| # Lint as: python2, python3 |
| # Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import logging |
| import pprint |
| import re |
| |
| from autotest_lib.server.cros.servo import chrome_cr50 |
| from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error |
| |
| CHIP_NAME = 'ti50' |
| |
| class ChromeTi50(chrome_cr50.ChromeCr50): |
| """Manages control of a Chrome Ti50. |
| |
| We control the Chrome Ti50 via the console of a Servo board. Chrome Ti50 |
| provides many interfaces to set and get its behavior via console commands. |
| This class is to abstract these interfaces. |
| """ |
| |
| PROD_RW_KEYIDS = ['0xfba25ca9'] |
| PROD_RO_KEYIDS = ['0xc7d40497'] |
| START_STR = ['ti50_common'] |
| BID_RE = r'Board ID: (\S{8}):?(|\S{8}), flags: (\S{8})\s' |
| CCD_PW_DENIED = 'failed: ParamCount' |
| |
| # Ti50 only supports v2 |
| AP_RO_VERSIONS = [2] |
| # =============================================================== |
| # Ti50 Image Names |
| GS_PRIVATE = 'gs://chromeos-localmirror-private/distfiles/' |
| GS_PUBLIC = 'gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/' |
| # Prod signed test images are stored in the private ti50 directory. |
| # Node locked test images are in this private debug directory. |
| GS_PRIVATE_DBG = GS_PRIVATE + 'chromeos-ti50-debug/' |
| # This works for all ti50 file formats. RW_VER and BID are supplied by the |
| # test. |
| # old - ti50.ro.0.0.*.rw.RW_VER.BID.tar.xz |
| # new - ti50.r0.0.*.w0.RW_VER.BID.tar.xz |
| PROD_TAR = 'ti50.r*0.0.*%s%s.tar.xz' |
| # ti50.dbg.0xDEVID0_0xDEVID1.bin.GIT_SHA.BID (SHA and BID are optional) |
| DEBUG_FILE = '*/ti50.dbg.%s.bin.*%s' |
| # ti50_Unknown_NodeLocked-DEVID0-DEVID1_cr50-accessory-mp.bin |
| ERASEFLASHINFO_FILE = '*/ti50_Unknown_NodeLocked-%s_ti50-accessory-mp.bin' |
| QUAL_VERSION_FILE = 'chromeos-ti50-QUAL_VERSION' |
| |
| # Image prefix used by Chrome OS. |
| GSC_IMG_PREFIX = 'ti50-dt' |
| # ChromeOS Ti50 firmware directory |
| DUT_FW = '/opt/google/ti50/firmware/' |
| |
| # Ti50 image in tarballs |
| PROD_FILE = 'ti50.bin.prod' |
| # Ti50 CrOS image information |
| DUT_PROD = DUT_FW + GSC_IMG_PREFIX + '.bin.prod' |
| DUT_PREPVT = DUT_FW + GSC_IMG_PREFIX + '.bin.prepvt' |
| |
| # Ti50 FW is installed in 2 locations |
| DUT_PROD_PATHS = [DUT_PROD, DUT_FW + 'ti50.bin.prod'] |
| DUT_PREPVT_PATHS = [DUT_PREPVT, DUT_FW + 'ti50.bin.prepvt'] |
| # =============================================================== |
| |
| # Ti50 command to erase board id and rollback space. |
| EFI_CMD = 'eraseflashinfo both' |
| # Ti50 reset flags as defined in PMU_RSTSRC. |
| 'RESET_FLAG_POWER_ON' : 1 << 0, # POR |
| 'RESET_FLAG_SOFT' : 1 << 4, # SYSRESET |
| 'RESET_FLAG_HARD' : 1 << 5, # SOFTWARE |
| } |
| |
| # Ti50 interrupt numbers reported in taskinfo |
| IRQ_DICT = { |
| 0: 'UART0_GRP0', |
| 1: 'UART1_GRP0', |
| 2: 'UART2_GRP0', |
| 3: 'UART3_GRP0', |
| 5: 'ADC0_GRP0', |
| 79: 'I2CS0_GRP0', |
| 99: 'RBOX0_GRP1', |
| 106: 'TIMER0_TIMER0_MATCH1', |
| 108: 'TIMER0_TIMER1_MATCH0', |
| 115: 'USB0_USBINTR', |
| 116: 'XO_CALIB', |
| 257: 'WAKEUP', |
| } |
| PRINT_IRQ_FMT = ' 0x%x %-20s %-10s' |
| # USB should be disabled if ccd is disabled. |
| CCD_IRQS = [ 115 ] |
| # Rdd and timer sof overflow irqs |
| CCD_CHANGE_IRQS = [5, 116] |
| GET_TASKINFO = ['IRQ counts by type:(.*)(>|Stack sizes)'] |
| # Ti50 has no periodic wake from regular sleep |
| SLEEP_RATE = 0 |
| # Ti50 inhibits deep sleep for 60 seconds after AP power on. |
| # Maximum TPM init time. |
