blob: dff843e9830245ac136d2668a61b37953e6fe251 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Clspv Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push, 0)
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/UniqueVector.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/ValueSymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
// enable spv::HasResultAndType
#include "spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp"
#include "clspv/AddressSpace.h"
#include "clspv/Option.h"
#include "clspv/PushConstant.h"
#include "clspv/SpecConstant.h"
#include "clspv/spirv_c_strings.hpp"
#include "clspv/spirv_glsl.hpp"
#include "clspv/spirv_reflection.hpp"
#include "ArgKind.h"
#include "Builtins.h"
#include "ComputeStructuredOrder.h"
#include "ConstantEmitter.h"
#include "Constants.h"
#include "DescriptorCounter.h"
#include "Layout.h"
#include "NormalizeGlobalVariable.h"
#include "Passes.h"
#include "SpecConstant.h"
#include "Types.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)
using namespace llvm;
using namespace clspv;
using namespace clspv::Builtins;
using namespace clspv::Option;
using namespace mdconst;
namespace {
cl::opt<std::string> TestOutFile("producer-out-file", cl::init("test.spv"),
cl::desc("SPIRVProducer testing output file"));
cl::opt<bool> ShowResourceVars("show-rv", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
cl::desc("Show resource variable creation"));
ShowProducerIR("show-producer-ir", cl::init(false), cl::ReallyHidden,
cl::desc("Dump the IR at the start of SPIRVProducer"));
// These hacks exist to help transition code generation algorithms
// without making huge noise in detailed test output.
const bool Hack_generate_runtime_array_stride_early = true;
// The value of 1/pi. This value is from MSDN
const double kOneOverPi = 0.318309886183790671538;
const glsl::ExtInst kGlslExtInstBad = static_cast<glsl::ExtInst>(0);
// SPIRV Module Sections (per 2.4 of the SPIR-V spec)
// These are used to collect SPIRVInstructions by type on-the-fly.
enum SPIRVSection {
kConstants = kTypes,
// This is not a section of the SPIR-V spec and should always immediately
// precede kSectionCount. It is a convenient place for the embedded
// reflection data.
class SPIRVID {
uint32_t id;
SPIRVID(uint32_t _id = 0) : id(_id) {}
uint32_t get() const { return id; }
bool isValid() const { return id != 0; }
bool operator==(const SPIRVID &that) const { return id ==; }
bool operator<(const SPIRVID &that) const { return id <; }
struct SPIRVOperand {
SPIRVOperand(SPIRVOperandType Ty, uint32_t Num) : Type(Ty) {
LiteralNum[0] = Num;
SPIRVOperand(SPIRVOperandType Ty, const char *Str)
: Type(Ty), LiteralStr(Str) {}
SPIRVOperand(SPIRVOperandType Ty, StringRef Str)
: Type(Ty), LiteralStr(Str) {}
explicit SPIRVOperand(ArrayRef<uint32_t> NumVec) {
auto sz = NumVec.size();
assert(sz >= 1 && sz <= 2);
LiteralNum[0] = NumVec[0];
if (sz == 2) {
LiteralNum[1] = NumVec[1];
SPIRVOperandType getType() const { return Type; }
uint32_t getNumID() const { return LiteralNum[0]; }
std::string getLiteralStr() const { return LiteralStr; }
const uint32_t *getLiteralNum() const { return LiteralNum; }
uint32_t GetNumWords() const {
switch (Type) {
return 1;
return 2;
// Account for the terminating null character.
return uint32_t((LiteralStr.size() + 4) / 4);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled case in SPIRVOperand::GetNumWords()");
SPIRVOperandType Type;
std::string LiteralStr;
uint32_t LiteralNum[2];
typedef SmallVector<SPIRVOperand, 4> SPIRVOperandVec;
struct SPIRVInstruction {
// Primary constructor must have Opcode, initializes WordCount based on ResID.
SPIRVInstruction(spv::Op Opc, SPIRVID ResID = 0)
: Opcode(static_cast<uint16_t>(Opc)) {
// Creates an instruction with an opcode and no result ID, and with the given
// operands. This calls primary constructor to initialize Opcode, WordCount.
// Takes ownership of the operands and clears |Ops|.
SPIRVInstruction(spv::Op Opc, SPIRVOperandVec &Ops) : SPIRVInstruction(Opc) {
// Creates an instruction with an opcode and no result ID, and with the given
// operands. This calls primary constructor to initialize Opcode, WordCount.
// Takes ownership of the operands and clears |Ops|.
SPIRVInstruction(spv::Op Opc, SPIRVID ResID, SPIRVOperandVec &Ops)
: SPIRVInstruction(Opc, ResID) {
uint32_t getWordCount() const { return WordCount; }
uint16_t getOpcode() const { return Opcode; }
SPIRVID getResultID() const { return ResultID; }
const SPIRVOperandVec &getOperands() const { return Operands; }
void setResult(SPIRVID ResID = 0) {
WordCount = 1 + (ResID.isValid() ? 1 : 0);
ResultID = ResID;
void setOperands(SPIRVOperandVec &Ops) {
Operands = std::move(Ops);
for (auto &opd : Operands) {
WordCount += uint16_t(opd.GetNumWords());
uint32_t WordCount; // Check the 16-bit bound at code generation time.
uint16_t Opcode;
SPIRVOperandVec Operands;
struct SPIRVProducerPass final : public ModulePass {
static char ID;
typedef DenseMap<Type *, SPIRVID> TypeMapType;
typedef DenseMap<Type *, SmallVector<SPIRVID, 2>> LayoutTypeMapType;
typedef UniqueVector<Type *> TypeList;
typedef DenseMap<Value *, SPIRVID> ValueMapType;
typedef std::list<SPIRVID> SPIRVIDListType;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<Value *, SPIRVID>> EntryPointVecType;
typedef std::set<uint32_t> CapabilitySetType;
typedef std::list<SPIRVInstruction> SPIRVInstructionList;
typedef std::map<spv::BuiltIn, SPIRVID> BuiltinConstantMapType;
// A vector of pairs, each of which is:
// - the LLVM instruction that we will later generate SPIR-V code for
// - the SPIR-V instruction placeholder that will be replaced
typedef std::vector<std::pair<Value *, SPIRVInstruction *>>
typedef DenseMap<FunctionType *, std::pair<FunctionType *, uint32_t>>
raw_pwrite_stream *out,
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<unsigned, std::string>> *samplerMap,
bool outputCInitList)
: ModulePass(ID), module(nullptr), samplerMap(samplerMap), out(out),
binaryTempOut(binaryTempUnderlyingVector), binaryOut(out),
outputCInitList(outputCInitList), patchBoundOffset(0), nextID(1),
OpExtInstImportID(0), HasVariablePointersStorageBuffer(false),
HasVariablePointers(false), SamplerTy(nullptr), WorkgroupSizeValueID(0),
WorkgroupSizeVarID(0), TestOutput(false) {
Ptr = this;
: ModulePass(ID), module(nullptr), samplerMap(nullptr), out(nullptr),
binaryTempOut(binaryTempUnderlyingVector), binaryOut(nullptr),
outputCInitList(false), patchBoundOffset(0), nextID(1),
OpExtInstImportID(0), HasVariablePointersStorageBuffer(false),
HasVariablePointers(false), SamplerTy(nullptr), WorkgroupSizeValueID(0),
WorkgroupSizeVarID(0), TestOutput(true) {
Ptr = this;
virtual ~SPIRVProducerPass() {
void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
virtual bool runOnModule(Module &module) override;
// output the SPIR-V header block
void outputHeader();
// patch the SPIR-V header block
void patchHeader();
CapabilitySetType &getCapabilitySet() { return CapabilitySet; }
TypeMapType &getImageTypeMap() { return ImageTypeMap; }
ValueMapType &getValueMap() { return ValueMap; }
SPIRVInstructionList &getSPIRVInstList(SPIRVSection Section) {
return SPIRVSections[Section];
EntryPointVecType &getEntryPointVec() { return EntryPointVec; }
DeferredInstVecType &getDeferredInstVec() { return DeferredInstVec; }
SPIRVIDListType &getEntryPointInterfacesList() {
return EntryPointInterfacesList;
SPIRVID getOpExtInstImportID();
std::vector<SPIRVID> &getBuiltinDimVec() { return BuiltinDimensionVec; }
bool hasVariablePointersStorageBuffer() {
return HasVariablePointersStorageBuffer;
void setVariablePointersStorageBuffer() {
if (!HasVariablePointersStorageBuffer) {
HasVariablePointersStorageBuffer = true;
bool hasVariablePointers() { return HasVariablePointers; }
void setVariablePointers() {
if (!HasVariablePointers) {
HasVariablePointers = true;
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<unsigned, std::string>> *getSamplerMap() {
return samplerMap;
GlobalConstFuncMapType &getGlobalConstFuncTypeMap() {
return GlobalConstFuncTypeMap;
SmallPtrSet<Value *, 16> &getGlobalConstArgSet() {
return GlobalConstArgumentSet;
TypeList &getTypesNeedingArrayStride() { return TypesNeedingArrayStride; }
void GenerateLLVMIRInfo();
// Populate GlobalConstFuncTypeMap. Also, if module-scope __constant will
// *not* be converted to a storage buffer, replace each such global variable
// with one in the storage class expecgted by SPIR-V.
void FindGlobalConstVars();
// Populate ResourceVarInfoList, FunctionToResourceVarsMap, and
// ModuleOrderedResourceVars.
void FindResourceVars();
void FindTypesForSamplerMap();
void FindTypesForResourceVars();
// Returns the canonical type of |type|.
// By default, clspv maps both __constant and __global address space pointers
// to StorageBuffer storage class. In order to prevent duplicate types from
// being generated, clspv uses the canonical type as a representative.
Type *CanonicalType(Type *type);
// Lookup or create Types, Constants.
// Returns SPIRVID once it has been created.
SPIRVID getSPIRVType(Type *Ty, bool needs_layout);
SPIRVID getSPIRVType(Type *Ty);
SPIRVID getSPIRVConstant(Constant *Cst);
SPIRVID getSPIRVInt32Constant(uint32_t CstVal);
// Lookup SPIRVID of llvm::Value, may create Constant.
SPIRVID getSPIRVValue(Value *V);
bool PointerRequiresLayout(unsigned aspace);
SPIRVID getSPIRVBuiltin(spv::BuiltIn BID, spv::Capability Cap);
void GenerateModuleInfo();
void GenerateGlobalVar(GlobalVariable &GV);
void GenerateWorkgroupVars();
// Generate reflection instructions for resource variables associated with
// arguments to F.
void GenerateSamplers();
// Generate OpVariables for %clspv.resource.var.* calls.
void GenerateResourceVars();
void GenerateFuncPrologue(Function &F);
void GenerateFuncBody(Function &F);
void GenerateEntryPointInitialStores();
spv::Op GetSPIRVCmpOpcode(CmpInst *CmpI);
spv::Op GetSPIRVCastOpcode(Instruction &I);
spv::Op GetSPIRVBinaryOpcode(Instruction &I);
SPIRVID GenerateClspvInstruction(CallInst *Call,
const FunctionInfo &FuncInfo);
SPIRVID GenerateImageInstruction(CallInst *Call,
const FunctionInfo &FuncInfo);
SPIRVID GenerateSubgroupInstruction(CallInst *Call,
const FunctionInfo &FuncInfo);
SPIRVID GenerateInstructionFromCall(CallInst *Call);
void GenerateInstruction(Instruction &I);
void GenerateFuncEpilogue();
void HandleDeferredInstruction();
void HandleDeferredDecorations();
bool is4xi8vec(Type *Ty) const;
spv::StorageClass GetStorageClass(unsigned AddrSpace) const;
spv::StorageClass GetStorageClassForArgKind(clspv::ArgKind arg_kind) const;
spv::BuiltIn GetBuiltin(StringRef globalVarName) const;
// Returns the GLSL extended instruction enum that the given function
// call maps to. If none, then returns the 0 value, i.e. GLSLstd4580Bad.
glsl::ExtInst getExtInstEnum(const Builtins::FunctionInfo &func_info);
// Returns the GLSL extended instruction enum indirectly used by the given
// function. That is, to implement the given function, we use an extended
// instruction plus one more instruction. If none, then returns the 0 value,
// i.e. GLSLstd4580Bad.
glsl::ExtInst getIndirectExtInstEnum(const Builtins::FunctionInfo &func_info);
// Returns the single GLSL extended instruction used directly or
// indirectly by the given function call.
getDirectOrIndirectExtInstEnum(const Builtins::FunctionInfo &func_info);
void WriteOneWord(uint32_t Word);
void WriteResultID(const SPIRVInstruction &Inst);
void WriteWordCountAndOpcode(const SPIRVInstruction &Inst);
void WriteOperand(const SPIRVOperand &Op);
void WriteSPIRVBinary();
void WriteSPIRVBinary(SPIRVInstructionList &SPIRVInstList);
// Returns true if |type| is compatible with OpConstantNull.
bool IsTypeNullable(const Type *type) const;
// Populate UBO remapped type maps.
void PopulateUBOTypeMaps();
// Populate the merge and continue block maps.
void PopulateStructuredCFGMaps();
// Wrapped methods of DataLayout accessors. If |type| was remapped for UBOs,
// uses the internal map, otherwise it falls back on the data layout.
uint64_t GetTypeSizeInBits(Type *type, const DataLayout &DL);
uint64_t GetTypeAllocSize(Type *type, const DataLayout &DL);
uint32_t GetExplicitLayoutStructMemberOffset(StructType *type,
unsigned member,
const DataLayout &DL);
// Returns the base pointer of |v|.
Value *GetBasePointer(Value *v);
// Add Capability if not already (e.g. CapabilityGroupNonUniformBroadcast)
void addCapability(uint32_t c) { CapabilitySet.emplace(c); }
// Sets |HasVariablePointersStorageBuffer| or |HasVariablePointers| base on
// |address_space|.
void setVariablePointersCapabilities(unsigned address_space);
// Returns true if |lhs| and |rhs| represent the same resource or workgroup
// variable.
bool sameResource(Value *lhs, Value *rhs) const;
// Returns true if |inst| is phi or select that selects from the same
// structure (or null).
bool selectFromSameObject(Instruction *inst);
// Returns true if |Arg| is called with a coherent resource.
bool CalledWithCoherentResource(Argument &Arg);
// Primary interface for adding SPIRVInstructions to a SPIRVSection.
template <enum SPIRVSection TSection = kFunctions>
SPIRVID addSPIRVInst(spv::Op Opcode, SPIRVOperandVec &Operands) {
bool has_result, has_result_type;
spv::HasResultAndType(Opcode, &has_result, &has_result_type);
SPIRVID RID = has_result ? incrNextID() : 0;
SPIRVSections[TSection].emplace_back(Opcode, RID, Operands);
return RID;
template <enum SPIRVSection TSection = kFunctions>
SPIRVID addSPIRVInst(spv::Op Op) {
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
return addSPIRVInst<TSection>(Op, Ops);
template <enum SPIRVSection TSection = kFunctions>
SPIRVID addSPIRVInst(spv::Op Op, uint32_t V) {
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops.emplace_back(LITERAL_WORD, V);
return addSPIRVInst<TSection>(Op, Ops);
template <enum SPIRVSection TSection = kFunctions>
SPIRVID addSPIRVInst(spv::Op Op, const char *V) {
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops.emplace_back(LITERAL_STRING, V);
return addSPIRVInst<TSection>(Op, Ops);
// Add placeholder for llvm::Value that references future values.
// Must have result ID just in case final SPIRVInstruction requires.
SPIRVID addSPIRVPlaceholder(Value *I) {
SPIRVID RID = incrNextID();
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
SPIRVSections[kFunctions].emplace_back(spv::OpExtInst, RID, Ops);
DeferredInstVec.push_back({I, &SPIRVSections[kFunctions].back()});
return RID;
// Replace placeholder with actual SPIRVInstruction on the final pass
// (HandleDeferredInstruction).
SPIRVID replaceSPIRVInst(SPIRVInstruction *I, spv::Op Opcode,
SPIRVOperandVec &Operands) {
bool has_result, has_result_type;
spv::HasResultAndType(Opcode, &has_result, &has_result_type);
SPIRVID RID = has_result ? I->getResultID() : 0;
*I = SPIRVInstruction(Opcode, RID, Operands);
return RID;
// Add global variable and capture entry point interface
SPIRVID addSPIRVGlobalVariable(const SPIRVID &TypeID, spv::StorageClass SC,
const SPIRVID &InitID = SPIRVID(),
bool add_interface = false);
SPIRVID getReflectionImport();
void GenerateReflection();
void GenerateKernelReflection();
void GeneratePushConstantReflection();
void GenerateSpecConstantReflection();
void AddArgumentReflection(SPIRVID kernel_decl, const std::string &name,
clspv::ArgKind arg_kind, uint32_t ordinal,
uint32_t descriptor_set, uint32_t binding,
uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t spec_id,
uint32_t elem_size);
Module *module;
// Set of Capabilities required
CapabilitySetType CapabilitySet;
// Map from clspv::BuiltinType to SPIRV Global Variable
BuiltinConstantMapType BuiltinConstantMap;
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<unsigned, std::string>> *samplerMap;
raw_pwrite_stream *out;
// TODO(dneto): Wouldn't it be better to always just emit a binary, and then
// convert to other formats on demand?
// When emitting a C initialization list, the WriteSPIRVBinary method
// will actually write its words to this vector via binaryTempOut.
SmallVector<char, 100> binaryTempUnderlyingVector;
raw_svector_ostream binaryTempOut;
// Binary output writes to this stream, which might be |out| or
// |binaryTempOut|. It's the latter when we really want to write a C
// initializer list.
raw_pwrite_stream *binaryOut;
const bool outputCInitList; // If true, output look like {0x7023, ... , 5}
uint64_t patchBoundOffset;
uint32_t nextID;
SPIRVID incrNextID() { return nextID++; }
// ID for OpTypeInt 32 1.
// ID for OpTypeVector %int 4.
SPIRVID v4int32ID;
// Maps an LLVM Value pointer to the corresponding SPIR-V Id.
LayoutTypeMapType TypeMap;
// Maps an LLVM image type to its SPIR-V ID.
TypeMapType ImageTypeMap;
// A unique-vector of LLVM types that map to a SPIR-V type.
TypeList Types;
// Maps an LLVM Value pointer to the corresponding SPIR-V Id.
ValueMapType ValueMap;
SPIRVInstructionList SPIRVSections[kSectionCount];
EntryPointVecType EntryPointVec;
DeferredInstVecType DeferredInstVec;
SPIRVIDListType EntryPointInterfacesList;
SPIRVID OpExtInstImportID;
std::vector<SPIRVID> BuiltinDimensionVec;
bool HasVariablePointersStorageBuffer;
bool HasVariablePointers;
Type *SamplerTy;
DenseMap<unsigned, SPIRVID> SamplerLiteralToIDMap;
// If a function F has a pointer-to-__constant parameter, then this variable
// will map F's type to (G, index of the parameter), where in a first phase
// G is F's type.
// TODO(dneto): This doesn't seem general enough? A function might have
// more than one such parameter.
GlobalConstFuncMapType GlobalConstFuncTypeMap;
SmallPtrSet<Value *, 16> GlobalConstArgumentSet;
// An ordered set of pointer types of Base arguments to OpPtrAccessChain,
// or array types, and which point into transparent memory (StorageBuffer
// storage class). These will require an ArrayStride decoration.
// See SPV_KHR_variable_pointers rev 13.
TypeList TypesNeedingArrayStride;
// This is truly ugly, but works around what look like driver bugs.
// For get_local_size, an earlier part of the flow has created a module-scope
// variable in Private address space to hold the value for the workgroup
// size. Its intializer is a uint3 value marked as builtin WorkgroupSize.
// When this is present, save the IDs of the initializer value and variable
// in these two variables. We only ever do a vector load from it, and
// when we see one of those, substitute just the value of the intializer.
// This mimics what Glslang does, and that's what drivers are used to.
// TODO(dneto): Remove this once drivers are fixed.
SPIRVID WorkgroupSizeValueID;
SPIRVID WorkgroupSizeVarID;
bool TestOutput;
// Bookkeeping for mapping kernel arguments to resource variables.
struct ResourceVarInfo {
ResourceVarInfo(int index_arg, unsigned set_arg, unsigned binding_arg,
Function *fn, clspv::ArgKind arg_kind_arg, int coherent_arg)
: index(index_arg), descriptor_set(set_arg), binding(binding_arg),
var_fn(fn), arg_kind(arg_kind_arg), coherent(coherent_arg),
addr_space(fn->getReturnType()->getPointerAddressSpace()) {}
const int index; // Index into ResourceVarInfoList
const unsigned descriptor_set;
const unsigned binding;
Function *const var_fn; // The @clspv.resource.var.* function.
const clspv::ArgKind arg_kind;
const int coherent;
const unsigned addr_space; // The LLVM address space
// The SPIR-V ID of the OpVariable. Not populated at construction time.
SPIRVID var_id;
// A list of resource var info. Each one correponds to a module-scope
// resource variable we will have to create. Resource var indices are
// indices into this vector.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceVarInfo>, 8> ResourceVarInfoList;
// This is a vector of pointers of all the resource vars, but ordered by
// kernel function, and then by argument.
