;; Machine description for AArch64 AdvSIMD architecture. ;; Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Contributed by ARM Ltd. ;; ;; This file is part of GCC. ;; ;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; ;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ;; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

; Main data types used by the insntructions

(define_attr “simd_mode” “unknown,none,V8QI,V16QI,V4HI,V8HI,V2SI,V4SI,V2DI,V2SF,V4SF,V2DF,OI,CI,XI,DI,DF,SI,HI,QI” (const_string “unknown”))

; Classification of AdvSIMD instructions for scheduling purposes. ; Do not set this attribute and the “v8type” attribute together in ; any instruction pattern.

; simd_abd integer absolute difference and accumulate. ; simd_abdl integer absolute difference and accumulate (long). ; simd_adal integer add and accumulate (long). ; simd_add integer addition/subtraction. ; simd_addl integer addition/subtraction (long). ; simd_addlv across lanes integer sum (long). ; simd_addn integer addition/subtraction (narrow). ; simd_addn2 integer addition/subtraction (narrow, high). ; simd_addv across lanes integer sum. ; simd_cls count leading sign/zero bits. ; simd_cmp compare / create mask. ; simd_cnt population count. ; simd_dup duplicate element. ; simd_dupgp duplicate general purpose register. ; simd_ext bitwise extract from pair. ; simd_fadd floating point add/sub. ; simd_fcmp floating point compare. ; simd_fcvti floating point convert to integer. ; simd_fcvtl floating-point convert upsize. ; simd_fcvtn floating-point convert downsize (narrow). ; simd_fcvtn2 floating-point convert downsize (narrow, high). ; simd_fdiv floating point division. ; simd_fminmax floating point min/max. ; simd_fminmaxv across lanes floating point min/max. ; simd_fmla floating point multiply-add. ; simd_fmla_elt floating point multiply-add (by element). ; simd_fmul floating point multiply. ; simd_fmul_elt floating point multiply (by element). ; simd_fnegabs floating point neg/abs. ; simd_frcpe floating point reciprocal estimate. ; simd_frcps floating point reciprocal step. ; simd_frecx floating point reciprocal exponent. ; simd_frint floating point round to integer. ; simd_fsqrt floating point square root. ; simd_icvtf integer convert to floating point. ; simd_ins insert element. ; simd_insgp insert general purpose register. ; simd_load1 load multiple structures to one register (LD1). ; simd_load1r load single structure to all lanes of one register (LD1R). ; simd_load1s load single structure to one lane of one register (LD1 [index]). ; simd_load2 load multiple structures to two registers (LD1, LD2). ; simd_load2r load single structure to all lanes of two registers (LD1R, LD2R). ; simd_load2s load single structure to one lane of two registers (LD2 [index]). ; simd_load3 load multiple structures to three registers (LD1, LD3). ; simd_load3r load single structure to all lanes of three registers (LD3R). ; simd_load3s load single structure to one lane of three registers (LD3 [index]). ; simd_load4 load multiple structures to four registers (LD1, LD2, LD4). ; simd_load4r load single structure to all lanes of four registers (LD4R). ; simd_load4s load single structure to one lane of four registers (LD4 [index]). ; simd_logic logical operation. ; simd_logic_imm logcial operation (immediate). ; simd_minmax integer min/max. ; simd_minmaxv across lanes integer min/max, ; simd_mla integer multiply-accumulate. ; simd_mla_elt integer multiply-accumulate (by element). ; simd_mlal integer multiply-accumulate (long). ; simd_mlal_elt integer multiply-accumulate (by element, long). ; simd_move move register. ; simd_move_imm move immediate. ; simd_movgp move element to general purpose register. ; simd_mul integer multiply. ; simd_mul_elt integer multiply (by element). ; simd_mull integer multiply (long). ; simd_mull_elt integer multiply (by element, long). ; simd_negabs integer negate/absolute. ; simd_rbit bitwise reverse. ; simd_rcpe integer reciprocal estimate. ; simd_rcps integer reciprocal square root. ; simd_rev element reverse. ; simd_sat_add integer saturating addition/subtraction. ; simd_sat_mlal integer saturating multiply-accumulate (long). ; simd_sat_mlal_elt integer saturating multiply-accumulate (by element, long). ; simd_sat_mul integer saturating multiply. ; simd_sat_mul_elt integer saturating multiply (by element). ; simd_sat_mull integer saturating multiply (long). ; simd_sat_mull_elt integer saturating multiply (by element, long). ; simd_sat_negabs integer saturating negate/absolute. ; simd_sat_shift integer saturating shift. ; simd_sat_shift_imm integer saturating shift (immediate). ; simd_sat_shiftn_imm integer saturating shift (narrow, immediate). ; simd_sat_shiftn2_imm integer saturating shift (narrow, high, immediate). ; simd_shift shift register/vector. ; simd_shift_acc shift accumulate. ; simd_shift_imm shift immediate. ; simd_shift_imm_acc shift immediate and accumualte. ; simd_shiftl shift register/vector (long). ; simd_shiftl_imm shift register/vector (long, immediate). ; simd_shiftn_imm shift register/vector (narrow, immediate). ; simd_shiftn2_imm shift register/vector (narrow, high, immediate). ; simd_store1 store multiple structures from one register (ST1). ; simd_store1s store single structure from one lane of one register (ST1 [index]). ; simd_store2 store multiple structures from two registers (ST1, ST2). ; simd_store2s store single structure from one lane of two registers (ST2 [index]). ; simd_store3 store multiple structures from three registers (ST1, ST3). ; simd_store3s store single structure from one lane of three register (ST3 [index]). ; simd_store4 store multiple structures from four registers (ST1, ST2, ST4). ; simd_store4s store single structure from one lane for four registers (ST4 [index]). ; simd_tbl table lookup. ; simd_trn transpose. ; simd_uzp unzip. ; simd_zip zip.

(define_attr “simd_type” “simd_abd,
none” (const_string “none”))

; The “neon_type” attribute is used by the AArch32 backend. Below is a mapping ; from “simd_type” to “neon_type”.

