaVmStartupResponse {
// The TAP device to be used for the VM.
string tap_device_ifname = 1;
// The IPv4 subnet assigned to the VM.
IPv4Subnet ipv4_subnet = 2;
// The IPv4 address assigned to the VM, represented as 4 bytes in network
// order, contained inside |ipv4_subnet|.
bytes ipv4_address = 3;
// The IPv4 next hop gateway address for the VM, represented as 4 bytes in
// network order, contained inside |ipv4_subnet|.
bytes gateway_ipv4_address = 4;
// Notification that the Bruschetta VM is shutting down.
// This message must also be sent if the startup process fails so any
// allocated resources, including the subnets, are properly freed.
message BruschettaVmShutdownRequest {
// The unique ID of the Bruschetta VM; must match what was sent at startup.
// Required.
uint64 id = 1;
// Intentionally empty response.
message BruschettaVmShutdownResponse {}
// Notification that a Borealis VM is starting up.
message BorealisVmStartupRequest {
// The content ID of the VM.
uint32 id = 1;
// Information required by Concierge to continue the Borealis VM startup.
message BorealisVmStartupResponse {
// The TAP device to be used for the VM.
string tap_device_ifname = 1;
// The IPv4 subnet assigned to the VM.
IPv4Subnet ipv4_subnet = 2;
// The IPv4 address assigned to the VM, represented as 4 bytes in network
// order, contained inside |ipv4_subnet|.
bytes ipv4_address = 3;
// The IPv4 next hop gateway address for the VM, represented as 4 bytes in
// network order, contained inside |ipv4_subnet|.
bytes gateway_ipv4_address = 4;
// Notification that the Borealis VM is shutting down.
// This message must also be sent if the startup process fails so any
// allocated resources, including the subnets, are properly freed.
message BorealisVmShutdownRequest {
// The CID of the Borealis VM; must match the PID that was sent at
// startup.
// Required.
uint32 id = 1;
// Intentionally empty response.
message BorealisVmShutdownResponse {}
// Request for connecting and routing a network namespace. The client must
// append a valid file descriptor immediately after the serialized
// ConnectNamespaceRequest proto. This file descriptor must remain valid for as
// long as the client namespace needs to remain connected. Invalidating the file
// descriptor explicitly by closing it or implicitly when the client exits will
// trigger the teardown of the routing setup, the veth setup, and the release
// of the IPv4 subnet assigned to the namespace.
message ConnectNamespaceRequest {
// The pid of the client network namespace. If set to -1, a new network
// namespace which is not associated with any process will be created.
int32 pid = 1;
// If the client sets this field to the name of a physical or VPN network
// interface managed by shill, the namespace egress traffic routed outside the
// host will be routed using the routing table specific to that physical or
// VPN network interface . If left empty, the namespace will be routed through
// the system highest priority interface (physical or virtual).
// TODO(b/273744897): Replace this interface name by the patchpanel Network
// id.
string outbound_physical_device = 2;
// If true, traffic originated from managed OSs (Termina VMs, ARC, Parallels
// VM) and from Chrome can be routed to this namespace, and traffic originated
// from this namespace can be routed to these other privilege domains.
bool allow_user_traffic = 3;
// This field specifies the routing behavior to use when (1)
// |outbound_physical_device| is empty and (2) the system's highest priority
// network interface is a VPN. If true, egress traffic will be routed to the
// VPN; if false, it will be left on the underlying physical interface.
bool route_on_vpn = 4;
// Specifies how the traffic flowing over the new virtual network should be
// accounted, if applicable.
// This field is required. The default behavior will be to treat unspecified
// and UNKNOWN sources as SYSTEM traffic for accounting purposes.
TrafficCounter.Source traffic_source = 5;
// This field specifies whether IPv6 should be created statically behind NAT66
// or through SLAAC.
bool static_ipv6 = 6;
// Response to a ConnectNamespaceRequest. If the operation failed then all
// fields are left set to their default value (empty string or 0).
message ConnectNamespaceResponse {
// The subnet allocated to the client namespace.
