blob: 94674553ad262b9c9e8022eb04261c71a3fc9d4a [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "action_descriptor.h"
#include "chipdrivers.h"
#include "flash.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "programmer.h"
* Unfortunate global state.
static bool dry_run = false;
* This module analyses the contents of 'before' and 'after' flash images and
* based on the images' differences prepares a list of processing actions to
* take.
* The goal is to prepare actions using the chip's erase capability in a most
* efficient way: erasing smallest possible portions of the chip gives the
* highest granularity, but if many small areas need to be erased, erasing a
* larger area, even if re-writing it completely, is more efficient. The
* breakdown is somewhere at 60%.
* Each flash chip description in flash.c includes a set of erase command
* descriptors, different commands allowing to erase blocks of fixed different
* sizes. Sometimes the erase command for a certain block size does not cover
* the entire chip. This module preprocesses the flash chip description to
* compile an array of erase commands with their block size indices such that
* it is guaranteed that the command can be used to erase anywhere in the chip
* where erase is required based on the differences between 'before' and
* 'after' images.
* 'eraser_index' below is the index into the 'block_erasers' array of the
* flash chip descriptor, points to the function to use to erase the block of
* a certain size.
* The erase command could potentially operate on blocks of different sizes,
* 'region_index' is the index into the 'block_erasers.eraseblocks' array
* which defines what block size would be used by this erase command.
struct eraser {
int eraser_index;
int region_index;
* A helper structure which holds information about blocks of a given size
* which require writing and or erasing.
* The actual map of the blocks is pointed at by the 'block_map' field, one
* byte per block. Block might need an erase, or just a write, depending on
* the contents of 'before' and 'after' flash images.
* The 'limit' field holds the number of blocks of this size, which is
* equivalent to one block of the next larger size in term of time required
* for erasing/programming.
struct range_map {
size_t block_size;
int limit;
struct b_map {
uint8_t need_change:1;
uint8_t need_erase:1;
} *block_map;
* A debug function printing out the array or processing units from an the
* action descriptor.
static void dump_descriptor(struct action_descriptor *descriptor)
struct processing_unit *pu = descriptor->processing_units;
while (pu->num_blocks) {
msg_pdbg("%06zx..%06zx %6zx x %zd eraser %d\n", pu->offset,
pu->offset + pu->num_blocks * pu->block_size - 1,
pu->block_size, pu->num_blocks,
* Do not allow use of unsupported erasers functions.
* On some Intel platforms the ICH SPI controller is restricting the set of
* SPI command codes the AP can issue, in particular limiting the set of erase
* functions to just two of them.
* This function creates a local copy of the flash chip descriptor found in
* the main table, filtering out unsupported erase function pointers, when
* necessary.
* flash: pointer to the master flash context, including the original chip
* descriptor.
* chip: pointer to a flash chip descriptor copy, potentially with just a
* subset of erasers included.
static void fix_erasers_if_needed(struct flashchip *chip,
struct flashctx *flash)
int i;
/* Need to copy no matter what. */
*chip = *flash->chip;
* ich_generation is set to the chipset type when running on an x86
* device, even when flashrom was invoked to program the EC.
* But ICH type does not affect EC programming path, so no need to
* check if the eraser is supported in that case.
if ((g_ich_generation == CHIPSET_ICH_UNKNOWN) || programming_ec()) {
msg_pdbg("%s: kept all erasers\n", __func__);
* We are dealing with an Intel controller; different chipsets allow
* different erase commands. Let's check the commands and allow only
* those which the controller accepts.
dry_run = true;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_ERASEFUNCTIONS; i++) {
/* Assume it is not allowed. */
if (!chip->block_erasers[i].block_erase)
if (!chip->block_erasers[i].block_erase
(flash, 0, flash->chip->total_size * 1024)) {
msg_pdbg("%s: kept eraser at %d\n", __func__, i);
chip->block_erasers[i].block_erase = NULL;
dry_run = false;
* Prepare a list of erasers available on this chip, sorted by the block size,
* from lower to higher.
* @flash pointer to the flash context
* @erase_size maximum offset which needs to be erased
* @sorted_erasers pointer to the array of eraser structures, large enough to
* fit NUM_ERASEFUNCTIONS elements.
* Returns number of elements put into the 'sorted_erasers' array.
static size_t fill_sorted_erasers(struct flashctx *flash,
size_t erase_size,
struct eraser *sorted_erasers)
size_t j, k;
size_t chip_eraser;
size_t chip_region;
struct flashchip chip; /* Local copy, potentially altered. */
* In case chip description does not include any functions covering
* the entire space (this could happen when the description comes from
* the Chrome OS TP driver for instance), use the best effort.