(define_attr “neon_type” “neon_int_1,neon_int_2,neon_int_3,neon_int_4,neon_int_5,neon_vqneg_vqabs, neon_vmov,neon_vaba,neon_vsma,neon_vaba_qqq, neon_mul_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long,neon_mul_qqq_8_16_32_ddd_32, neon_mul_qdd_64_32_long_qqd_16_ddd_32_scalar_64_32_long_scalar, neon_mla_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long,neon_mla_qqq_8_16, neon_mla_ddd_32_qqd_16_ddd_32_scalar_qdd_64_32_long_scalar_qdd_64_32_long, neon_mla_qqq_32_qqd_32_scalar,neon_mul_ddd_16_scalar_32_16_long_scalar, neon_mul_qqd_32_scalar,neon_mla_ddd_16_scalar_qdd_32_16_long_scalar, neon_shift_1,neon_shift_2,neon_shift_3,neon_vshl_ddd, neon_vqshl_vrshl_vqrshl_qqq,neon_vsra_vrsra,neon_fp_vadd_ddd_vabs_dd, neon_fp_vadd_qqq_vabs_qq,neon_fp_vsum,neon_fp_vmul_ddd,neon_fp_vmul_qqd, neon_fp_vmla_ddd,neon_fp_vmla_qqq,neon_fp_vmla_ddd_scalar, neon_fp_vmla_qqq_scalar,neon_fp_vrecps_vrsqrts_ddd, neon_fp_vrecps_vrsqrts_qqq,neon_bp_simple,neon_bp_2cycle,neon_bp_3cycle, neon_ldr,neon_str,neon_vld1_1_2_regs,neon_vld1_3_4_regs, neon_vld2_2_regs_vld1_vld2_all_lanes,neon_vld2_4_regs,neon_vld3_vld4, neon_vst1_1_2_regs_vst2_2_regs,neon_vst1_3_4_regs, neon_vst2_4_regs_vst3_vst4,neon_vst3_vst4,neon_vld1_vld2_lane, neon_vld3_vld4_lane,neon_vst1_vst2_lane,neon_vst3_vst4_lane, neon_vld3_vld4_all_lanes,neon_mcr,neon_mcr_2_mcrr,neon_mrc,neon_mrrc, neon_ldm_2,neon_stm_2,none,unknown” (cond [ (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_dup”) (const_string “neon_bp_simple”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_movgp”) (const_string “neon_bp_simple”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_add,simd_logic,simd_logic_imm”) (const_string “neon_int_1”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_negabs,simd_addlv”) (const_string “neon_int_3”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_addn,simd_addn2,simd_addl,simd_sat_add,simd_sat_negabs”) (const_string “neon_int_4”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_move”) (const_string “neon_vmov”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_ins”) (const_string “neon_mcr”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mul,simd_sat_mul”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V8QI,V4HI”)) (const_string “neon_mul_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mul,simd_sat_mul”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SI,V8QI,V16QI,V2SI”)) (const_string “neon_mul_qqq_8_16_32_ddd_32”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mull,simd_sat_mull”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V8QI,V16QI,V4HI,V8HI”)) (const_string “neon_mul_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mull,simd_sat_mull”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SI,V4SI,V2DI”)) (const_string “neon_mul_qdd_64_32_long_qqd_16_ddd_32_scalar_64_32_long_scalar”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mla,simd_sat_mlal”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V8QI,V4HI”)) (const_string “neon_mla_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mla,simd_sat_mlal”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SI”)) (const_string “neon_mla_ddd_32_qqd_16_ddd_32_scalar_qdd_64_32_long_scalar_qdd_64_32_long”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mla,simd_sat_mlal”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V16QI,V8HI”)) (const_string “neon_mla_qqq_8_16”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mla,simd_sat_mlal”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V4SI”)) (const_string “neon_mla_qqq_32_qqd_32_scalar”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mlal”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V8QI,V16QI,V4HI,V8HI”)) (const_string “neon_mla_ddd_8_16_qdd_16_8_long_32_16_long”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_mlal”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SI,V4SI,V2DI”)) (const_string “neon_mla_ddd_32_qqd_16_ddd_32_scalar_qdd_64_32_long_scalar_qdd_64_32_long”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fmla”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vmla_ddd”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fmla”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V4SF,V2DF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vmla_qqq”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fmla_elt”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vmla_ddd_scalar”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fmla_elt”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V4SF,V2DF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vmla_qqq_scalar”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fmul,simd_fmul_elt,simd_fdiv,simd_fsqrt”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vmul_ddd”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fmul,simd_fmul_elt,simd_fdiv,simd_fsqrt”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V4SF,V2DF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vmul_qqd”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fadd”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vadd_ddd_vabs_dd”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fadd”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V4SF,V2DF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vadd_qqq_vabs_qq”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fnegabs,simd_fminmax,simd_fminmaxv”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vadd_ddd_vabs_dd”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_fnegabs,simd_fminmax,simd_fminmaxv”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V4SF,V2DF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vadd_qqq_vabs_qq”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift,simd_shift_acc”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V8QI,V4HI,V2SI”)) (const_string “neon_vshl_ddd”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift,simd_shift_acc”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V16QI,V8HI,V4SI,V2DI”)) (const_string “neon_shift_3”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_minmax,simd_minmaxv”) (const_string “neon_int_5”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_shiftn_imm,simd_shiftn2_imm,simd_shiftl_imm,”) (const_string “neon_shift_1”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_load1,simd_load2”) (const_string “neon_vld1_1_2_regs”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_load3,simd_load3”) (const_string “neon_vld1_3_4_regs”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_load1r,simd_load2r,simd_load3r,simd_load4r”) (const_string “neon_vld2_2_regs_vld1_vld2_all_lanes”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_load1s,simd_load2s”) (const_string “neon_vld1_vld2_lane”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_load3s,simd_load4s”) (const_string “neon_vld3_vld4_lane”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_store1,simd_store2”) (const_string “neon_vst1_1_2_regs_vst2_2_regs”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_store3,simd_store4”) (const_string “neon_vst1_3_4_regs”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_store1s,simd_store2s”) (const_string “neon_vst1_vst2_lane”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_store3s,simd_store4s”) (const_string “neon_vst3_vst4_lane”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_frcpe,simd_frcps”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V2SF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vrecps_vrsqrts_ddd”) (and (eq_attr “simd_type” “simd_frcpe,simd_frcps”) (eq_attr “simd_mode” “V4SF,V2DF”)) (const_string “neon_fp_vrecps_vrsqrts_qqq”) (eq_attr “simd_type” “none”) (const_string “none”) ] (const_string “unknown”)))

(define_expand “mov” [(set (match_operand:VALL 0 “aarch64_simd_nonimmediate_operand” "") (match_operand:VALL 1 “aarch64_simd_general_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD” " if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM) operands[1] = force_reg (mode, operands[1]); " )

(define_expand “movmisalign” [(set (match_operand:VALL 0 “aarch64_simd_nonimmediate_operand” "") (match_operand:VALL 1 “aarch64_simd_general_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD” { /* This pattern is not permitted to fail during expansion: if both arguments are non-registers (e.g. memory := constant, which can be created by the auto-vectorizer), force operand 1 into a register. */ if (!register_operand (operands[0], mode) && !register_operand (operands[1], mode)) operands[1] = force_reg (mode, operands[1]); })

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_dup” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_duplicate:VDQ (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “r”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “dup\t%0., %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_dupgp”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_dup_lane” [(set (match_operand:VDQ_I 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_duplicate:VDQ_I (vec_select: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)]) )))] “TARGET_SIMD” “dup\t%0, %1.[%2]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_dup”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_dup_lane” [(set (match_operand:SDQ_I 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_select: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)]) ))] “TARGET_SIMD” “dup\t%0, %1.[%2]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_dup”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_dup” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_duplicate:VDQF (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “dup\t%0., %1.[0]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_dup”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “*aarch64_simd_mov” [(set (match_operand:VD 0 “aarch64_simd_nonimmediate_operand” “=w, Utv, w, ?r, ?w, ?r, w”) (match_operand:VD 1 “aarch64_simd_general_operand” “Utv, w, w, w, r, r, Dn”))] “TARGET_SIMD && (register_operand (operands[0], mode) || register_operand (operands[1], mode))” { switch (which_alternative) { case 0: return “ld1\t{%0.}, %1”; case 1: return “st1\t{%1.}, %0”; case 2: return “orr\t%0., %1., %1.”; case 3: return “umov\t%0, %1.d[0]”; case 4: return “ins\t%0.d[0], %1”; case 5: return “mov\t%0, %1”; case 6: return aarch64_output_simd_mov_immediate (&operands[1], mode, 64); default: gcc_unreachable (); } } [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load1,simd_store1,simd_move,simd_movgp,simd_insgp,simd_move,simd_move_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “*aarch64_simd_mov” [(set (match_operand:VQ 0 “aarch64_simd_nonimmediate_operand” “=w, Utv, w, ?r, ?w, ?r, w”) (match_operand:VQ 1 “aarch64_simd_general_operand” “Utv, w, w, w, r, r, Dn”))] “TARGET_SIMD && (register_operand (operands[0], mode) || register_operand (operands[1], mode))” { switch (which_alternative) { case 0: return “ld1\t{%0.}, %1”; case 1: return “st1\t{%1.}, %0”; case 2: return “orr\t%0., %1., %1.”; case 3: return “umov\t%0, %1.d[0];umov\t%H0, %1.d[1]”; case 4: return “ins\t%0.d[0], %1;ins\t%0.d[1], %H1”; case 5: return “#”; case 6: return aarch64_output_simd_mov_immediate (&operands[1], mode, 128); default: gcc_unreachable (); } } [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load1,simd_store1,simd_move,simd_movgp,simd_insgp,simd_move,simd_move_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”) (set_attr “length” “4,4,4,8,8,8,4”)] )

(define_split [(set (match_operand:VQ 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ 1 “register_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD && reload_completed && GP_REGNUM_P (REGNO (operands[0])) && GP_REGNUM_P (REGNO (operands[1]))” [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3))] { int rdest = REGNO (operands[0]); int rsrc = REGNO (operands[1]); rtx dest[2], src[2];

dest[0] = gen_rtx_REG (DImode, rdest); src[0] = gen_rtx_REG (DImode, rsrc); dest[1] = gen_rtx_REG (DImode, rdest + 1); src[1] = gen_rtx_REG (DImode, rsrc + 1);

aarch64_simd_disambiguate_copy (operands, dest, src, 2); })

(define_insn “orn3” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ior:VDQ (not:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”)) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “orn\t%0., %2., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_logic”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “bic3” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (and:VDQ (not:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”)) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “bic\t%0., %2., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_logic”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “add3” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (plus:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “add\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_add”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “sub3” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (minus:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sub\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_add”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “mul3” [(set (match_operand:VDQM 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (mult:VDQM (match_operand:VDQM 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQM 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “mul\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “neg2” [(set (match_operand:VDQM 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (neg:VDQM (match_operand:VDQM 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “neg\t%0., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_negabs”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “abs2” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (abs:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “abs\t%0., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_negabs”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “and3” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (and:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “and\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_logic”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “ior3” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ior:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “orr\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_logic”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “xor3” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (xor:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “eor\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_logic”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “one_cmpl2” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (not:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “not\t%0., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_logic”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_vec_set” [(set (match_operand:VQ_S 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_merge:VQ_S (vec_duplicate:VQ_S (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “r”)) (match_operand:VQ_S 3 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ins\t%0.[%p2], %w1”; [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_insgp”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_lshr” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (lshiftrt:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “aarch64_simd_rshift_imm” “Dr”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ushr\t%0., %1., %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_ashr” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ashiftrt:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “aarch64_simd_rshift_imm” “Dr”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sshr\t%0., %1., %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_imm_shl” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ashift:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “aarch64_simd_lshift_imm” “Dl”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “shl\t%0., %1., %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_reg_sshl” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ashift:VDQ (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sshl\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_reg_shl_unsigned” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQ [(match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ASHIFT_UNSIGNED))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ushl\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_reg_shl_signed” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQ [(match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ASHIFT_SIGNED))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sshl\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “ashl3” [(match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:SI 2 “general_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; int shift_amount;

if (CONST_INT_P (operands[2])) { shift_amount = INTVAL (operands[2]); if (shift_amount >= 0 && shift_amount < bit_width) { rtx tmp = aarch64_simd_gen_const_vector_dup (mode, shift_amount); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_imm_shl (operands[0], operands[1], tmp)); DONE; } else { operands[2] = force_reg (SImode, operands[2]); } } else if (MEM_P (operands[2])) { operands[2] = force_reg (SImode, operands[2]); }

if (REG_P (operands[2])) { rtx tmp = gen_reg_rtx (mode); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_dup (tmp, convert_to_mode (mode, operands[2], 0))); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_reg_sshl (operands[0], operands[1], tmp)); DONE; } else FAIL; } )