IPv4Subnet ipv4_subnet = 1;
// Name of the veth interface created in the client namespace.
string peer_ifname = 2;
// The IPv4 address in network order assigned to the interface inside the
// client namespace.
uint32 peer_ipv4_address = 3;
// Name of the veth interface created in the host namespace.
string host_ifname = 4;
// The IPv4 address in network order assigned to the interface in the host
// namespace.
uint32 host_ipv4_address = 5;
// Name of the netns attached or created.
string netns_name = 6;
// Represents the traffic usage ({tx, rx} x {packets, bytes}) between a source
// and a shill device (interface), since the system (CrOS) is booted up. A
// counter will keep growing until the system (CrOS) shuts down.
// Used in TrafficCountersResponse.
message TrafficCounter {
// Possible traffic sources. The names of these entries are used in shill to
// associate storage keys for persisting traffic counter data. Changing the
// name of an existing entry or removing an entry should be accompanied with
// the appropriate data migration or cleanup code in shill::Service::Save().
enum Source {
// Traffic associated with user chronos.
// Traffic associated with user debugd, cups, and tlsdate, i.e., other user
// traffic except for that for user chronos.
USER = 2;
// Other system traffic.
// As a source, VPN means traffic initiated by the VPN app/program and going
// to the underlying physical network (or from physical network to the VPN
// app/program).
VPN = 5;
// Traffic from ARC container or ARCVM.
ARC = 6;
// Traffic from a Borealis VM.
// Traffic from a Bruschetta VM.
// Traffic from a Crostini VM.
// Traffic from a Parallels VM.
// Traffic from a tethered client.
// Traffic from a WiFi Direct client. This entry is defined for consistency
// with patchpanel's source enum but it is not expected to be used in
// traffic counters since WiFi Direct traffic should not be forwarded to any
// other Network.
// Traffic from a WiFi local only hotspot client. This entry is defined for
// consistency with patchpanel's source enum but it is not expected to be
// used in traffic counters since WiFi local only hotspot traffic should not
// be forwarded to any other Network.
// Possible IP address family numbers.
enum IpFamily {
NONE = 0;
IPV4 = 1;
IPV6 = 2;
// Counter values need to be 64bits as 32bits is not enough to account for
// more than ~4GB of traffic.
uint64 rx_bytes = 1;
uint64 tx_bytes = 2;
uint64 rx_packets = 3;
uint64 tx_packets = 4;
// The source that originated the traffic.
Source source = 5;
// The shill device (interface) name (e.g., eth0) where the traffic leaves
// from or comes in.
string device = 6;
// The IP family of the traffic.
IpFamily ip_family = 7;
// Requests the traffic counters kept by patchpanel. |devices| is the set of
// interfaces for which counters should be returned, any unknown interfaces will
// be ignored. If |devices| is empty, counters for all known interfaces will be
// returned. Note that if an interface once appeared but does not exist now,
// counters for it will also be returned.
message TrafficCountersRequest {
repeated string devices = 1;
// Response to a TrafficCountersRequest.
message TrafficCountersResponse {
repeated TrafficCounter counters = 1;
// Request for opening and closing firewall port. If the request is valid,
// PatchPanel will run iptables commands following the request.
message ModifyPortRuleRequest {
enum Operation {
enum RuleType {
ACCESS = 1; // Equivalent of iptables 'ACCEPT'
LOCKDOWN = 2; // Equivalent of iptables 'DROP'
FORWARDING = 3; // Equivalent of iptables 'DNAT'
enum Protocol {
TCP = 1;
UDP = 2;
// Arguments specifying the type of operation, rule and protocol.
Operation op = 1;
RuleType type = 2;
Protocol proto = 3;
// A network interface name, or empty if unspecified. This is optional for
// ACCESS and FORWARDING, and is ignored for other rule types.
// b/273741099: Port rule requests are only allowed for WiFi and Ethernet
// networks. Multiplexed Cellular interfaces can be ignored.
