
PyPI Release How-To

Notes and information on how to do the PyPI release for the dpkt project. For full details on packaging you can reference this page Packaging

The following instructions should work, but things change :)

Package Requirements

- pip install tox
- pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel
- pip install twine

Setup pypirc

The easiest thing to do is setup a ~/.pypirc file with the following contents

index-servers =

username=<pypi username>
password=<pypi password>

username=<pypi username>
password=<pypi password>

Tox Background

Tox will install the dpkt package into a blank virtualenv and then execute all the tests against the newly installed package. So if everything goes okay, you know the pypi package installed fine and the tests (which pull from the installed dpkt package) also ran okay.

Make sure ALL tests pass

$ cd dpkt
$ tox 

If ALL the test above pass...

Create the TEST PyPI Release

$ vi dpkt/ and bump the version
$ python sdist bdist_wheel
$ twine upload dist/* -r testpypi

Install the TEST PyPI Release

$ pip install --index-url dpkt

Create the REAL PyPI Release

$ twine upload dist/* -r pypi

Push changes to Github

$ git add dpkt/
$ get commit -m "dpkt version 1.8.7 (or whatever)"
$ git tag v1.8.7 (or whatever)
$ git push --tags
$ git push