blob: 13ebd45a97ddac1a7842062d335866da1c08c374 [file] [log] [blame]
include mk/
# Set current submodule (used for module specific flags compile result etc)
sm := $(ta-target)
sm-$(sm) := y
# Setup compiler for this sub module
include mk/$(COMPILER_$(sm)).mk
# Config flags from mk/
$(sm)-platform-cppflags += -DMBEDTLS_SELF_TEST
# Build malloc debug code into libutils: (mdbg_malloc(), mdbg_free(),
# mdbg_check(), etc.).
$(sm)-platform-cppflags += -DENABLE_MDBG=1
# Config variables to be explicitly exported to the dev kit
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_TA_FLOAT_SUPPORT
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_CACHE_API
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_SECURE_DATA_PATH
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_TA_MBEDTLS_SELF_TEST
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_TA_MBEDTLS
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_TA_MBEDTLS_MPI
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_SYSTEM_PTA
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_FTRACE_SUPPORT
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_UNWIND
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_TA_MCOUNT
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_TA_BTI
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_CORE_TPM_EVENT_LOG
ta-mk-file-export-add-$(sm) += CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL ?= $(CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL)_nl_
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_TA_BGET_TEST
# Expand platform flags here as $(sm) will change if we have several TA
# targets. Platform flags should not change after inclusion of ta/
cppflags$(sm) := $(platform-cppflags) $($(sm)-platform-cppflags)
cflags$(sm) := $(platform-cflags) $($(sm)-platform-cflags)
aflags$(sm) := $(platform-aflags) $($(sm)-platform-aflags)
# Changes to cppflags$(sm) will only affect how TA dev kit libraries are
# compiled, these flags are not propagated to the TA
cppflags$(sm) += -include $(conf-file)
cppflags$(sm) += -DTRACE_LEVEL=$(CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL)
ifeq ($(ta-target),ta_arm32)
arm32-user-sysreg-txt = lib/libutee/arch/arm/arm32_user_sysreg.txt
arm32-user-sysregs-$(arm32-user-sysreg-txt)-h := arm32_user_sysreg.h
arm32-user-sysregs += $(arm32-user-sysreg-txt)
arm32-user-sysregs-out := $(out-dir)/include/generated
define process-arm32-user-sysreg
FORCE-GENSRC$(sm): $$(arm32-user-sysregs-out)/$$(arm32-user-sysregs-$(1)-h)
cleanfiles := $$(cleanfiles) \
$$(arm32-user-sysregs-out)/$$(arm32-user-sysregs-$(1)-h): \
$(1) scripts/
@$(cmd-echo-silent) ' GEN $$@'
$(q)mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
$(q)$(PYTHON3) scripts/ --guard __$$(arm32-user-sysregs-$(1)-h) \
< $$< > $$@
endef #process-arm32-user-sysreg
$(foreach sr, $(arm32-user-sysregs), \
$(eval $(call process-arm32-user-sysreg,$(sr))))
cppflags$(sm) += -I$(arm32-user-sysregs-out)
base-prefix := $(sm)-
libname = utils
libdir = lib/libutils
libuuid = 71855bba-6055-4293-a63f-b0963a737360
include mk/
libname = mbedtls
libdir = lib/libmbedtls
libuuid = 87bb6ae8-4b1d-49fe-9986-2b966132c309
libl = utils
include mk/
ta-mk-file-export-vars-$(sm) += CFG_TA_MBEDTLS
libname = utee
libdir = lib/libutee
libuuid = 527f1a47-b92c-4a74-95bd-72f19f4a6f74