// TODO(b/273744897): Replace this interface name argument by the patchpanel
// Network id.
string input_ifname = 4;
// An IPv4 address, or empty if unspecified. This is optional for FORWARDING,
// and is ignored for other rule types.
string input_dst_ip = 5;
// A port value in-between 1 and 65535. This is required for all rule types.
// TODO(b/236092161) Migrate to uint16.
uint32 input_dst_port = 6;
// An IPv4 address, or empty if unspecified. This is required for FORWARDING,
// and is ignored for other rule types.
string dst_ip = 7;
// A port value between 1 and 65535. This is required for FORWARDING, and is
// ignored for other rule types.
// TODO(b/236092161) Migrate to uint16.
uint32 dst_port = 8;
// Response to a ModifyPortRuleRequest.
message ModifyPortRuleResponse {
bool success = 1;
// Request to start or stop VPN lockdown. When VPN lockdown is enabled and no
// VPN connection exists, any non-ARC traffic that would be routed to a VPN
// connection is instead rejected. ARC traffic is ignored because Android
// already implements VPN lockdown.
message SetVpnLockdownRequest {
// true: start VPN lockdown. false: stop VPN lockdown.
bool enable_vpn_lockdown = 1;
// Intentionally empty response to a SetVpnLockdownRequest.
message SetVpnLockdownResponse {}
// Signal that is emitted when a device managed by patchpanel is added or
// removed.
message NetworkDeviceChangedSignal {
enum Event {
NetworkDevice device = 1;
Event event = 2;
// Signal for notifying an event about the layer 2 reachability of a neighbor
// monitored by NeighborLinkMonitor.
message NeighborReachabilityEventSignal {
// Possible roles of a neighbor in the corresponding ipconfig.
enum Role {
// Possible event types. Two consecutive events for the same neighbor should
// have different types. Also see the class comment of NeighborLinkMonitor
// for more details about how these events are generated.
enum EventType {
// Indicates a failure is detected for this neighbor. Note that the neighbor
// may still be unreachable even if this signal is not sent out. For
// example, sometimes we may lose track of a neighbor from the kernel. We
// will not send out a FAILED signal when that happens, since that does not
// always mean a link failure.
// Indicates the bidirectional reachability has just been confirmed.
// The interface index of the device that connects to this neighbor.
int32 ifindex = 1;
// Neighbor properties.
string ip_addr = 2;
Role role = 3;
EventType type = 4;
// Request to start DNS traffic redirection when DNS proxy is running. The rules
// created depend on the type requested. The client must append a valid file
// descriptor immediately after the serialized SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest
// proto. This file descriptor must remain valid for as long as the DNS traffic
// need to be redirected. Invalidating the file descriptor explicitly by closing
// it or implicitly when the client exits will trigger the teardown of the
// redirection rules.
message SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest {
enum RuleType {
// Rules for traffic from guests that track the default network (e.g.
// Crostini, Parallels VMs).
// Rules for traffic from ARC interfaces (e.g. arc_eth0, arc_wlan0).
ARC = 2;
// Rule for traffic associated with user traffic (e.g. chronos, cups).
USER = 3;
// Rules to exclude traffic that is not using the underlying network's
// name server. This is only used for user traffic.
RuleType type = 1;
// Identifies from which network interface the traffic originates.
// This field is required for ARC and DEFAULT type.
string input_ifname = 2;
// The IP address of the proxy. This field is required for ARC and
// USER type.
string proxy_address = 3;
// Nameservers are only necessary for Chrome redirect (USER type).
repeated string nameservers = 4;
// Name of the "local" veth interface visible in the host namespace.
string host_ifname = 5;
// Response to a SetDnsRedirectionRuleRequest.
message SetDnsRedirectionRuleResponse {
bool success = 1;
// Signal that is emitted when a network configuration change happens.
message NetworkConfigurationChangedSignal {}
// IPv4 configuration for a L3 network created with CreateLocalOnlyNetwork or
// CreateTetheredNetwork. If DHCP is not used, clients must configure their own
// IPv4 configuration manually. In the case of tethering where the traffic is
// forwarded to an upstream network, SNAT is always implicitly used.
message IPv4Configuration {
// IPv4 prefix to use for configuring IPv4 connectivity. If empty, a random
// prefix will be picked in the Class B ( or Class C
// ( private network ranges with a typical /24 prefix length.