| TPM_INIT_MAX = 42000 |
| TIMESTAMP_RE = r'\[[ 0-9.]+.\] ' |
| WAKE_RESPONSE = [r'\n(|%s)> ' % TIMESTAMP_RE] |
| TIME_RE = r'Since %s: [x0-9a-f]* = ([0-9\.]*) s' |
| TIME_SINCE_DS_RE = TIME_RE % 'deep sleep' |
| # Ti50 tracks 3 times (hard reset, soft reset, deep sleep wake). |
| # To align with Cr50 FAFT, use Ti50's "soft reset" for TIME_SINCE_COLD_RESET_RE. |
| |
| # Ti50 doesn't configure PLT_RST vs SYS_RST. All boards use PLT_RST |
| # Ti50 doesn't have any errors to track right now. |
| |
| # Ti50 has to have AlowUnverifiedRo enabled to boot the dev ap firmware. |
| UNIVERSAL_SERVO_REQ_CAPS = ['AllowUnverifiedRo'] |
| # List of errors to search for. The first element is the string to look |
| # for. The second is a bool that tells whether the error should be fatal. |
| # b/254309086 AP RO verification messages about WP state. |
| # This message means WP is externally driven. It shouldn't happen. |
| # Fail if it shows up in the logs. |
| ['externally driven!', True], |
| # This message shows up when the AP would have been rebooted due to |
| # an external event such as WP being driven high (e.g. via |
| # servo_micro), if WP we re-enabled, or if the AP RO verification |
| # settings changed. |
| # It's expected on FAFT devices since they change WP settings and |
| # AP RO verification settings. |
| ['Rebooting GSC for AP RO due to state', False], |
| ] |
| |
| def strip_timestamp(self, result): |
| """Remove the timestamp from the result output. |
| |
| Tests expect a certain format from the command result. Timestamps add |
| random noise to the output that tests can't handle. Strip the timestamp |
| from the start of every line of the result. This makes the result closer |
| to cr50 behavior. Cr50 doesn't print timestamps in console output. |
| |
| @param result: The list of matched output. |
| @return: The list of matched output without timestamps |
| """ |
| if isinstance(result, list) or isinstance(result, tuple): |
| if isinstance(result, tuple): |
| logging.warning('Turning tuple into list') |
| new_result = [] |
| for part in result: |
| new_result.append(self.strip_timestamp(part)) |
| elif isinstance(result, str): |
| new_result = re.sub('^' + self.TIMESTAMP_RE, |
| '', |
| result, |
| flags=re.MULTILINE) |
| else: |
| new_result = result |
| return new_result |
| |
| def send_command_get_output(self, command, regexp_list): |
| """Send the command get the result. |
| |
| Strip ti50 timestamps from the result before returning it. |
| |
| @param command: the command to send |
| @param regexp_list: The list of regular expressions to match in the |
| command output |
| @return: A list of matched output |
| """ |
| rv = super(ChromeTi50, |
| self).send_command_get_output(command, regexp_list) |
| if regexp_list: |
| # Remove the timestamps from the ti50 output since tests can't |
| # handle it. |
| rv = self.strip_timestamp(rv) |
| logging.debug('no timestamps: %s', pprint.pformat(rv)) |
| return rv |
| |
| def set_ccd_level(self, level, password=''): |
| if level == 'unlock': |
| raise error.TestError( |
| "Ti50 does not support privilege level unlock") |
| super(ChromeTi50, self).set_ccd_level(level, password) |
| |
| def unlock_is_supported(self): |
| return False |
| |
| def check_boot_mode(self, mode_exp='NORMAL'): |
| """Query the Ti50 boot mode, and compare it against mode_exp. |
| |
| Args: |
| mode_exp: expected boot mode. It should be either 'NORMAL' |
| or 'NO_BOOT'. |
| Returns: |
| True if the boot mode matches mode_exp. |
