blob: 10eea7343f2d090c35dec61fa2a134567326b85d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc.
#ifndef __EM100_H__
#define __EM100_H__
#include <libusb.h>
struct em100 {
libusb_device_handle *dev;
libusb_context *ctx;
uint16_t mcu;
uint16_t fpga;
uint32_t serialno;
#define BULK_SEND_TIMEOUT 5000 /* sentinel value */
/* usb.c */
int send_cmd(libusb_device_handle *dev, void *data);
int get_response(libusb_device_handle *dev, void *data, int length);
/* firmware.c */
int firmware_dump(struct em100 *em100, const char *filename,
int firmware_is_dpfw);
int firmware_update(struct em100 *em100, const char *filename, int verify);
/* fpga.c */
int reconfig_fpga(struct em100 *em100);
int check_fpga_status(struct em100 *em100);
int read_fpga_register(struct em100 *em100, int reg, uint16_t *val);
int write_fpga_register(struct em100 *em100, int reg, int val);
/* hexdump.c */
void hexdump(const void *memory, size_t length);
/* sdram.c */
int read_sdram(struct em100 *em100, void *data, int address, int length);
int write_sdram(struct em100 *em100, unsigned char *data, int address,
int length);
/* spi.c */
int get_spi_flash_id(struct em100 *em100);
int erase_spi_flash(struct em100 *em100);
int poll_spi_flash_status(struct em100 *em100);
int read_spi_flash_page(struct em100 *em100, int addr, unsigned char *blk);
int write_spi_flash_page(struct em100 *em100, int address, unsigned char *data);
int unlock_spi_flash(struct em100 *em100);
int erase_spi_flash_sector(struct em100 *em100, unsigned int sector);
int read_ht_register(struct em100 *em100, int reg, uint8_t *val);
int write_ht_register(struct em100 *em100, int reg, uint8_t val);
int write_dfifo(struct em100 *em100, unsigned int length, unsigned int timeout,
unsigned char *blk);
int read_ufifo(struct em100 *em100, unsigned int length, unsigned int timeout,
unsigned char *blk);
/* system.c */
typedef enum {
out_trigger_vcc = 0,
out_reset_vcc = 1,
out_ref_plus = 2,
out_ref_minus = 3,
out_buffer_vcc = 4
} set_voltage_channel_t;
typedef enum {
in_v1_2 = 0,
in_e_vcc = 1,
in_ref_plus = 2,
in_ref_minus = 3,
in_buffer_vcc = 4,
in_trigger_vcc = 5,
in_reset_vcc = 6,
in_v3_3 = 7,
in_buffer_v3_3 = 8,
in_v5 = 9
} get_voltage_channel_t;
typedef enum {
both_off = 0,
green_on = 1,
red_on = 2,
both_on = 3
} led_state_t;
int get_version(struct em100 *em100);
int set_voltage(struct em100 *em100, set_voltage_channel_t channel, int mV);
int get_voltage(struct em100 *em100, get_voltage_channel_t channel);
int set_led(struct em100 *em100, led_state_t led_state);
/* trace.c */
#define EM100_SPECIFIC_CMD 0x11
#define EM100_MSG_SIGNATURE 0x47364440
typedef enum {
status_reg = 0,
dfifo_bytes_reg = 1,
ufifo_bytes_reg = 2,
em100_id_reg = 3,
ufifo_data_fmt_reg = 4,
timestamp_reg = 5
} ht_register_t;
/* Status register bits */
#define UFIFO_OVERFLOW (1 << 0)
#define BIT8_UFIFO_BYTES (1 << 3)
#define START_SPI_EMULATION (1 << 4)
#define PAUSE_SPI_EMULATION (0 << 4)
#define UFIFO_EMPTY (1 << 5)
#define DFIFO_EMPTY (1 << 6)
struct em100_msg_header{
uint32_t signature;
uint8_t data_type;
uint8_t data_length;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
struct em100_msg{
struct em100_msg_header header;
uint8_t data[255];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
typedef enum {
ht_checkpoint_1byte = 0x01,
ht_checkpoint_2bytes = 0x02,
ht_checkpoint_4bytes = 0x03,
ht_hexadecimal_data = 0x04,
ht_ascii_data = 0x05,
ht_timestamp_data = 0x06,
ht_lookup_table = 0x07
} ht_msg_type_t;
int reset_spi_trace(struct em100 *em100);
int read_spi_trace(struct em100 *em100, int display_terminal,
unsigned long addr_offset);
int read_spi_terminal(struct em100 *em100, int print_counter);
int init_spi_terminal(struct em100 *em100);