// This configuration can be static and applied manually by clients, or
// managed dynamically and automatically with DHCP in which case the DHCP
// address range is the full prefix.
optional IPv4Subnet ipv4_subnet = 1;
// IPv4 address used by the DUT on the network, represented as 4 bytes in
// network order. This address will be used for the DHCP server if DHCP is
// used. This address will be used as the next hop and advertised through DHCP
// if DHCP is used. If empty, a random address in the chosen IPv4 subnet will
// be used. This address is always pingable for clients connected to the
// network and can be resolved with ARP.
optional bytes gateway_addr = 2;
// If true, a DHCP service is started on the network.
bool use_dhcp = 3;
// A DHCP option to advertise to clients.
message DhcpOption {
// DHCP option code.
uint32 code = 1;
// DHCP option content. How to interpret the bytes is option specific.
bytes content = 2;
// If DHCP is used, these additional options will be advertised by the DHCP
// service.
repeated DhcpOption options = 4;
// The DHCP range represented as 4 bytes in network order. It should be set
// iff |use_dhcp| is true and |ipv4_subnet| is set.
optional bytes dhcp_start_addr = 5;
optional bytes dhcp_end_addr = 6;
// The DNS servers for DHCP option number 6, represented as 4 bytes in network
// order.
repeated bytes dns_servers = 7;
// The list of domain search for DHCP option number 119.
repeated string domain_searches = 8;
// b/294287313: IPv6 configuration for a L3 network created with
// CreateTetheredNetwork. This message is only needed temporarily until
// patchpanel can track all Cellular Networks directly.
message UplinkIPv6Configuration {
// IPv6 address and prefix length of the Chromebook on the uplink network.
// Required.
optional IPAddrCIDR uplink_ipv6_cidr = 1;
// The IPv6 addresses of the uplink DNS servers represented as 16 bytes in
// network order.
repeated bytes dns_servers = 2;
// Describes possible errors when creating a downstream network for
// CreateTetheredNetwork or CreateLocalOnlyNetwork requests.
enum DownstreamNetworkResult {
// The request was successful.
// The request was invalid.
// The network interface specified for the downstream network is already in
// use.
// The request failed due to an internal error.
ERROR = 3;
// The DHCP server could not start successfully.
// The network interface specified for the upstream network is unknown
// (tethering only).
// The datapath could not be configured.
// The request could not be parsed.
message DownstreamNetwork {
// Name of the network interface on which the downstream L3 network was
// created.
string downstream_ifname = 1;
// IPv4 subnet assigned to the downstream network. Undefined if the upstream
// network does not have IPv4 connectivity.
IPv4Subnet ipv4_subnet = 2;
// IPv4 address represented as 4 bytes in network order that was assigned to
// the gateway of the created network. This is the address of the DUT on the
// network and the next hop address for remote clients connected to the
// network. Empty if the upstream network does not have IPv4 connectivity.
bytes ipv4_gateway_addr = 3;
// Request to create a L3 logical network on a network interface and share
// Internet access from another upstream network with this network. In this
// configuration The DUT acts as a transparent router for remote clients
// connected on the downstream network and forward the traffic to the upstream
// network. The downstream network itself is not reachable from the DUT
// (exception: DHCP service, RA server, ARP, ND proxy). The traffic accounting
// source for traffic sent and received on the downstream network is always set
// to TETHER. Dynamic IP configuration services for IPv4 and IPv6 are
// automatically started depending on the configuration. The IPv4 configuration
// is explicitly specified by the caller. The IPv6 configuration is always the
// same as the upstream network if available. The client must append a valid
// file descriptor immediately after the serialized proto. This file descriptor
// must remain valid for as long as routing setup needs to persist. Invalidating
// the file descriptor explicitly by closing it or implicitly when the client
// process terminates will trigger the teardown of the routing setup and
// associated services.