UniqueVector<ResourceVarInfo *> ModuleOrderedResourceVars;
// Map a function to the ordered list of resource variables it uses, one for
// each argument. If an argument does not use a resource variable, it
// will have a null pointer entry.
using FunctionToResourceVarsMapType =
DenseMap<Function *, SmallVector<ResourceVarInfo *, 8>>;
FunctionToResourceVarsMapType FunctionToResourceVarsMap;
// Map of functions and the literal samplers they use. Built during sampler
// generation and used to create entry point interfaces.
DenseMap<Function *, SmallVector<SPIRVID, 8>> FunctionToLiteralSamplersMap;
// What LLVM types map to SPIR-V types needing layout? These are the
// arrays and structures supporting storage buffers and uniform buffers.
TypeList TypesNeedingLayout;
// What LLVM struct types map to a SPIR-V struct type with Block decoration?
UniqueVector<StructType *> StructTypesNeedingBlock;
// For a call that represents a load from an opaque type (samplers, images),
// map it to the variable id it should load from.
DenseMap<CallInst *, SPIRVID> ResourceVarDeferredLoadCalls;
// An ordered list of the kernel arguments of type pointer-to-local.
using LocalArgList = SmallVector<Argument *, 8>;
LocalArgList LocalArgs;
// Information about a pointer-to-local argument.
struct LocalArgInfo {
// The SPIR-V ID of the array variable.
SPIRVID variable_id;
// The element type of the
Type *elem_type;
// The ID of the array type.
SPIRVID array_size_id;
// The ID of the array type.
SPIRVID array_type_id;
// The ID of the pointer to the array type.
SPIRVID ptr_array_type_id;
// The specialization constant ID of the array size.
int spec_id;
// A mapping from Argument to its assigned SpecId.
DenseMap<const Argument *, int> LocalArgSpecIds;
// A mapping from SpecId to its LocalArgInfo.
DenseMap<int, LocalArgInfo> LocalSpecIdInfoMap;
// A mapping from a remapped type to its real offsets.
DenseMap<Type *, std::vector<uint32_t>> RemappedUBOTypeOffsets;
// A mapping from a remapped type to its real sizes.
DenseMap<Type *, std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t>>
// Maps basic block to its merge block.
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, BasicBlock *> MergeBlocks;
// Maps basic block to its continue block.
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, BasicBlock *> ContinueBlocks;
SPIRVID ReflectionID;
DenseMap<Function *, SPIRVID> KernelDeclarations;
static SPIRVProducerPass *Ptr;
} // namespace
char SPIRVProducerPass::ID = 0;
SPIRVProducerPass *SPIRVProducerPass::Ptr = nullptr;
INITIALIZE_PASS(SPIRVProducerPass, "SPIRVProducerPass", "SPIR-V output pass",
false, false)
namespace clspv {
ModulePass *createSPIRVProducerPass(
raw_pwrite_stream *out,
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<unsigned, std::string>> *samplerMap,
bool outputCInitList) {
return new SPIRVProducerPass(out, samplerMap, outputCInitList);
ModulePass *createSPIRVProducerPass() { return new SPIRVProducerPass(); }
} // namespace clspv
namespace {
SPIRVOperandVec &operator<<(SPIRVOperandVec &list, uint32_t num) {
list.emplace_back(LITERAL_WORD, num);
return list;
SPIRVOperandVec &operator<<(SPIRVOperandVec &list, int32_t num) {
list.emplace_back(LITERAL_WORD, static_cast<uint32_t>(num));
return list;
SPIRVOperandVec &operator<<(SPIRVOperandVec &list, ArrayRef<uint32_t> num_vec) {
return list;
SPIRVOperandVec &operator<<(SPIRVOperandVec &list, StringRef str) {
list.emplace_back(LITERAL_STRING, str);
return list;
SPIRVOperandVec &operator<<(SPIRVOperandVec &list, Type *t) {
list.emplace_back(NUMBERID, SPIRVProducerPass::Ptr->getSPIRVType(t).get());
return list;
SPIRVOperandVec &operator<<(SPIRVOperandVec &list, Value *v) {
list.emplace_back(NUMBERID, SPIRVProducerPass::Ptr->getSPIRVValue(v).get());
return list;
SPIRVOperandVec &operator<<(SPIRVOperandVec &list, const SPIRVID &v) {
list.emplace_back(NUMBERID, v.get());
return list;
} // namespace
bool SPIRVProducerPass::runOnModule(Module &M) {
// TODO(sjw): Need to reset all data members for each Module, or better
// yet create a new SPIRVProducer for every module.. For now only
// allow 1 call.
assert(module == nullptr);
module = &M;
if (ShowProducerIR) {
llvm::outs() << *module << "\n";
SmallVector<char, 10000> *binary = nullptr;
if (TestOutput) {
binary = new SmallVector<char, 10000>();
out = new raw_svector_ostream(*binary);
binaryOut = outputCInitList ? &binaryTempOut : out;
// SPIR-V always begins with its header information
// Gather information from the LLVM IR that we require.
// Collect information on global variables too.
for (GlobalVariable &GV : module->globals()) {
// If the GV is one of our special __spirv_* variables, remove the
// initializer as it was only placed there to force LLVM to not throw the
// value away.
if (GV.getName().startswith("__spirv_") ||
GV.getAddressSpace() == clspv::AddressSpace::PushConstant) {
// Generate literal samplers if necessary.
// Generate SPIRV variables.
for (GlobalVariable &GV : module->globals()) {
// Generate SPIRV instructions for each function.
for (Function &F : *module) {
if (F.isDeclaration()) {
// Generate Function Prologue.
// Generate SPIRV instructions for function body.
// Generate Function Epilogue.
// Generate SPIRV module information.
// Generate embedded reflection information.
// We need to patch the SPIR-V header to set bound correctly.
if (outputCInitList) {
bool first = true;
std::ostringstream os;
auto emit_word = [&os, &first](uint32_t word) {
if (!first)
os << ",\n";
os << word;
first = false;
os << "{";
const std::string str(binaryTempOut.str());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < str.size(); i += 4) {
const uint32_t a = static_cast<unsigned char>(str[i]);
const uint32_t b = static_cast<unsigned char>(str[i + 1]);
const uint32_t c = static_cast<unsigned char>(str[i + 2]);
const uint32_t d = static_cast<unsigned char>(str[i + 3]);
emit_word(a | (b << 8) | (c << 16) | (d << 24));
os << "}\n";
*out << os.str();
if (TestOutput) {
std::error_code error;
raw_fd_ostream test_output(TestOutFile, error, llvm::sys::fs::FA_Write);
test_output << static_cast<raw_svector_ostream *>(out)->str();
delete out;
delete binary;
return false;
void SPIRVProducerPass::outputHeader() {
binaryOut->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&spv::MagicNumber),
uint32_t minor = 0;
switch (SpvVersion()) {
case SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_0:
minor = 0;
case SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_3:
minor = 3;
case SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4:
minor = 4;
case SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_5:
minor = 5;
llvm_unreachable("unhandled spir-v version");
uint32_t version = (1 << 16) | (minor << 8);
binaryOut->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&version), sizeof(version));
// use Google's vendor ID
const uint32_t vendor = 21 << 16;
binaryOut->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&vendor), sizeof(vendor));
// we record where we need to come back to and patch in the bound value
patchBoundOffset = binaryOut->tell();
// output a bad bound for now
binaryOut->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&nextID), sizeof(nextID));
// output the schema (reserved for use and must be 0)
const uint32_t schema = 0;
binaryOut->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&schema), sizeof(schema));
void SPIRVProducerPass::patchHeader() {
// for a binary we just write the value of nextID over bound
binaryOut->pwrite(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&nextID), sizeof(nextID),
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateLLVMIRInfo() {
// This function generates LLVM IR for function such as global variable for
// argument, constant and pointer type for argument access. These information
// is artificial one because we need Vulkan SPIR-V output. This function is
// executed ahead of FindType and FindConstant.
void SPIRVProducerPass::FindGlobalConstVars() {
const DataLayout &DL = module->getDataLayout();
SmallVector<GlobalVariable *, 8> GVList;
SmallVector<GlobalVariable *, 8> DeadGVList;
for (GlobalVariable &GV : module->globals()) {
if (GV.getType()->getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Constant) {
if (GV.use_empty()) {
} else {
// Remove dead global __constant variables.
for (auto GV : DeadGVList) {
if (clspv::Option::ModuleConstantsInStorageBuffer()) {
// For now, we only support a single storage buffer.
if (!GVList.empty()) {
assert(GVList.size() == 1);
const auto *GV = GVList[0];
const auto constants_byte_size =
(GetTypeSizeInBits(GV->getInitializer()->getType(), DL)) / 8;
const size_t kConstantMaxSize = 65536;
if (constants_byte_size > kConstantMaxSize) {
outs() << "Max __constant capacity of " << kConstantMaxSize
<< " bytes exceeded: " << constants_byte_size << " bytes used\n";
llvm_unreachable("Max __constant capacity exceeded");
} else {
// Change global constant variable's address space to ModuleScopePrivate.
auto &GlobalConstFuncTyMap = getGlobalConstFuncTypeMap();
for (auto GV : GVList) {
// Create new gv with ModuleScopePrivate address space.
Type *NewGVTy = GV->getType()->getPointerElementType();
GlobalVariable *NewGV = new GlobalVariable(
*module, NewGVTy, false, GV->getLinkage(), GV->getInitializer(), "",
nullptr, GV->getThreadLocalMode(), AddressSpace::ModuleScopePrivate);
const SmallVector<User *, 8> GVUsers(GV->user_begin(), GV->user_end());
SmallVector<User *, 8> CandidateUsers;
auto record_called_function_type_as_user =
[&GlobalConstFuncTyMap](Value *gv, CallInst *call) {
// Find argument index.
unsigned index = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < call->getNumArgOperands(); i++) {
if (gv == call->getOperand(i)) {
// TODO(dneto): Should we break here?
index = i;
// Record function type with global constant.
GlobalConstFuncTyMap[call->getFunctionType()] =
std::make_pair(call->getFunctionType(), index);
for (User *GVU : GVUsers) {
if (CallInst *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(GVU)) {
record_called_function_type_as_user(GV, Call);
} else if (GetElementPtrInst *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(GVU)) {
// Check GEP users.
for (User *GEPU : GEP->users()) {
if (CallInst *GEPCall = dyn_cast<CallInst>(GEPU)) {
record_called_function_type_as_user(GEP, GEPCall);
for (User *U : CandidateUsers) {
// Update users of gv with new gv.
if (!isa<Constant>(U)) {
// #254: Can't change operands of a constant, but this shouldn't be
// something that sticks around in the module.
U->replaceUsesOfWith(GV, NewGV);
// Delete original gv.
void SPIRVProducerPass::FindResourceVars() {
// Normally, there is one resource variable per clspv.resource.var.*
// function, since that is unique'd by arg type and index. By design,
// we can share these resource variables across kernels because all
// kernels use the same descriptor set.
// But if the user requested distinct descriptor sets per kernel, then
// the descriptor allocator has made different (set,binding) pairs for
// the same (type,arg_index) pair. Since we can decorate a resource
// variable with only exactly one DescriptorSet and Binding, we are
// forced in this case to make distinct resource variables whenever
// the same clspv.resource.var.X function is seen with disintct
// (set,binding) values.
const bool always_distinct_sets =
for (Function &F : *module) {
// Rely on the fact the resource var functions have a stable ordering
// in the module.
if (Builtins::Lookup(&F) == Builtins::kClspvResource) {
// Find all calls to this function with distinct set and binding pairs.
// Save them in ResourceVarInfoList.
// Determine uniqueness of the (set,binding) pairs only withing this
// one resource-var builtin function.
using SetAndBinding = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>;
// Maps set and binding to the resource var info.
DenseMap<SetAndBinding, ResourceVarInfo *> set_and_binding_map;
bool first_use = true;
for (auto &U : F.uses()) {
if (auto *call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U.getUser())) {
const auto set = unsigned(
const auto binding = unsigned(
const auto arg_kind = clspv::ArgKind(
const auto arg_index = unsigned(
const auto coherent = unsigned(
// Find or make the resource var info for this combination.
ResourceVarInfo *rv = nullptr;
if (always_distinct_sets) {
// Make a new resource var any time we see a different
// (set,binding) pair.
SetAndBinding key{set, binding};
auto where = set_and_binding_map.find(key);
if (where == set_and_binding_map.end()) {
rv = new ResourceVarInfo(
static_cast<int>(ResourceVarInfoList.size()), set, binding,
&F, arg_kind, coherent);
set_and_binding_map[key] = rv;
} else {
rv = where->second;
} else {
// The default is to make exactly one resource for each
// clspv.resource.var.* function.
if (first_use) {
first_use = false;
rv = new ResourceVarInfo(
static_cast<int>(ResourceVarInfoList.size()), set, binding,
&F, arg_kind, coherent);
} else {
rv = ResourceVarInfoList.back().get();
// Now populate FunctionToResourceVarsMap.
auto &mapping =
while (mapping.size() <= arg_index) {
mapping[arg_index] = rv;
// Populate ModuleOrderedResourceVars.
for (Function &F : *module) {
auto where = FunctionToResourceVarsMap.find(&F);
if (where != FunctionToResourceVarsMap.end()) {
for (auto &rv : where->second) {
if (rv != nullptr) {
if (ShowResourceVars) {
for (auto *info : ModuleOrderedResourceVars) {
outs() << "MORV index " << info->index << " (" << info->descriptor_set
<< "," << info->binding << ") " << *(info->var_fn->getReturnType())
<< "\n";
void SPIRVProducerPass::FindTypesForSamplerMap() {
// If we are using a sampler map, find the type of the sampler.
if (module->getFunction(clspv::LiteralSamplerFunction()) ||
(getSamplerMap() && !getSamplerMap()->empty())) {
auto SamplerStructTy =
StructType::getTypeByName(module->getContext(), "opencl.sampler_t");
if (!SamplerStructTy) {
SamplerStructTy =
StructType::create(module->getContext(), "opencl.sampler_t");
SamplerTy = SamplerStructTy->getPointerTo(AddressSpace::UniformConstant);
void SPIRVProducerPass::FindTypesForResourceVars() {
// Record types so they are generated.
for (const auto *info : ModuleOrderedResourceVars) {
Type *type = info->var_fn->getReturnType();
switch (info->arg_kind) {
case clspv::ArgKind::Buffer:
case clspv::ArgKind::BufferUBO:
if (auto *sty = dyn_cast<StructType>(type->getPointerElementType())) {
} else {
errs() << *type << "\n";
llvm_unreachable("Buffer arguments must map to structures!");
case clspv::ArgKind::Pod:
case clspv::ArgKind::PodUBO:
case clspv::ArgKind::PodPushConstant:
if (auto *sty = dyn_cast<StructType>(type->getPointerElementType())) {
} else {
errs() << *type << "\n";
llvm_unreachable("POD arguments must map to structures!");
case clspv::ArgKind::SampledImage:
case clspv::ArgKind::StorageImage:
case clspv::ArgKind::Sampler:
// Sampler and image types map to the pointee type but
// in the uniform constant address space.
type = PointerType::get(type->getPointerElementType(),
// If module constants are clustered in a storage buffer then that struct
// needs layout decorations.
if (clspv::Option::ModuleConstantsInStorageBuffer()) {
for (GlobalVariable &GV : module->globals()) {
PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(GV.getType());
const auto AS = PTy->getAddressSpace();
const bool module_scope_constant_external_init =
(AS == AddressSpace::Constant) && GV.hasInitializer();
const spv::BuiltIn BuiltinType = GetBuiltin(GV.getName());
if (module_scope_constant_external_init &&
spv::BuiltInMax == BuiltinType) {
for (const GlobalVariable &GV : module->globals()) {
if (GV.getAddressSpace() == clspv::AddressSpace::PushConstant) {
auto Ty = cast<PointerType>(GV.getType())->getPointerElementType();
assert(Ty->isStructTy() && "Push constants have to be structures.");
auto STy = cast<StructType>(Ty);
// Traverse the arrays and structures underneath each Block, and
// mark them as needing layout.
std::vector<Type *> work_list(StructTypesNeedingBlock.begin(),
while (!work_list.empty()) {
Type *type = work_list.back();
switch (type->getTypeID()) {
case Type::ArrayTyID:
if (!Hack_generate_runtime_array_stride_early) {
// Remember this array type for deferred decoration.
case Type::StructTyID:
for (auto *elem_ty : cast<StructType>(type)->elements()) {
// This type and its contained types don't get layout.
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateWorkgroupVars() {
// The SpecId assignment for pointer-to-local arguments is recorded in
// module-level metadata. Translate that information into local argument
// information.
LLVMContext &Context = module->getContext();
NamedMDNode *nmd = module->getNamedMetadata(clspv::LocalSpecIdMetadataName());
if (!nmd)
for (auto operand : nmd->operands()) {
MDTuple *tuple = cast<MDTuple>(operand);
ValueAsMetadata *fn_md = cast<ValueAsMetadata>(tuple->getOperand(0));
Function *func = cast<Function>(fn_md->getValue());
ConstantAsMetadata *arg_index_md =
int arg_index = static_cast<int>(
Argument *arg = &*(func->arg_begin() + arg_index);
ConstantAsMetadata *spec_id_md =
int spec_id = static_cast<int>(
LocalArgSpecIds[arg] = spec_id;
if (LocalSpecIdInfoMap.count(spec_id))
// Generate the spec constant.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Type::getInt32Ty(Context) << 1;
SPIRVID ArraySizeID = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstant, Ops);
// Generate the array type.
Type *ElemTy = arg->getType()->getPointerElementType();
// The element type must have been created.
Ops << ElemTy << ArraySizeID;
SPIRVID ArrayTypeID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeArray, Ops);
Ops << spv::StorageClassWorkgroup << ArrayTypeID;
SPIRVID PtrArrayTypeID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypePointer, Ops);
// Generate OpVariable.
// Ops[0] : Result Type ID
// Ops[1] : Storage Class
SPIRVID VariableID =
addSPIRVGlobalVariable(PtrArrayTypeID, spv::StorageClassWorkgroup);
Ops << ArraySizeID << spv::DecorationSpecId << spec_id;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
LocalArgInfo info{VariableID, ElemTy, ArraySizeID,
ArrayTypeID, PtrArrayTypeID, spec_id};
LocalSpecIdInfoMap[spec_id] = info;
spv::StorageClass SPIRVProducerPass::GetStorageClass(unsigned AddrSpace) const {
switch (AddrSpace) {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported OpenCL address space");
case AddressSpace::Private:
return spv::StorageClassFunction;
case AddressSpace::Global:
return spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer;
case AddressSpace::Constant:
return clspv::Option::ConstantArgsInUniformBuffer()
? spv::StorageClassUniform
: spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer;
case AddressSpace::Input:
return spv::StorageClassInput;
case AddressSpace::Local:
return spv::StorageClassWorkgroup;
case AddressSpace::UniformConstant:
return spv::StorageClassUniformConstant;
case AddressSpace::Uniform:
return spv::StorageClassUniform;
case AddressSpace::ModuleScopePrivate:
return spv::StorageClassPrivate;
case AddressSpace::PushConstant:
return spv::StorageClassPushConstant;
SPIRVProducerPass::GetStorageClassForArgKind(clspv::ArgKind arg_kind) const {
switch (arg_kind) {
case clspv::ArgKind::Buffer:
return spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer;
case clspv::ArgKind::BufferUBO:
return spv::StorageClassUniform;
case clspv::ArgKind::Pod:
return spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer;
case clspv::ArgKind::PodUBO:
return spv::StorageClassUniform;
case clspv::ArgKind::PodPushConstant:
return spv::StorageClassPushConstant;
case clspv::ArgKind::Local:
return spv::StorageClassWorkgroup;
case clspv::ArgKind::SampledImage:
case clspv::ArgKind::StorageImage:
case clspv::ArgKind::Sampler:
return spv::StorageClassUniformConstant;
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported storage class for argument kind");
spv::BuiltIn SPIRVProducerPass::GetBuiltin(StringRef Name) const {
return StringSwitch<spv::BuiltIn>(Name)
.Case("__spirv_GlobalInvocationId", spv::BuiltInGlobalInvocationId)
.Case("__spirv_LocalInvocationId", spv::BuiltInLocalInvocationId)
.Case("__spirv_WorkgroupSize", spv::BuiltInWorkgroupSize)
.Case("__spirv_NumWorkgroups", spv::BuiltInNumWorkgroups)
.Case("__spirv_WorkgroupId", spv::BuiltInWorkgroupId)
.Case("__spirv_WorkDim", spv::BuiltInWorkDim)
.Case("__spirv_GlobalOffset", spv::BuiltInGlobalOffset)
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::getOpExtInstImportID() {
if (OpExtInstImportID == 0) {
// Generate OpExtInstImport.
// Ops[0] ... Ops[n] = Name (Literal String)
OpExtInstImportID =
addSPIRVInst<kImports>(spv::OpExtInstImport, "GLSL.std.450");
return OpExtInstImportID;
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::addSPIRVGlobalVariable(const SPIRVID &TypeID,
spv::StorageClass SC,
const SPIRVID &InitID,
bool add_interface) {
// Generate OpVariable.
