blob: 82ba1f99de4668d5cbbefe3ffec4b09f81ce54d0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Expects to be run in an environment with sudo and no interactive password
# prompt, such as within the Chromium OS development chroot.
import logging
import os
import serial
import time
from drv.hw_driver import HwDriverError
class _BaseHandler(object):
"""Base class for keyboard handlers.
# Power button press delays in seconds.
# The EC specification says that 8.0 seconds should be enough
# for the long power press. However, some platforms need a bit
# more time. Empirical testing has found these requirements:
# Alex: 8.2 seconds
# ZGB: 8.5 seconds
# The actual value is set to the largest known necessary value.
# TODO(jrbarnette) Being generous is the right thing to do for
# existing platforms, but if this code is to be used for
# qualification of new hardware, we should be less generous.
# Maximum number of times to re-read power button on release.
# Default minimum time interval between 'press' and 'release'
# keyboard events.
def __init__(self, servo):
"""Sets up the servo communication infrastructure.
@param servo: A Servo object representing
the host running servod.
# TODO(fdeng):
# We should move servo object out of servo object
# to minimize the dependencies on the rest of Autotest.
self._servo = servo
board = self._servo.get_board()
def power_long_press(self):
"""Simulate a long power button press."""
# After a long power press, the EC may ignore the next power
# button press (at least on Alex). To guarantee that this
# won't happen, we need to allow the EC one second to
# collect itself.
# TODO(waihong): Make this delay as one of board specific configs.
def power_normal_press(self):
"""Simulate a normal power button press."""
def power_short_press(self):
"""Simulate a short power button press."""
def power_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate a power button press.
press_secs: Time in seconds to simulate the keypress.
if press_secs is '':
# Check if pwr_button control available, by setting it to
# its current value. Use pwr_button control by default.
# Otherwise, use pwr_button_hold which calls a single EC
# console command to toggle power button, for the CCD case.
servo_type = self._servo.get('servo_type')
is_ccd = servo_type.find('ccd') >= 0
if is_ccd:
use_hold_command = True
value = self._servo.get('pwr_button')
self._servo.set('pwr_button', value)
use_hold_command = False
except HwDriverError:
use_hold_command = True
if use_hold_command:
def power_key_hold(self, press_secs):
"""Simulate a power button by a single EC console command.
press_secs: Time in seconds to simulate the keypress.
# Convert to milliseconds
self._servo.set('pwr_button_hold', int(press_secs * 1000))
def power_key_press_release(self, press_secs):
"""Simulate a power button by setting it to press and then release.
press_secs: Time in seconds to simulate the keypress.
"""'Pressing power button for %.4f secs', press_secs)
'sleep:%.4f' % press_secs, 'pwr_button:release'])
# TODO(tbroch) Different systems have different release times on the
# power button that this loop addresses. Longer term we may want to
# make this delay platform specific.
retry = 1
while True:
value = self._servo.get('pwr_button')
if value == 'release' or retry > self.RELEASE_RETRY_MAX:
break'Waiting for pwr_button to release, retry %d.', retry)
retry += 1
def ctrl_d(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-d simultaneous button presses."""
def ctrl_u(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-u simultaneous button presses."""
def ctrl_enter(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-enter simultaneous button presses."""
def d_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
def ctrl_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
def enter_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
def refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Refresh key (F3) button press."""
def ctrl_refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl and Refresh (F3) simultaneous press.
This key combination is an alternative of Space key.
def imaginary_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate imaginary key button press.
Maps to a key that doesn't physically exist.
def sysrq_x(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Alt VolumeUp X simultaneous press.
This key combination is the kernel system request (sysrq) X.
class MatrixKeyboardHandler(_BaseHandler):
"""Matrix keyboard handler for DUT with internal keyboards.
It works on mostly all devices, with or without Chrome EC.
'ctrl_refresh': ['0', '0', '0', '1'],
'ctrl_d': ['0', '1', '0', '0'],
'd': ['0', '1', '1', '1'],
'ctrl_enter': ['1', '0', '0', '0'],
'enter': ['1', '0', '1', '1'],
'ctrl': ['1', '1', '0', '0'],
'refresh': ['1', '1', '0', '1'],
'unused': ['1', '1', '1', '0'],
'none': ['1', '1', '1', '1']
def __init__(self, servo):
"""Sets up the servo communication infrastructure.