message TetheredNetworkRequest {
// Required. Name of the network interface on which a L3 network should
// be created. It is assumed that no L3 connection is active on that
// interface and that shill has brought the interface up and prepared the link
// layer for accepting clients.
string ifname = 1;
// Required. Name of the network interface of the upstream network. The
// caller is in charge of the necessary setup for creating an active L3
// connection on this network interface.
string upstream_ifname = 2;
// Link technology associated with the upstream network.
enum UpstreamTechnology {
WIFI = 2;
// Required. Link technology of the upstream network.
UpstreamTechnology upstream_technology = 3;
// IPv4 configuration for this network. Optional if the upstream is an
// IPv6-only network.
optional IPv4Configuration ipv4_config = 4;
// If true, IPv6 RAs from the upstream networks and IPv6 neighbor discovery
// packets are forwarded on the downstream network and IPv6 forwarding is
// enabled between the upstream and downstream networks. The implementation
// will automatically choose between NDProxy mode and RA server mode.
bool enable_ipv6 = 5;
// b/294287313: if the tethering request specifies using for the uplink a
// Cellular multiplexed PDN, patchpanel has no knowledge of the associated
// Network as there are no shill Device associated with the Network that
// patchpanel can track. To support IPv6 tethering, shill must pass the IPv6
// configuration of the multiplexed PDN explicitly in the tethering request.
// This field is only needed temporarily until patchpanel can track all
// Cellular Networks directly.
optional UplinkIPv6Configuration uplink_ipv6_config = 7;
// The MTU of the upstream. Set the value when it is not the default value
// (i.e. 1500). When the value is set, we should:
// - configure it on the downstream interface
// - advertise through DHCP if DHCP is used
// - advertise through the RA server if RA server is used
optional int32 mtu = 6;
// Response to a CreateTetheredNetwork call.
message TetheredNetworkResponse {
// Status of the request.
DownstreamNetworkResult response_code = 1;
// Request to create an isolated L3 logical network on a network interface like
// a WiFi hotspot or a WiFi Direct connection in Group Owner mode. In this
// configuration the network will be reachable from Chrome, ARC, Crostini, etc
// for any connection initiated from the DUT. Remote clients connected to the
// network will be able to reach application listening on the DUT with the same
// semantics as on a physical network, i.e ARC inbound DNAT rules will be
// enabled by default, and port access/forwarding rules will apply. Dynamic IP
// configuration services for IPv4 is automatically started depending on the
// configuration. The IPv4 configuration is explicitly specified by the caller.
// IPv6 is currently not supported. The client must append a valid file
// descriptor immediately after the serialized proto. This file descriptor must
// remain valid for as long as routing setup needs to persist. Invalidating the
// file descriptor explicitly by closing it or implicitly when the client
// process terminates will trigger the teardown of the routing setup and
// associated services.
message LocalOnlyNetworkRequest {
// Required. Name of the network interface on which a L3 network should
// be created. It is assumed that no L3 connection is active on that
// interface and that shill is not actively using the network interface.
string ifname = 1;
// Required. IPv4 configuration for this network.
IPv4Configuration ipv4_config = 2;
// Response to a CreateLocalOnlyNetwork call.
message LocalOnlyNetworkResponse {
// Status of the request.
DownstreamNetworkResult response_code = 1;
// GetDownstreamNetworkInfo request object to obtain the IP configuration of a
// network created with CreateLocalOnlyNetwork or CreateTetheredNetwork and
// to obtain available IP information of all connected clients.
message GetDownstreamNetworkInfoRequest {
// Required. Interface name on which a network was created with
// CreateTetheredNetwork or with CreateLocalOnlyNetwork call.
string downstream_ifname = 1;
// Information about a client connected to a network created with the
// CreateTetheredNetwork or CreateLocalOnlyNetwork calls.
message NetworkClientInfo {
// The EUI-64 hardware address of the client represented as 8 bytes network
// order. For Ethernet or WiFi networks, the hardware address is always a
// EUI-48 identifier with the upper 2 bytes always set to 0.