// Ops[0] : Result Type ID
// Ops[1] : Storage Class
// Ops[2] : Initialization Value ID (optional)
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << TypeID << SC;
if (InitID.isValid()) {
Ops << InitID;
SPIRVID VID = addSPIRVInst<kGlobalVariables>(spv::OpVariable, Ops);
if (SC == spv::StorageClassInput ||
(add_interface && SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4)) {
return VID;
Type *SPIRVProducerPass::CanonicalType(Type *type) {
if (type->getNumContainedTypes() != 0) {
switch (type->getTypeID()) {
case Type::PointerTyID: {
// For the purposes of our Vulkan SPIR-V type system, constant and global
// are conflated.
auto *ptr_ty = cast<PointerType>(type);
unsigned AddrSpace = ptr_ty->getAddressSpace();
if (AddressSpace::Constant == AddrSpace) {
if (!clspv::Option::ConstantArgsInUniformBuffer()) {
AddrSpace = AddressSpace::Global;
// The canonical type of __constant is __global unless constants are
// passed in uniform buffers.
auto *GlobalTy =
return GlobalTy;
case Type::StructTyID: {
SmallVector<Type *, 8> subtypes;
bool changed = false;
for (auto *subtype : type->subtypes()) {
auto canonical = CanonicalType(subtype);
if (canonical != subtype) {
changed = true;
if (changed) {
return StructType::get(type->getContext(), subtypes,
case Type::ArrayTyID: {
auto *elem_ty = type->getArrayElementType();
auto *equiv_elem_ty = CanonicalType(elem_ty);
if (equiv_elem_ty != elem_ty) {
return ArrayType::get(equiv_elem_ty,
case Type::FunctionTyID: {
auto *func_ty = cast<FunctionType>(type);
auto *return_ty = CanonicalType(func_ty->getReturnType());
SmallVector<Type *, 8> params;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < func_ty->getNumParams(); ++i) {
return FunctionType::get(return_ty, params, func_ty->isVarArg());
return type;
bool SPIRVProducerPass::PointerRequiresLayout(unsigned aspace) {
if (Option::SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4) {
switch (aspace) {
case AddressSpace::PushConstant:
case AddressSpace::Uniform:
case AddressSpace::Global:
case AddressSpace::Constant:
return true;
return false;
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::getSPIRVType(Type *Ty) {
// Prior to 1.4, layout decorations are more relaxed so we can reuse a laid
// out type in non-laid out storage classes.
bool needs_layout = false;
if (auto ptr_ty = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty)) {
needs_layout = PointerRequiresLayout(ptr_ty->getPointerAddressSpace());
return getSPIRVType(Ty, needs_layout);
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::getSPIRVType(Type *Ty, bool needs_layout) {
// Only pointers, structs and arrays should have layout decorations.
if (!(isa<PointerType>(Ty) || isa<ArrayType>(Ty) || isa<StructType>(Ty))) {
needs_layout = false;
// |layout| is the index used for |Ty|'s entry in the type map. Each type
// stores a laid out and non-laid out version of the type.
const unsigned layout = needs_layout ? 1 : 0;
auto TI = TypeMap.find(Ty);
if (TI != TypeMap.end()) {
assert(layout < TI->second.size());
if (TI->second[layout].isValid()) {
return TI->second[layout];
auto Canonical = CanonicalType(Ty);
if (Canonical != Ty) {
auto CanonicalTI = TypeMap.find(Canonical);
if (CanonicalTI != TypeMap.end()) {
assert(layout < CanonicalTI->second.size());
if (CanonicalTI->second[layout].isValid()) {
auto id = CanonicalTI->second[layout];
auto &base = TypeMap[Ty];
if (base.empty()) {
base[layout] = id;
return id;
// Perform the mapping with the canonical type.
const auto &DL = module->getDataLayout();
switch (Canonical->getTypeID()) {
default: {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported type???");
case Type::MetadataTyID:
case Type::LabelTyID: {
// Ignore these types.
case Type::PointerTyID: {
PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Canonical);
unsigned AddrSpace = PTy->getAddressSpace();
if (AddrSpace != AddressSpace::UniformConstant) {
auto PointeeTy = PTy->getElementType();
if (PointeeTy->isStructTy() &&
dyn_cast<StructType>(PointeeTy)->isOpaque()) {
RID = getSPIRVType(PointeeTy, needs_layout);
// Generate OpTypePointer.
// OpTypePointer
// Ops[0] = Storage Class
// Ops[1] = Element Type ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << GetStorageClass(AddrSpace)
<< getSPIRVType(PTy->getElementType(), needs_layout);
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypePointer, Ops);
case Type::StructTyID: {
StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(Canonical);
// Handle sampler type.
if (STy->isOpaque()) {
if (STy->getName().equals("opencl.sampler_t")) {
// Generate OpTypeSampler
// Empty Ops.
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeSampler);
} else if (STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_ro_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_rw_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_wo_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_array_ro_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_array_rw_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_array_wo_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image2d_ro_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image2d_rw_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image2d_wo_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image2d_array_ro_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image2d_array_rw_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image2d_array_wo_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image3d_ro_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image3d_rw_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image3d_wo_t")) {
if (STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_")) {
if (STy->getName().contains(".sampled"))
// Generate OpTypeImage
// Ops[0] = Sampled Type ID
// Ops[1] = Dim ID
// Ops[2] = Depth (Literal Number)
// Ops[3] = Arrayed (Literal Number)
// Ops[4] = MS (Literal Number)
// Ops[5] = Sampled (Literal Number)
// Ops[6] = Image Format ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// None of the sampled types have a layout.
if (STy->getName().contains(".float")) {
SampledTyID =
getSPIRVType(Type::getFloatTy(Canonical->getContext()), false);
} else if (STy->getName().contains(".uint")) {
SampledTyID =
getSPIRVType(Type::getInt32Ty(Canonical->getContext()), false);
} else if (STy->getName().contains(".int")) {
// Generate a signed 32-bit integer if necessary.
if (int32ID == 0) {
SPIRVOperandVec intOps;
intOps << 32 << 1;
int32ID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeInt, intOps);
SampledTyID = int32ID;
// Generate a vec4 of the signed int if necessary.
if (v4int32ID == 0) {
SPIRVOperandVec vecOps;
vecOps << int32ID << 4;
v4int32ID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeVector, vecOps);
} else {
// This was likely an UndefValue.
SampledTyID =
getSPIRVType(Type::getFloatTy(Canonical->getContext()), false);
Ops << SampledTyID;
spv::Dim DimID = spv::Dim2D;
if (STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_ro_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_rw_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_wo_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_array_ro_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_array_rw_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image1d_array_wo_t")) {
DimID = spv::Dim1D;
} else if (STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image3d_ro_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image3d_rw_t") ||
STy->getName().startswith("opencl.image3d_wo_t")) {
DimID = spv::Dim3D;
Ops << DimID;
// TODO: Set up Depth.
Ops << 0;
uint32_t arrayed = STy->getName().contains("_array_") ? 1 : 0;
Ops << arrayed;
// TODO: Set up MS.
Ops << 0;
// Set up Sampled.
// From Spec
// 0 indicates this is only known at run time, not at compile time
// 1 indicates will be used with sampler
// 2 indicates will be used without a sampler (a storage image)
uint32_t Sampled = 1;
if (!STy->getName().contains(".sampled")) {
Sampled = 2;
Ops << Sampled;
// TODO: Set up Image Format.
Ops << spv::ImageFormatUnknown;
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeImage, Ops);
// Only need a sampled version of the type if it is used with a sampler.
if (Sampled == 1) {
Ops << RID;
getImageTypeMap()[Canonical] =
addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeSampledImage, Ops);
// Generate OpTypeStruct
// Ops[0] ... Ops[n] = Member IDs
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
for (auto *EleTy : STy->elements()) {
Ops << getSPIRVType(EleTy, needs_layout);
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeStruct, Ops);
// Generate OpMemberDecorate unless we are generating it for the canonical
// type.
StructType *canonical = cast<StructType>(CanonicalType(STy));
bool use_layout =
(Option::SpvVersion() < SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4) || needs_layout;
if (TypesNeedingLayout.idFor(STy) &&
(canonical == STy || !TypesNeedingLayout.idFor(canonical)) &&
use_layout) {
for (unsigned MemberIdx = 0; MemberIdx < STy->getNumElements();
MemberIdx++) {
// Ops[0] = Structure Type ID
// Ops[1] = Member Index(Literal Number)
// Ops[2] = Decoration (Offset)
// Ops[3] = Byte Offset (Literal Number)
const auto ByteOffset =
GetExplicitLayoutStructMemberOffset(STy, MemberIdx, DL);
Ops << RID << MemberIdx << spv::DecorationOffset << ByteOffset;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpMemberDecorate, Ops);
// Generate OpDecorate unless we are generating it for the canonical type.
if (StructTypesNeedingBlock.idFor(STy) &&
(canonical == STy || !StructTypesNeedingBlock.idFor(canonical)) &&
use_layout) {
// Use Block decorations with StorageBuffer storage class.
Ops << RID << spv::DecorationBlock;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
case Type::IntegerTyID: {
uint32_t bit_width =
if (clspv::Option::Int8Support() && bit_width == 8) {
} else if (bit_width == 16) {
} else if (bit_width == 64) {
if (bit_width == 1) {
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeBool);
} else {
if (!clspv::Option::Int8Support() && bit_width == 8) {
// i8 is added to TypeMap as i32.
RID = getSPIRVType(Type::getIntNTy(Canonical->getContext(), 32), false);
} else {
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << bit_width << 0 /* not signed */;
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeInt, Ops);
case Type::HalfTyID:
case Type::FloatTyID:
case Type::DoubleTyID: {
uint32_t bit_width =
if (bit_width == 16) {
} else if (bit_width == 64) {
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << bit_width;
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeFloat, Ops);
case Type::ArrayTyID: {
ArrayType *ArrTy = cast<ArrayType>(Canonical);
const uint64_t Length = ArrTy->getArrayNumElements();
if (Length == 0) {
// By convention, map it to a RuntimeArray.
Type *EleTy = ArrTy->getArrayElementType();
// Generate OpTypeRuntimeArray.
// OpTypeRuntimeArray
// Ops[0] = Element Type ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << getSPIRVType(EleTy, needs_layout);
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray, Ops);
if (Hack_generate_runtime_array_stride_early &&
(Option::SpvVersion() < SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4 || needs_layout)) {
// Generate OpDecorate.
// Ops[0] = Target ID
// Ops[1] = Decoration (ArrayStride)
// Ops[2] = Stride Number(Literal Number)
Ops << RID << spv::DecorationArrayStride
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(GetTypeAllocSize(EleTy, DL));
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
} else {
// Generate OpConstant and OpTypeArray.
// Generate OpConstant for array length.
// Add constant for length to constant list.
Constant *CstLength =
ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(module->getContext()), Length);
// Remember to generate ArrayStride later
// Generate OpTypeArray.
// Ops[0] = Element Type ID
// Ops[1] = Array Length Constant ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << getSPIRVType(ArrTy->getElementType(), needs_layout) << CstLength;
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeArray, Ops);
case Type::FixedVectorTyID: {
auto VecTy = cast<VectorType>(Canonical);
// <4 x i8> is changed to i32 if i8 is not generally supported.
if (!clspv::Option::Int8Support() &&
VecTy->getElementType() == Type::getInt8Ty(module->getContext())) {
if (VecTy->getElementCount().getKnownMinValue() == 4) {
RID = getSPIRVType(VecTy->getElementType());
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Support above i8 vector type");
// Ops[0] = Component Type ID
// Ops[1] = Component Count (Literal Number)
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << VecTy->getElementType()
<< VecTy->getElementCount().getKnownMinValue();
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeVector, Ops);
case Type::VoidTyID: {
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeVoid);
case Type::FunctionTyID: {
// Generate SPIRV instruction for function type.
FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(Canonical);
// Ops[0] = Return Type ID
// Ops[1] ... Ops[n] = Parameter Type IDs
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// Find SPIRV instruction for return type
Ops << FTy->getReturnType();
// Find SPIRV instructions for parameter types
for (unsigned k = 0; k < FTy->getNumParams(); k++) {
// Find SPIRV instruction for parameter type.
auto ParamTy = FTy->getParamType(k);
if (ParamTy->isPointerTy()) {
auto PointeeTy = ParamTy->getPointerElementType();
if (PointeeTy->isStructTy() &&
dyn_cast<StructType>(PointeeTy)->isOpaque()) {
ParamTy = PointeeTy;
Ops << getSPIRVType(ParamTy);
RID = addSPIRVInst<kTypes>(spv::OpTypeFunction, Ops);
if (RID.isValid()) {
auto &entry = TypeMap[Canonical];
if (entry.empty()) {
entry[layout] = RID;
if (Canonical != Ty) {
// Also cache the original type.
auto &base_entry = TypeMap[Ty];
if (base_entry.empty()) {
base_entry[layout] = RID;
return RID;
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::getSPIRVInt32Constant(uint32_t CstVal) {
Type *i32 = Type::getInt32Ty(module->getContext());
Constant *Cst = ConstantInt::get(i32, CstVal);
return getSPIRVValue(Cst);
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::getSPIRVConstant(Constant *C) {
ValueMapType &VMap = getValueMap();
const bool hack_undef = clspv::Option::HackUndef();
// Treat poison as an undef.
auto *Cst = C;
if (isa<PoisonValue>(Cst)) {
Cst = UndefValue::get(Cst->getType());
auto VI = VMap.find(Cst);
if (VI != VMap.end()) {
return VI->second;
// Generate OpConstant.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] .. Ops[n] = Values LiteralNumber
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Cst->getType();
std::vector<uint32_t> LiteralNum;
spv::Op Opcode = spv::OpNop;
if (isa<UndefValue>(Cst)) {
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
Opcode = spv::OpUndef;
if (hack_undef && IsTypeNullable(Cst->getType())) {
Opcode = spv::OpConstantNull;
} else if (const ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Cst)) {
unsigned bit_width = CI->getBitWidth();
if (bit_width == 1) {
// If the bitwidth of constant is 1, generate OpConstantTrue or
// OpConstantFalse.
if (CI->getZExtValue()) {
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
Opcode = spv::OpConstantTrue;
} else {
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
Opcode = spv::OpConstantFalse;
} else {
auto V = CI->getZExtValue();
LiteralNum.push_back(V & 0xFFFFFFFF);
if (bit_width > 32) {
LiteralNum.push_back(V >> 32);
Opcode = spv::OpConstant;
Ops << LiteralNum;
} else if (const ConstantFP *CFP = dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(Cst)) {
uint64_t FPVal = CFP->getValueAPF().bitcastToAPInt().getZExtValue();
Type *CFPTy = CFP->getType();
if (CFPTy->isFloatTy()) {
LiteralNum.push_back(FPVal & 0xFFFFFFFF);
} else if (CFPTy->isDoubleTy()) {
LiteralNum.push_back(FPVal & 0xFFFFFFFF);
LiteralNum.push_back(FPVal >> 32);
} else if (CFPTy->isHalfTy()) {
LiteralNum.push_back(FPVal & 0xFFFF);
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Implement this ConstantFP Type");
Opcode = spv::OpConstant;
Ops << LiteralNum;
} else if (isa<ConstantDataSequential>(Cst) &&
cast<ConstantDataSequential>(Cst)->isString()) {
llvm_unreachable("Implement this Constant");
} else if (const ConstantDataSequential *CDS =
dyn_cast<ConstantDataSequential>(Cst)) {
// Let's convert <4 x i8> constant to int constant specially.
// This case occurs when all the values are specified as constant
// ints.
Type *CstTy = Cst->getType();
if (is4xi8vec(CstTy)) {
// Generate OpConstant with OpTypeInt 32 0.
uint32_t IntValue = 0;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
const uint64_t Val = CDS->getElementAsInteger(k);
IntValue = (IntValue << 8) | (Val & 0xffu);
RID = getSPIRVInt32Constant(IntValue);
} else {
// A normal constant-data-sequential case.
for (unsigned k = 0; k < CDS->getNumElements(); k++) {
Ops << CDS->getElementAsConstant(k);
Opcode = spv::OpConstantComposite;
} else if (const ConstantAggregate *CA = dyn_cast<ConstantAggregate>(Cst)) {
// Let's convert <4 x i8> constant to int constant specially.
// This case occurs when at least one of the values is an undef.
Type *CstTy = Cst->getType();
if (is4xi8vec(CstTy)) {
// Generate OpConstant with OpTypeInt 32 0.
uint32_t IntValue = 0;
for (User::const_op_iterator I = Cst->op_begin(), E = Cst->op_end();
I != E; ++I) {
uint64_t Val = 0;
const Value *CV = *I;
if (auto *CI2 = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(CV)) {
Val = CI2->getZExtValue();
IntValue = (IntValue << 8) | (Val & 0xffu);
RID = getSPIRVInt32Constant(IntValue);
} else {
// We use a constant composite in SPIR-V for our constant aggregate in
// LLVM.
Opcode = spv::OpConstantComposite;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < CA->getNumOperands(); k++) {
// And add an operand to the composite we are constructing
Ops << CA->getAggregateElement(k);
} else if (Cst->isNullValue()) {
Opcode = spv::OpConstantNull;
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported Constant???");
if (Opcode == spv::OpConstantNull && Cst->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
// Null pointer requires variable pointers.
if (RID == 0) {
RID = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(Opcode, Ops);
VMap[Cst] = RID;
return RID;
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::getSPIRVValue(Value *V) {
auto II = ValueMap.find(V);
if (II != ValueMap.end()) {
return II->second;
if (Constant *Cst = dyn_cast<Constant>(V)) {
return getSPIRVConstant(Cst);
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Variable not found");
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateSamplers() {
DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> SamplerLiteralToDescriptorSetMap;
DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> SamplerLiteralToBindingMap;
// We might have samplers in the sampler map that are not used
// in the translation unit. We need to allocate variables
// for them and bindings too.
DenseSet<unsigned> used_bindings;
auto *var_fn = module->getFunction(clspv::LiteralSamplerFunction());
// Return if there are no literal samplers.
if (!var_fn)
for (auto user : var_fn->users()) {
// Populate SamplerLiteralToDescriptorSetMap and
// SamplerLiteralToBindingMap.
// Look for calls like
// call %opencl.sampler_t addrspace(2)*
// @clspv.sampler.var.literal(
// i32 descriptor,
// i32 binding,
// i32 (index-into-sampler-map|sampler_mask))
if (auto *call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(user)) {
const auto third_param = static_cast<unsigned>(
auto sampler_value = third_param;
if (clspv::Option::UseSamplerMap()) {
auto &sampler_map = *getSamplerMap();
if (third_param >= sampler_map.size()) {
errs() << "Out of bounds index to sampler map: " << third_param;
llvm_unreachable("bad sampler init: out of bounds");
sampler_value = sampler_map[third_param].first;
const auto descriptor_set = static_cast<unsigned>(
const auto binding = static_cast<unsigned>(
SamplerLiteralToDescriptorSetMap[sampler_value] = descriptor_set;
SamplerLiteralToBindingMap[sampler_value] = binding;
DenseSet<size_t> seen;
for (auto user : var_fn->users()) {
if (!isa<CallInst>(user))
auto call = cast<CallInst>(user);
const unsigned third_param = static_cast<unsigned>(
// Already allocated a variable for this value.
if (!seen.insert(third_param).second)
auto sampler_value = third_param;
if (clspv::Option::UseSamplerMap()) {
sampler_value = (*getSamplerMap())[third_param].first;
auto sampler_var_id = addSPIRVGlobalVariable(
getSPIRVType(SamplerTy), spv::StorageClassUniformConstant);
SamplerLiteralToIDMap[sampler_value] = sampler_var_id;
// Record mapping between the parent function and the sampler variables it
// uses so we can add it to its interface list
auto F = call->getParent()->getParent();
unsigned descriptor_set;
unsigned binding;
if (SamplerLiteralToBindingMap.find(sampler_value) ==
SamplerLiteralToBindingMap.end()) {
// This sampler is not actually used. Find the next one.
for (binding = 0; used_bindings.count(binding); binding++) {
descriptor_set = 0; // Literal samplers always use descriptor set 0.
} else {
descriptor_set = SamplerLiteralToDescriptorSetMap[sampler_value];
binding = SamplerLiteralToBindingMap[sampler_value];
auto import_id = getReflectionImport();
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << getSPIRVType(Type::getVoidTy(module->getContext())) << import_id
<< reflection::ExtInstLiteralSampler
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(descriptor_set)
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(binding)
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(sampler_value);
addSPIRVInst<kReflection>(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
// Ops[0] = Target ID
// Ops[1] = Decoration (DescriptorSet)
// Ops[2] = LiteralNumber according to Decoration
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << sampler_var_id << spv::DecorationDescriptorSet << descriptor_set;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
// Ops[0] = Target ID
// Ops[1] = Decoration (Binding)
// Ops[2] = LiteralNumber according to Decoration
Ops << sampler_var_id << spv::DecorationBinding << binding;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateResourceVars() {
ValueMapType &VMap = getValueMap();
// Generate variables. Make one for each of resource var info object.
for (auto *info : ModuleOrderedResourceVars) {
Type *type = info->var_fn->getReturnType();
// Remap the address space for opaque types.
switch (info->arg_kind) {
case clspv::ArgKind::Sampler:
case clspv::ArgKind::SampledImage:
case clspv::ArgKind::StorageImage:
type = PointerType::get(type->getPointerElementType(),
const auto sc = GetStorageClassForArgKind(info->arg_kind);
info->var_id = addSPIRVGlobalVariable(getSPIRVType(type), sc);
// Map calls to the variable-builtin-function.
for (auto &U : info->var_fn->uses()) {
if (auto *call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U.getUser())) {
const auto set = unsigned(
const auto binding = unsigned(
if (set == info->descriptor_set && binding == info->binding) {
switch (info->arg_kind) {
case clspv::ArgKind::Buffer:
case clspv::ArgKind::BufferUBO:
case clspv::ArgKind::Pod:
case clspv::ArgKind::PodUBO:
case clspv::ArgKind::PodPushConstant:
// The call maps to the variable directly.