(define_expand “lshr3” [(match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:SI 2 “general_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; int shift_amount;

if (CONST_INT_P (operands[2])) { shift_amount = INTVAL (operands[2]); if (shift_amount > 0 && shift_amount <= bit_width) { rtx tmp = aarch64_simd_gen_const_vector_dup (mode, shift_amount); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_lshr (operands[0], operands[1], tmp)); DONE; } else operands[2] = force_reg (SImode, operands[2]); } else if (MEM_P (operands[2])) { operands[2] = force_reg (SImode, operands[2]); }

if (REG_P (operands[2])) { rtx tmp = gen_reg_rtx (SImode); rtx tmp1 = gen_reg_rtx (mode); emit_insn (gen_negsi2 (tmp, operands[2])); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_dup (tmp1, convert_to_mode (mode, tmp, 0))); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_reg_shl_unsigned (operands[0], operands[1], tmp1)); DONE; } else FAIL; } )

(define_expand “ashr3” [(match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:SI 2 “general_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; int shift_amount;

if (CONST_INT_P (operands[2])) { shift_amount = INTVAL (operands[2]); if (shift_amount > 0 && shift_amount <= bit_width) { rtx tmp = aarch64_simd_gen_const_vector_dup (mode, shift_amount); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_ashr (operands[0], operands[1], tmp)); DONE; } else operands[2] = force_reg (SImode, operands[2]); } else if (MEM_P (operands[2])) { operands[2] = force_reg (SImode, operands[2]); }

if (REG_P (operands[2])) { rtx tmp = gen_reg_rtx (SImode); rtx tmp1 = gen_reg_rtx (mode); emit_insn (gen_negsi2 (tmp, operands[2])); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_dup (tmp1, convert_to_mode (mode, tmp, 0))); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_reg_shl_signed (operands[0], operands[1], tmp1)); DONE; } else FAIL; } )

(define_expand “vashl3” [(match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_reg_sshl (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2])); DONE; })

;; Using mode VQ_S as there is no V2DImode neg! ;; Negating individual lanes most certainly offsets the ;; gain from vectorization. (define_expand “vashr3” [(match_operand:VQ_S 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ_S 1 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ_S 2 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx neg = gen_reg_rtx (mode); emit (gen_neg2 (neg, operands[2])); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_reg_shl_signed (operands[0], operands[1], neg)); DONE; })

(define_expand “vlshr3” [(match_operand:VQ_S 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ_S 1 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ_S 2 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx neg = gen_reg_rtx (mode); emit (gen_neg2 (neg, operands[2])); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_reg_shl_unsigned (operands[0], operands[1], neg)); DONE; })

(define_expand “vec_set” [(match_operand:VQ_S 0 “register_operand” “+w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “r”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { HOST_WIDE_INT elem = (HOST_WIDE_INT) 1 << INTVAL (operands[2]); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_vec_set (operands[0], operands[1], GEN_INT (elem), operands[0])); DONE; } )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_vec_setv2di” [(set (match_operand:V2DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_merge:V2DI (vec_duplicate:V2DI (match_operand:DI 1 “register_operand” “r”)) (match_operand:V2DI 3 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ins\t%0.d[%p2], %1”; [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_insgp”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “V2DI”)] )

(define_expand “vec_setv2di” [(match_operand:V2DI 0 “register_operand” “+w”) (match_operand:DI 1 “register_operand” “r”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { HOST_WIDE_INT elem = (HOST_WIDE_INT) 1 << INTVAL (operands[2]); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_vec_setv2di (operands[0], operands[1], GEN_INT (elem), operands[0])); DONE; } )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_vec_set” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_merge:VDQF (vec_duplicate:VDQF (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”)) (match_operand:VDQF 3 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ins\t%0.[%p2], %1.[0]”; [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_ins”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “vec_set” [(match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “+w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { HOST_WIDE_INT elem = (HOST_WIDE_INT) 1 << INTVAL (operands[2]); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_vec_set (operands[0], operands[1], GEN_INT (elem), operands[0])); DONE; } )

(define_insn “aarch64_mla” [(set (match_operand:VQ_S 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (plus:VQ_S (mult:VQ_S (match_operand:VQ_S 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_S 3 “register_operand” “w”)) (match_operand:VQ_S 1 “register_operand” “0”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “mla\t%0., %2., %3.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_mla”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_mls” [(set (match_operand:VQ_S 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (minus:VQ_S (match_operand:VQ_S 1 “register_operand” “0”) (mult:VQ_S (match_operand:VQ_S 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_S 3 “register_operand” “w”))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “mls\t%0., %2., %3.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_mla”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; Max/Min operations. (define_insn “3” [(set (match_operand:VQ_S 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (MAXMIN:VQ_S (match_operand:VQ_S 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_S 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_minmax”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; Move into low-half clearing high half to 0.

(define_insn “move_lo_quad_” [(set (match_operand:VQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_concat:VQ (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (vec_duplicate: (const_int 0))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “mov\t%d0, %d1”; [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_dup”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; Move into high-half.

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_move_hi_quad_” [(set (match_operand:VQ 0 “register_operand” “+w”) (vec_concat:VQ (vec_select: (match_dup 0) (match_operand:VQ 2 “vect_par_cnst_lo_half” "")) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ins\t%0.d[1], %1.d[0]”; [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_ins”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “move_hi_quad_” [(match_operand:VQ 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, false); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_move_hi_quad_ (operands[0], operands[1], p)); DONE; })

;; Narrowing operations.

;; For doubles. (define_insn “aarch64_simd_vec_pack_trunc_” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (truncate: (match_operand:VQN 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “xtn\t%0., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shiftn_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “vec_pack_trunc_” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDN 1 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDN 2 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx tempreg = gen_reg_rtx (mode);

emit_insn (gen_move_lo_quad_ (tempreg, operands[1])); emit_insn (gen_move_hi_quad_ (tempreg, operands[2])); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_vec_pack_trunc_ (operands[0], tempreg)); DONE; })

;; For quads.

(define_insn “vec_pack_trunc_” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “+&w”) (vec_concat: (truncate: (match_operand:VQN 1 “register_operand” “w”)) (truncate: (match_operand:VQN 2 “register_operand” “w”))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “xtn\t%0., %1.;xtn2\t%0., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shiftn2_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”) (set_attr “length” “8”)] )

;; Widening operations.

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_vec_unpacklo” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ANY_EXTEND: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “vect_par_cnst_lo_half” "") )))] “TARGET_SIMD” “shll %0., %1., 0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shiftl_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_vec_unpackhi” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ANY_EXTEND: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” "") )))] “TARGET_SIMD” “shll2 %0., %1., 0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shiftl_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “vec_unpackhi” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” "") (ANY_EXTEND: (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand”))] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_vec_unpackhi (operands[0], operands[1], p)); DONE; } )

(define_expand “vec_unpacklo” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” "") (ANY_EXTEND: (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, false); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_vec_unpacklo (operands[0], operands[1], p)); DONE; } )

;; Widening arithmetic.

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_vec_mult_lo_” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (mult: (ANY_EXTEND: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 3 “vect_par_cnst_lo_half” ""))) (ANY_EXTEND: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_dup 3)))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “mull\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_mull”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “vec_widen_mult_lo_” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” "") (ANY_EXTEND: (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” "")) (ANY_EXTEND: (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, false); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_vec_mult_lo_ (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; } )

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_vec_mult_hi_” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (mult: (ANY_EXTEND: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 3 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” ""))) (ANY_EXTEND: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_dup 3)))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “mull2\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_mull”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “vec_widen_mult_hi_” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” "") (ANY_EXTEND: (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” "")) (ANY_EXTEND: (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_vec_mult_hi_ (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE;

} )

;; FP vector operations. ;; AArch64 AdvSIMD supports single-precision (32-bit) and ;; double-precision (64-bit) floating-point data types and arithmetic as ;; defined by the IEEE 754-2008 standard. This makes them vectorizable ;; without the need for -ffast-math or -funsafe-math-optimizations. ;; ;; Floating-point operations can raise an exception. Vectorizing such ;; operations are safe because of reasons explained below. ;; ;; ARMv8 permits an extension to enable trapped floating-point ;; exception handling, however this is an optional feature. In the ;; event of a floating-point exception being raised by vectorised ;; code then: ;; 1. If trapped floating-point exceptions are available, then a trap ;; will be taken when any lane raises an enabled exception. A trap ;; handler may determine which lane raised the exception. ;; 2. Alternatively a sticky exception flag is set in the ;; floating-point status register (FPSR). Software may explicitly ;; test the exception flags, in which case the tests will either ;; prevent vectorisation, allowing precise identification of the ;; failing operation, or if tested outside of vectorisable regions ;; then the specific operation and lane are not of interest.

