blob: aa9f5d9c327b75b1ef6a56e51ef9f1a84d58a3a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "atrusd"
author ""
start on started system-services
stop on stopping system-services
respawn limit 3 10 # if the job respawns 3 times in 10 seconds, stop trying.
env chroot=/tmp/atrusd_chroot
pre-start script
mkdir -p "$chroot/dev" "$chroot/lib/firmware/google" "$chroot/run/udev" \
"$chroot/sys" "$chroot/tmp" "$chroot/usr/sbin" "$chroot/run/dbus"
end script
post-stop script
rm -rf "$chroot"
end script
expect fork
# -u run as user atrus
# -g run as group atrus
# -c CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE is needed in order to access /dev/hidraw*. It would be
# possible to have an udev rule that granted e.g. group atrus rw permissions.
# However, there's a rule /lib/udev/rules.d/99-hidraw.rules that would
# override this.
# -i exit minijail0 so upstart isn't blocked
# -l enter new IPC namespace
# -N enter new cgroup namespace
# -p enter new pid namespace
# -n set no_new_privs
# -w create and join a new anonymous session keyring
# -C run in a chroot
# -t create a new /tmp inside chroot
# -b directories to mount into chroot
# -e isn't used because atrusd won't receive libudev events when it's used
exec minijail0 -u atrus -g atrus -c 2 -i -l -N -p -n -w \
-C "$chroot" -t -b /dev,/dev -b /sys,/sys -b /usr/sbin,/usr/sbin \
-b /lib/firmware/google,/lib/firmware/google -b /run/udev,/run/udev \
-b /run/dbus,/run/dbus -- \
/usr/sbin/atrusd \
--upgrade_file_path=/lib/firmware/google/atrus-fw-bundle-latest.bin \