bytes mac_addr = 1;
// The IPv4 address assigned to the client in network order represented as 4
// 4 bytes in network order. Empty if IPv4 was disabled on the network.
bytes ipv4_addr = 2;
// All IPv6 addresses that have been seen used by the client (based on its
// hardware address). Addresses are always 16 bytes long and in network order.
repeated bytes ipv6_addresses = 3;
// The Hostname of the client if it was advertised with the DHCP Client option
// 12 during DHCP lease acquisition.
string hostname = 4;
// The Vendor-Class DHCP client option 60 if it was advertised by the client
// during DHCP lease acquisition.
string vendor_class = 5;
// Response to a GetDownstreamNetworkInfo call.
message GetDownstreamNetworkInfoResponse {
// True if the request was valid and completed successfully.
bool success = 1;
// Describes the downstream network.
DownstreamNetwork downstream_network = 2;
// Describes clients connected to the network.
repeated NetworkClientInfo clients_info = 3;
// Request to configure an IP network or modify the configuration of an existing
// IP network on a certain physical or VPN network interface corresponding to a
// shill Service.
message ConfigureNetworkRequest {
// Index of the interface used by the Network.
int32 ifindex = 1;
// Name of the interface used by this Network.
string ifname = 2;
// A bit flag indicating the field that should be configured. See detailed
// definition in NetworkApplier::Area.
uint32 area = 3;
// A serialization of the net_base::NetworkConfig object, which contains the
// configuration that should be used to configure the Network.
NetworkConfig network_config = 4;
// Technology of the Network.
NetworkTechnology technology = 5;
// The priority of the Network, calculated by shill Manager.
NetworkPriority priority = 6;
// ConfigureNetwork response object.
message ConfigureNetworkResponse {
// True if the Network was successfully configured.
bool success = 1;
// Possible technologies for a Network created in patchpanel.
enum NetworkTechnology {
VPN = 3;
WIFI = 4;
// A representation of shill SortServices() result. See
// net_base::NetworkPriority.
message NetworkPriority {
bool is_primary_logical = 1;
bool is_primary_physical = 2;
bool is_primary_for_dns = 3;
uint32 ranking_order = 4;
// Mirroring of net_base::NetworkConfig. IP addresses are represented as bytes
// array of length 4 or 16 in network order.
message NetworkConfig {
optional IPAddrCIDR ipv4_address = 1;
optional bytes ipv4_broadcast = 2;
optional bytes ipv4_gateway = 3;
repeated IPAddrCIDR ipv6_addresses = 4;
optional bytes ipv6_gateway = 5;
bool ipv4_default_route = 6;
bool ipv6_blackhole_route = 7;
repeated IPAddrCIDR excluded_route_prefixes = 8;
repeated IPAddrCIDR included_route_prefixes = 9;
repeated Route rfc3442_routes = 10;
repeated bytes dns_servers = 11;
repeated string dns_search_domains = 12;
optional int32 mtu = 13;
optional string captive_portal_uri = 14;
// Representation of custom routes, in the form of destination prefix plus a
// gateway address. IP address are represented in network order byte arrays.
message Route {
IPAddrCIDR prefix = 1;
bytes gateway = 2;
// Notification change in power state of ARC.
message NotifyAndroidInteractiveStateRequest {
bool interactive = 1;
// Response to a NotifyAndroidInteractiveState call.
message NotifyAndroidInteractiveStateResponse {}
// Notification change in whether Android WiFi multicast lock is held by any
// app in ARC.
message NotifyAndroidWifiMulticastLockChangeRequest {
bool held = 1;
// Response to a NotifyAndroidWifiMulticastLockChange call.
message NotifyAndroidWifiMulticastLockChangeResponse {}
// A socket connection event that contains socket information and QoS category
// of this socket.
message SocketConnectionEvent {
// IP protocol used in a socket connection. Currently we only care about TCP
// and UDP.
enum IpProtocol {
TCP = 1;
UDP = 2;
// Socket event suggesting whether this socket is opened or closed.
enum SocketEvent {
OPEN = 1;
CLOSE = 2;
// List of supported QoS categories, details can be found at
// go/cros-qos-dscp-classes-1p.
enum QosCategory {
// Source address and port on local side, currently only used for local
// address in ARC before SNAT.
bytes saddr = 1;
int32 sport = 2;
// Destination address and port on remote side.
bytes daddr = 3;
int32 dport = 4;
// IP Protocol used in this socket connection.