;; FP arithmetic operations.

(define_insn “add3” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (plus:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fadd\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fadd”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “sub3” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (minus:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fsub\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fadd”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “mul3” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (mult:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fmul\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fmul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “div3” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (div:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fdiv\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fdiv”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “neg2” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (neg:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fneg\t%0., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fnegabs”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “abs2” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (abs:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fabs\t%0., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fnegabs”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “fma4” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (fma:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 3 “register_operand” “0”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fmla\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fmla”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_frint<frint_suffix>” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQF [(match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”)] FRINT))] “TARGET_SIMD” “frint<frint_suffix>\t%0., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_frint”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; Vector versions of the floating-point frint patterns. ;; Expands to btrunc, ceil, floor, nearbyint, rint, round. (define_expand “<frint_pattern>2” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand”) (unspec:VDQF [(match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand”)] FRINT))] “TARGET_SIMD” {})

(define_insn “aarch64_fcvt<frint_suffix>” [(set (match_operand:<FCVT_TARGET> 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (FIXUORS:<FCVT_TARGET> (unspec:<FCVT_TARGET> [(match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”)] FCVT)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fcvt<frint_suffix>\t%0., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fcvti”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; Vector versions of the fcvt standard patterns. ;; Expands to lbtrunc, lround, lceil, lfloor (define_expand “l<fcvt_pattern><su_optab><fcvt_target>VDQF:mode2” [(set (match_operand:<FCVT_TARGET> 0 “register_operand”) (FIXUORS:<FCVT_TARGET> (unspec:<FCVT_TARGET> [(match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand”)] FCVT)))] “TARGET_SIMD” {})

(define_insn “aarch64_vmls” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (minus:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “0”) (mult:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 3 “register_operand” “w”))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fmls\t%0., %2., %3.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fmla”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; FP Max/Min ;; Max/Min are introduced by idiom recognition by GCC's mid-end. An ;; expression like: ;; a = (b < c) ? b : c; ;; is idiom-matched as MIN_EXPR<b,c> only if -ffinite-math-only is enabled ;; either explicitly or indirectly via -ffast-math. ;; ;; MIN_EXPR and MAX_EXPR eventually map to ‘smin’ and ‘smax’ in RTL. ;; The ‘smax’ and ‘smin’ RTL standard pattern names do not specify which ;; operand will be returned when both operands are zero (i.e. they may not ;; honour signed zeroes), or when either operand is NaN. Therefore GCC ;; only introduces MIN_EXPR/MAX_EXPR in fast math mode or when not honouring ;; NaNs.

(define_insn “smax3” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (smax:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fmaxnm\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fminmax”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “smin3” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (smin:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fminnm\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fminmax”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; FP ‘across lanes’ max and min ops.

(define_insn “reduc_s_v4sf” [(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V4SF [(match_operand:V4SF 1 “register_operand” “w”)] FMAXMINV))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fnmv\t%s0, %1.4s”; [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fminmaxv”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “V4SF”)] )

(define_insn “reduc_s_” [(set (match_operand:V2F 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2F [(match_operand:V2F 1 “register_operand” “w”)] FMAXMINV))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fnmp\t%0., %1., %1.”; [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fminmax”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; FP ‘across lanes’ add.

(define_insn “aarch64_addvv4sf” [(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V4SF [(match_operand:V4SF 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_FADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” “faddp\t%0.4s, %1.4s, %1.4s” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fadd”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “V4SF”)] )

(define_expand “reduc_uplus_v4sf” [(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:V4SF 1 “register_operand” “w”))] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx tmp = gen_reg_rtx (V4SFmode); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_addvv4sf (tmp, operands[1])); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_addvv4sf (operands[0], tmp)); DONE; })

(define_expand “reduc_splus_v4sf” [(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:V4SF 1 “register_operand” “w”))] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx tmp = gen_reg_rtx (V4SFmode); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_addvv4sf (tmp, operands[1])); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_addvv4sf (operands[0], tmp)); DONE; })

(define_insn “aarch64_addv” [(set (match_operand:V2F 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2F [(match_operand:V2F 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_FADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” “faddp\t%0, %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fadd”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “reduc_uplus_” [(set (match_operand:V2F 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2F [(match_operand:V2F 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_FADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” "" )

(define_expand “reduc_splus_” [(set (match_operand:V2F 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2F [(match_operand:V2F 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_FADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” "" )

;; Reduction across lanes.

(define_insn “aarch64_addv” [(set (match_operand:VDQV 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQV [(match_operand:VDQV 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” “addv\t%0, %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_addv”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “reduc_splus_” [(set (match_operand:VDQV 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQV [(match_operand:VDQV 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” "" )

(define_expand “reduc_uplus_” [(set (match_operand:VDQV 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQV [(match_operand:VDQV 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” "" )

(define_insn “aarch64_addvv2di” [(set (match_operand:V2DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2DI [(match_operand:V2DI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” “addp\t%d0, %1.2d” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_add”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “V2DI”)] )

(define_expand “reduc_uplus_v2di” [(set (match_operand:V2DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2DI [(match_operand:V2DI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” "" )

(define_expand “reduc_splus_v2di” [(set (match_operand:V2DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2DI [(match_operand:V2DI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” "" )

(define_insn “aarch64_addvv2si” [(set (match_operand:V2SI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2SI [(match_operand:V2SI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” “addp\t%0.2s, %1.2s, %1.2s” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_add”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “V2SI”)] )

(define_expand “reduc_uplus_v2si” [(set (match_operand:V2SI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2SI [(match_operand:V2SI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” "" )

(define_expand “reduc_splus_v2si” [(set (match_operand:V2SI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2SI [(match_operand:V2SI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDV))] “TARGET_SIMD” "" )

(define_insn “reduc__” [(set (match_operand:VDQV 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQV [(match_operand:VDQV 1 “register_operand” “w”)] MAXMINV))] “TARGET_SIMD” “v\t%0, %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_minmaxv”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “reduc__v2si” [(set (match_operand:V2SI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V2SI [(match_operand:V2SI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] MAXMINV))] “TARGET_SIMD” “p\t%0.2s, %1.2s, %1.2s” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_minmax”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “V2SI”)] )

;; vbsl_* intrinsics may compile to any of bsl/bif/bit depending on register ;; allocation. For an intrinsic of form: ;; vD = bsl_* (vS, vN, vM) ;; We can use any of: ;; bsl vS, vN, vM (if D = S) ;; bit vD, vN, vS (if D = M, so 1-bits in vS choose bits from vN, else vM) ;; bif vD, vM, vS (if D = N, so 0-bits in vS choose bits from vM, else vN)

(define_insn “aarch64_simd_bsl_internal” [(set (match_operand:VALL 0 “register_operand” “=w,w,w”) (unspec:VALL [(match_operand:<V_cmp_result> 1 “register_operand” " 0,w,w") (match_operand:VALL 2 “register_operand” " w,w,0") (match_operand:VALL 3 “register_operand” " w,0,w")] UNSPEC_BSL))] “TARGET_SIMD” “@ bsl\t%0., %2., %3. bit\t%0., %2., %1. bif\t%0., %3., %1.” )

(define_expand “aarch64_simd_bsl” [(set (match_operand:VALL 0 “register_operand”) (unspec:VALL [(match_operand:<V_cmp_result> 1 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VALL 2 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VALL 3 “register_operand”)] UNSPEC_BSL))] “TARGET_SIMD” { /* We can't alias operands together if they have different modes. */ operands[1] = gen_lowpart (<V_cmp_result>mode, operands[1]); })

(define_expand “aarch64_vcond_internal” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand”) (if_then_else:VDQ (match_operator 3 “comparison_operator” [(match_operand:VDQ 4 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VDQ 5 “nonmemory_operand”)]) (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” { int inverse = 0, has_zero_imm_form = 0; rtx mask = gen_reg_rtx (mode);

switch (GET_CODE (operands[3])) { case LE: case LT: case NE: inverse = 1; /* Fall through. */ case GE: case GT: case EQ: has_zero_imm_form = 1; break; case LEU: case LTU: inverse = 1; break; default: break; }

if (!REG_P (operands[5]) && (operands[5] != CONST0_RTX (mode) || !has_zero_imm_form)) operands[5] = force_reg (mode, operands[5]);

switch (GET_CODE (operands[3])) { case LT: case GE: emit_insn (gen_aarch64_cmge (mask, operands[4], operands[5])); break;

case LE:
case GT:
  emit_insn (gen_aarch64_cmgt<mode> (mask, operands[4], operands[5]));

case LTU:
case GEU:
  emit_insn (gen_aarch64_cmhs<mode> (mask, operands[4], operands[5]));

case LEU:
case GTU:
  emit_insn (gen_aarch64_cmhi<mode> (mask, operands[4], operands[5]));

case NE:
case EQ:
  emit_insn (gen_aarch64_cmeq<mode> (mask, operands[4], operands[5]));

  gcc_unreachable ();

if (inverse) emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_bsl (operands[0], mask, operands[2], operands[1])); else emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_bsl (operands[0], mask, operands[1], operands[2]));

DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_vcond_internal” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand”) (if_then_else:VDQF (match_operator 3 “comparison_operator” [(match_operand:VDQF 4 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VDQF 5 “nonmemory_operand”)]) (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” { int inverse = 0; int use_zero_form = 0; int swap_bsl_operands = 0; rtx mask = gen_reg_rtx (<V_cmp_result>mode); rtx tmp = gen_reg_rtx (<V_cmp_result>mode);

rtx (*base_comparison) (rtx, rtx, rtx); rtx (*complimentary_comparison) (rtx, rtx, rtx);

switch (GET_CODE (operands[3])) { case GE: case GT: case LE: case LT: case EQ: if (operands[5] == CONST0_RTX (mode)) { use_zero_form = 1; break; } /* Fall through. */ default: if (!REG_P (operands[5])) operands[5] = force_reg (mode, operands[5]); }

switch (GET_CODE (operands[3])) { case LT: case UNLT: inverse = 1; /* Fall through. / case GE: case UNGE: case ORDERED: case UNORDERED: base_comparison = gen_aarch64_cmge; complimentary_comparison = gen_aarch64_cmgt; break; case LE: case UNLE: inverse = 1; / Fall through. */ case GT: case UNGT: base_comparison = gen_aarch64_cmgt; complimentary_comparison = gen_aarch64_cmge; break; case EQ: case NE: case UNEQ: base_comparison = gen_aarch64_cmeq; complimentary_comparison = gen_aarch64_cmeq; break; default: gcc_unreachable (); }

switch (GET_CODE (operands[3])) { case LT: case LE: case GT: case GE: case EQ: /* The easy case. Here we emit one of FCMGE, FCMGT or FCMEQ. As a LT b <=> b GE a && a LE b <=> b GT a. Our transformations are: a GE b -> a GE b a GT b -> a GT b a LE b -> b GE a a LT b -> b GT a a EQ b -> a EQ b Note that there also exist direct comparison against 0 forms, so catch those as a special case. / if (use_zero_form) { inverse = 0; switch (GET_CODE (operands[3])) { case LT: base_comparison = gen_aarch64_cmlt; break; case LE: base_comparison = gen_aarch64_cmle; break; default: / Do nothing, other zero form cases already have the correct base_comparison. */ break; } }

  if (!inverse)
emit_insn (base_comparison (mask, operands[4], operands[5]));
emit_insn (complimentary_comparison (mask, operands[5], operands[4]));
case UNLT:
case UNLE:
case UNGT:
case UNGE:
case NE:
  /* FCM returns false for lanes which are unordered, so if we use
 the inverse of the comparison we actually want to emit, then
 swap the operands to BSL, we will end up with the correct result.
 Note that a NE NaN and NaN NE b are true for all a, b.

 Our transformations are:
 a GE b -> !(b GT a)
 a GT b -> !(b GE a)
 a LE b -> !(a GT b)
 a LT b -> !(a GE b)
 a NE b -> !(a EQ b)  */

  if (inverse)
emit_insn (base_comparison (mask, operands[4], operands[5]));
emit_insn (complimentary_comparison (mask, operands[5], operands[4]));

  swap_bsl_operands = 1;
case UNEQ:
  /* We check (a > b ||  b > a).  combining these comparisons give us
 true iff !(a != b && a ORDERED b), swapping the operands to BSL
 will then give us (a == b ||  a UNORDERED b) as intended.  */

  emit_insn (gen_aarch64_cmgt<mode> (mask, operands[4], operands[5]));
  emit_insn (gen_aarch64_cmgt<mode> (tmp, operands[5], operands[4]));
  emit_insn (gen_ior<v_cmp_result>3 (mask, mask, tmp));
  swap_bsl_operands = 1;
   /* Operands are ORDERED iff (a > b || b >= a).
 Swapping the operands to BSL will give the UNORDERED case.  */
 swap_bsl_operands = 1;
 /* Fall through.  */
  emit_insn (gen_aarch64_cmgt<mode> (tmp, operands[4], operands[5]));
  emit_insn (gen_aarch64_cmge<mode> (mask, operands[5], operands[4]));
  emit_insn (gen_ior<v_cmp_result>3 (mask, mask, tmp));
  gcc_unreachable ();

if (swap_bsl_operands) emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_bsl (operands[0], mask, operands[2], operands[1])); else emit_insn (gen_aarch64_simd_bsl (operands[0], mask, operands[1], operands[2])); DONE; })

(define_expand “vcond” [(set (match_operand:VALL 0 “register_operand”) (if_then_else:VALL (match_operator 3 “comparison_operator” [(match_operand:VALL 4 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VALL 5 “nonmemory_operand”)]) (match_operand:VALL 1 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VALL 2 “register_operand”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” { emit_insn (gen_aarch64_vcond_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4], operands[5])); DONE; })

(define_expand “vcondu” [(set (match_operand:VDQ 0 “register_operand”) (if_then_else:VDQ (match_operator 3 “comparison_operator” [(match_operand:VDQ 4 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VDQ 5 “nonmemory_operand”)]) (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VDQ 2 “register_operand”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” { emit_insn (gen_aarch64_vcond_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4], operands[5])); DONE; })

;; Patterns for AArch64 SIMD Intrinsics.

(define_expand “aarch64_create” [(match_operand:VD_RE 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:DI 1 “general_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx src = gen_lowpart (mode, operands[1]); emit_move_insn (operands[0], src); DONE; })

(define_insn “aarch64_get_lane_signed” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=r”) (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQ_S 1 “register_operand” “w”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)]))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “smov\t%0, %1.[%2]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_movgp”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_get_lane_unsigned” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=r”) (zero_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VDQ 1 “register_operand” “w”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)]))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “umov\t%0, %1.[%2]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_movgp”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_get_lane” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_select: (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)])))] “TARGET_SIMD” “mov\t%0.[0], %1.[%2]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_ins”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_get_lanedi” [(match_operand:DI 0 “register_operand” “=r”) (match_operand:DI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[2], 0, 1); emit_move_insn (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv8qi” [(match_operand:V8QI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDC 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv4hi” [(match_operand:V4HI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDC 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv2si” [(match_operand:V2SI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDC 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv2sf” [(match_operand:V2SF 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VDC 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretdi” [(match_operand:DI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VD_RE 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv16qi” [(match_operand:V16QI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv8hi” [(match_operand:V8HI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv4si” [(match_operand:V4SI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv4sf” [(match_operand:V4SF 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv2di” [(match_operand:V2DI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_reinterpretv2df” [(match_operand:V2DF 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:VQ 1 “register_operand” "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_reinterpret (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

;; In this insn, operand 1 should be low, and operand 2 the high part of the ;; dest vector.

(define_insn “*aarch64_combinez” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=&w”) (vec_concat: (match_operand:VDIC 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDIC 2 “aarch64_simd_imm_zero” “Dz”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “mov\t%0.8b, %1.8b” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_move”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_combine” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=&w”) (vec_concat: (match_operand:VDC 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDC 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “mov\t%0.d[0], %1.d[0];ins\t%0.d[1], %2.d[0]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_ins”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; l.

(define_insn “aarch64_<ANY_EXTEND:su>ADDSUB:optabl2_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ADDSUB: (ANY_EXTEND: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 3 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” ""))) (ANY_EXTEND: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_dup 3)))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “<ANY_EXTEND:su>ADDSUB:optabl2 %0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_addl”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_saddl2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_saddl2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_uaddl2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_uaddl2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_ssubl2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_ssubl2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_usubl2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_usubl2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

(define_insn “aarch64_<ANY_EXTEND:su>ADDSUB:optabl” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ADDSUB: (ANY_EXTEND: (match_operand:VDW 1 “register_operand” “w”)) (ANY_EXTEND: (match_operand:VDW 2 “register_operand” “w”))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “<ANY_EXTEND:su>ADDSUB:optabl %0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_addl”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; w.

(define_insn “aarch64_<ANY_EXTEND:su>ADDSUB:optabw” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ADDSUB: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (ANY_EXTEND: (match_operand:VDW 2 “register_operand” “w”))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “<ANY_EXTEND:su>ADDSUB:optabw\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_addl”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_<ANY_EXTEND:su>ADDSUB:optabw2_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ADDSUB: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (ANY_EXTEND: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 3 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” "")))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “<ANY_EXTEND:su>ADDSUB:optabw2\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_addl”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_saddw2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_saddw2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_uaddw2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_uaddw2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_ssubw2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_ssubw2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_usubw2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQW 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_usubw2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

;; h.

(define_insn “aarch64_h” [(set (match_operand:VQ_S 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VQ_S [(match_operand:VQ_S 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_S 2 “register_operand” “w”)] HADDSUB))] “TARGET_SIMD” “h\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_add”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; hn.

(define_insn “aarch64_hn” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec: [(match_operand:VQN 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQN 2 “register_operand” “w”)] ADDSUBHN))] “TARGET_SIMD” “hn\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_addn”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_hn2” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec: [(match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:VQN 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQN 3 “register_operand” “w”)] ADDSUBHN2))] “TARGET_SIMD” “hn2\t%0., %2., %3.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_addn2”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; pmul.