* The structure below saves information about the eraser which covers
* the most of the chip space, it is used if no valid functions were
* found, which allows programming to succeed.
* The issue be further investigated under b/110474116.
struct {
int max_total;
int alt_function;
int alt_region;
} fallback = {};
fix_erasers_if_needed(&chip, flash);
/* Iterate over all available erase functions/block sizes. */
for (j = k = 0; k < NUM_ERASEFUNCTIONS; k++) {
size_t new_block_size;
int m, n;
/* Make sure there is a function in is slot */
if (!chip.block_erasers[k].block_erase)
* Make sure there is a (block size * count) combination which
* would erase up to required offset into the chip.
* If this is not the case, but the current total size exceeds
* the previously saved fallback total size, make the current
* block the best available fallback case.
for (n = 0; n < NUM_ERASEREGIONS; n++) {
const struct eraseblock *eb =
chip.block_erasers[k].eraseblocks + n;
int total = eb->size * eb->count;
if (total >= erase_size)
if (total > fallback.max_total) {
fallback.max_total = total;
fallback.alt_region = n;
fallback.alt_function = k;
* This function will not erase far enough into the
* chip.
new_block_size = chip.block_erasers[k].eraseblocks[n].size;
* Place this block in the sorted position in the
* sorted_erasers array.
for (m = 0; m < j; m++) {
size_t old_block_size;
chip_eraser = sorted_erasers[m].eraser_index;
chip_region = sorted_erasers[m].region_index;
old_block_size = chip.block_erasers
if (old_block_size < new_block_size)
/* Do not keep duplicates in the sorted array. */
if (old_block_size == new_block_size) {
memmove(sorted_erasers + m + 1,
sorted_erasers + m,
sizeof(sorted_erasers[0]) * (j - m));
sorted_erasers[m].eraser_index = k;
sorted_erasers[m].region_index = n;
if (j) {
msg_pdbg("%s: found %zd valid erasers\n", __func__, j);
return j;
if (!fallback.max_total) {
msg_cerr("No erasers found for this chip (%s:%s)!\n",
sorted_erasers[0].eraser_index = fallback.alt_function;
sorted_erasers[0].region_index = fallback.alt_region;
msg_pwarn("%s: using fallback eraser: "
"region %d, function %d total %#x vs %#zx\n",
__func__, fallback.alt_region, fallback.alt_function,
fallback.max_total, erase_size);
return 1;
* When it is determined that the larger block will have to be erased because
* a large enough number of the blocks of the previous smaller size need to be
* erased, all blocks of smaller sizes falling into the range of addresses of
* this larger block will not have to be erased/written individually, so they
* need to be unmarked for erase/change.
* This function recursively invokes itself to clean all smaller size blocks
* which are in the range of the current larger block.
* @upper_level_map pointer to the element of the range map array where the
* current block belongs.
* @block_index index of the current block in the map of the blocks of
* the current range map element.
* @i index of this range map in the array of range maps,
* guaranteed to be 1 or above, so that there is always a
* smaller block size range map at i - 1.
static void clear_all_nested(struct range_map *upper_level_map,
size_t block_index,
unsigned i)
struct range_map *this_level_map = upper_level_map - 1;
int range_start;
int range_end;
int j;
range_start = upper_level_map->block_size * block_index;
range_end = range_start + upper_level_map->block_size;
for (j = range_start / this_level_map->block_size;
j < range_end / this_level_map->block_size;
j++) {
this_level_map->block_map[j].need_change = 0;
this_level_map->block_map[j].need_erase = 0;
if (i > 1)
clear_all_nested(this_level_map, j, i - 1);
* Once all lowest range size blocks which need to be erased have been
* identified, we need to see if there are so many of them that they maybe be
* folded into larger size blocks, so that a single larger erase operation is
* required instead of many smaller ones.
* @maps pointer to the array of range_map structures, sorted by block
* size from lower to higher, only the lower size bock map has
* been filled up.
* @num_maps number of elements in the maps array.
* @chip_size size of the flash chip, in bytes.
static void fold_range_maps(struct range_map *maps,
size_t num_maps,
size_t chip_size)
int block_index;
unsigned i;
struct range_map *map;
* First go from bottom to top, marking higher size blocks which need
* to be erased based on the count of lower size blocks marked for
* erasing which fall into the range of addresses covered by the
* larger size block.