@param servo: A Servo object representing
the host running servod.
super(MatrixKeyboardHandler, self).__init__(servo)
def _press_keys(self, key):
"""Simulate button presses.
Note, key presses will remain on indefinitely. See
_press_and_release_keys for release procedure.
(m1_a1, m1_a0, m2_a1, m2_a0) = self.KEY_MATRIX[key]
'kbd_m2_a0:%s' % m2_a0,
'kbd_m2_a1:%s' % m2_a1,
'kbd_m1_a0:%s' % m1_a0,
'kbd_m1_a1:%s' % m1_a1, 'kbd_en:on'
def _press_and_release_keys(self, key, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate button presses and release."""
if press_secs is '':
press_secs = self.SERVO_KEY_PRESS_DELAY
self._servo.set('kbd_en', 'off')
def ctrl_d(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-d simultaneous button presses."""
self._press_and_release_keys('ctrl_d', press_secs)
def ctrl_enter(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-enter simultaneous button presses."""
self._press_and_release_keys('ctrl_enter', press_secs)
def d_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
self._press_and_release_keys('d', press_secs)
return True
def ctrl_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
self._press_and_release_keys('ctrl', press_secs)
def enter_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
self._press_and_release_keys('enter', press_secs)
def refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Refresh key (F3) button press."""
self._press_and_release_keys('refresh', press_secs)
def ctrl_refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl and Refresh (F3) simultaneous press.
This key combination is an alternative of Space key.
self._press_and_release_keys('ctrl_refresh', press_secs)
def imaginary_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate imaginary key button press.
Maps to a key that doesn't physically exist.
self._press_and_release_keys('unused', press_secs)
class StoutHandler(MatrixKeyboardHandler):
"""Stout keyboard handler for DUT with internal keyboards.
'ctrl_d': ['0', '0', '0', '1'],
'd': ['0', '0', '1', '1'],
'unused': ['0', '1', '1', '1'],
'rec_mode': ['1', '0', '0', '0'],
'ctrl_enter': ['1', '0', '0', '1'],
'enter': ['1', '0', '1', '1'],
'ctrl': ['1', '1', '0', '1'],
'refresh': ['1', '1', '1', '0'],
'ctrl_refresh': ['1', '1', '1', '1'],
'none': ['1', '1', '1', '1']
def __init__(self, servo):
"""Sets up the servo communication infrastructure.
@param servo: A Servo object representing
the host running servod.
super(StoutHandler, self).__init__(servo)
class ParrotHandler(MatrixKeyboardHandler):
"""Parrot keyboard handler for DUT with internal keyboards.
'ctrl_d': ['0', '0', '1', '0'],
'd': ['0', '0', '1', '1'],
'ctrl_enter': ['0', '1', '1', '0'],
'enter': ['0', '1', '1', '1'],
'ctrl_refresh': ['1', '0', '0', '1'],
'unused': ['1', '1', '0', '0'],
'refresh': ['1', '1', '0', '1'],
'ctrl': ['1', '1', '1', '0'],
'none': ['1', '1', '1', '1']
def __init__(self, servo):
"""Sets up the servo communication infrastructure.
@param servo: A Servo object representing
the host running servod.
super(ParrotHandler, self).__init__(servo)
class ChromeECHandler(_BaseHandler):
"""Chrome EC keyboard handler for DUT with Chrome EC.