VMap[call] = info->var_id;
case clspv::ArgKind::Sampler:
case clspv::ArgKind::SampledImage:
case clspv::ArgKind::StorageImage:
// The call maps to a load we generate later.
ResourceVarDeferredLoadCalls[call] = info->var_id;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled arg kind");
// Generate associated decorations.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
for (auto *info : ModuleOrderedResourceVars) {
// Push constants don't need descriptor set or binding decorations.
if (info->arg_kind == clspv::ArgKind::PodPushConstant)
// Decorate with DescriptorSet and Binding.
Ops << info->var_id << spv::DecorationDescriptorSet << info->descriptor_set;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
Ops << info->var_id << spv::DecorationBinding << info->binding;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
if (info->coherent) {
// Decorate with Coherent if required for the variable.
Ops << info->var_id << spv::DecorationCoherent;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
// Generate NonWritable and NonReadable
switch (info->arg_kind) {
case clspv::ArgKind::Buffer:
case clspv::ArgKind::BufferUBO:
if (info->var_fn->getReturnType()->getPointerAddressSpace() ==
clspv::AddressSpace::Constant) {
Ops << info->var_id << spv::DecorationNonWritable;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
case clspv::ArgKind::StorageImage: {
auto *type = info->var_fn->getReturnType();
auto *struct_ty = cast<StructType>(type->getPointerElementType());
// TODO(alan-baker): This is conservative. If compiling for OpenCL 2.0 or
// above, the compiler treats all write_only images as read_write images.
if (struct_ty->getName().contains("_wo_t")) {
Ops << info->var_id << spv::DecorationNonReadable;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateGlobalVar(GlobalVariable &GV) {
ValueMapType &VMap = getValueMap();
std::vector<SPIRVID> &BuiltinDimVec = getBuiltinDimVec();
const DataLayout &DL = GV.getParent()->getDataLayout();
const spv::BuiltIn BuiltinType = GetBuiltin(GV.getName());
Type *Ty = GV.getType();
PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(Ty);
SPIRVID InitializerID;
// Workgroup size is handled differently (it goes into a constant)
if (spv::BuiltInWorkgroupSize == BuiltinType) {
uint32_t PrevXDimCst = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint32_t PrevYDimCst = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint32_t PrevZDimCst = 0xFFFFFFFF;
bool HasMD = true;
for (Function &Func : *GV.getParent()) {
if (Func.isDeclaration()) {
// We only need to check kernels.
if (Func.getCallingConv() != CallingConv::SPIR_KERNEL) {
if (const MDNode *MD =
dyn_cast<Function>(&Func)->getMetadata("reqd_work_group_size")) {
uint32_t CurXDimCst = static_cast<uint32_t>(
uint32_t CurYDimCst = static_cast<uint32_t>(
uint32_t CurZDimCst = static_cast<uint32_t>(
if (PrevXDimCst == 0xFFFFFFFF && PrevYDimCst == 0xFFFFFFFF &&
PrevZDimCst == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
PrevXDimCst = CurXDimCst;
PrevYDimCst = CurYDimCst;
PrevZDimCst = CurZDimCst;
} else if (CurXDimCst != PrevXDimCst || CurYDimCst != PrevYDimCst ||
CurZDimCst != PrevZDimCst) {
HasMD = false;
} else {
// Generate OpConstantComposite.
// Ops[0] : Result Type ID
// Ops[1] : Constant size for x dimension.
// Ops[2] : Constant size for y dimension.
// Ops[3] : Constant size for z dimension.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Ty->getPointerElementType() << XDimCstID << YDimCstID
<< ZDimCstID;
InitializerID =
addSPIRVInst<kGlobalVariables>(spv::OpConstantComposite, Ops);
} else {
HasMD = false;
// If all kernels do not have metadata for reqd_work_group_size, generate
// OpSpecConstants for x/y/z dimension.
if (!HasMD || clspv::Option::NonUniformNDRangeSupported()) {
// Generate OpSpecConstants for x/y/z dimension.
// Ops[0] : Result Type ID
// Ops[1] : Constant size for x/y/z dimension (Literal Number).
// Allocate spec constants for workgroup size.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
SPIRVID result_type_id = getSPIRVType(
// X Dimension
Ops << result_type_id << 1;
SPIRVID XDimCstID = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstant, Ops);
// Y Dimension
Ops << result_type_id << 1;
SPIRVID YDimCstID = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstant, Ops);
// Z Dimension
Ops << result_type_id << 1;
SPIRVID ZDimCstID = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstant, Ops);
// Generate OpSpecConstantComposite.
// Ops[0] : Result Type ID
// Ops[1] : Constant size for x dimension.
// Ops[2] : Constant size for y dimension.
// Ops[3] : Constant size for z dimension.
Ops << Ty->getPointerElementType() << XDimCstID << YDimCstID << ZDimCstID;
InitializerID =
addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstantComposite, Ops);
} else if (BuiltinType == spv::BuiltInWorkDim) {
// 1. Generate a specialization constant with a default of 3.
// 2. Allocate and annotate a SpecId for the constant.
// 3. Use the spec constant as the initializer for the variable.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// Generate OpSpecConstant.
// Ops[0] : Result Type ID
// Ops[1] : Default literal value
Ops << IntegerType::get(GV.getContext(), 32) << 3;
InitializerID = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstant, Ops);
// Generate SpecId decoration.
// Ops[0] : target
// Ops[1] : decoration
// Ops[2] : SpecId
auto spec_id = AllocateSpecConstant(module, SpecConstant::kWorkDim);
Ops << InitializerID << spv::DecorationSpecId << spec_id;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
} else if (BuiltinType == spv::BuiltInGlobalOffset) {
// 1. Generate a spec constant with a default of {0, 0, 0}.
// 2. Allocate and annotate SpecIds for the constants.
// 3. Use the spec constant as the initializer for the variable.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// Generate OpSpecConstant for each dimension.
// Ops[0] : Result Type ID
// Ops[1] : Default literal value
Ops << IntegerType::get(GV.getContext(), 32) << 0;
SPIRVID x_id = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstant, Ops);
Ops << IntegerType::get(GV.getContext(), 32) << 0;
SPIRVID y_id = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstant, Ops);
Ops << IntegerType::get(GV.getContext(), 32) << 0;
SPIRVID z_id = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstant, Ops);
// Generate SpecId decoration for each dimension.
// Ops[0] : target
// Ops[1] : decoration
// Ops[2] : SpecId
auto spec_id = AllocateSpecConstant(module, SpecConstant::kGlobalOffsetX);
Ops << x_id << spv::DecorationSpecId << spec_id;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
spec_id = AllocateSpecConstant(module, SpecConstant::kGlobalOffsetY);
Ops << y_id << spv::DecorationSpecId << spec_id;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
spec_id = AllocateSpecConstant(module, SpecConstant::kGlobalOffsetZ);
Ops << z_id << spv::DecorationSpecId << spec_id;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
// Generate OpSpecConstantComposite.
// Ops[0] : type id
// Ops[1..n-1] : elements
Ops << GV.getType()->getPointerElementType() << x_id << y_id << z_id;
InitializerID = addSPIRVInst<kConstants>(spv::OpSpecConstantComposite, Ops);
const auto AS = PTy->getAddressSpace();
const auto spvSC = GetStorageClass(AS);
const bool module_scope_constant_external_init =
(AS == AddressSpace::Constant) && GV.hasInitializer() &&
if (GV.hasInitializer()) {
auto GVInit = GV.getInitializer();
if (!isa<UndefValue>(GVInit) && !module_scope_constant_external_init) {
InitializerID = getSPIRVValue(GVInit);
// All private, module private, and local global variables can be added to
// interfaces conservatively.
const bool interface =
(AS == AddressSpace::Private || AS == AddressSpace::ModuleScopePrivate ||
AS == AddressSpace::Local);
SPIRVID var_id =
addSPIRVGlobalVariable(getSPIRVType(Ty), spvSC, InitializerID, interface);
VMap[&GV] = var_id;
auto IsOpenCLBuiltin = [](spv::BuiltIn builtin) {
return builtin == spv::BuiltInWorkDim ||
builtin == spv::BuiltInGlobalOffset;
// If we have a builtin (not an OpenCL builtin).
if (spv::BuiltInMax != BuiltinType && !IsOpenCLBuiltin(BuiltinType)) {
// Generate OpDecorate.
// DOps[0] = Target ID
// DOps[1] = Decoration (Builtin)
// DOps[2] = BuiltIn ID
// WorkgroupSize is different, we decorate the constant composite that has
// its value, rather than the variable that we use to access the value.
if (spv::BuiltInWorkgroupSize == BuiltinType) {
ResultID = InitializerID;
// Save both the value and variable IDs for later.
WorkgroupSizeValueID = InitializerID;
WorkgroupSizeVarID = getSPIRVValue(&GV);
} else {
ResultID = getSPIRVValue(&GV);
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << ResultID << spv::DecorationBuiltIn << BuiltinType;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
} else if (module_scope_constant_external_init) {
// This module scope constant is initialized from a storage buffer with data
// provided by the host at binding 0 of the next descriptor set.
const uint32_t descriptor_set = TakeDescriptorIndex(module);
// Emit the intializer as a reflection instruction.
// Use "kind,buffer" to indicate storage buffer. We might want to expand
// that later to other types, like uniform buffer.
std::string hexbytes;
llvm::raw_string_ostream str(hexbytes);
clspv::ConstantEmitter(DL, str).Emit(GV.getInitializer());
// Reflection instruction for constant data.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
auto data_id = addSPIRVInst<kDebug>(spv::OpString, str.str().c_str());
Ops << getSPIRVType(Type::getVoidTy(module->getContext()))
<< getReflectionImport() << reflection::ExtInstConstantDataStorageBuffer
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(descriptor_set) << getSPIRVInt32Constant(0)
<< data_id;
addSPIRVInst<kReflection>(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
// OpDecorate %var DescriptorSet <descriptor_set>
Ops << var_id << spv::DecorationDescriptorSet << descriptor_set;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
// OpDecorate %var Binding <binding>
Ops << var_id << spv::DecorationBinding << 0;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateFuncPrologue(Function &F) {
ValueMapType &VMap = getValueMap();
EntryPointVecType &EntryPoints = getEntryPointVec();
auto &GlobalConstFuncTyMap = getGlobalConstFuncTypeMap();
auto &GlobalConstArgSet = getGlobalConstArgSet();
FunctionType *FTy = F.getFunctionType();
// Generate OPFunction.
// FOps[0] : Result Type ID
// FOps[1] : Function Control
// FOps[2] : Function Type ID
SPIRVOperandVec FOps;
// Find SPIRV instruction for return type.
FOps << FTy->getReturnType();
// Check function attributes for SPIRV Function Control.
uint32_t FuncControl = spv::FunctionControlMaskNone;
if (F.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::AlwaysInline)) {
FuncControl |= spv::FunctionControlInlineMask;
if (F.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoInline)) {
FuncControl |= spv::FunctionControlDontInlineMask;
// TODO: Check llvm attribute for Function Control Pure.
if (F.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::ReadOnly)) {
FuncControl |= spv::FunctionControlPureMask;
// TODO: Check llvm attribute for Function Control Const.
if (F.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::ReadNone)) {
FuncControl |= spv::FunctionControlConstMask;
FOps << FuncControl;
if (F.getCallingConv() == CallingConv::SPIR_KERNEL) {
SmallVector<Type *, 4> NewFuncParamTys;
FunctionType *NewFTy =
FunctionType::get(FTy->getReturnType(), NewFuncParamTys, false);
FTyID = getSPIRVType(NewFTy);
} else {
// Handle regular function with global constant parameters.
if (GlobalConstFuncTyMap.count(FTy)) {
FTyID = getSPIRVType(GlobalConstFuncTyMap[FTy].first);
} else {
FTyID = getSPIRVType(FTy);
FOps << FTyID;
// Generate SPIRV instruction for function.
SPIRVID FID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpFunction, FOps);
VMap[&F] = FID;
if (F.getCallingConv() == CallingConv::SPIR_KERNEL) {
EntryPoints.push_back(std::make_pair(&F, FID));
if (clspv::Option::ShowIDs()) {
errs() << "Function " << F.getName() << " is " << FID.get() << "\n";
// Generate OpFunctionParameter for Normal function.
if (F.getCallingConv() != CallingConv::SPIR_KERNEL) {
// Iterate Argument for name instead of param type from function type.
unsigned ArgIdx = 0;
for (Argument &Arg : F.args()) {
// ParamOps[0] : Result Type ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// Find SPIRV instruction for parameter type.
SPIRVID ParamTyID = getSPIRVType(Arg.getType());
if (PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Arg.getType())) {
if (GlobalConstFuncTyMap.count(FTy)) {
if (ArgIdx == GlobalConstFuncTyMap[FTy].second) {
Type *EleTy = PTy->getPointerElementType();
Type *ArgTy =
PointerType::get(EleTy, AddressSpace::ModuleScopePrivate);
ParamTyID = getSPIRVType(ArgTy);
Ops << ParamTyID;
// Generate SPIRV instruction for parameter.
SPIRVID param_id = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpFunctionParameter, Ops);
VMap[&Arg] = param_id;
if (CalledWithCoherentResource(Arg)) {
// If the arg is passed a coherent resource ever, then decorate this
// parameter with Coherent too.
Ops << param_id << spv::DecorationCoherent;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateModuleInfo() {
EntryPointVecType &EntryPoints = getEntryPointVec();
auto &EntryPointInterfaces = getEntryPointInterfacesList();
std::vector<SPIRVID> &BuiltinDimVec = getBuiltinDimVec();
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
for (auto Capability : CapabilitySet) {
// Generate OpCapability
// Ops[0] = Capability
addSPIRVInst<kCapabilities>(spv::OpCapability, Capability);
// Storage buffer and variable pointer extensions were made core in SPIR-V
// 1.3.
if (SpvVersion() < SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_3) {
// Generate OpExtension.
// Ops[0] = Name (Literal String)
if (hasVariablePointers() || hasVariablePointersStorageBuffer()) {
// Generate OpExtension.
// Ops[0] = Name (Literal String)
addSPIRVInst<kExtensions>(spv::OpExtension, "SPV_KHR_variable_pointers");
// Generate OpMemoryModel
// Memory model for Vulkan will always be GLSL450.
// Ops[0] = Addressing Model
// Ops[1] = Memory Model
Ops << spv::AddressingModelLogical << spv::MemoryModelGLSL450;
addSPIRVInst<kMemoryModel>(spv::OpMemoryModel, Ops);
// Generate OpEntryPoint
for (auto EntryPoint : EntryPoints) {
// Ops[0] = Execution Model
// Ops[1] = EntryPoint ID
// Ops[2] = Name (Literal String)
// ...
// TODO: Do we need to consider Interface ID for forward references???
const StringRef &name = EntryPoint.first->getName();
Ops << spv::ExecutionModelGLCompute << EntryPoint.second << name;
for (auto &Interface : EntryPointInterfaces) {
Ops << Interface;
// Starting in SPIR-V 1.4, all statically used global variables must be
// included in the interface. Private and statically-sized workgroup
// variables are added to all entry points. Kernel arguments are handled
// here.
if (SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4) {
auto *F = dyn_cast<Function>(EntryPoint.first);
assert(F->getCallingConv() == CallingConv::SPIR_KERNEL);
auto &resource_var_at_index = FunctionToResourceVarsMap[F];
for (auto *info : resource_var_at_index) {
if (info) {
Ops << info->var_id;
for (auto sampler_id : FunctionToLiteralSamplersMap[F]) {
Ops << sampler_id;
if (clspv::Option::ModuleConstantsInStorageBuffer()) {
auto *V = module->getGlobalVariable(
clspv::ClusteredConstantsVariableName(), true);
if (V) {
Ops << getValueMap()[V];
auto local_spec_id_md =
if (local_spec_id_md) {
for (auto spec_id_op : local_spec_id_md->operands()) {
if (dyn_cast<Function>(
->getValue()) == F) {
int64_t spec_id =
if (spec_id > 0) {
auto &info = LocalSpecIdInfoMap[spec_id];
Ops << info.variable_id;
// If the kernel uses the global push constant interface it will not be
// covered by the resource variable iteration above.
if (GetPodArgsImpl(*F) == PodArgImpl::kGlobalPushConstant) {
auto *PC =
Ops << getValueMap()[PC];
addSPIRVInst<kEntryPoints>(spv::OpEntryPoint, Ops);
if (BuiltinDimVec.empty()) {
for (auto EntryPoint : EntryPoints) {
const MDNode *MD = dyn_cast<Function>(EntryPoint.first)
if ((MD != nullptr) && !clspv::Option::NonUniformNDRangeSupported()) {
// Generate OpExecutionMode
// Ops[0] = Entry Point ID
// Ops[1] = Execution Mode
// Ops[2] ... Ops[n] = Optional literals according to Execution Mode
Ops << EntryPoint.second << spv::ExecutionModeLocalSize;
uint32_t XDim = static_cast<uint32_t>(
uint32_t YDim = static_cast<uint32_t>(
uint32_t ZDim = static_cast<uint32_t>(
Ops << XDim << YDim << ZDim;
addSPIRVInst<kExecutionModes>(spv::OpExecutionMode, Ops);
// Generate OpSource.
// Ops[0] = SourceLanguage ID
// Ops[1] = Version (LiteralNum)
uint32_t LangID = spv::SourceLanguageUnknown;
uint32_t LangVer = 0;
switch (clspv::Option::Language()) {
case clspv::Option::SourceLanguage::OpenCL_C_10:
LangID = spv::SourceLanguageOpenCL_C;
LangVer = 100;
case clspv::Option::SourceLanguage::OpenCL_C_11:
LangID = spv::SourceLanguageOpenCL_C;
LangVer = 110;
case clspv::Option::SourceLanguage::OpenCL_C_12:
LangID = spv::SourceLanguageOpenCL_C;
LangVer = 120;
case clspv::Option::SourceLanguage::OpenCL_C_20:
LangID = spv::SourceLanguageOpenCL_C;
LangVer = 200;
case clspv::Option::SourceLanguage::OpenCL_C_30:
LangID = spv::SourceLanguageOpenCL_C;
LangVer = 300;
case clspv::Option::SourceLanguage::OpenCL_CPP:
LangID = spv::SourceLanguageOpenCL_CPP;
LangVer = 100;
Ops << LangID << LangVer;
addSPIRVInst<kDebug>(spv::OpSource, Ops);
if (!BuiltinDimVec.empty()) {
// Generate OpDecorates for x/y/z dimension.
// Ops[0] = Target ID
// Ops[1] = Decoration (SpecId)
// Ops[2] = Specialization Constant ID (Literal Number)
// X Dimension
Ops << BuiltinDimVec[0] << spv::DecorationSpecId << 0;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
// Y Dimension
Ops << BuiltinDimVec[1] << spv::DecorationSpecId << 1;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
// Z Dimension
Ops << BuiltinDimVec[2] << spv::DecorationSpecId << 2;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateEntryPointInitialStores() {
// Work around a driver bug. Initializers on Private variables might not
// work. So the start of the kernel should store the initializer value to the
// variables. Yes, *every* entry point pays this cost if *any* entry point
// uses this builtin. At this point I judge this to be an acceptable tradeoff
// of complexity vs. runtime, for a broken driver.
// TODO(dneto): Remove this at some point once fixed drivers are widely
// available.
if (WorkgroupSizeVarID.isValid()) {
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << WorkgroupSizeVarID << WorkgroupSizeValueID;
addSPIRVInst(spv::OpStore, Ops);
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateFuncBody(Function &F) {
ValueMapType &VMap = getValueMap();
const bool IsKernel = F.getCallingConv() == CallingConv::SPIR_KERNEL;
for (BasicBlock &BB : F) {
// Register BasicBlock to ValueMap.
// Generate OpLabel for Basic Block.
