Test CrosDisks DBus API
TEST=Ran platform_CrosDisksDBus test on a VM
Change-Id: Icb7e2b48a8233934b60f7d5db061f123fc17267a
Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/6873021
diff --git a/client/site_tests/platform_CrosDisksDBus/platform_CrosDisksDBus.py b/client/site_tests/platform_CrosDisksDBus/platform_CrosDisksDBus.py
index ba9699d..b23085b 100644
--- a/client/site_tests/platform_CrosDisksDBus/platform_CrosDisksDBus.py
+++ b/client/site_tests/platform_CrosDisksDBus/platform_CrosDisksDBus.py
@@ -10,12 +10,117 @@
class platform_CrosDisksDBus(test.test):
version = 1
+ def validate_disk_properties(self, disk):
+ # Disk properties provided by the API
+ disk_properties = (
+ ('DeviceFile', dbus.String),
+ ('DeviceIsDrive', dbus.Boolean),
+ ('DeviceIsMediaAvailable', dbus.Boolean),
+ ('DeviceIsMounted', dbus.Boolean),
+ ('DeviceIsOpticalDisc', dbus.Boolean),
+ ('DeviceIsReadOnly', dbus.Boolean),
+ ('DeviceMountPaths', dbus.Array),
+ ('DevicePresentationHide', dbus.Boolean),
+ ('DeviceSize', dbus.UInt64),
+ ('DriveIsRotational', dbus.Boolean),
+ ('DriveModel', dbus.String),
+ ('IdLabel', dbus.String),
+ ('NativePath', dbus.String),
+ )
+ for (prop_name, prop_value_type) in disk_properties:
+ # Check if all disk properties are set.
+ if prop_name not in disk:
+ raise error.TestFail("disk.%s not found" % prop_name)
+ # Check if each disk property has the right data type.
+ prop_value = disk[prop_name]
+ if not isinstance(prop_value, prop_value_type):
+ raise error.TestFail(
+ "disk.%s is %s, but %s expected"
+ % (prop_name, type(prop_value), prop_value_type))
+ # Check if DeviceFile has a proper value.
+ if not disk['DeviceFile']:
+ raise error.TestFail(
+ "disk.DeviceFile should not be empty")
+ # Check if the values of DeviceIsMounted and DeviceMountPaths
+ # are consistent.
+ mount_paths = disk['DeviceMountPaths']
+ if disk['DeviceIsMounted']:
+ if len(mount_paths) == 0:
+ raise error.TestFail(
+ "disk.DeviceMountPaths should not be empty "
+ "if disk.DeviceIsMounted is true")
+ else:
+ if len(mount_paths) != 0:
+ raise error.TestFail(
+ "disk.DeviceMountPaths should be empty "
+ "if disk.DeviceIsMounted is false")
+ if mount_paths.signature != dbus.Signature('s'):
+ raise error.TestFail(
+ "disk.DeviceMountPaths should contain only strings")
+ for mount_path in mount_paths:
+ if not mount_path:
+ raise error.TestFail(
+ "disk.DeviceMountPaths should not contain any "
+ "empty string")
+ def test_is_alive(self):
+ # Check if CrosDisks server is alive.
+ is_alive = self.cros_disks.IsAlive()
+ if not is_alive:
+ raise error.TestFail("Unable to talk to the disk daemon")
+ def test_enumerate_device_files(self):
+ # Check if EnumerateDeviceFiles method returns a list of devices.
+ devices = self.cros_disks.EnumerateDeviceFiles()
+ for device in devices:
+ if not device or not isinstance(device, dbus.String):
+ raise error.TestFail(
+ "device returned by EnumerateDeviceFiles "
+ "should be a non-empty string")
+ def test_get_device_properties(self):
+ # Check if GetDeviceProperties method returns valid properties.
+ devices = self.cros_disks.EnumerateDeviceFiles()
+ for device in devices:
+ properties = self.cros_disks.GetDeviceProperties(device)
+ self.validate_disk_properties(properties)
+ def test_get_device_properties_of_nonexistent_device(self):
+ try:
+ properties = self.cros_disks.GetDeviceProperties('/nonexistent')
+ except dbus.DBusException:
+ return
+ raise error.TestFail(
+ "GetDeviceProperties of a nonexistent device should fail")
+ def test_mount_nonexistent_device(self):
+ try:
+ path = self.cros_disks.FilesystemMount('/nonexistent', '', [])
+ except dbus.DBusException:
+ return
+ raise error.TestFail("Mounting a nonexistent device should fail")
+ def test_unmount_nonexistent_device(self):
+ try:
+ self.cros_disks.FilesystemUnmount('/nonexistent', [])
+ except dbus.DBusException:
+ return
+ raise error.TestFail("Unmounting a nonexistent device should fail")
def run_once(self):
- # TODO(rtc): Excercise the whole API.
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
proxy = bus.get_object('org.chromium.CrosDisks',
- cros_disks = dbus.Interface(proxy, 'org.chromium.CrosDisks')
- is_alive = cros_disks.IsAlive()
- if not is_alive:
- raise error.TestFail("Unable to talk to the disk daemon")
+ self.cros_disks = dbus.Interface(proxy, 'org.chromium.CrosDisks')
+ self.test_is_alive()
+ self.test_enumerate_device_files()
+ self.test_get_device_properties()
+ self.test_get_device_properties_of_nonexistent_device()
+ self.test_mount_nonexistent_device()
+ self.test_unmount_nonexistent_device()