# en-US key matrix (from "kb membrane pin matrix.pdf")
# key: (row, col)
'`': (3, 1),
'1': (6, 1),
'2': (6, 4),
'3': (6, 2),
'4': (6, 3),
'5': (3, 3),
'6': (3, 6),
'7': (6, 6),
'8': (6, 5),
'9': (6, 9),
'0': (6, 8),
'-': (3, 8),
'=': (0, 8),
'q': (7, 1),
'w': (7, 4),
'e': (7, 2),
'r': (7, 3),
't': (2, 3),
'y': (2, 6),
'u': (7, 6),
'i': (7, 5),
'o': (7, 9),
'p': (7, 8),
'[': (2, 8),
']': (2, 5),
'\\': (3, 11),
'a': (4, 1),
's': (4, 4),
'd': (4, 2),
'f': (4, 3),
'g': (1, 3),
'h': (1, 6),
'j': (4, 6),
'k': (4, 5),
'l': (4, 9),
';': (4, 8),
'\'': (1, 8),
'z': (5, 1),
'x': (5, 4),
'c': (5, 2),
'v': (5, 3),
'b': (0, 3),
'n': (0, 6),
'm': (5, 6),
',': (5, 5),
'.': (5, 9),
'/': (5, 8),
' ': (5, 11),
'<right>': (6, 12),
'<alt_r>': (0, 10),
'<down>': (6, 11),
'<tab>': (2, 1),
'<f10>': (0, 4),
'<shift_r>': (7, 7),
'<ctrl_r>': (4, 0),
'<esc>': (1, 1),
'<backspace>': (1, 11),
'<f2>': (3, 2),
'<alt_l>': (6, 10),
'<ctrl_l>': (2, 0),
'<f1>': (0, 2),
'<search>': (0, 1),
'<f3>': (2, 2),
'<f4>': (1, 2),
'<f5>': (3, 4),
'<f6>': (2, 4),
'<f7>': (1, 4),
'<f8>': (2, 9),
'<f9>': (1, 9),
'<up>': (7, 11),
'<shift_l>': (5, 7),
'<enter>': (4, 11),
'<left>': (7, 12)
def __init__(self, servo):
"""Sets up the servo communication infrastructure.
@param servo: A Servo object representing
the host running servod.
super(ChromeECHandler, self).__init__(servo)
base_board = self._servo.get_base_board()
if base_board:
self._ec_uart_regexp = base_board + '_ec_uart_regexp'
self._ec_uart_cmd = base_board + '_ec_uart_cmd'
self._ec_uart_regexp = 'ec_uart_regexp'
self._ec_uart_cmd = 'ec_uart_cmd'
def _send_command(self, command):
"""Send command through UART.
This function opens UART pty when called, and then command is sent
through UART.
@param command: The command to send.
self._servo.set(self._ec_uart_regexp, 'None')
self._servo.set(self._ec_uart_cmd, command)
def _press_and_release_keys(self, keys, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate a key combination press and release.
The key combination (multiple keys) are all pressed and then
all released.
@param keys: A list of key names, which are the keys of KEY_MATRIX.
if press_secs is '':
press_secs = self.SERVO_KEY_PRESS_DELAY
for key in keys:
# Send EC command: kbpress col row pressed
self._send_command('kbpress %d %d 1' % (self.KEY_MATRIX[key][1],
for key in keys:
# Send EC command: kbpress col row pressed
self._send_command('kbpress %d %d 0' % (self.KEY_MATRIX[key][1],
def ctrl_d(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-d simultaneous button presses."""
self._press_and_release_keys(['<ctrl_l>', 'd'], press_secs)
def ctrl_u(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-u simultaneous button presses."""
self._press_and_release_keys(['<ctrl_l>', 'u'], press_secs)
def ctrl_enter(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-enter simultaneous button presses."""
self._press_and_release_keys(['<enter>'], press_secs)
def d_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
self._press_and_release_keys(['d'], press_secs)
def ctrl_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
self._press_and_release_keys(['<ctrl_l>'], press_secs)
def enter_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
self._press_and_release_keys(['<enter>'], press_secs)
def refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Refresh key (F3) button press."""
self._press_and_release_keys(['<f3>'], press_secs)
def ctrl_refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl and Refresh (F3) simultaneous press.
This key combination is an alternative of Space key.
self._press_and_release_keys(['<ctrl_l>', '<f3>'], press_secs)
def sysrq_x(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Alt VolumeUp X simultaneous press.
This key combination is the kernel system request (sysrq) x.
self._press_and_release_keys(['<alt_l>', '<f10>', 'x'], press_secs)
class USBkm232Handler(_BaseHandler):
"""Keyboard handler for devices without internal keyboard."""