VMap[&BB] = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpLabel);
// OpVariable instructions must come first.
for (Instruction &I : BB) {
if (auto *alloca = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(&I)) {
// Allocating a pointer requires variable pointers.
if (alloca->getAllocatedType()->isPointerTy()) {
if (&BB == &F.getEntryBlock() && IsKernel) {
if (clspv::Option::HackInitializers()) {
for (Instruction &I : BB) {
if (!isa<AllocaInst>(I)) {
spv::Op SPIRVProducerPass::GetSPIRVCmpOpcode(CmpInst *I) {
const std::map<CmpInst::Predicate, spv::Op> Map = {
{CmpInst::ICMP_EQ, spv::OpIEqual},
{CmpInst::ICMP_NE, spv::OpINotEqual},
{CmpInst::ICMP_UGT, spv::OpUGreaterThan},
{CmpInst::ICMP_UGE, spv::OpUGreaterThanEqual},
{CmpInst::ICMP_ULT, spv::OpULessThan},
{CmpInst::ICMP_ULE, spv::OpULessThanEqual},
{CmpInst::ICMP_SGT, spv::OpSGreaterThan},
{CmpInst::ICMP_SGE, spv::OpSGreaterThanEqual},
{CmpInst::ICMP_SLT, spv::OpSLessThan},
{CmpInst::ICMP_SLE, spv::OpSLessThanEqual},
{CmpInst::FCMP_OEQ, spv::OpFOrdEqual},
{CmpInst::FCMP_OGT, spv::OpFOrdGreaterThan},
{CmpInst::FCMP_OGE, spv::OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual},
{CmpInst::FCMP_OLT, spv::OpFOrdLessThan},
{CmpInst::FCMP_OLE, spv::OpFOrdLessThanEqual},
{CmpInst::FCMP_ONE, spv::OpFOrdNotEqual},
{CmpInst::FCMP_UEQ, spv::OpFUnordEqual},
{CmpInst::FCMP_UGT, spv::OpFUnordGreaterThan},
{CmpInst::FCMP_UGE, spv::OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual},
{CmpInst::FCMP_ULT, spv::OpFUnordLessThan},
{CmpInst::FCMP_ULE, spv::OpFUnordLessThanEqual},
{CmpInst::FCMP_UNE, spv::OpFUnordNotEqual}};
assert(0 != Map.count(I->getPredicate()));
spv::Op SPIRVProducerPass::GetSPIRVCastOpcode(Instruction &I) {
const std::map<unsigned, spv::Op> Map{
{Instruction::Trunc, spv::OpUConvert},
{Instruction::ZExt, spv::OpUConvert},
{Instruction::SExt, spv::OpSConvert},
{Instruction::FPToUI, spv::OpConvertFToU},
{Instruction::FPToSI, spv::OpConvertFToS},
{Instruction::UIToFP, spv::OpConvertUToF},
{Instruction::SIToFP, spv::OpConvertSToF},
{Instruction::FPTrunc, spv::OpFConvert},
{Instruction::FPExt, spv::OpFConvert},
{Instruction::BitCast, spv::OpBitcast}};
assert(0 != Map.count(I.getOpcode()));
spv::Op SPIRVProducerPass::GetSPIRVBinaryOpcode(Instruction &I) {
if (I.getType()->isIntOrIntVectorTy(1)) {
switch (I.getOpcode()) {
case Instruction::Or:
return spv::OpLogicalOr;
case Instruction::And:
return spv::OpLogicalAnd;
case Instruction::Xor:
return spv::OpLogicalNotEqual;
const std::map<unsigned, spv::Op> Map{
{Instruction::Add, spv::OpIAdd},
{Instruction::FAdd, spv::OpFAdd},
{Instruction::Sub, spv::OpISub},
{Instruction::FSub, spv::OpFSub},
{Instruction::Mul, spv::OpIMul},
{Instruction::FMul, spv::OpFMul},
{Instruction::UDiv, spv::OpUDiv},
{Instruction::SDiv, spv::OpSDiv},
{Instruction::FDiv, spv::OpFDiv},
{Instruction::URem, spv::OpUMod},
{Instruction::SRem, spv::OpSRem},
{Instruction::FRem, spv::OpFRem},
{Instruction::Or, spv::OpBitwiseOr},
{Instruction::Xor, spv::OpBitwiseXor},
{Instruction::And, spv::OpBitwiseAnd},
{Instruction::Shl, spv::OpShiftLeftLogical},
{Instruction::LShr, spv::OpShiftRightLogical},
{Instruction::AShr, spv::OpShiftRightArithmetic}};
assert(0 != Map.count(I.getOpcode()));
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::getSPIRVBuiltin(spv::BuiltIn BID,
spv::Capability Cap) {
auto ii = BuiltinConstantMap.find(BID);
if (ii != BuiltinConstantMap.end()) {
return ii->second;
} else {
Type *type = PointerType::get(IntegerType::get(module->getContext(), 32),
RID = addSPIRVGlobalVariable(getSPIRVType(type), spv::StorageClassInput);
BuiltinConstantMap[BID] = RID;
// Generate OpDecorate.
// Ops[0] : target
// Ops[1] : decoration
// Ops[2] : SpecId
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << RID << spv::DecorationBuiltIn << static_cast<int>(BID);
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
return RID;
SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateClspvInstruction(CallInst *Call,
const FunctionInfo &FuncInfo) {
switch (FuncInfo.getType()) {
case Builtins::kClspvCompositeConstruct:
RID = addSPIRVPlaceholder(Call);
case Builtins::kClspvResource: {
if (ResourceVarDeferredLoadCalls.count(Call) && Call->hasNUsesOrMore(1)) {
// Generate an OpLoad
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Call->getType()->getPointerElementType()
<< ResourceVarDeferredLoadCalls[Call];
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpLoad, Ops);
} else {
// This maps to an OpVariable we've already generated.
// No code is generated for the call.
case Builtins::kClspvLocal: {
// Don't codegen an instruction here, but instead map this call directly
// to the workgroup variable id.
int spec_id = static_cast<int>(
const auto &info = LocalSpecIdInfoMap[spec_id];
RID = info.variable_id;
case Builtins::kClspvSamplerVarLiteral: {
// Sampler initializers become a load of the corresponding sampler.
// Map this to a load from the variable.
const auto third_param = static_cast<unsigned>(
auto sampler_value = third_param;
if (clspv::Option::UseSamplerMap()) {
sampler_value = (*getSamplerMap())[third_param].first;
// Generate an OpLoad
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << SamplerTy->getPointerElementType()
<< SamplerLiteralToIDMap[sampler_value];
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpLoad, Ops);
case Builtins::kSpirvAtomicXor: {
// Handle SPIR-V intrinsics
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
if (!Call->getType()->isVoidTy()) {
Ops << Call->getType();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Call->getNumArgOperands(); i++) {
Ops << Call->getArgOperand(i);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpAtomicXor, Ops);
case Builtins::kSpirvOp: {
// Handle SPIR-V intrinsics
auto *arg0 = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Call->getArgOperand(0));
spv::Op opcode = static_cast<spv::Op>(arg0->getZExtValue());
if (opcode != spv::OpNop) {
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
if (!Call->getType()->isVoidTy()) {
Ops << Call->getType();
for (unsigned i = 1; i < Call->getNumArgOperands(); i++) {
Ops << Call->getArgOperand(i);
RID = addSPIRVInst(opcode, Ops);
case Builtins::kSpirvCopyMemory: {
// Generate OpCopyMemory.
// Ops[0] = Dst ID
// Ops[1] = Src ID
// Ops[2] = Memory Access
// Ops[3] = Alignment
const auto volatile_arg = SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4 ? 4 : 3;
auto IsVolatile = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Call->getArgOperand(volatile_arg))
->getZExtValue() != 0;
auto VolatileMemoryAccess = (IsVolatile) ? spv::MemoryAccessVolatileMask
: spv::MemoryAccessMaskNone;
auto MemoryAccess = VolatileMemoryAccess | spv::MemoryAccessAlignedMask;
auto DstAlignment =
auto SrcAlignment = DstAlignment;
if (SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4) {
SrcAlignment =
// OpCopyMemory only works if the pointer element type are the same id. If
// we are generating code for SPIR-V 1.4 or later, this may not be the
// case.
auto dst = Call->getArgOperand(0);
auto src = Call->getArgOperand(1);
auto dst_layout =
auto src_layout =
auto dst_id =
getSPIRVType(dst->getType()->getPointerElementType(), dst_layout);
auto src_id =
getSPIRVType(src->getType()->getPointerElementType(), src_layout);
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
if (dst_id.get() != src_id.get()) {
assert(Option::SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4);
// Types differ so generate:
// OpLoad
// OpCopyLogical
// OpStore
auto load_type_id =
getSPIRVType(src->getType()->getPointerElementType(), src_layout);
Ops << load_type_id << src << MemoryAccess
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(SrcAlignment);
auto load = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpLoad, Ops);
auto copy_type_id =
getSPIRVType(dst->getType()->getPointerElementType(), dst_layout);
Ops << copy_type_id << load;
auto copy = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpCopyLogical, Ops);
Ops << dst << copy << MemoryAccess << static_cast<uint32_t>(DstAlignment);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpStore, Ops);
} else {
Ops << dst << src << MemoryAccess << static_cast<uint32_t>(DstAlignment);
if (SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4) {
Ops << MemoryAccess << static_cast<uint32_t>(SrcAlignment);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpCopyMemory, Ops);
llvm_unreachable("Unknown CLSPV Instruction");
return RID;
SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateImageInstruction(CallInst *Call,
const FunctionInfo &FuncInfo) {
auto GetExtendMask = [this](Type *sample_type,
bool is_int_image) -> uint32_t {
if (SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4 &&
sample_type->getScalarType()->isIntegerTy()) {
if (is_int_image)
return spv::ImageOperandsSignExtendMask;
return spv::ImageOperandsZeroExtendMask;
return 0;
LLVMContext &Context = module->getContext();
switch (FuncInfo.getType()) {
case Builtins::kReadImagef:
case Builtins::kReadImageh:
case Builtins::kReadImagei:
case Builtins::kReadImageui: {
// read_image is converted to OpSampledImage and OpImageSampleExplicitLod.
// Additionally, OpTypeSampledImage is generated.
const auto image_ty = Call->getArgOperand(0)->getType();
const auto &pi = FuncInfo.getParameter(1);
if (pi.isSampler()) {
// Generate OpSampledImage.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Image ID
// Ops[2] = Sampler ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Value *Image = Call->getArgOperand(0);
Value *Sampler = Call->getArgOperand(1);
Value *Coordinate = Call->getArgOperand(2);
TypeMapType &OpImageTypeMap = getImageTypeMap();
Type *ImageTy = Image->getType()->getPointerElementType();
SPIRVID ImageTyID = OpImageTypeMap[ImageTy];
Ops << ImageTyID << Image << Sampler;
SPIRVID SampledImageID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpSampledImage, Ops);
// Generate OpImageSampleExplicitLod.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Sampled Image ID
// Ops[2] = Coordinate ID
// Ops[3] = Image Operands Type ID
// Ops[4] ... Ops[n] = Operands ID
const bool is_int_image = IsIntImageType(Image->getType());
SPIRVID result_type;
if (is_int_image) {
result_type = v4int32ID;
} else {
result_type = getSPIRVType(Call->getType());
uint32_t mask = spv::ImageOperandsLodMask |
GetExtendMask(Call->getType(), is_int_image);
Constant *CstFP0 = ConstantFP::get(Context, APFloat(0.0f));
Ops << result_type << SampledImageID << Coordinate << mask << CstFP0;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpImageSampleExplicitLod, Ops);
if (is_int_image) {
// Generate the bitcast.
Ops << Call->getType() << RID;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitcast, Ops);
} else if (IsStorageImageType(image_ty)) {
// read_image on a storage image is mapped to OpImageRead.
Value *Image = Call->getArgOperand(0);
Value *Coordinate = Call->getArgOperand(1);
// Generate OpImageRead
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Image ID
// Ops[2] = Coordinate
// No optional image operands.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
const bool is_int_image = IsIntImageType(Image->getType());
SPIRVID result_type;
if (is_int_image) {
result_type = v4int32ID;
} else {
result_type = getSPIRVType(Call->getType());
Ops << result_type << Image << Coordinate;
uint32_t mask = GetExtendMask(Call->getType(), is_int_image);
if (mask != 0)
Ops << mask;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpImageRead, Ops);
if (is_int_image) {
// Generate the bitcast.
Ops << Call->getType() << RID;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitcast, Ops);
// OpImageRead requires StorageImageReadWithoutFormat.
} else {
// read_image on a sampled image (without a sampler) is mapped to
// OpImageFetch.
Value *Image = Call->getArgOperand(0);
Value *Coordinate = Call->getArgOperand(1);
// Generate OpImageFetch
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Image ID
// Ops[2] = Coordinate ID
// Ops[3] = Lod
// Ops[4] = 0
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
const bool is_int_image = IsIntImageType(Image->getType());
SPIRVID result_type;
if (is_int_image) {
result_type = v4int32ID;
} else {
result_type = getSPIRVType(Call->getType());
uint32_t mask = spv::ImageOperandsLodMask |
GetExtendMask(Call->getType(), is_int_image);
Ops << result_type << Image << Coordinate << mask
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(0);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpImageFetch, Ops);
if (is_int_image) {
// Generate the bitcast.
Ops << Call->getType() << RID;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitcast, Ops);
case Builtins::kWriteImagef:
case Builtins::kWriteImageh:
case Builtins::kWriteImagei:
case Builtins::kWriteImageui: {
// write_image is mapped to OpImageWrite.
// Generate OpImageWrite.
// Ops[0] = Image ID
// Ops[1] = Coordinate ID
// Ops[2] = Texel ID
// Ops[3] = (Optional) Image Operands Type (Literal Number)
// Ops[4] ... Ops[n] = (Optional) Operands ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Value *Image = Call->getArgOperand(0);
Value *Coordinate = Call->getArgOperand(1);
Value *Texel = Call->getArgOperand(2);
SPIRVID TexelID = getSPIRVValue(Texel);
const bool is_int_image = IsIntImageType(Image->getType());
if (is_int_image) {
// Generate a bitcast to v4int and use it as the texel value.
Ops << v4int32ID << TexelID;
TexelID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitcast, Ops);
Ops << Image << Coordinate << TexelID;
uint32_t mask = GetExtendMask(Texel->getType(), is_int_image);
if (mask != 0)
Ops << mask;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpImageWrite, Ops);
// Image writes require StorageImageWriteWithoutFormat.
case Builtins::kGetImageHeight:
case Builtins::kGetImageWidth:
case Builtins::kGetImageDepth:
case Builtins::kGetImageDim: {
// get_image_* is mapped to OpImageQuerySize or OpImageQuerySizeLod
// Generate OpImageQuerySize[Lod]
// Ops[0] = Image ID
// Result type has components equal to the dimensionality of the image,
// plus 1 if the image is arrayed.
// %sizes = OpImageQuerySize[Lod] %uint[2|3|4] %im [%uint_0]
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// Implement:
// %sizes = OpImageQuerySize[Lod] %uint[2|3|4] %im [%uint_0]
Value *Image = Call->getArgOperand(0);
const uint32_t dim = ImageDimensionality(Image->getType());
const uint32_t components =
dim + (IsArrayImageType(Image->getType()) ? 1 : 0);
if (components == 1) {
SizesTypeID = getSPIRVType(Type::getInt32Ty(Context));
} else {
SizesTypeID = getSPIRVType(
FixedVectorType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), components));
Ops << SizesTypeID << Image;
spv::Op query_opcode = spv::OpImageQuerySize;
if (IsSampledImageType(Image->getType())) {
query_opcode = spv::OpImageQuerySizeLod;
// Need explicit 0 for Lod operand.
Ops << getSPIRVInt32Constant(0);
RID = addSPIRVInst(query_opcode, Ops);
// May require an extra instruction to create the appropriate result of
// the builtin function.
if (FuncInfo.getType() == Builtins::kGetImageDim) {
if (dim == 3) {
// get_image_dim returns an int4 for 3D images.
// Implement:
// %result = OpCompositeConstruct %uint4 %sizes %uint_0
Ops << FixedVectorType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), 4) << RID
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(0);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpCompositeConstruct, Ops);
} else if (dim != components) {
// get_image_dim return an int2 regardless of the arrayedness of the
// image. If the image is arrayed an element must be dropped from the
// query result.
// Implement:
// %result = OpVectorShuffle %uint2 %sizes %sizes 0 1
Ops << FixedVectorType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), 2) << RID << RID
<< 0 << 1;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpVectorShuffle, Ops);
} else if (components > 1) {
// Implement:
// %result = OpCompositeExtract %uint %sizes <component number>
Ops << Call->getType() << RID;
uint32_t component = 0;
if (FuncInfo.getType() == Builtins::kGetImageHeight)
component = 1;
else if (FuncInfo.getType() == Builtins::kGetImageDepth)
component = 2;
Ops << component;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpCompositeExtract, Ops);
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported Image builtin");
return RID;
SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateSubgroupInstruction(CallInst *Call,
const FunctionInfo &FuncInfo) {
// requires SPIRV version 1.3 or greater
if (SpvVersion() != SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_3) {
// llvm_unreachable("SubGroups extension requires SPIRV 1.3 or greater");
// TODO(sjw): error out gracefully
auto loadBuiltin = [this, Call](spv::BuiltIn spvBI,
spv::Capability spvCap =
spv::CapabilityGroupNonUniform) {
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Call->getType() << this->getSPIRVBuiltin(spvBI, spvCap);
return addSPIRVInst(spv::OpLoad, Ops);
spv::Op op = spv::OpNop;
switch (FuncInfo.getType()) {
case Builtins::kGetSubGroupSize:
return loadBuiltin(spv::BuiltInSubgroupSize);
case Builtins::kGetNumSubGroups:
return loadBuiltin(spv::BuiltInNumSubgroups);
case Builtins::kGetSubGroupId:
return loadBuiltin(spv::BuiltInSubgroupId);
case Builtins::kGetSubGroupLocalId:
return loadBuiltin(spv::BuiltInSubgroupLocalInvocationId);
case Builtins::kSubGroupBroadcast:
if (SpvVersion() < SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_5 &&
!dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Call->getOperand(1))) {
llvm_unreachable("sub_group_broadcast requires constant lane Id for "
"SPIRV version < 1.5");
op = spv::OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast;
case Builtins::kSubGroupAll:
op = spv::OpGroupNonUniformAll;
case Builtins::kSubGroupAny:
op = spv::OpGroupNonUniformAny;
case Builtins::kSubGroupReduceAdd:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanExclusiveAdd:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanInclusiveAdd: {
if (FuncInfo.getParameter(0).type_id == Type::IntegerTyID) {
op = spv::OpGroupNonUniformIAdd;
} else {
op = spv::OpGroupNonUniformFAdd;
case Builtins::kSubGroupReduceMin:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanExclusiveMin:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanInclusiveMin: {
auto &param = FuncInfo.getParameter(0);
if (param.type_id == Type::IntegerTyID) {
op = param.is_signed ? spv::OpGroupNonUniformSMin
: spv::OpGroupNonUniformUMin;
} else {
op = spv::OpGroupNonUniformFMin;
case Builtins::kSubGroupReduceMax:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanExclusiveMax:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanInclusiveMax: {
auto &param = FuncInfo.getParameter(0);
if (param.type_id == Type::IntegerTyID) {
op = param.is_signed ? spv::OpGroupNonUniformSMax
: spv::OpGroupNonUniformUMax;
} else {
op = spv::OpGroupNonUniformFMax;
case Builtins::kGetEnqueuedNumSubGroups:
// TODO(sjw): requires CapabilityKernel (incompatible with Shader)
case Builtins::kGetMaxSubGroupSize:
// TODO(sjw): use SpecConstant, capability Kernel (incompatible with Shader)
case Builtins::kSubGroupBarrier:
case Builtins::kSubGroupReserveReadPipe:
case Builtins::kSubGroupReserveWritePipe:
case Builtins::kSubGroupCommitReadPipe:
case Builtins::kSubGroupCommitWritePipe:
case Builtins::kGetKernelSubGroupCountForNdrange:
case Builtins::kGetKernelMaxSubGroupSizeForNdrange:
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported sub_group operation");
assert(op != spv::OpNop);
SPIRVOperandVec Operands;
// Generate OpGroupNonUniform*
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = ScopeSubgroup
// Ops[2] = Value ID
// Ops[3] = Local ID
// The result type.