IpProtocol proto = 5;
// Whether socket is opened or closed.
SocketEvent event = 6;
// The inferred QoS category of this connection.
QosCategory category = 7;
// Notification for a socket connection event, currently only for socket
// connections in ARC. Patchpanel will apply proper QoS treatment for this
// connection.
message NotifySocketConnectionEventRequest {
SocketConnectionEvent msg = 1;
// Response to a NotifySocketConnectionEvent call.
message NotifySocketConnectionEventResponse {}
// Set feature enabled finch feature in patchpanel.
message SetFeatureFlagRequest {
enum FeatureFlag {
CLAT = 1;
FeatureFlag flag = 1;
bool enabled = 2;
// Response to a SetFeatureFlag call.
message SetFeatureFlagResponse {
// Value of the enabled flag before the call to SetFeatureFlag.
bool enabled = 1;
// Notification for a socket connection event of an ARC VPN app.
// Currently used for ARC VPN traffic counting.
message NotifyARCVPNSocketConnectionEventRequest {
SocketConnectionEvent msg = 1;
// Response to a NotifyARCVPNSocketConnectionEvent call.
message NotifyARCVPNSocketConnectionEventResponse {}
// Request to tag a socket. The socket file descriptor must be immediately
// appended to the D-Bus message after the serialized TagSocketRequest message.
// The request must be sent before the socket is connected or used with listen()
// and only once for each socket.
// The network_id and vpn_policy can be used to change the routing behavior of a
// socket.
// Example usages:
// 1. The user traffic should be routed via a non-default network, but still be
// blocked when the device is in VPN lockdown mode and the VPN is not
// connected.
// - {network_id=non_default_network_id, vpn_policy=DEFAULT_ROUTING};
// 2. The user traffic should be routed via a non-default network, and it still
// works when it's in VPN lockdown mode and the VPN is not connected.
// - {network_id=non_default_network_id, vpn_policy=BYPASS_VPN};
// 3. There is a VPN connected, and the system traffic should be routed via VPN.
// - {network_id=NONE, vpn_policy=ROUTE_ON_VPN};
message TagSocketRequest {
// The network which this socket should be bound to. If not set, the network
// will be selected automatically (depending on the traffic source and
// destination, VPN setup, etc.). Notes:
// - This won't bypass VPN lockdown mode -- user traffic will still be blocked
// if the lockdown mode is enabled and VPN is not connected.
// - The socket behavior will become undefined after the network bound by this
// API after the network has disconnected.
// TODO(b/322083502): Add a link/description to explain network_id.
optional int32 network_id = 1;
// Possible policies for VPN routing.
enum VpnRoutingPolicy {
// Let the routing layer apply the default policy for the socket owner's
// uid. This is the default policy for newly created sockets.
// The socket traffic is always routed through the VPN if there is one. Note
// that the traffic will still be routed through the physical network if the
// destination is not included in VPN routes. This should not be used
// together with network_id, and the API will return failure in this case.
// The socket traffic is always routed through the physical network.
// Different from network_id, this will bypass VPN lockdown mode, so this
// can be set together with network_id if the caller wants the traffic to go
// to a specific non-VPN network no matter if the VPN lockdown is on or not.
VpnRoutingPolicy vpn_policy = 2;
// Response to a TagSocketRequest. Note that on failure, patchpanel may leave
// the socket in a partially setup state (i.e., won't do the cleanup). The
// caller should not rely on this socket for any further operation.
message TagSocketResponse {
bool success = 1;