(define_insn “aarch64_pmul” [(set (match_operand:VB 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VB [(match_operand:VB 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VB 2 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_PMUL))] “TARGET_SIMD” “pmul\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; q

(define_insn “aarch64_<su_optab>” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_I 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (BINQOPS:VSDQ_I (match_operand:VSDQ_I 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “<su_optab>\t%0, %1, %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_add”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; suqadd and usqadd

(define_insn “aarch64_qadd” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_I 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VSDQ_I [(match_operand:VSDQ_I 1 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I 2 “register_operand” “w”)] USSUQADD))] “TARGET_SIMD” “qadd\t%0, %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_add”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; sqmovun

(define_insn “aarch64_sqmovun” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec: [(match_operand:VSQN_HSDI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_SQXTUN))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqxtun\t%0, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_shiftn_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; sqmovn and uqmovn

(define_insn “aarch64_qmovn” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec: [(match_operand:VSQN_HSDI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] SUQMOVN))] “TARGET_SIMD” “qxtn\t%0, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_shiftn_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; q

(define_insn “aarch64_s” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_I_BHSI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (UNQOPS:VSDQ_I_BHSI (match_operand:VSDQ_I_BHSI 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “s\t%0, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_negabs”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; sqdmulh.

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmulh” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_HSI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VSDQ_HSI [(match_operand:VSDQ_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”)] VQDMULH))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmulh\t%0, %1, %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; sqdmulh_lane

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmulh_lane” [(set (match_operand:VDQHS 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQHS [(match_operand:VDQHS 1 “register_operand” “w”) (vec_select: (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)]))] VQDMULH))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[3], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode)); return "sqdmulh\t%0., %1., %2.[%3]";” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmulh_laneq” [(set (match_operand:VDQHS 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQHS [(match_operand:VDQHS 1 “register_operand” “w”) (vec_select: (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)]))] VQDMULH))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[3], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode)); return "sqdmulh\t%0., %1., %2.[%3]";” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmulh_lane” [(set (match_operand:SD_HSI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:SD_HSI [(match_operand:SD_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (vec_select: (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)]))] VQDMULH))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[3], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode)); return "sqdmulh\t%0, %1, %2.[%3]";” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vqdml[sa]l

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (SBINQOPS: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (match_operand:VSD_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”)) (sign_extend: (match_operand:VSD_HSI 3 “register_operand” “w”))) (const_int 1))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl\t%0, %2, %3” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mlal”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vqdml[sa]l_lane

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl_lane_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (SBINQOPS: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (match_operand:VD_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”)) (sign_extend: (vec_duplicate:VD_HSI (vec_select: (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)]))) )) (const_int 1))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl\t%0, %2, %3.[%4]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mlal”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl_lane_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (SBINQOPS: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (match_operand:SD_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”)) (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)]))) ) (const_int 1))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl\t%0, %2, %3.[%4]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mlal”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlal_lane” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:VSD_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[4], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode) / 2); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlal_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4])); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlal_laneq” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:VSD_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[4], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode)); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlal_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4])); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlsl_lane” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:VSD_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[4], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode) / 2); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlsl_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4])); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlsl_laneq” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:VSD_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[4], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode)); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlsl_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4])); DONE; })

;; vqdml[sa]l_n

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl_n” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (SBINQOPS: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (match_operand:VD_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”)) (sign_extend: (vec_duplicate:VD_HSI (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “w”)))) (const_int 1))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl\t%0, %2, %3.[0]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mlal”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; sqdml[as]l2

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl2_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (SBINQOPS: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 4 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” ""))) (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQ_HSI 3 “register_operand” “w”) (match_dup 4)))) (const_int 1))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl2\t%0, %2, %3” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mlal”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlal2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 3 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlal2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlsl2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 3 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlsl2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], p)); DONE; })

;; vqdml[sa]l2_lane

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl2_lane_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (SBINQOPS: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 5 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” ""))) (sign_extend: (vec_duplicate: (vec_select: (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)]) )))) (const_int 1))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl2\t%0, %2, %3.[%4]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mlal”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlal2_lane” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[4], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode) / 2); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlal2_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlal2_laneq” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[4], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode)); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlal2_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlsl2_lane” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[4], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode) / 2); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlsl2_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlsl2_laneq” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 4 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[4], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode)); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlsl2_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[4], p)); DONE; })

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl2_n_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (SBINQOPS: (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “0”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 4 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” ""))) (sign_extend: (vec_duplicate: (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “w”)))) (const_int 1))))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmlSBINQOPS:asl2\t%0, %2, %3.[0]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mlal”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlal2_n” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlal2_n_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmlsl2_n” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand: 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 3 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmlsl2_n_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], p)); DONE; })

;; vqdmull

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmull” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (match_operand:VSD_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”)) (sign_extend: (match_operand:VSD_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”))) (const_int 1)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmull\t%0, %1, %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vqdmull_lane

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmull_lane_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (match_operand:VD_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”)) (sign_extend: (vec_duplicate:VD_HSI (vec_select: (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)]))) )) (const_int 1)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmull\t%0, %1, %2.[%3]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmull_lane_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (match_operand:SD_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”)) (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)])) )) (const_int 1)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmull\t%0, %1, %2.[%3]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmull_lane” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VSD_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[3], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode) / 2); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmull_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3])); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmull_laneq” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VD_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[3], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode)); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmull_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3])); DONE; })

;; vqdmull_n

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmull_n” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (match_operand:VD_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”)) (sign_extend: (vec_duplicate:VD_HSI (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “w”))) ) (const_int 1)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmull\t%0, %1, %2.[0]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vqdmull2

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmull2_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQ_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 3 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” ""))) (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQ_HSI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_dup 3))) ) (const_int 1)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmull2\t%0, %1, %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmull2” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmull2_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

;; vqdmull2_lane

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmull2_lane_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQ_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 4 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” ""))) (sign_extend: (vec_duplicate: (vec_select: (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (parallel [(match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)]))) )) (const_int 1)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmull2\t%0, %1, %2.[%3]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmull2_lane” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[3], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode) / 2); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmull2_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], p)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmull2_laneq” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “”) (match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); aarch64_simd_lane_bounds (operands[3], 0, GET_MODE_NUNITS (mode)); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmull2_lane_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], p)); DONE; })

;; vqdmull2_n

(define_insn “aarch64_sqdmull2_n_internal” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (ss_ashift: (mult: (sign_extend: (vec_select: (match_operand:VQ_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 3 “vect_par_cnst_hi_half” ""))) (sign_extend: (vec_duplicate: (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “w”))) ) (const_int 1)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “sqdmull2\t%0, %1, %2.[0]” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_mul”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_sqdmull2_n” [(match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VQ_HSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand: 2 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { rtx p = aarch64_simd_vect_par_cnst_half (mode, true); emit_insn (gen_aarch64_sqdmull2_n_internal (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], p)); DONE; })

;; vshl

(define_insn “aarch64_shl” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VSDQ_I_DI [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 2 “register_operand” “w”)] VSHL))] “TARGET_SIMD” “shl\t%0, %1, %2”; [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vqshl

(define_insn “aarch64_qshl” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_I 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VSDQ_I [(match_operand:VSDQ_I 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I 2 “register_operand” “w”)] VQSHL))] “TARGET_SIMD” “qshl\t%0, %1, %2”; [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_shift”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vshl_n

(define_expand “aarch64_sshl_n” [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { emit_insn (gen_ashl3 (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2])); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_ushl_n” [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { emit_insn (gen_ashl3 (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2])); DONE; })

;; vshll_n

(define_insn “aarch64_shll_n” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec: [(match_operand:VDW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] VSHLL))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; aarch64_simd_const_bounds (operands[2], 0, bit_width + 1); if (INTVAL (operands[2]) == bit_width) { return "shll\t%0., %1., %2"; } else { return "shll\t%0., %1., %2"; }” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vshll_high_n

(define_insn “aarch64_shll2_n” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec: [(match_operand:VQW 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] VSHLL))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; aarch64_simd_const_bounds (operands[2], 0, bit_width + 1); if (INTVAL (operands[2]) == bit_width) { return "shll2\t%0., %1., %2"; } else { return "shll2\t%0., %1., %2"; }” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vshr_n

(define_expand “aarch64_sshr_n” [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { emit_insn (gen_ashr3 (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2])); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_ushr_n” [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { emit_insn (gen_lshr3 (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2])); DONE; })

;; vrshr_n

(define_insn “aarch64_shr_n” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VSDQ_I_DI [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] VRSHR_N))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; aarch64_simd_const_bounds (operands[2], 1, bit_width + 1); return "shr\t%0, %1, %2";” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; v(r)sra_n

(define_insn “aarch64_sra_n” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VSDQ_I_DI [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)] VSRA))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; aarch64_simd_const_bounds (operands[3], 1, bit_width + 1); return "sra\t%0, %2, %3";” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift_imm_acc”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vsi_n