Operands << Call->getType();
// Subgroup Scope
Operands << getSPIRVInt32Constant(spv::ScopeSubgroup);
switch (FuncInfo.getType()) {
case Builtins::kSubGroupReduceAdd:
case Builtins::kSubGroupReduceMin:
case Builtins::kSubGroupReduceMax:
Operands << spv::GroupOperationReduce;
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanExclusiveAdd:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanExclusiveMin:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanExclusiveMax:
Operands << spv::GroupOperationExclusiveScan;
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanInclusiveAdd:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanInclusiveMin:
case Builtins::kSubGroupScanInclusiveMax:
Operands << spv::GroupOperationInclusiveScan;
for (Use &use : Call->arg_operands()) {
Operands << use.get();
return addSPIRVInst(op, Operands);
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateInstructionFromCall(CallInst *Call) {
LLVMContext &Context = module->getContext();
auto &func_info = Builtins::Lookup(Call->getCalledFunction());
auto func_type = func_info.getType();
if (BUILTIN_IN_GROUP(func_type, Clspv)) {
return GenerateClspvInstruction(Call, func_info);
} else if (BUILTIN_IN_GROUP(func_type, Image)) {
return GenerateImageInstruction(Call, func_info);
} else if (BUILTIN_IN_GROUP(func_type, SubgroupsKHR)) {
return GenerateSubgroupInstruction(Call, func_info);
switch (Call->getCalledFunction()->getIntrinsicID()) {
case Intrinsic::ctlz: {
// Implement as 31 - FindUMsb. Ignore the second operand of llvm.ctlz.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Call->getType() << getOpExtInstImportID()
<< glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFindUMsb << Call->getArgOperand(0);
auto find_msb = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
Constant *thirty_one = ConstantInt::get(
Call->getType(), Call->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits() - 1);
Ops << Call->getType() << thirty_one << find_msb;
return addSPIRVInst(spv::OpISub, Ops);
case Intrinsic::cttz: {
// Implement as:
// lsb = FindILsb x
// res = lsb == -1 ? width : lsb
// Ignore the second operand of llvm.cttz.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Call->getType() << getOpExtInstImportID()
<< glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFindILsb << Call->getArgOperand(0);
auto find_lsb = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
auto neg_one = Constant::getAllOnesValue(Call->getType());
auto i1_ty = Call->getType()->getWithNewBitWidth(1);
auto width = ConstantInt::get(Call->getType(),
Ops << i1_ty << find_lsb << neg_one;
auto cmp = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpIEqual, Ops);
Ops << Call->getType() << cmp << width << find_lsb;
return addSPIRVInst(spv::OpSelect, Ops);
switch (func_type) {
case Builtins::kPopcount: {
// Generate OpBitCount
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Base ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Call->getType() << Call->getOperand(0);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitCount, Ops);
default: {
glsl::ExtInst EInst = getDirectOrIndirectExtInstEnum(func_info);
// Do not replace functions with implementations.
if (EInst && Call->getCalledFunction()->isDeclaration()) {
SPIRVID ExtInstImportID = getOpExtInstImportID();
// Generate OpExtInst.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Set ID (OpExtInstImport ID)
// Ops[2] = Instruction Number (Literal Number)
// Ops[3] ... Ops[n] = Operand 1, ... , Operand n
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Call->getType() << ExtInstImportID << EInst;
for (auto &use : Call->arg_operands()) {
Ops << use.get();
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
const auto IndirectExtInst = getIndirectExtInstEnum(func_info);
if (IndirectExtInst != kGlslExtInstBad) {
// Generate one more instruction that uses the result of the extended
// instruction. Its result id is one more than the id of the
// extended instruction.
auto generate_extra_inst = [this, &Context, &Call,
&RID](spv::Op opcode, Constant *constant) {
// Generate instruction like:
// result = opcode constant <extinst-result>
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Operand 0 ;; the constant, suitably splatted
// Ops[2] = Operand 1 ;; the result of the extended instruction
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Type *resultTy = Call->getType();
if (auto *vectorTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(resultTy)) {
constant =
ConstantVector::getSplat(vectorTy->getElementCount(), constant);
Ops << resultTy << constant << RID;
RID = addSPIRVInst(opcode, Ops);
switch (IndirectExtInst) {
case glsl::ExtInstAcos: // Implementing acospi
case glsl::ExtInstAsin: // Implementing asinpi
case glsl::ExtInstAtan: // Implementing atanpi
case glsl::ExtInstAtan2: // Implementing atan2pi
ConstantFP::get(Call->getType()->getScalarType(), kOneOverPi));
assert(false && "internally inconsistent");
} else {
switch (Call->getIntrinsicID()) {
// These LLVM intrinsics have no SPV equivalent.
// Because they are optimiser hints, we can safely discard them.
case Intrinsic::experimental_noalias_scope_decl:
// A real function call (not builtin)
// Call instruction is deferred because it needs function's ID.
RID = addSPIRVPlaceholder(Call);
return RID;
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateInstruction(Instruction &I) {
ValueMapType &VMap = getValueMap();
LLVMContext &Context = module->getContext();
switch (I.getOpcode()) {
default: {
if (Instruction::isCast(I.getOpcode())) {
// Generate SPIRV instructions for cast operators.
auto Ty = I.getType();
auto OpTy = I.getOperand(0)->getType();
auto toI8 = Ty == Type::getInt8Ty(Context);
auto fromI32 = OpTy == Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
// Handle zext, sext, uitofp, and sitofp with i1 type specially.
if ((I.getOpcode() == Instruction::ZExt ||
I.getOpcode() == Instruction::SExt ||
I.getOpcode() == Instruction::UIToFP ||
I.getOpcode() == Instruction::SIToFP) &&
OpTy->isIntOrIntVectorTy(1)) {
// Generate OpSelect.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Condition ID
// Ops[2] = True Constant ID
// Ops[3] = False Constant ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType() << I.getOperand(0);
if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::ZExt) {
Ops << ConstantInt::get(I.getType(), 1);
} else if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::SExt) {
Ops << ConstantInt::getSigned(I.getType(), -1);
} else if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::UIToFP) {
Ops << ConstantFP::get(I.getType(), 1.0);
} else if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::SIToFP) {
Ops << ConstantFP::get(I.getType(), -1.0);
if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::ZExt) {
Ops << Constant::getNullValue(I.getType());
} else if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::SExt) {
Ops << Constant::getNullValue(I.getType());
} else {
Ops << ConstantFP::get(I.getType(), 0.0);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpSelect, Ops);
} else if (!clspv::Option::Int8Support() &&
I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Trunc && fromI32 && toI8) {
// The SPIR-V target type is a 32-bit int. Keep only the bottom
// 8 bits.
// Before:
// %result = trunc i32 %a to i8
// After
// %result = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %a %uint_255
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << OpTy << I.getOperand(0) << getSPIRVInt32Constant(255);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitwiseAnd, Ops);
} else {
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Source Value ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType() << I.getOperand(0);
RID = addSPIRVInst(GetSPIRVCastOpcode(I), Ops);
} else if (isa<BinaryOperator>(I)) {
// Generate SPIRV instructions for binary operators.
// Handle xor with i1 type specially.
if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Xor &&
I.getType() == Type::getInt1Ty(Context) &&
((isa<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(0)) &&
!cast<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(0))->isZero()) ||
(isa<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(1)) &&
!cast<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(1))->isZero()))) {
// Generate OpLogicalNot.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Operand
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType();
Value *CondV = I.getOperand(0);
if (isa<Constant>(I.getOperand(0))) {
CondV = I.getOperand(1);
Ops << CondV;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpLogicalNot, Ops);
} else {
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Operand 0
// Ops[2] = Operand 1
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType() << I.getOperand(0) << I.getOperand(1);
RID = addSPIRVInst(GetSPIRVBinaryOpcode(I), Ops);
} else if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::FNeg) {
// The only unary operator.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Operand 0
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType() << I.getOperand(0);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpFNegate, Ops);
} else if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Unreachable) {
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpUnreachable);
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported instruction???");
case Instruction::GetElementPtr: {
auto &GlobalConstArgSet = getGlobalConstArgSet();
// Generate OpAccessChain.
GetElementPtrInst *GEP = cast<GetElementPtrInst>(&I);
// Generate OpAccessChain.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Base ID
// Ops[2] ... Ops[n] = Indexes ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
PointerType *ResultType = cast<PointerType>(GEP->getType());
if (GEP->getPointerAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::ModuleScopePrivate ||
GlobalConstArgSet.count(GEP->getPointerOperand())) {
// Use pointer type with private address space for global constant.
Type *EleTy = I.getType()->getPointerElementType();
ResultType = PointerType::get(EleTy, AddressSpace::ModuleScopePrivate);
Ops << ResultType;
// Generate the base pointer.
Ops << GEP->getPointerOperand();
// TODO(dneto): Simplify the following?
// Follows below rules for gep.
// 1. If gep's first index is 0 generate OpAccessChain and ignore gep's
// first index.
// 2. If gep's first index is not 0, generate OpPtrAccessChain and use gep's
// first index.
// 3. If gep's first index is not constant, generate OpPtrAccessChain and
// use gep's first index.
// 4. If it is not above case 1, 2 and 3, generate OpAccessChain and use
// gep's first index.
spv::Op Opcode = spv::OpAccessChain;
unsigned offset = 0;
if (ConstantInt *CstInt = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(GEP->getOperand(1))) {
if (CstInt->getZExtValue() == 0) {
offset = 1;
} else if (CstInt->getZExtValue() != 0) {
Opcode = spv::OpPtrAccessChain;
} else {
Opcode = spv::OpPtrAccessChain;
if (Opcode == spv::OpPtrAccessChain) {
// Shader validation in the SPIR-V spec requires that the base pointer to
// OpPtrAccessChain (in StorageBuffer storage class) be decorated with
// ArrayStride.
auto address_space = ResultType->getAddressSpace();
switch (GetStorageClass(address_space)) {
case spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer:
// Save the need to generate an ArrayStride decoration. But defer
// generation until later, so we only make one decoration.
case spv::StorageClassWorkgroup:
"OpPtrAccessChain is not supported for this storage class");
for (auto II = GEP->idx_begin() + offset; II != GEP->idx_end(); II++) {
Ops << *II;
RID = addSPIRVInst(Opcode, Ops);
case Instruction::ExtractValue: {
ExtractValueInst *EVI = cast<ExtractValueInst>(&I);
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Composite ID
// Ops[2] ... Ops[n] = Indexes (Literal Number)
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType();
Ops << EVI->getAggregateOperand();
for (auto &Index : EVI->indices()) {
Ops << Index;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpCompositeExtract, Ops);
case Instruction::InsertValue: {
InsertValueInst *IVI = cast<InsertValueInst>(&I);
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Object ID
// Ops[2] = Composite ID
// Ops[3] ... Ops[n] = Indexes (Literal Number)
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType() << IVI->getInsertedValueOperand()
<< IVI->getAggregateOperand();
for (auto &Index : IVI->indices()) {
Ops << Index;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpCompositeInsert, Ops);
case Instruction::Select: {
// Generate OpSelect.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Condition ID
// Ops[2] = True Constant ID
// Ops[3] = False Constant ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// Find SPIRV instruction for parameter type.
auto Ty = I.getType();
if (Ty->isPointerTy()) {
auto PointeeTy = Ty->getPointerElementType();
if (PointeeTy->isStructTy() &&
dyn_cast<StructType>(PointeeTy)->isOpaque()) {
Ty = PointeeTy;
} else {
// Selecting between pointers requires variable pointers.
if (!hasVariablePointers() && !selectFromSameObject(&I)) {
Ops << Ty << I.getOperand(0) << I.getOperand(1) << I.getOperand(2);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpSelect, Ops);
case Instruction::ExtractElement: {
// Handle <4 x i8> type manually.
Type *CompositeTy = I.getOperand(0)->getType();
if (is4xi8vec(CompositeTy)) {
// Generate OpShiftRightLogical and OpBitwiseAnd for extractelement with
// <4 x i8>.
// Generate OpShiftRightLogical
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Operand 0
// Ops[2] = Operand 1
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << CompositeTy << I.getOperand(0);
if (ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(1))) {
// Handle constant index.
uint32_t Idx = static_cast<uint32_t>(CI->getZExtValue());
Op1ID = getSPIRVInt32Constant(Idx * 8);
} else {
// Handle variable index.
SPIRVOperandVec TmpOps;
TmpOps << Type::getInt32Ty(Context) << I.getOperand(1)
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(8);
Op1ID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpIMul, TmpOps);
Ops << Op1ID;
SPIRVID ShiftID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpShiftRightLogical, Ops);
// Generate OpBitwiseAnd
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Operand 0
// Ops[2] = Operand 1
Ops << CompositeTy << ShiftID << getSPIRVInt32Constant(0xFF);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitwiseAnd, Ops);
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Composite ID
// Ops[2] ... Ops[n] = Indexes (Literal Number)
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType() << I.getOperand(0);
spv::Op Opcode = spv::OpCompositeExtract;
if (const ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(1))) {
Ops << static_cast<uint32_t>(CI->getZExtValue());
} else {
Ops << I.getOperand(1);
Opcode = spv::OpVectorExtractDynamic;
RID = addSPIRVInst(Opcode, Ops);
case Instruction::InsertElement: {
// Handle <4 x i8> type manually.
Type *CompositeTy = I.getOperand(0)->getType();
if (is4xi8vec(CompositeTy)) {
SPIRVID CstFFID = getSPIRVInt32Constant(0xFF);
SPIRVID ShiftAmountID = 0;
if (ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(2))) {
// Handle constant index.
uint32_t Idx = static_cast<uint32_t>(CI->getZExtValue());
ShiftAmountID = getSPIRVInt32Constant(Idx * 8);
} else {
// Handle variable index.
SPIRVOperandVec TmpOps;
TmpOps << Type::getInt32Ty(Context) << I.getOperand(2)
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(8);
ShiftAmountID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpIMul, TmpOps);
// Generate mask operations.
// ShiftLeft mask according to index of insertelement.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << CompositeTy << CstFFID << ShiftAmountID;
SPIRVID MaskID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpShiftLeftLogical, Ops);
// Inverse mask.
Ops << CompositeTy << MaskID;
SPIRVID InvMaskID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpNot, Ops);
// Apply mask.
Ops << CompositeTy << I.getOperand(0) << InvMaskID;
SPIRVID OrgValID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitwiseAnd, Ops);
// Create correct value according to index of insertelement.
Ops << CompositeTy << I.getOperand(1) << ShiftAmountID;
SPIRVID InsertValID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpShiftLeftLogical, Ops);
// Insert value to original value.
Ops << CompositeTy << OrgValID << InsertValID;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitwiseOr, Ops);
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
Ops << I.getType();
spv::Op Opcode = spv::OpCompositeInsert;
if (const ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(2))) {
const auto value = CI->getZExtValue();
assert(value <= UINT32_MAX);
// Ops[1] = Object ID
// Ops[2] = Composite ID
// Ops[3] ... Ops[n] = Indexes (Literal Number)
Ops << I.getOperand(1) << I.getOperand(0) << static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
} else {
// Ops[1] = Composite ID
// Ops[2] = Object ID
// Ops[3] ... Ops[n] = Indexes (Literal Number)
Ops << I.getOperand(0) << I.getOperand(1) << I.getOperand(2);
Opcode = spv::OpVectorInsertDynamic;
RID = addSPIRVInst(Opcode, Ops);
case Instruction::ShuffleVector: {
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Vector 1 ID
// Ops[2] = Vector 2 ID
// Ops[3] ... Ops[n] = Components (Literal Number)
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType() << I.getOperand(0) << I.getOperand(1);
auto shuffle = cast<ShuffleVectorInst>(&I);
SmallVector<int, 4> mask;
for (auto i : mask) {
if (i == UndefMaskElem) {
if (clspv::Option::HackUndef())
// Use 0 instead of undef.
Ops << 0;
// Undef for shuffle in SPIR-V.
Ops << 0xffffffff;
} else {
Ops << i;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpVectorShuffle, Ops);
case Instruction::ICmp:
case Instruction::FCmp: {
CmpInst *CmpI = cast<CmpInst>(&I);
// Pointer equality is invalid.
Type *ArgTy = CmpI->getOperand(0)->getType();
if (isa<PointerType>(ArgTy)) {
std::string name = I.getParent()->getParent()->getName().str();
<< "\nPointer equality test is not supported by SPIR-V for Vulkan, "
<< "in function " << name << "\n";
llvm_unreachable("Pointer equality check is invalid");
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
if (CmpI->getPredicate() == CmpInst::FCMP_ORD ||
CmpI->getPredicate() == CmpInst::FCMP_UNO) {
// Implement ordered and unordered comparisons are OpIsNan instructions.
// Optimize the constants to simplify the resulting code.
auto lhs = CmpI->getOperand(0);
auto rhs = CmpI->getOperand(1);
auto const_lhs = dyn_cast_or_null<Constant>(lhs);
auto const_rhs = dyn_cast_or_null<Constant>(rhs);
if ((const_lhs && const_lhs->isNaN()) ||
(const_rhs && const_rhs->isNaN())) {
// Result is a constant, false of ordered, true for unordered.
if (CmpI->getPredicate() == CmpInst::FCMP_ORD) {
RID = getSPIRVConstant(ConstantInt::getFalse(CmpI->getType()));
} else {
RID = getSPIRVConstant(ConstantInt::getTrue(CmpI->getType()));
SPIRVID lhs_id;
SPIRVID rhs_id;
if (!const_lhs) {
// Generate OpIsNan for the lhs.
Ops << CmpI->getType() << lhs;
lhs_id = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpIsNan, Ops);
if (!const_rhs) {
// Generate OpIsNan for the rhs.
Ops << CmpI->getType() << rhs;
rhs_id = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpIsNan, Ops);
if (lhs_id.isValid() && rhs_id.isValid()) {
// Or the results for the lhs and rhs.
Ops << CmpI->getType() << lhs_id << rhs_id;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpLogicalOr, Ops);
} else {
RID = lhs_id.isValid() ? lhs_id : rhs_id;
if (CmpI->getPredicate() == CmpInst::FCMP_ORD) {
// For ordered comparisons, invert the intermediate result.
Ops << CmpI->getType() << RID;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpLogicalNot, Ops);
} else {
// Remaining comparisons map directly to SPIR-V opcodes.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Operand 1 ID
// Ops[2] = Operand 2 ID
Ops << CmpI->getType() << CmpI->getOperand(0) << CmpI->getOperand(1);
spv::Op Opcode = GetSPIRVCmpOpcode(CmpI);
RID = addSPIRVInst(Opcode, Ops);
case Instruction::Br: {
// Branch instruction is deferred because it needs label's ID.
BasicBlock *BrBB = I.getParent();
if (ContinueBlocks.count(BrBB) || MergeBlocks.count(BrBB)) {
// Placeholder for Merge operation
RID = addSPIRVPlaceholder(&I);
RID = addSPIRVPlaceholder(&I);
case Instruction::Switch: {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported instruction???");
case Instruction::IndirectBr: {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported instruction???");
case Instruction::PHI: {
// PHI instruction is deferred because it needs label's ID.
RID = addSPIRVPlaceholder(&I);
case Instruction::Alloca: {
// Generate OpVariable.
// Ops[0] : Result Type ID
// Ops[1] : Storage Class
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType() << spv::StorageClassFunction;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpVariable, Ops);
case Instruction::Load: {
LoadInst *LD = cast<LoadInst>(&I);
// Generate OpLoad.
if (LD->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
// Loading a pointer requires variable pointers.
SPIRVID PointerID = getSPIRVValue(LD->getPointerOperand());
// This is a hack to work around what looks like a driver bug.
// When we're loading from the special variable holding the WorkgroupSize
// builtin value, use an OpBitWiseAnd of the value's ID rather than
// generating a load.
// TODO(dneto): Remove this awful hack once drivers are fixed.
if (PointerID == WorkgroupSizeVarID) {
// Generate a bitwise-and of the original value with itself.
// We should have been able to get away with just an OpCopyObject,
// but we need something more complex to get past certain driver bugs.
// This is ridiculous, but necessary.
// TODO(dneto): Revisit this once drivers fix their bugs.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << LD->getType() << WorkgroupSizeValueID << WorkgroupSizeValueID;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpBitwiseAnd, Ops);
// This is the normal path. Generate a load.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Pointer ID
// Ops[2] ... Ops[n] = Optional Memory Access
// TODO: Do we need to implement Optional Memory Access???
auto ptr = LD->getPointerOperand();
auto ptr_ty = ptr->getType();
SPIRVID result_type_id;
if (LD->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
result_type_id = getSPIRVType(LD->getType());
} else {
auto layout = PointerRequiresLayout(ptr_ty->getPointerAddressSpace());
result_type_id = getSPIRVType(LD->getType(), layout);
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << result_type_id << ptr;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpLoad, Ops);
auto no_layout_id = getSPIRVType(LD->getType());
if (Option::SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4 &&
no_layout_id.get() != result_type_id.get()) {
// Generate an OpCopyLogical to convert from the laid out type to a
// non-laid out type.
Ops << no_layout_id << RID;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpCopyLogical, Ops);
case Instruction::Store: {
StoreInst *ST = cast<StoreInst>(&I);
// Generate OpStore.
if (ST->getValueOperand()->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
// Storing a pointer requires variable pointers.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
auto ptr = ST->getPointerOperand();
auto ptr_ty = ptr->getType();
auto value = ST->getValueOperand();
auto value_ty = value->getType();
auto needs_layout = PointerRequiresLayout(ptr_ty->getPointerAddressSpace());
if (Option::SpvVersion() >= SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4 && needs_layout &&
(value_ty->isArrayTy() || value_ty->isStructTy())) {
// Generate an OpCopyLogical to convert from the non-laid type to the
// laid out type.
Ops << getSPIRVType(value_ty, needs_layout) << value;
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpCopyLogical, Ops);
// Ops[0] = Pointer ID
// Ops[1] = Object ID
// Ops[2] ... Ops[n] = Optional Memory Access (later???)
// TODO: Do we need to implement Optional Memory Access???
