blob: 8be1a2d1113d19707ef6f59905d0bd00cdc96551 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <vector>
#include <string>
class fitscolumn
std::string name_, unit_;
int i, t;
fitscolumn (const std::string &nm, const std::string &un,int i1,int t1)
: name_(nm), unit_(un), i(i1), t(t1){}
void init_bintab(std::vector<fitscolumn> & columns_)
char ttype[81], tunit[81], tform[81];
long repc;
int typecode;
columns_.push_back (fitscolumn (ttype,tunit,1,typecode));
int main ()
return 0;
/* Ignore a warning that is irrelevant to the purpose of this test. */
/* { dg-prune-output ".*mudflap cannot track unknown size extern.*" } */