(define_insn “aarch64_si_n” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VSDQ_I_DI [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)] VSLRI))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; aarch64_simd_const_bounds (operands[3], 1 - VSLRI:offsetlr, bit_width - VSLRI:offsetlr + 1); return "si\t%0, %2, %3";” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_shift_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vqshl(u)

(define_insn “aarch64_qshl_n” [(set (match_operand:VSDQ_I 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VSDQ_I [(match_operand:VSDQ_I 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] VQSHL_N))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; aarch64_simd_const_bounds (operands[2], 0, bit_width); return "qshl\t%0, %1, %2";” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_shift_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; vq(r)shr(u)n_n

(define_insn “aarch64_qshrn_n” [(set (match_operand: 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec: [(match_operand:VSQN_HSDI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] VQSHRN_N))] “TARGET_SIMD” “* int bit_width = GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (mode) * BITS_PER_UNIT; aarch64_simd_const_bounds (operands[2], 1, bit_width + 1); return "qshrn\t%0, %1, %2";” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_sat_shiftn_imm”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; cm(eq|ge|le|lt|gt)

(define_insn “aarch64_cm” [(set (match_operand:<V_cmp_result> 0 “register_operand” “=w,w”) (unspec:<V_cmp_result> [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “w,w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 2 “aarch64_simd_reg_or_zero” “w,Z”)] VCMP_S))] “TARGET_SIMD” “@ cm\t%0, %1, %2 cm\t%0, %1, #0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_cmp”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; cm(hs|hi|tst)

(define_insn “aarch64_cm” [(set (match_operand:<V_cmp_result> 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:<V_cmp_result> [(match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VSDQ_I_DI 2 “register_operand” “w”)] VCMP_U))] “TARGET_SIMD” “cm\t%0, %1, %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_cmp”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; fcm(eq|ge|le|lt|gt)

(define_insn “aarch64_cm” [(set (match_operand:<V_cmp_result> 0 “register_operand” “=w,w”) (unspec:<V_cmp_result> [(match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w,w”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “aarch64_simd_reg_or_zero” “w,Dz”)] VCMP_S))] “TARGET_SIMD” “@ fcm\t%0, %1, %2 fcm\t%0, %1, 0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fcmp”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; addp

(define_insn “aarch64_addp” [(set (match_operand:VD_BHSI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VD_BHSI [(match_operand:VD_BHSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VD_BHSI 2 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDP))] “TARGET_SIMD” “addp\t%0, %1, %2” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_add”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_addpdi” [(set (match_operand:DI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:DI [(match_operand:V2DI 1 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_ADDP))] “TARGET_SIMD” “addp\t%d0, %1.2d” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_add”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “DI”)] )

;; v(max|min)

(define_expand “aarch64_” [(set (match_operand:VDQ_BHSI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (MAXMIN:VDQ_BHSI (match_operand:VDQ_BHSI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQ_BHSI 2 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” { emit_insn (gen_3 (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2])); DONE; })

(define_insn “aarch64_” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VDQF [(match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VDQF 2 “register_operand” “w”)] FMAXMIN))] “TARGET_SIMD” “\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fminmax”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; sqrt

(define_insn “sqrt2” [(set (match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (sqrt:VDQF (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “fsqrt\t%0., %1.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_fsqrt”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_expand “aarch64_sqrt” [(match_operand:VDQF 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VDQF 1 “register_operand” “w”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { emit_insn (gen_sqrt2 (operands[0], operands[1])); DONE; })

;; Patterns for vector struct loads and stores.

(define_insn “vec_load_lanesoi” [(set (match_operand:OI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:OI [(match_operand:OI 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”) (unspec:VQ [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_LD2))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld2\t{%S0. - %T0.}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load2”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “vec_store_lanesoi” [(set (match_operand:OI 0 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “=Utv”) (unspec:OI [(match_operand:OI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:VQ [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_ST2))] “TARGET_SIMD” “st2\t{%S1. - %T1.}, %0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_store2”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “vec_load_lanesci” [(set (match_operand:CI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:CI [(match_operand:CI 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”) (unspec:VQ [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_LD3))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld3\t{%S0. - %U0.}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load3”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “vec_store_lanesci” [(set (match_operand:CI 0 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “=Utv”) (unspec:CI [(match_operand:CI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:VQ [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_ST3))] “TARGET_SIMD” “st3\t{%S1. - %U1.}, %0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_store3”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “vec_load_lanesxi” [(set (match_operand:XI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:XI [(match_operand:XI 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”) (unspec:VQ [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_LD4))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld4\t{%S0. - %V0.}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load4”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “vec_store_lanesxi” [(set (match_operand:XI 0 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “=Utv”) (unspec:XI [(match_operand:XI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:VQ [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_ST4))] “TARGET_SIMD” “st4\t{%S1. - %V1.}, %0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_store4”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

;; Reload patterns for AdvSIMD register list operands.

(define_expand “mov” [(set (match_operand:VSTRUCT 0 “aarch64_simd_nonimmediate_operand” "") (match_operand:VSTRUCT 1 “aarch64_simd_general_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD” { if (can_create_pseudo_p ()) { if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) != REG) operands[1] = force_reg (mode, operands[1]); } })

(define_insn “*aarch64_mov” [(set (match_operand:VSTRUCT 0 “aarch64_simd_nonimmediate_operand” “=w,Utv,w”) (match_operand:VSTRUCT 1 “aarch64_simd_general_operand” " w,w,Utv"))] “TARGET_SIMD && (register_operand (operands[0], mode) || register_operand (operands[1], mode))”

{ switch (which_alternative) { case 0: return “#”; case 1: return “st1\t{%S1.16b - %1.16b}, %0”; case 2: return “ld1\t{%S0.16b - %0.16b}, %1”; default: gcc_unreachable (); } } [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_move,simd_store,simd_load”) (set (attr “length”) (symbol_ref “aarch64_simd_attr_length_move (insn)”)) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_split [(set (match_operand:OI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:OI 1 “register_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD && reload_completed” [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3))] { int rdest = REGNO (operands[0]); int rsrc = REGNO (operands[1]); rtx dest[2], src[2];

dest[0] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rdest); src[0] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rsrc); dest[1] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rdest + 1); src[1] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rsrc + 1);

aarch64_simd_disambiguate_copy (operands, dest, src, 2); })

(define_split [(set (match_operand:CI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:CI 1 “register_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD && reload_completed” [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3)) (set (match_dup 4) (match_dup 5))] { int rdest = REGNO (operands[0]); int rsrc = REGNO (operands[1]); rtx dest[3], src[3];

dest[0] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rdest); src[0] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rsrc); dest[1] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rdest + 1); src[1] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rsrc + 1); dest[2] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rdest + 2); src[2] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rsrc + 2);

aarch64_simd_disambiguate_copy (operands, dest, src, 3); })

(define_split [(set (match_operand:XI 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand:XI 1 “register_operand” ""))] “TARGET_SIMD && reload_completed” [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3)) (set (match_dup 4) (match_dup 5)) (set (match_dup 6) (match_dup 7))] { int rdest = REGNO (operands[0]); int rsrc = REGNO (operands[1]); rtx dest[4], src[4];

dest[0] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rdest); src[0] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rsrc); dest[1] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rdest + 1); src[1] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rsrc + 1); dest[2] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rdest + 2); src[2] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rsrc + 2); dest[3] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rdest + 3); src[3] = gen_rtx_REG (TFmode, rsrc + 3);

aarch64_simd_disambiguate_copy (operands, dest, src, 4); })

(define_insn “aarch64_ld2_dreg” [(set (match_operand:OI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (subreg:OI (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (unspec:VD [(match_operand:TI 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”)] UNSPEC_LD2) (vec_duplicate:VD (const_int 0))) (vec_concat: (unspec:VD [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD2) (vec_duplicate:VD (const_int 0)))) 0))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld2\t{%S0. - %T0.}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load2”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_ld2_dreg” [(set (match_operand:OI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (subreg:OI (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (unspec:DX [(match_operand:TI 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”)] UNSPEC_LD2) (const_int 0)) (vec_concat: (unspec:DX [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD2) (const_int 0))) 0))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld1\t{%S0.1d - %T0.1d}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load2”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_ld3_dreg” [(set (match_operand:CI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (subreg:CI (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (unspec:VD [(match_operand:EI 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”)] UNSPEC_LD3) (vec_duplicate:VD (const_int 0))) (vec_concat: (unspec:VD [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD3) (vec_duplicate:VD (const_int 0)))) (vec_concat: (unspec:VD [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD3) (vec_duplicate:VD (const_int 0)))) 0))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld3\t{%S0. - %U0.}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load3”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_ld3_dreg” [(set (match_operand:CI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (subreg:CI (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (unspec:DX [(match_operand:EI 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”)] UNSPEC_LD3) (const_int 0)) (vec_concat: (unspec:DX [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD3) (const_int 0))) (vec_concat: (unspec:DX [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD3) (const_int 0))) 0))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld1\t{%S0.1d - %U0.1d}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load3”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_ld4_dreg” [(set (match_operand:XI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (subreg:XI (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (unspec:VD [(match_operand:OI 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”)] UNSPEC_LD4) (vec_duplicate:VD (const_int 0))) (vec_concat: (unspec:VD [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD4) (vec_duplicate:VD (const_int 0)))) (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (unspec:VD [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD4) (vec_duplicate:VD (const_int 0))) (vec_concat: (unspec:VD [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD4) (vec_duplicate:VD (const_int 0))))) 0))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld4\t{%S0. - %V0.}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load4”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_ld4_dreg” [(set (match_operand:XI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (subreg:XI (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (unspec:DX [(match_operand:OI 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”)] UNSPEC_LD4) (const_int 0)) (vec_concat: (unspec:DX [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD4) (const_int 0))) (vec_concat: (vec_concat: (unspec:DX [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD4) (const_int 0)) (vec_concat: (unspec:DX [(match_dup 1)] UNSPEC_LD4) (const_int 0)))) 0))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld1\t{%S0.1d - %V0.1d}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load4”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_expand “aarch64_ldVSTRUCT:nregsVDC:mode” [(match_operand:VSTRUCT 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:DI 1 “register_operand” “r”) (unspec:VDC [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] “TARGET_SIMD” { enum machine_mode mode = VSTRUCT:VSTRUCT_DREGmode; rtx mem = gen_rtx_MEM (mode, operands[1]);