Ops << ST->getPointerOperand();
if (RID.isValid()) {
Ops << RID;
} else {
Ops << ST->getValueOperand();
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpStore, Ops);
case Instruction::AtomicCmpXchg: {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported instruction???");
case Instruction::AtomicRMW: {
AtomicRMWInst *AtomicRMW = dyn_cast<AtomicRMWInst>(&I);
spv::Op opcode;
switch (AtomicRMW->getOperation()) {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported instruction???");
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Add:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicIAdd;
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Sub:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicISub;
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Xchg:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicExchange;
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Min:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicSMin;
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Max:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicSMax;
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::UMin:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicUMin;
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::UMax:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicUMax;
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::And:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicAnd;
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Or:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicOr;
case llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Xor:
opcode = spv::OpAtomicXor;
// Generate OpAtomic*.
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getType() << AtomicRMW->getPointerOperand();
const auto ConstantScopeDevice = getSPIRVInt32Constant(spv::ScopeDevice);
Ops << ConstantScopeDevice;
const auto ConstantMemorySemantics =
getSPIRVInt32Constant(spv::MemorySemanticsUniformMemoryMask |
Ops << ConstantMemorySemantics << AtomicRMW->getValOperand();
RID = addSPIRVInst(opcode, Ops);
case Instruction::Fence: {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported instruction???");
case Instruction::Call: {
CallInst *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I);
RID = GenerateInstructionFromCall(Call);
case Instruction::Ret: {
unsigned NumOps = I.getNumOperands();
if (NumOps == 0) {
// Generate OpReturn.
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpReturn);
} else {
// Generate OpReturnValue.
// Ops[0] = Return Value ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << I.getOperand(0);
RID = addSPIRVInst(spv::OpReturnValue, Ops);
// Register Instruction to ValueMap.
if (RID.isValid()) {
VMap[&I] = RID;
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateFuncEpilogue() {
// Generate OpFunctionEnd
bool SPIRVProducerPass::is4xi8vec(Type *Ty) const {
// Don't specialize <4 x i8> if i8 is generally supported.
if (clspv::Option::Int8Support())
return false;
LLVMContext &Context = Ty->getContext();
if (auto VecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty)) {
if (VecTy->getElementType() == Type::getInt8Ty(Context) &&
VecTy->getElementCount().getKnownMinValue() == 4) {
return true;
return false;
void SPIRVProducerPass::HandleDeferredInstruction() {
DeferredInstVecType &DeferredInsts = getDeferredInstVec();
for (size_t i = 0; i < DeferredInsts.size(); ++i) {
Value *Inst = DeferredInsts[i].first;
SPIRVInstruction *Placeholder = DeferredInsts[i].second;
SPIRVOperandVec Operands;
auto nextDeferred = [&i, &Inst, &DeferredInsts, &Placeholder]() {
assert(DeferredInsts.size() > i);
assert(Inst == DeferredInsts[i].first);
Placeholder = DeferredInsts[i].second;
if (BranchInst *Br = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(Inst)) {
// Check whether this branch needs to be preceeded by merge instruction.
BasicBlock *BrBB = Br->getParent();
if (ContinueBlocks.count(BrBB)) {
// Generate OpLoopMerge.
// Ops[0] = Merge Block ID
// Ops[1] = Continue Target ID
// Ops[2] = Selection Control
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << MergeBlocks[BrBB] << ContinueBlocks[BrBB]
<< spv::LoopControlMaskNone;
replaceSPIRVInst(Placeholder, spv::OpLoopMerge, Ops);
} else if (MergeBlocks.count(BrBB)) {
// Generate OpSelectionMerge.
// Ops[0] = Merge Block ID
// Ops[1] = Selection Control
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
auto MergeBB = MergeBlocks[BrBB];
Ops << MergeBB << spv::SelectionControlMaskNone;
replaceSPIRVInst(Placeholder, spv::OpSelectionMerge, Ops);
if (Br->isConditional()) {
// Generate OpBranchConditional.
// Ops[0] = Condition ID
// Ops[1] = True Label ID
// Ops[2] = False Label ID
// Ops[3] ... Ops[n] = Branch weights (Literal Number)
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Br->getCondition() << Br->getSuccessor(0) << Br->getSuccessor(1);
replaceSPIRVInst(Placeholder, spv::OpBranchConditional, Ops);
} else {
// Generate OpBranch.
// Ops[0] = Target Label ID
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Br->getSuccessor(0);
replaceSPIRVInst(Placeholder, spv::OpBranch, Ops);
} else if (PHINode *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(Inst)) {
if (PHI->getType()->isPointerTy() && !IsSamplerType(PHI->getType()) &&
!IsImageType(PHI->getType())) {
// OpPhi on pointers requires variable pointers.
if (!hasVariablePointers() && !selectFromSameObject(PHI)) {
// Generate OpPhi.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] ... Ops[n] = (Variable ID, Parent ID) pairs
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << PHI->getType();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < PHI->getNumIncomingValues(); j++) {
Ops << PHI->getIncomingValue(j) << PHI->getIncomingBlock(j);
replaceSPIRVInst(Placeholder, spv::OpPhi, Ops);
} else if (CallInst *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(Inst)) {
Function *Callee = Call->getCalledFunction();
auto callee_name = Callee->getName();
if (Builtins::Lookup(Callee) == Builtins::kClspvCompositeConstruct) {
// Generate an OpCompositeConstruct
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// The result type.
Ops << Call->getType();
for (Use &use : Call->arg_operands()) {
Ops << use.get();
replaceSPIRVInst(Placeholder, spv::OpCompositeConstruct, Ops);
} else {
if (Call->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
// Functions returning pointers require variable pointers.
// Generate OpFunctionCall.
// Ops[0] = Result Type ID
// Ops[1] = Callee Function ID
// Ops[2] ... Ops[n] = Argument 0, ... , Argument n
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << Call->getType();
SPIRVID CalleeID = getSPIRVValue(Callee);
if (!CalleeID.isValid()) {
errs() << "Can't translate function call. Missing builtin? "
<< callee_name << " in: " << *Call << "\n";
// TODO(dneto): Can we error out? Enabling this llvm_unreachable
// causes an infinite loop. Instead, go ahead and generate
// the bad function call. A validator will catch the 0-Id.
// llvm_unreachable("Can't translate function call");
Ops << CalleeID;
FunctionType *CalleeFTy = cast<FunctionType>(Call->getFunctionType());
for (unsigned j = 0; j < CalleeFTy->getNumParams(); j++) {
auto *operand = Call->getOperand(j);
auto *operand_type = operand->getType();
// Images and samplers can be passed as function parameters without
// variable pointers.
if (operand_type->isPointerTy() && !IsImageType(operand_type) &&
!IsSamplerType(operand_type)) {
auto sc =
if (sc == spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer) {
// Passing SSBO by reference requires variable pointers storage
// buffer.
} else if (sc == spv::StorageClassWorkgroup) {
// Workgroup references require variable pointers if they are not
// memory object declarations.
if (auto *operand_call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(operand)) {
// Workgroup accessor represents a variable reference.
if (Builtins::Lookup(operand_call->getCalledFunction()) !=
} else {
// Arguments are function parameters.
if (!isa<Argument>(operand))
Ops << operand;
replaceSPIRVInst(Placeholder, spv::OpFunctionCall, Ops);
void SPIRVProducerPass::HandleDeferredDecorations() {
const auto &DL = module->getDataLayout();
if (getTypesNeedingArrayStride().empty()) {
// Insert ArrayStride decorations on pointer types, due to OpPtrAccessChain
// instructions we generated earlier.
DenseSet<uint32_t> seen;
for (auto *type : getTypesNeedingArrayStride()) {
auto TI = TypeMap.find(type);
unsigned index = SpvVersion() < SPIRVVersion::SPIRV_1_4 ? 0 : 1;
assert(TI != TypeMap.end());
assert(index < TI->second.size());
if (!TI->second[index].isValid())
auto id = TI->second[index];
if (!seen.insert(id.get()).second)
Type *elemTy = nullptr;
if (auto *ptrTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(type)) {
elemTy = ptrTy->getElementType();
} else if (auto *arrayTy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(type)) {
elemTy = arrayTy->getElementType();
} else if (auto *vecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(type)) {
elemTy = vecTy->getElementType();
} else {
errs() << "Unhandled strided type " << *type << "\n";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled strided type");
// Ops[0] = Target ID
// Ops[1] = Decoration (ArrayStride)
// Ops[2] = Stride number (Literal Number)
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
// Same as DL.getIndexedOffsetInType( elemTy, { 1 } );
const uint32_t stride = static_cast<uint32_t>(GetTypeAllocSize(elemTy, DL));
Ops << id << spv::DecorationArrayStride << stride;
addSPIRVInst<kAnnotations>(spv::OpDecorate, Ops);
SPIRVProducerPass::getExtInstEnum(const Builtins::FunctionInfo &func_info) {
switch (func_info.getType()) {
case Builtins::kClamp: {
auto param_type = func_info.getParameter(0);
if (param_type.type_id == Type::FloatTyID) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstNClamp;
return param_type.is_signed ? glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSClamp
: glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstUClamp;
case Builtins::kMax: {
auto param_type = func_info.getParameter(0);
if (param_type.type_id == Type::FloatTyID) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFMax;
return param_type.is_signed ? glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSMax
: glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstUMax;
case Builtins::kMin: {
auto param_type = func_info.getParameter(0);
if (param_type.type_id == Type::FloatTyID) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFMin;
return param_type.is_signed ? glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSMin
: glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstUMin;
case Builtins::kAbs:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSAbs;
case Builtins::kFmax:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstNMax;
case Builtins::kFmin:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstNMin;
case Builtins::kDegrees:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstDegrees;
case Builtins::kRadians:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstRadians;
case Builtins::kMix:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFMix;
case Builtins::kAcos:
case Builtins::kAcospi:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAcos;
case Builtins::kAcosh:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAcosh;
case Builtins::kAsin:
case Builtins::kAsinpi:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAsin;
case Builtins::kAsinh:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAsinh;
case Builtins::kAtan:
case Builtins::kAtanpi:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAtan;
case Builtins::kAtanh:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAtanh;
case Builtins::kAtan2:
case Builtins::kAtan2pi:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAtan2;
case Builtins::kCeil:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstCeil;
case Builtins::kSin:
case Builtins::kHalfSin:
case Builtins::kNativeSin:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSin;
case Builtins::kSinh:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSinh;
case Builtins::kCos:
case Builtins::kHalfCos:
case Builtins::kNativeCos:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstCos;
case Builtins::kCosh:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstCosh;
case Builtins::kTan:
case Builtins::kHalfTan:
case Builtins::kNativeTan:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstTan;
case Builtins::kTanh:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstTanh;
case Builtins::kExp:
case Builtins::kHalfExp:
case Builtins::kNativeExp:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstExp;
case Builtins::kExp2:
case Builtins::kHalfExp2:
case Builtins::kNativeExp2:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstExp2;
case Builtins::kLog:
case Builtins::kHalfLog:
case Builtins::kNativeLog:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstLog;
case Builtins::kLog2:
case Builtins::kHalfLog2:
case Builtins::kNativeLog2:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstLog2;
case Builtins::kFabs:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFAbs;
case Builtins::kFma:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFma;
case Builtins::kFloor:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFloor;
case Builtins::kLdexp:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstLdexp;
case Builtins::kPow:
case Builtins::kPowr:
case Builtins::kHalfPowr:
case Builtins::kNativePowr:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstPow;
case Builtins::kRint:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstRoundEven;
case Builtins::kRound:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstRound;
case Builtins::kSqrt:
case Builtins::kHalfSqrt:
case Builtins::kNativeSqrt:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSqrt;
case Builtins::kRsqrt:
case Builtins::kHalfRsqrt:
case Builtins::kNativeRsqrt:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstInverseSqrt;
case Builtins::kTrunc:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstTrunc;
case Builtins::kFrexp:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFrexp;
case Builtins::kClspvFract:
case Builtins::kFract:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFract;
case Builtins::kSign:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFSign;
case Builtins::kLength:
case Builtins::kFastLength:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstLength;
case Builtins::kDistance:
case Builtins::kFastDistance:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstDistance;
case Builtins::kStep:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstStep;
case Builtins::kSmoothstep:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSmoothStep;
case Builtins::kCross:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstCross;
case Builtins::kNormalize:
case Builtins::kFastNormalize:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstNormalize;
case Builtins::kSpirvPack:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstPackHalf2x16;
case Builtins::kSpirvUnpack:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstUnpackHalf2x16;
// TODO: improve this by checking the intrinsic id.
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.fmuladd.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFma;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.sqrt.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSqrt;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.trunc.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstTrunc;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.ctlz.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFindUMsb;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.cttz.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFindILsb;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.ceil.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstCeil;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.rint.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstRoundEven;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.fabs.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFAbs;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.floor.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstFloor;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.sin.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSin;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.cos.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstCos;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.exp.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstExp;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.log.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstLog;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.pow.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstPow;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.smax.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSMax;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.smin.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstSMin;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.umax.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstUMax;
if (func_info.getName().find("llvm.umin.") == 0) {
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstUMin;
return kGlslExtInstBad;
glsl::ExtInst SPIRVProducerPass::getIndirectExtInstEnum(
const Builtins::FunctionInfo &func_info) {
switch (func_info.getType()) {
case Builtins::kAcospi:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAcos;
case Builtins::kAsinpi:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAsin;
case Builtins::kAtanpi:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAtan;
case Builtins::kAtan2pi:
return glsl::ExtInst::ExtInstAtan2;
return kGlslExtInstBad;
glsl::ExtInst SPIRVProducerPass::getDirectOrIndirectExtInstEnum(
const Builtins::FunctionInfo &func_info) {
auto direct = getExtInstEnum(func_info);
if (direct != kGlslExtInstBad)
return direct;
return getIndirectExtInstEnum(func_info);
void SPIRVProducerPass::WriteOneWord(uint32_t Word) {
binaryOut->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Word), sizeof(uint32_t));
void SPIRVProducerPass::WriteResultID(const SPIRVInstruction &Inst) {
void SPIRVProducerPass::WriteWordCountAndOpcode(const SPIRVInstruction &Inst) {
// High 16 bit : Word Count
// Low 16 bit : Opcode
uint32_t Word = Inst.getOpcode();
const uint32_t count = Inst.getWordCount();
if (count > 65535) {
errs() << "Word count limit of 65535 exceeded: " << count << "\n";
llvm_unreachable("Word count too high");
Word |= Inst.getWordCount() << 16;
void SPIRVProducerPass::WriteOperand(const SPIRVOperand &Op) {
SPIRVOperandType OpTy = Op.getType();
switch (OpTy) {
default: {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported SPIRV Operand Type???");
case SPIRVOperandType::NUMBERID: {
case SPIRVOperandType::LITERAL_STRING: {
std::string Str = Op.getLiteralStr();
const char *Data = Str.c_str();
size_t WordSize = Str.size() / 4;
for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < WordSize; Idx++) {
WriteOneWord(*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(&Data[4 * Idx]));
uint32_t Remainder = Str.size() % 4;
uint32_t LastWord = 0;
if (Remainder) {
for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < Remainder; Idx++) {
LastWord |= Data[4 * WordSize + Idx] << 8 * Idx;
case SPIRVOperandType::LITERAL_WORD: {
case SPIRVOperandType::LITERAL_DWORD: {
void SPIRVProducerPass::WriteSPIRVBinary() {
for (int i = 0; i < kSectionCount; ++i) {
void SPIRVProducerPass::WriteSPIRVBinary(SPIRVInstructionList &SPIRVInstList) {
for (const auto &Inst : SPIRVInstList) {
const auto &Ops = Inst.getOperands();
spv::Op Opcode = static_cast<spv::Op>(Inst.getOpcode());
switch (Opcode) {
default: {
errs() << "Unsupported SPIR-V instruction opcode " << int(Opcode) << "\n";
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported SPIRV instruction");
case spv::OpUnreachable:
case spv::OpCapability:
case spv::OpExtension:
case spv::OpMemoryModel:
case spv::OpEntryPoint:
case spv::OpExecutionMode:
case spv::OpSource:
case spv::OpDecorate:
case spv::OpMemberDecorate:
case spv::OpBranch:
case spv::OpBranchConditional:
case spv::OpSelectionMerge:
case spv::OpLoopMerge:
case spv::OpStore:
case spv::OpImageWrite:
case spv::OpReturnValue:
case spv::OpControlBarrier:
case spv::OpMemoryBarrier:
case spv::OpReturn:
case spv::OpFunctionEnd:
case spv::OpCopyMemory:
case spv::OpAtomicStore: {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Ops.size(); i++) {
case spv::OpTypeBool:
case spv::OpTypeVoid:
case spv::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::OpLabel:
case spv::OpExtInstImport:
case spv::OpTypePointer:
case spv::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
case spv::OpTypeStruct:
case spv::OpTypeImage:
case spv::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::OpTypeInt:
case spv::OpTypeFloat:
case spv::OpTypeArray:
case spv::OpTypeVector:
case spv::OpTypeFunction:
case spv::OpString: {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Ops.size(); i++) {
case spv::OpFunction:
case spv::OpFunctionParameter:
case spv::OpAccessChain:
case spv::OpPtrAccessChain:
case spv::OpInBoundsAccessChain:
case spv::OpUConvert:
case spv::OpSConvert:
case spv::OpConvertFToU:
case spv::OpConvertFToS:
case spv::OpConvertUToF:
case spv::OpConvertSToF:
case spv::OpFConvert:
case spv::OpConvertPtrToU:
case spv::OpConvertUToPtr:
case spv::OpBitcast:
case spv::OpFNegate:
case spv::OpIAdd:
case spv::OpIAddCarry:
case spv::OpFAdd:
case spv::OpISub:
case spv::OpISubBorrow:
case spv::OpFSub:
case spv::OpIMul:
case spv::OpFMul:
case spv::OpUDiv:
case spv::OpSDiv:
case spv::OpFDiv:
case spv::OpUMod:
case spv::OpSRem:
case spv::OpFRem:
case spv::OpUMulExtended:
case spv::OpSMulExtended:
case spv::OpBitwiseOr:
case spv::OpBitwiseXor:
case spv::OpBitwiseAnd:
case spv::OpNot:
case spv::OpShiftLeftLogical:
case spv::OpShiftRightLogical:
case spv::OpShiftRightArithmetic:
case spv::OpBitCount:
case spv::OpCompositeConstruct:
case spv::OpCompositeExtract:
case spv::OpVectorExtractDynamic:
case spv::OpCompositeInsert:
case spv::OpCopyLogical:
case spv::OpCopyObject:
case spv::OpVectorInsertDynamic:
case spv::OpVectorShuffle:
case spv::OpIEqual:
case spv::OpINotEqual:
case spv::OpUGreaterThan:
case spv::OpUGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpULessThan:
case spv::OpULessThanEqual:
case spv::OpSGreaterThan:
case spv::OpSGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpSLessThan:
case spv::OpSLessThanEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdGreaterThan:
case spv::OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdLessThan:
case spv::OpFOrdLessThanEqual:
case spv::OpFOrdNotEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordGreaterThan:
case spv::OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordLessThan:
case spv::OpFUnordLessThanEqual:
case spv::OpFUnordNotEqual:
case spv::OpExtInst:
case spv::OpIsInf:
case spv::OpIsNan:
case spv::OpAny:
case spv::OpAll:
case spv::OpUndef:
case spv::OpConstantNull:
case spv::OpLogicalOr:
case spv::OpLogicalAnd:
case spv::OpLogicalNot:
case spv::OpLogicalNotEqual:
case spv::OpConstantComposite:
case spv::OpSpecConstantComposite:
case spv::OpConstantTrue:
case spv::OpConstantFalse:
case spv::OpConstant:
case spv::OpSpecConstant:
case spv::OpVariable:
case spv::OpFunctionCall:
case spv::OpSampledImage:
case spv::OpImageFetch:
case spv::OpImageRead:
case spv::OpImageSampleExplicitLod:
case spv::OpImageQuerySize:
case spv::OpImageQuerySizeLod:
case spv::OpSelect:
case spv::OpPhi:
case spv::OpLoad:
case spv::OpAtomicLoad:
case spv::OpAtomicIAdd:
case spv::OpAtomicISub:
case spv::OpAtomicExchange:
case spv::OpAtomicIIncrement:
case spv::OpAtomicIDecrement:
case spv::OpAtomicCompareExchange:
case spv::OpAtomicUMin:
case spv::OpAtomicSMin:
case spv::OpAtomicUMax:
case spv::OpAtomicSMax:
case spv::OpAtomicAnd:
case spv::OpAtomicOr:
case spv::OpAtomicXor:
case spv::OpDot:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformAll:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformAny:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformIAdd:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformFAdd:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformSMin:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformUMin:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformFMin:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformSMax:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformUMax:
case spv::OpGroupNonUniformFMax: {
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < Ops.size(); i++) {
bool SPIRVProducerPass::IsTypeNullable(const Type *type) const {
switch (type->getTypeID()) {
case Type::HalfTyID:
case Type::FloatTyID:
case Type::DoubleTyID:
case Type::IntegerTyID:
case Type::FixedVectorTyID:
return true;
case Type::PointerTyID: {
const PointerType *pointer_type = cast<PointerType>(type);
if (pointer_type->getPointerAddressSpace() !=
AddressSpace::UniformConstant) {
auto pointee_type = pointer_type->getPointerElementType();
if (pointee_type->isStructTy() &&
cast<StructType>(pointee_type)->isOpaque()) {
// Images and samplers are not nullable.
