cli_info: Dump per frame metrics for trace files

Added extra information to cli_info output which includes:
* container type (compression method)
* container size (the size of the data in the storage container)
* actual data size (the size of uncompressed data)
* per frame metrics which include the folowing information:
  * first call_id
  * last call_id
  * the total amount of calls in a frame
  * uncompressed frame size

  apitrace info --dump-frames /path/to/file.trace

An example output:

  "FileName": "/path/to/file.trace",
  "ContainerVersion": 6,
  "ContainerType": "Snappy",
  "API": "OpenGL + GLX/WGL/CGL",
  "FramesCount": 1789,
  "ActualDataSize": 5272672851,
  "ContainerSize": 1547699157,
  "Frames": [{
    "FirstCallId": 0,
    "LastCallId": 2231,
    "TotalCalls": 2232,
    "SizeInBytes": 1259924
  }, {
    "FirstCallId": 2232,
    "LastCallId": 2251,
    "TotalCalls": 20,
    "SizeInBytes": 449
  }, {

This information could be useful to analyze the data distribution in a
trace file, find transition points menu/game/etc, choose better point
for a trace file trimming, and so on.

Change-Id: I7eb98a8303393af229b6afdcb3036fea873b38d1
Tested-by: Robert Tarasov <>
Commit-Queue: Robert Tarasov <>
Reviewed-by: David Riley <>
6 files changed