* Starting from the second element of the array, as the first element
* is the only one filled up so far.
for (i = 1; i < num_maps; i++) {
int block_mult;
map = maps + i;
/* How many lower size blocks fit into this block. */
block_mult = map->block_size / map[-1].block_size;
for (block_index = 0;
block_index < (chip_size/map->block_size);
block_index++) {
int lower_start;
int lower_end;
int lower_index;
int erase_marked_blocks;
int change_marked_blocks;
lower_start = block_index * block_mult;
lower_end = lower_start + block_mult;
erase_marked_blocks = 0;
change_marked_blocks = 0;
for (lower_index = lower_start;
lower_index < lower_end;
lower_index++) {
if (map[-1].block_map[lower_index].need_erase)
if (map[-1].block_map[lower_index].need_change)
* Mark larger block for erasing; if any of the
* smaller size blocks was marked as 'need_change',
* mark the larger size block as well.
if (erase_marked_blocks > map[-1].limit) {
map->block_map[block_index].need_erase = 1;
map->block_map[block_index].need_change =
change_marked_blocks ? 1 : 0;
* Now let's go larger to smaller block sizes, to make sure that all
* nested blocks of a bigger block marked for erasing are not marked
* for erasing any more; erasing the encompassing block will sure
* erase all nested blocks of all smaller sizes.
for (i = num_maps - 1; i > 0; i--) {
map = maps + i;
for (block_index = 0;
block_index < (chip_size/map->block_size);
block_index++) {
if (!map->block_map[block_index].need_erase)
clear_all_nested(map, block_index, i);
* A function to fill the processing_units array of the action descriptor with
* a set of processing units, which describe flash chip blocks which need to
* be erased/programmed to to accomplish the action requested by user when
* invoking flashrom.
* This set of processing units is determined based on comparing old and new
* flashrom contents.
* First, blocks which are required to be erased and/or written are identified
* at the finest block size granularity.
* Then the distribution of those blocks is analyzed, and if enough of smaller
* blocks in a single larger block address range need to be erased, the larger
* block is marked for erasing.
* This same process is applied again to increasingly larger block sizes until
* the largest granularity blocks are marked as appropriate.
* After this the range map array is scanned from larger block sizes to
* smaller; each time when a larger block marked for erasing is detected, all
* smaller size blocks in the same address range are unmarked for erasing.
* In the end only blocks which need to be modified remain marked, and at the
* finest possible granularity. The list of these blocks is added to the
* 'processing_units' array of the descriptor and becomes the list of actions
* to be take to program the flash chip.
* @descriptor descriptor structure to fill, allocated by the caller.
* @sorted_erasers pointer to an array of eraser descriptors, sorted by
* block size.
* @chip_erasers pointer to the array of erasers from this flash
* chip's descriptor.
* @chip_size size of this chip in bytes
* @num_sorted_erasers size of the sorted_erasers array
* @erased_value value contained in all bytes of the erased flash
static void fill_action_descriptor(struct action_descriptor *descriptor,
struct eraser *sorted_erasers,
struct block_eraser* chip_erasers,
size_t chip_size,
size_t num_sorted_erasers,
unsigned erased_value)
const uint8_t *newc;
const uint8_t *oldc;
int consecutive_blocks;
size_t block_size;
struct b_map *block_map;
struct range_map range_maps[num_sorted_erasers];
unsigned i;
unsigned pu_index;
* This array has enough room to hold helper structures, one for each
* available block size.
memset(range_maps, 0, sizeof(range_maps));
* Initialize range_maps array: allocate space for block_map arrays on
* every entry (block maps are used to keep track of blocks which need
* to be erased/written) and calculate the limit where smaller blocks
* should be replaced by the next larger size block.
for (i = 0; i < num_sorted_erasers; i++) {
size_t larger_block_size;
size_t map_size;
size_t num_blocks;
unsigned function;
unsigned region;
function = sorted_erasers[i].eraser_index;
region = sorted_erasers[i].region_index;
block_size = chip_erasers[function].eraseblocks[region].size;
range_maps[i].block_size = block_size;
* Allocate room for the map where blocks which require
* writing/erasing will be marked.
num_blocks = chip_size/block_size;
map_size = num_blocks * sizeof(struct b_map);
range_maps[i].block_map = malloc(map_size);
if (!range_maps[i].block_map) {
msg_cerr("%s: Failed to allocate %zd bytes\n",
__func__, map_size);
memset(range_maps[i].block_map, 0, map_size);
* Limit is calculated for all block sizes but the largest
* one, because there is no way to further consolidate the
* largest blocks.
if (i < (num_sorted_erasers - 1)) {
function = sorted_erasers[i + 1].eraser_index;
region = sorted_erasers[i + 1].region_index;
larger_block_size = chip_erasers
* How many of the lower size blocks need to be have
* to be erased before it is worth moving to the
* larger size.