emit_insn (gen_aarch64_ldVSTRUCT:nregsVDC:mode_dreg (operands[0], mem)); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_ld1VALL:mode” [(match_operand:VALL 0 “register_operand”) (match_operand:DI 1 “register_operand”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { enum machine_mode mode = VALL:MODEmode; rtx mem = gen_rtx_MEM (mode, operands[1]); emit_move_insn (operands[0], mem); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_ldVSTRUCT:nregsVQ:mode” [(match_operand:VSTRUCT 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:DI 1 “register_operand” “r”) (unspec:VQ [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] “TARGET_SIMD” { enum machine_mode mode = VSTRUCT:MODEmode; rtx mem = gen_rtx_MEM (mode, operands[1]);

emit_insn (gen_vec_load_lanesVSTRUCT:modeVQ:mode (operands[0], mem)); DONE; })

;; Expanders for builtins to extract vector registers from large ;; opaque integer modes.

;; D-register list.

(define_expand “aarch64_get_dregVSTRUCT:modeVDC:mode” [(match_operand:VDC 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VSTRUCT 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { int part = INTVAL (operands[2]); rtx temp = gen_reg_rtx (VDC:VDBLmode); int offset = part * 16;

emit_move_insn (temp, gen_rtx_SUBREG (VDC:VDBLmode, operands[1], offset)); emit_move_insn (operands[0], gen_lowpart (VDC:MODEmode, temp)); DONE; })

;; Q-register list.

(define_expand “aarch64_get_qregVSTRUCT:modeVQ:mode” [(match_operand:VQ 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (match_operand:VSTRUCT 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 2 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { int part = INTVAL (operands[2]); int offset = part * 16;

emit_move_insn (operands[0], gen_rtx_SUBREG (VQ:MODEmode, operands[1], offset)); DONE; })

;; Permuted-store expanders for neon intrinsics.

;; Permute instructions

;; vec_perm support

(define_expand “vec_perm_const” [(match_operand:VALL 0 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VALL 1 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VALL 2 “register_operand”) (match_operand:<V_cmp_result> 3)] “TARGET_SIMD” { if (aarch64_expand_vec_perm_const (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3])) DONE; else FAIL; })

(define_expand “vec_perm” [(match_operand:VB 0 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VB 1 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VB 2 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VB 3 “register_operand”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_expand_vec_perm (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2], operands[3]); DONE; })

(define_insn “aarch64_tbl1” [(set (match_operand:VB 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VB [(match_operand:V16QI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VB 2 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_TBL))] “TARGET_SIMD” “tbl\t%0., {%1.16b}, %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_tbl”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

;; Two source registers.

(define_insn “aarch64_tbl2v16qi” [(set (match_operand:V16QI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:V16QI [(match_operand:OI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:V16QI 2 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_TBL))] “TARGET_SIMD” “tbl\t%0.16b, {%S1.16b - %T1.16b}, %2.16b” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_tbl”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “V16QI”)] )

(define_insn_and_split “aarch64_combinev16qi” [(set (match_operand:OI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:OI [(match_operand:V16QI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:V16QI 2 “register_operand” “w”)] UNSPEC_CONCAT))] “TARGET_SIMD” “#” “&& reload_completed” [(const_int 0)] { aarch64_split_combinev16qi (operands); DONE; })

(define_insn “aarch64_PERMUTE:perm_insnPERMUTE:perm_hilo” [(set (match_operand:VALL 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (unspec:VALL [(match_operand:VALL 1 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:VALL 2 “register_operand” “w”)] PERMUTE))] “TARGET_SIMD” “PERMUTE:perm_insnPERMUTE:perm_hilo\t%0., %1., %2.” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_PERMUTE:perm_insn”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)] )

(define_insn “aarch64_st2_dreg” [(set (match_operand:TI 0 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “=Utv”) (unspec:TI [(match_operand:OI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:VD [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_ST2))] “TARGET_SIMD” “st2\t{%S1. - %T1.}, %0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_store2”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_st2_dreg” [(set (match_operand:TI 0 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “=Utv”) (unspec:TI [(match_operand:OI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:DX [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_ST2))] “TARGET_SIMD” “st1\t{%S1.1d - %T1.1d}, %0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_store2”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_st3_dreg” [(set (match_operand:EI 0 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “=Utv”) (unspec:EI [(match_operand:CI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:VD [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_ST3))] “TARGET_SIMD” “st3\t{%S1. - %U1.}, %0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_store3”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_st3_dreg” [(set (match_operand:EI 0 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “=Utv”) (unspec:EI [(match_operand:CI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:DX [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_ST3))] “TARGET_SIMD” “st1\t{%S1.1d - %U1.1d}, %0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_store3”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_st4_dreg” [(set (match_operand:OI 0 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “=Utv”) (unspec:OI [(match_operand:XI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:VD [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_ST4))] “TARGET_SIMD” “st4\t{%S1. - %V1.}, %0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_store4”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_insn “aarch64_st4_dreg” [(set (match_operand:OI 0 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “=Utv”) (unspec:OI [(match_operand:XI 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:DX [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] UNSPEC_ST4))] “TARGET_SIMD” “st1\t{%S1.1d - %V1.1d}, %0” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_store4”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])

(define_expand “aarch64_stVSTRUCT:nregsVDC:mode” [(match_operand:DI 0 “register_operand” “r”) (match_operand:VSTRUCT 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:VDC [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] “TARGET_SIMD” { enum machine_mode mode = VSTRUCT:VSTRUCT_DREGmode; rtx mem = gen_rtx_MEM (mode, operands[0]);

emit_insn (gen_aarch64_stVSTRUCT:nregsVDC:mode_dreg (mem, operands[1])); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_stVSTRUCT:nregsVQ:mode” [(match_operand:DI 0 “register_operand” “r”) (match_operand:VSTRUCT 1 “register_operand” “w”) (unspec:VQ [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_VSTRUCTDUMMY)] “TARGET_SIMD” { enum machine_mode mode = VSTRUCT:MODEmode; rtx mem = gen_rtx_MEM (mode, operands[0]);

emit_insn (gen_vec_store_lanesVSTRUCT:modeVQ:mode (mem, operands[1])); DONE; })

(define_expand “aarch64_st1VALL:mode” [(match_operand:DI 0 “register_operand”) (match_operand:VALL 1 “register_operand”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { enum machine_mode mode = VALL:MODEmode; rtx mem = gen_rtx_MEM (mode, operands[0]); emit_move_insn (mem, operands[1]); DONE; })

;; Expander for builtins to insert vector registers into large ;; opaque integer modes.

;; Q-register list. We don't need a D-reg inserter as we zero ;; extend them in arm_neon.h and insert the resulting Q-regs.

(define_expand “aarch64_set_qregVSTRUCT:modeVQ:mode” [(match_operand:VSTRUCT 0 “register_operand” “+w”) (match_operand:VSTRUCT 1 “register_operand” “0”) (match_operand:VQ 2 “register_operand” “w”) (match_operand:SI 3 “immediate_operand” “i”)] “TARGET_SIMD” { int part = INTVAL (operands[3]); int offset = part * 16;

emit_move_insn (operands[0], operands[1]); emit_move_insn (gen_rtx_SUBREG (VQ:MODEmode, operands[0], offset), operands[2]); DONE; })

;; Standard pattern name vec_init.

(define_expand “vec_init” [(match_operand:VALL 0 “register_operand” "") (match_operand 1 "" "")] “TARGET_SIMD” { aarch64_expand_vector_init (operands[0], operands[1]); DONE; })

(define_insn “*aarch64_simd_ld1r” [(set (match_operand:VALLDI 0 “register_operand” “=w”) (vec_duplicate:VALLDI (match_operand: 1 “aarch64_simd_struct_operand” “Utv”)))] “TARGET_SIMD” “ld1r\t{%0.}, %1” [(set_attr “simd_type” “simd_load1r”) (set_attr “simd_mode” “”)])