amd_blobs/picasso: Update PSP files to

Drop content (Tag: CHROME_DEVELOPER-BUILD-17 - 29th June 2020)

  1.  Skip MboxBiosCmdSetApCsBase for BSP
  2.  After verstage do not overwrite BIOS_CMD_STATUS
  3.  Update the comment section in IsPlatformChromeBook()
  4.  Add prints in uapp svc test to assist CQE validation
  5   Validate PspDirAddr and BiosDirAddr in SVC_UPDATE_PSP_BIOS_DIR
  6.  Validate ppIODeviceAddrAx in SVC_MAP_FCH_IO_DEVICE
  7.  Validate ppSpiRomAddrAxi in SVC_MAP_SPIROM_DEVICE
  8.  Increase the SRAM size allocated to PSP TOS
  9.  Handle MboxBiosCmdSetApCsBase(0x1D) when bios copy bit is set
  10. Skip loading of FTPM and SS3 as they are not applicable
  11. UART 0:Exit from powered down state if put during suspend
  12. OLED:blank screen during S3 resume due to VCC toggling

TEST=Boot with Trembyle, suspend_stress_test 70+ cycles

Change-Id: I24f992c7271330d006fbcbdb9ce36a2f07e569fe
Signed-off-by: Nikolai Vyssotski <>
7 files changed
tree: 7db9c7a1387bc3ec0bc6b868709002e01536f5aa
  1. picasso/
  2. stoneyridge/
  3. LICENSE.pdf
  4. LICENSE.txt