| False, otherwise. |
| Raises: |
| TestError: Input parameter is not valid. |
| """ |
| |
| # Ti50 implements EFS 2.1, Cr50 implements EFS 2.0. This means |
| # 'NORMAL' is renamed to 'VERIFIED'. Ti50 also changes the case. |
| rv = self.send_command_retry_get_output('ec_comm', |
| [r'boot_mode\s*:\s*(Verified|NoBoot)'], safe=True) |
| if mode_exp == 'NORMAL': |
| return rv[0][1] == 'Verified' |
| elif mode_exp == 'NO_BOOT': |
| return rv[0][1] == 'NoBoot' |
| else: |
| raise error.TestError('parameter, mode_exp is not valid: %s' % |
| mode_exp) |
| |
| def get_serial(self): |
| """Ti50's serial is lowercase.""" |
| return super(ChromeTi50, self).get_serial().lower() |
| |
| def send_safe_command_get_output(self, command, regexp_list, |
| channel_mask=0x1): |
| """Ti50 console does not support chan command""" |
| return self.send_command_get_output(command, regexp_list) |
| |
| def rolledback(self): |
| """Raise an error until there's a way to check rollback.""" |
| # TODO(b/263579376): add support to check rollback on ti50. |
| raise error.TestError('No way to check rollback on ti50') |
| |
| def set_board_id(self, chip_bid, chip_flags): |
| """Set the chip board id type and flags.""" |
| # Ti50 doesn't use '0x' at the start of the bid args. |
| self.send_command('bid %x %x' % (chip_bid, chip_flags)) |
| |
| def gettime_since_deep_sleep(self): |
| """Get the time since wake from deep sleep""" |
| rv = self.send_gettime_cmd_get_output(self.TIME_SINCE_DS_RE) |
| logging.info('Time since wake from deep sleep: %r', rv) |
| return rv |
| |
| def gettime(self): |
| """Get the time since the last wake from deep sleep or reset""" |
| # Ti50 had a bug with reporting too large "since deep sleep" after a |
| # reset, so check both and take the min as workaround (b/294762695). |
| ds_time = self.gettime_since_deep_sleep() |
| cr_time = self.gettime_since_cold_reset() |
| min_time = min(ds_time, cr_time) |
| logging.info('Min reset time: %s', min_time) |
| return min_time |
| |
| def get_taskinfo_output(self): |
| """Get output from taskinfo command""" |
| output = self.send_command_get_output('taskinfo', |
| self.GET_TASKINFO)[0][1] |
| # For Ti50 check each line of output after any timestamps have been |
| # removed by send_command_get_output. Each line should be 13 characters |
| # long with only digits or spaces. There are 4 characters for the irq |
| # number and 9 for the count. |
| m = re.match(r'\s+(([\d ]{13}\r\n)+)', output) |
| if m is None: |
| raise error.TestError('Wrong taskinfo output', output) |
| return m.group(1) |
| |
| def dump_nvmem(self): |
| """Ti50 doesn't have dump_nvmem. fsinfo will print some file info.""" |
| # nvmem is only on ti50 dev images. |
| rv = self.send_safe_command_get_output('nvmem', ['nvmem(.*)>'])[0][1] |
| logging.info('nvmem output:\n%s', rv.strip()) |
| # fsinfo is in all ti50 images. |
| rv = self.send_safe_command_get_output('fsinfo', ['fsinfo(.*)>'])[0][1] |
| logging.info('fsinfo output:\n%s', rv.strip()) |
| |
| def wp_is_reset(self): |
| """Returns True if wp is always set to force enable. |
| |
| Ti50 enables WP after ccd reset or factory mode disabled is called. |
| This is different from Cr50 behavior. |
| """ |
| rv = self.wp_is_forced_enabled() |
| logging.info('WP reset - WP forced enabled: %s', rv) |
| return rv |
| |
| def clear_system_reset_enforcement(self): |
| """Try to clear system reset enforcement""" |
| self.send_command('ap_ro_verify erase') |