return false;
return true;
case Type::ArrayTyID:
return IsTypeNullable(type->getArrayElementType());
case Type::StructTyID: {
const StructType *struct_type = cast<StructType>(type);
// Images and samplers are not nullable.
if (struct_type->isOpaque())
return false;
for (const auto element : struct_type->elements()) {
if (!IsTypeNullable(element))
return false;
return true;
return false;
void SPIRVProducerPass::PopulateUBOTypeMaps() {
if (auto *offsets_md =
module->getNamedMetadata(clspv::RemappedTypeOffsetMetadataName())) {
// Metdata is stored as key-value pair operands. The first element of each
// operand is the type and the second is a vector of offsets.
for (const auto *operand : offsets_md->operands()) {
const auto *pair = cast<MDTuple>(operand);
auto *type =
const auto *offset_vector = cast<MDTuple>(pair->getOperand(1));
std::vector<uint32_t> offsets;
for (const Metadata *offset_md : offset_vector->operands()) {
const auto *constant_md = cast<ConstantAsMetadata>(offset_md);
RemappedUBOTypeOffsets.insert(std::make_pair(type, offsets));
if (auto *sizes_md =
module->getNamedMetadata(clspv::RemappedTypeSizesMetadataName())) {
// Metadata is stored as key-value pair operands. The first element of each
// operand is the type and the second is a triple of sizes: type size in
// bits, store size and alloc size.
for (const auto *operand : sizes_md->operands()) {
const auto *pair = cast<MDTuple>(operand);
auto *type =
const auto *size_triple = cast<MDTuple>(pair->getOperand(1));
uint64_t type_size_in_bits =
uint64_t type_store_size =
uint64_t type_alloc_size =
type, std::make_tuple(type_size_in_bits, type_store_size,
uint64_t SPIRVProducerPass::GetTypeSizeInBits(Type *type,
const DataLayout &DL) {
auto iter = RemappedUBOTypeSizes.find(type);
if (iter != RemappedUBOTypeSizes.end()) {
return std::get<0>(iter->second);
return DL.getTypeSizeInBits(type);
uint64_t SPIRVProducerPass::GetTypeAllocSize(Type *type, const DataLayout &DL) {
auto iter = RemappedUBOTypeSizes.find(type);
if (iter != RemappedUBOTypeSizes.end()) {
return std::get<2>(iter->second);
return DL.getTypeAllocSize(type);
uint32_t SPIRVProducerPass::GetExplicitLayoutStructMemberOffset(
StructType *type, unsigned member, const DataLayout &DL) {
const auto StructLayout = DL.getStructLayout(type);
// Search for the correct offsets if this type was remapped.
std::vector<uint32_t> *offsets = nullptr;
auto iter = RemappedUBOTypeOffsets.find(type);
if (iter != RemappedUBOTypeOffsets.end()) {
offsets = &iter->second;
auto ByteOffset =
if (offsets) {
ByteOffset = (*offsets)[member];
return ByteOffset;
void SPIRVProducerPass::setVariablePointersCapabilities(
unsigned address_space) {
if (GetStorageClass(address_space) == spv::StorageClassStorageBuffer) {
} else {
Value *SPIRVProducerPass::GetBasePointer(Value *v) {
if (auto *gep = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(v)) {
return GetBasePointer(gep->getPointerOperand());
// Conservatively return |v|.
return v;
bool SPIRVProducerPass::sameResource(Value *lhs, Value *rhs) const {
if (auto *lhs_call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(lhs)) {
if (auto *rhs_call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(rhs)) {
const auto &lhs_func_info =
const auto &rhs_func_info =
if (lhs_func_info.getType() == Builtins::kClspvResource &&
rhs_func_info.getType() == Builtins::kClspvResource) {
// For resource accessors, match descriptor set and binding.
if (lhs_call->getOperand(0) == rhs_call->getOperand(0) &&
lhs_call->getOperand(1) == rhs_call->getOperand(1))
return true;
} else if (lhs_func_info.getType() == Builtins::kClspvLocal &&
rhs_func_info.getType() == Builtins::kClspvLocal) {
// For workgroup resources, match spec id.
if (lhs_call->getOperand(0) == rhs_call->getOperand(0))
return true;
return false;
bool SPIRVProducerPass::selectFromSameObject(Instruction *inst) {
assert(GetStorageClass(inst->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace()) ==
const bool hack_undef = clspv::Option::HackUndef();
if (auto *select = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(inst)) {
auto *true_base = GetBasePointer(select->getTrueValue());
auto *false_base = GetBasePointer(select->getFalseValue());
if (true_base == false_base)
return true;
// If either the true or false operand is a null, then we satisfy the same
// object constraint.
if (auto *true_cst = dyn_cast<Constant>(true_base)) {
if (true_cst->isNullValue() || (hack_undef && isa<UndefValue>(true_base)))
return true;
if (auto *false_cst = dyn_cast<Constant>(false_base)) {
if (false_cst->isNullValue() ||
(hack_undef && isa<UndefValue>(false_base)))
return true;
if (sameResource(true_base, false_base))
return true;
} else if (auto *phi = dyn_cast<PHINode>(inst)) {
Value *value = nullptr;
bool ok = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; ok && i != phi->getNumIncomingValues(); ++i) {
auto *base = GetBasePointer(phi->getIncomingValue(i));
// Null values satisfy the constraint of selecting of selecting from the
// same object.
if (!value) {
if (auto *cst = dyn_cast<Constant>(base)) {
if (!cst->isNullValue() && !(hack_undef && isa<UndefValue>(base)))
value = base;
} else {
value = base;
} else if (base != value) {
if (auto *base_cst = dyn_cast<Constant>(base)) {
if (base_cst->isNullValue() || (hack_undef && isa<UndefValue>(base)))
if (sameResource(value, base))
// Values don't represent the same base.
ok = false;
return ok;
// Conservatively return false.
return false;
bool SPIRVProducerPass::CalledWithCoherentResource(Argument &Arg) {
if (!Arg.getType()->isPointerTy() ||
Arg.getType()->getPointerAddressSpace() != clspv::AddressSpace::Global) {
// Only SSBOs need to be annotated as coherent.
return false;
DenseSet<Value *> visited;
std::vector<Value *> stack;
for (auto *U : Arg.getParent()->users()) {
if (auto *call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U)) {
while (!stack.empty()) {
Value *v = stack.back();
if (!visited.insert(v).second)
auto *resource_call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(v);
if (resource_call &&
Builtins::Lookup(resource_call->getCalledFunction()).getType() ==
Builtins::kClspvResource) {
// If this is a resource accessor function, check if the coherent operand
// is set.
const auto coherent =
if (coherent == 1)
return true;
} else if (auto *arg = dyn_cast<Argument>(v)) {
// If this is a function argument, trace through its callers.
for (auto U : arg->getParent()->users()) {
if (auto *call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U)) {
} else if (auto *user = dyn_cast<User>(v)) {
// If this is a user, traverse all operands that could lead to resource
// variables.
for (unsigned i = 0; i != user->getNumOperands(); ++i) {
Value *operand = user->getOperand(i);
if (operand->getType()->isPointerTy() &&
operand->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace() ==
clspv::AddressSpace::Global) {
// No coherent resource variables encountered.
return false;
void SPIRVProducerPass::PopulateStructuredCFGMaps() {
// First, track loop merges and continues.
DenseSet<BasicBlock *> LoopMergesAndContinues;
for (auto &F : *module) {
if (F.isDeclaration())
DominatorTree &DT = getAnalysis<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>(F).getDomTree();
const LoopInfo &LI = getAnalysis<LoopInfoWrapperPass>(F).getLoopInfo();
std::deque<BasicBlock *> order;
DenseSet<BasicBlock *> visited;
clspv::ComputeStructuredOrder(&*F.begin(), &DT, LI, &order, &visited);
for (auto BB : order) {
auto terminator = BB->getTerminator();
auto branch = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(terminator);
if (LI.isLoopHeader(BB)) {
auto L = LI.getLoopFor(BB);
BasicBlock *ContinueBB = nullptr;
BasicBlock *MergeBB = nullptr;
MergeBB = L->getExitBlock();
if (!MergeBB) {
// StructurizeCFG pass converts CFG into triangle shape and the cfg
// has regions with single entry/exit. As a result, loop should not
// have multiple exits.
llvm_unreachable("Loop has multiple exits???");
if (L->isLoopLatch(BB)) {
ContinueBB = BB;
} else {
// From SPIR-V spec 2.11, Continue Target must dominate that back-edge
// block.
BasicBlock *Header = L->getHeader();
BasicBlock *Latch = L->getLoopLatch();
for (auto *loop_block : L->blocks()) {
if (loop_block == Header) {
// Check whether block dominates block with back-edge.
// The loop latch is the single block with a back-edge. If it was
// possible, StructurizeCFG made the loop conform to this
// requirement, otherwise |Latch| is a nullptr.
if (DT.dominates(loop_block, Latch)) {
ContinueBB = loop_block;
if (!ContinueBB) {
llvm_unreachable("Wrong continue block from loop");
// Record the continue and merge blocks.
MergeBlocks[BB] = MergeBB;
ContinueBlocks[BB] = ContinueBB;
} else if (branch && branch->isConditional()) {
auto L = LI.getLoopFor(BB);
bool HasBackedge = false;
while (L && !HasBackedge) {
if (L->isLoopLatch(BB)) {
HasBackedge = true;
L = L->getParentLoop();
if (!HasBackedge) {
// Only need a merge if the branch doesn't include a loop break or
// continue.
auto true_bb = branch->getSuccessor(0);
auto false_bb = branch->getSuccessor(1);
if (!LoopMergesAndContinues.count(true_bb) &&
!LoopMergesAndContinues.count(false_bb)) {
// StructurizeCFG pass already manipulated CFG. Just use false block
// of branch instruction as merge block.
MergeBlocks[BB] = false_bb;
SPIRVID SPIRVProducerPass::getReflectionImport() {
if (!ReflectionID.isValid()) {
addSPIRVInst<kExtensions>(spv::OpExtension, "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info");
ReflectionID = addSPIRVInst<kImports>(spv::OpExtInstImport,
return ReflectionID;
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateReflection() {
void SPIRVProducerPass::GeneratePushConstantReflection() {
if (auto GV = module->getGlobalVariable(clspv::PushConstantsVariableName())) {
auto const &DL = module->getDataLayout();
auto MD = GV->getMetadata(clspv::PushConstantsMetadataName());
auto STy = cast<StructType>(GV->getValueType());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < STy->getNumElements(); i++) {
auto pc = static_cast<clspv::PushConstant>(
if (pc == PushConstant::KernelArgument)
auto memberType = STy->getElementType(i);
auto offset = GetExplicitLayoutStructMemberOffset(STy, i, DL);
#ifndef NDEBUG
unsigned previousOffset = 0;
if (i > 0) {
previousOffset = GetExplicitLayoutStructMemberOffset(STy, i - 1, DL);
assert(isValidExplicitLayout(*module, STy, i,
spv::StorageClassPushConstant, offset,
reflection::ExtInst pc_inst = reflection::ExtInstMax;
switch (pc) {
case PushConstant::GlobalOffset:
pc_inst = reflection::ExtInstPushConstantGlobalOffset;
case PushConstant::EnqueuedLocalSize:
pc_inst = reflection::ExtInstPushConstantEnqueuedLocalSize;
case PushConstant::GlobalSize:
pc_inst = reflection::ExtInstPushConstantGlobalSize;
case PushConstant::RegionOffset:
pc_inst = reflection::ExtInstPushConstantRegionOffset;
case PushConstant::NumWorkgroups:
pc_inst = reflection::ExtInstPushConstantNumWorkgroups;
case PushConstant::RegionGroupOffset:
pc_inst = reflection::ExtInstPushConstantRegionGroupOffset;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled push constant");
auto import_id = getReflectionImport();
auto size = static_cast<uint32_t>(GetTypeSizeInBits(memberType, DL)) / 8;
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << getSPIRVType(Type::getVoidTy(module->getContext())) << import_id
<< pc_inst << getSPIRVInt32Constant(offset)
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(size);
addSPIRVInst(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateSpecConstantReflection() {
const uint32_t kMax = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t wgsize_id[3] = {kMax, kMax, kMax};
uint32_t global_offset_id[3] = {kMax, kMax, kMax};
uint32_t work_dim_id = kMax;
for (auto pair : clspv::GetSpecConstants(module)) {
auto kind = pair.first;
auto id = pair.second;
// Local memory size is only used for kernel arguments.
if (kind == SpecConstant::kLocalMemorySize)
switch (kind) {
case SpecConstant::kWorkgroupSizeX:
wgsize_id[0] = id;
case SpecConstant::kWorkgroupSizeY:
wgsize_id[1] = id;
case SpecConstant::kWorkgroupSizeZ:
wgsize_id[2] = id;
case SpecConstant::kGlobalOffsetX:
global_offset_id[0] = id;
case SpecConstant::kGlobalOffsetY:
global_offset_id[1] = id;
case SpecConstant::kGlobalOffsetZ:
global_offset_id[2] = id;
case SpecConstant::kWorkDim:
work_dim_id = id;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled spec constant");
auto import_id = getReflectionImport();
auto void_id = getSPIRVType(Type::getVoidTy(module->getContext()));
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
if (wgsize_id[0] != kMax) {
assert(wgsize_id[1] != kMax);
assert(wgsize_id[2] != kMax);
Ops << void_id << import_id << reflection::ExtInstSpecConstantWorkgroupSize
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(wgsize_id[0])
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(wgsize_id[1])
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(wgsize_id[2]);
addSPIRVInst<kReflection>(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
if (global_offset_id[0] != kMax) {
assert(global_offset_id[1] != kMax);
assert(global_offset_id[2] != kMax);
Ops << void_id << import_id << reflection::ExtInstSpecConstantGlobalOffset
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(global_offset_id[0])
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(global_offset_id[1])
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(global_offset_id[2]);
addSPIRVInst<kReflection>(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
if (work_dim_id != kMax) {
Ops << void_id << import_id << reflection::ExtInstSpecConstantWorkDim
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(work_dim_id);
addSPIRVInst<kReflection>(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
void SPIRVProducerPass::GenerateKernelReflection() {
const auto &DL = module->getDataLayout();
auto import_id = getReflectionImport();
auto void_id = getSPIRVType(Type::getVoidTy(module->getContext()));
for (auto &F : *module) {
if (F.isDeclaration() || F.getCallingConv() != CallingConv::SPIR_KERNEL) {
// OpString for the kernel name.
auto kernel_name =
addSPIRVInst<kDebug>(spv::OpString, F.getName().str().c_str());
// Kernel declaration
// Ops[0] = void type
// Ops[1] = reflection ext import
// Ops[2] = function id
// Ops[3] = kernel name
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << void_id << import_id << reflection::ExtInstKernel << ValueMap[&F]
<< kernel_name;
auto kernel_decl = addSPIRVInst<kReflection>(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
// Generate the required workgroup size property if it was specified.
if (const MDNode *MD = F.getMetadata("reqd_work_group_size")) {
uint32_t CurXDimCst = static_cast<uint32_t>(
uint32_t CurYDimCst = static_cast<uint32_t>(
uint32_t CurZDimCst = static_cast<uint32_t>(
Ops << void_id << import_id
<< reflection::ExtInstPropertyRequiredWorkgroupSize << kernel_decl
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(CurXDimCst)
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(CurYDimCst)
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(CurZDimCst);
addSPIRVInst<kReflection>(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
auto &resource_var_at_index = FunctionToResourceVarsMap[&F];
auto *func_ty = F.getFunctionType();
// If we've clustered POD arguments, then argument details are in metadata.
// If an argument maps to a resource variable, then get descriptor set and
// binding from the resource variable. Other info comes from the metadata.
const auto *arg_map = F.getMetadata(clspv::KernelArgMapMetadataName());
auto local_spec_id_md =
if (arg_map) {
for (const auto &arg : arg_map->operands()) {
const MDNode *arg_node = dyn_cast<MDNode>(arg.get());
assert(arg_node->getNumOperands() == 6);
const auto name =
const auto old_index =
// Remapped argument index
const int new_index = static_cast<int>(
const auto offset =
const auto size =
const auto argKind = clspv::GetArgKindFromName(
// If this is a local memory argument, find the right spec id for this
// argument.
int64_t spec_id = -1;
if (argKind == clspv::ArgKind::Local) {
for (auto spec_id_arg : local_spec_id_md->operands()) {
if ((&F == dyn_cast<Function>(
->getValue())) &&
(static_cast<uint64_t>(new_index) ==
->getZExtValue())) {
spec_id =
// Generate the specific argument instruction.
const uint32_t ordinal = static_cast<uint32_t>(old_index);
const uint32_t arg_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(offset);
const uint32_t arg_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(size);
uint32_t elem_size = 0;
uint32_t descriptor_set = 0;
uint32_t binding = 0;
if (spec_id > 0) {
elem_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(
} else if (new_index >= 0) {
auto *info = resource_var_at_index[new_index];
descriptor_set = info->descriptor_set;
binding = info->binding;
AddArgumentReflection(kernel_decl, name.str(), argKind, ordinal,
descriptor_set, binding, arg_offset, arg_size,
static_cast<uint32_t>(spec_id), elem_size);
} else {
// There is no argument map.
// Take descriptor info from the resource variable calls.
// Take argument name and size from the arguments list.
SmallVector<Argument *, 4> arguments;
for (auto &arg : F.args()) {
unsigned arg_index = 0;
for (auto *info : resource_var_at_index) {
if (info) {
auto arg = arguments[arg_index];
unsigned arg_size = 0;
if (info->arg_kind == clspv::ArgKind::Pod ||
info->arg_kind == clspv::ArgKind::PodUBO ||
info->arg_kind == clspv::ArgKind::PodPushConstant) {
arg_size =
// Local pointer arguments are unused in this case.
// offset, spec_id and elem_size always 0.
AddArgumentReflection(kernel_decl, arg->getName().str(),
info->arg_kind, arg_index, info->descriptor_set,
info->binding, 0, arg_size, 0, 0);
// Generate mappings for pointer-to-local arguments.
for (arg_index = 0; arg_index < arguments.size(); ++arg_index) {
Argument *arg = arguments[arg_index];
auto where = LocalArgSpecIds.find(arg);
if (where != LocalArgSpecIds.end()) {
auto &local_arg_info = LocalSpecIdInfoMap[where->second];
// descriptor_set, binding, offset and size are always 0.
AddArgumentReflection(kernel_decl, arg->getName().str(),
ArgKind::Local, arg_index, 0, 0, 0, 0,
local_arg_info.elem_type, DL)));
void SPIRVProducerPass::AddArgumentReflection(
SPIRVID kernel_decl, const std::string &name, clspv::ArgKind arg_kind,
uint32_t ordinal, uint32_t descriptor_set, uint32_t binding,
uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint32_t spec_id, uint32_t elem_size) {
// Generate ArgumentInfo for this argument.
// TODO: generate remaining optional operands.
auto import_id = getReflectionImport();
auto arg_name = addSPIRVInst<kDebug>(spv::OpString, name.c_str());
auto void_id = getSPIRVType(Type::getVoidTy(module->getContext()));
SPIRVOperandVec Ops;
Ops << void_id << import_id << reflection::ExtInstArgumentInfo << arg_name;
auto arg_info = addSPIRVInst<kReflection>(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);
Ops << void_id << import_id;
reflection::ExtInst ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstMax;
// Determine the extended instruction.
switch (arg_kind) {
case clspv::ArgKind::Buffer:
ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstArgumentStorageBuffer;
case clspv::ArgKind::BufferUBO:
ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstArgumentUniform;
case clspv::ArgKind::Local:
ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstArgumentWorkgroup;
case clspv::ArgKind::Pod:
ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstArgumentPodStorageBuffer;
case clspv::ArgKind::PodUBO:
ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstArgumentPodUniform;
case clspv::ArgKind::PodPushConstant:
ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstArgumentPodPushConstant;
case clspv::ArgKind::SampledImage:
ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstArgumentSampledImage;
case clspv::ArgKind::StorageImage:
ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstArgumentStorageImage;
case clspv::ArgKind::Sampler:
ext_inst = reflection::ExtInstArgumentSampler;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled argument reflection");
Ops << ext_inst << kernel_decl << getSPIRVInt32Constant(ordinal);
// Add descriptor set and binding for applicable arguments.
switch (arg_kind) {
case clspv::ArgKind::Buffer:
case clspv::ArgKind::BufferUBO:
case clspv::ArgKind::Pod:
case clspv::ArgKind::PodUBO:
case clspv::ArgKind::SampledImage:
case clspv::ArgKind::StorageImage:
case clspv::ArgKind::Sampler:
Ops << getSPIRVInt32Constant(descriptor_set)
<< getSPIRVInt32Constant(binding);
// Add remaining operands for arguments.
switch (arg_kind) {
case clspv::ArgKind::Local:
Ops << getSPIRVInt32Constant(spec_id) << getSPIRVInt32Constant(elem_size);
case clspv::ArgKind::Pod:
case clspv::ArgKind::PodUBO:
case clspv::ArgKind::PodPushConstant:
Ops << getSPIRVInt32Constant(offset) << getSPIRVInt32Constant(size);
Ops << arg_info;
addSPIRVInst<kReflection>(spv::OpExtInst, Ops);