* The admittedly arbitrary rule of thumb here is if
* 70% or more of the lower size blocks need to be
* erased, forget the lower size blocks and move to
* the higher size one.
range_maps[i].limit = ((larger_block_size /
block_size) * 7) / 10;
/* Cache pointers to 'before' and 'after' contents. */
oldc = descriptor->oldcontents;
newc = descriptor->newcontents;
/* Now, let's fill up the map for the smallest bock size. */
block_size = range_maps[0].block_size;
block_map = range_maps[0].block_map;
for (i = 0; i < chip_size; i++) {
int block_index;
if (oldc[i] == newc[i])
block_index = i/block_size;
if (oldc[i] != erased_value)
block_map[block_index].need_erase = 1;
if (newc[i] != erased_value)
block_map[block_index].need_change = 1;
if (block_map[block_index].need_erase &&
block_map[block_index].need_change) {
/* Can move to the next block. */
i += range_maps[0].block_size;
i &= ~(range_maps[0].block_size - 1);
i--; /* adjust for increment in the for loop */
/* Now let's see what can be folded into larger blocks. */
fold_range_maps(range_maps, num_sorted_erasers, chip_size);
/* Finally we can fill the action descriptor. */
consecutive_blocks = 0;
pu_index = 0; /* Number of initialized processing units. */
for (i = 0; i < num_sorted_erasers; i++) {
int j;
struct processing_unit *pu;
size_t map_size = chip_size/range_maps[i].block_size;
for (j = 0; j < map_size; j++) {
block_map = range_maps[i].block_map + j;
if (block_map->need_erase || block_map->need_change) {
if (!consecutive_blocks)
/* Add programming/erasing uint. */
pu = descriptor->processing_units + pu_index++;
pu->block_size = range_maps[i].block_size;
pu->offset = (j - consecutive_blocks) * pu->block_size;
pu->num_blocks = consecutive_blocks;
pu->block_eraser_index = sorted_erasers[i].eraser_index;
pu->block_region_index = sorted_erasers[i].region_index;
consecutive_blocks = 0;
if (!consecutive_blocks)
* Add last programming/erasing unit for current block
* size.
pu = descriptor->processing_units + pu_index++;
pu->block_size = range_maps[i].block_size;
pu->offset = (j - consecutive_blocks) * pu->block_size;
pu->num_blocks = consecutive_blocks;
pu->block_eraser_index = sorted_erasers[i].eraser_index;
pu->block_region_index = sorted_erasers[i].region_index;
consecutive_blocks = 0;
descriptor->processing_units[pu_index].num_blocks = 0;
bool is_dry_run()
return dry_run;
struct action_descriptor *prepare_action_descriptor(struct flashctx *flash,
void *oldcontents,
void *newcontents,
int do_diff)
struct eraser sorted_erasers[NUM_ERASEFUNCTIONS];
size_t i;
size_t num_erasers;
int max_units;
size_t block_size = 0;
struct action_descriptor *descriptor;
size_t chip_size = flash->chip->total_size * 1024;
* Find the maximum size of the area which might have to be erased,
* this is needed to ensure that the picked erase function can go all
* the way to the requred offset, as some of the erase functions
* operate only on part of the chip starting at offset zero.
* Not an efficient way to do it, but this is acceptable on the host.
if (do_diff) {
* If we are doing diffs, look for the largest offset where
* the difference is, this is the highest offset which might
* need to be erased.
for (i = 0; i < chip_size; i++)
if (((uint8_t *)newcontents)[i] !=
((uint8_t *)oldcontents)[i])
block_size = i + 1;
} else {
* We are not doing diffs, if user specified sections to
* program - use the highest offset of the highest section as
* the limit.
block_size = top_section_offset();
if (!block_size)
/* User did not specify any sections. */
block_size = chip_size;
num_erasers = fill_sorted_erasers(flash, block_size, sorted_erasers);
* Let's allocate enough memory for the worst case action descriptor
* size, when we need to program half the chip using the smallest block
* size.
block_size = flash->chip->block_erasers
max_units = chip_size / (2 * block_size) + 1;
descriptor = malloc(sizeof(struct action_descriptor) +
sizeof(struct processing_unit) * max_units);
if (!descriptor) {
msg_cerr("Failed to allocate room for %d processing units!\n",
descriptor->newcontents = newcontents;
descriptor->oldcontents = oldcontents;
fill_action_descriptor(descriptor, sorted_erasers,
flash->chip->block_erasers, chip_size,
num_erasers, ERASED_VALUE(flash));
return descriptor;