libl = mbedtls utils
include mk/
libname = dl
libdir = lib/libdl
libuuid = be807bbd-81e1-4dc4-bd99-3d363f240ece
libl = utee utils
include mk/
base-prefix :=
incdirs-host := $(filter-out lib/libutils%, $(incdirs$(sm)))
incfiles-extra-host := lib/libutils/ext/include/compiler.h
incfiles-extra-host += lib/libutils/ext/include/util.h
incfiles-extra-host += lib/libutils/ext/include/types_ext.h
incfiles-extra-host += $(conf-file)
incfiles-extra-host += $(conf-mk-file)
incfiles-extra-host += $(conf-cmake-file)
incfiles-extra-host += core/include/tee/tee_fs_key_manager.h
incfiles-extra-host += core/include/tee/fs_htree.h
incfiles-extra-host += core/include/signed_hdr.h
ifeq ($(ta-target),ta_arm32)
incfiles-extra-host += $(out-dir)/include/generated/arm32_user_sysreg.h
# Copy lib files and exported headers from each lib
define copy-file
$2/$$(notdir $1): $1
@set -e; \
mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) ; \
$(cmd-echo-silent) ' INSTALL $$@' ; \
cp -P $$< $$@
cleanfiles += $2/$$(notdir $1)
ta_dev_kit: $2/$$(notdir $1)
ta_dev_kit-files += $2/$$(notdir $1)
ta_dev_kit-files-$3 += $2/$$(notdir $1)
# Copy the .a files
$(foreach f, $(libfiles), \
$(eval $(call copy-file, $(f), $(out-dir)/export-$(sm)/lib,lib)))
# Copy .mk files
ta-mkfiles = mk/ mk/ mk/ mk/ mk/ \
mk/ \
ta/arch/$(ARCH)/ ta/arch/$(ARCH)/ \
$(foreach f, $(ta-mkfiles), \
$(eval $(call copy-file, $(f), $(out-dir)/export-$(sm)/mk)))
# Copy the .h files for TAs
define copy-incdir
sf := $(subst $1/, , $(shell find $1 -name "*.[hS]"))
$$(foreach h, $$(sf), $$(eval $$(call copy-file, $1/$$(h), \
$$(patsubst %/,%,$$(subst /./,/,$2/$$(dir $$(h)))),$3)))
$(foreach d, $(incdirs$(sm)), \
$(eval $(call copy-incdir,$(d),$(out-dir)/export-$(sm)/include,include)))
# Copy the .h files needed by host
$(foreach d, $(incdirs-host), \
$(eval $(call copy-incdir, $(d), $(out-dir)/export-$(sm)/host_include)))
$(foreach f, $(incfiles-extra-host), \
$(eval $(call copy-file, $(f), $(out-dir)/export-$(sm)/host_include)))
# Copy the src files
ta-srcfiles = ta/arch/$(ARCH)/user_ta_header.c ta/arch/$(ARCH)/ta.ld.S
ifeq ($(ta-target),ta_arm32)
ta-srcfiles += ta/arch/$(ARCH)/ta_entry_a32.S
$(foreach f, $(ta-srcfiles), \
$(eval $(call copy-file, $(f), $(out-dir)/export-$(sm)/src)))
# Copy keys
ta-keys = keys/default_ta.pem
$(foreach f, $(ta-keys), \
$(eval $(call copy-file, $(f), $(out-dir)/export-$(sm)/keys)))
# Copy the scripts
ta-scripts = scripts/ scripts/
$(foreach f, $(ta-scripts), \
$(eval $(call copy-file, $(f), $(out-dir)/export-$(sm)/scripts)))
# Create config file
conf-mk-file-export := $(out-dir)/export-$(sm)/mk/
sm-$(conf-mk-file-export) := $(sm)
define mk-file-export
.PHONY: $(conf-mk-file-export)
@$$(cmd-echo-silent) ' CHK ' $$@
$(q)mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
$(q)echo sm := $$(sm-$(conf-mk-file-export)) > $$@.tmp
$(q)echo sm-$$(sm-$(conf-mk-file-export)) := y >> $$@.tmp
$(q)($$(foreach v, $$(ta-mk-file-export-vars-$$(sm-$(conf-mk-file-export))), \
$$(if $$($$(v)),echo $$(v) := $$($$(v));,))) >> $$@.tmp
$(q)echo '$$(ta-mk-file-export-add-$$(sm-$(conf-mk-file-export)))' | sed 's/_nl_ */\n/g' >> $$@.tmp
$(q)$(call mv-if-changed,$$@.tmp,$$@)
$(eval $(mk-file-export))
cleanfiles := $(cleanfiles) $(conf-mk-file-export)
ta_dev_kit: $(conf-mk-file-export)
all: ta_dev_kit