CLEAR = '\x38'
KEYS = {
#row 1
'`': 1,
'1': 2,
'2': 3,
'3': 4,
'4': 5,
'5': 6,
'6': 7,
'7': 8,
'8': 9,
'9': 10,
'0': 11,
'-': 12,
'=': 13,
'<undef1>': 14,
'<backspace>': 15,
'<tab>': 16,
'q': 17,
'w': 18,
'e': 19,
'r': 20,
't': 21,
'y': 22,
'u': 23,
'i': 24,
'o': 25,
'p': 26,
'[': 27,
']': 28,
'\\': 29,
# row 2
'<capslock>': 30,
'a': 31,
's': 32,
'd': 33,
'f': 34,
'g': 35,
'h': 36,
'j': 37,
'k': 38,
'l': 39,
';': 40,
'\'': 41,
'<undef2>': 42,
'<enter>': 43,
# row 3
'<lshift>': 44,
'<undef3>': 45,
'z': 46,
'x': 47,
'c': 48,
'v': 49,
'b': 50,
'n': 51,
'm': 52,
',': 53,
'.': 54,
'/': 55,
'[clear]': 56,
'<rshift>': 57,
# row 4
'<lctrl>': 58,
'<undef5>': 59,
'<lalt>': 60,
' ': 61,
'<ralt>': 62,
'<undef6>': 63,
'<rctrl>': 64,
'<undef7>': 65,
'<mouse_left>': 66,
'<mouse_right>': 67,
'<mouse_up>': 68,
'<mouse_down>': 69,
'<lwin>': 70,
'<rwin>': 71,
'<win apl>': 72,
'<mouse_lbtn_press>': 73,
'<mouse_rbtn_press>': 74,
'<insert>': 75,
'<delete>': 76,
'<mouse_mbtn_press>': 77,
'<undef16>': 78,
'<larrow>': 79,
'<home>': 80,
'<end>': 81,
'<undef23>': 82,
'<uparrow>': 83,
'<downarrow>': 84,
'<pgup>': 85,
'<pgdown>': 86,
'<mouse_scr_up>': 87,
'<mouse_scr_down>': 88,
'<rarrow>': 89,
# numpad
'<numlock>': 90,
'<num7>': 91,
'<num4>': 92,
'<num1>': 93,
'<undef27>': 94,
'<num/>': 95,
'<num8>': 96,
'<num5>': 97,
'<num2>': 98,
'<num0>': 99,
'<num*>': 100,
'<num9>': 101,
'<num6>': 102,
'<num3>': 103,
'<num.>': 104,
'<num->': 105,
'<num+>': 106,
'<numenter>': 107,
'<undef28>': 108,
'<mouse_slow>': 109,
# row 0
'<esc>': 110,
'<mouse_fast>': 111,
'<f1>': 112,
'<f2>': 113,
'<f3>': 114,
'<f4>': 115,
'<f5>': 116,
'<f6>': 117,
'<f7>': 118,
'<f8>': 119,
'<f9>': 120,
'<f10>': 121,
'<f11>': 122,
'<f12>': 123,
'<prtscr>': 124,
'<scrllk>': 125,
'<pause/brk>': 126,
def __init__(self, servo, serial_device):
"""Constructor for usbkm232 class."""
super(USBkm232Handler, self).__init__(servo)
if serial_device is None:
raise Exception('No device specified when '
'initializing usbkm232 keyboard handler')
self.serial = serial.Serial(serial_device, 9600, timeout=0.1)
self.serial.interCharTimeout = 0.5
self.serial.timeout = 0.5
self.serial.writeTimeout = 0.5
if serial_device == servo.get('atmega_pty'):
def _test_atmega(self):
"""Send and receive a dummy key from teh atmega to verify it is present.
Raises exception if no correct response is received.
rsp =
if not rsp or (ord(rsp) != 0xff):
logging.error('Presence check response from atmega KB emu: rsp: %s', rsp)
logging.error('Atmega KB offline: failed to communicate.')
def _press(self, press_ch):
"""Encode and return character to press using usbkm232.
press_ch: character to press
Proper encoding to send to the uart side of the usbkm232 to create the
desired key press.
return '%c' % self.KEYS[press_ch]
def _release(self, release_ch):
"""Encode and return character to release using usbkm232.
This value is simply the _press_ value + 128
release_ch: character to release
Proper encoding to send to the uart side of the usbkm232 to create the
desired key release.
return '%c' % (self.KEYS[release_ch] | 0x80)
def _rsp(self, orig_ch):
"""Check response after sending character to usbkm232.
The response is the one's complement of the value sent. This method
blocks until proper response is received.
orig_ch: original character sent.
Exception: if response was incorrect or timed out
count = 0
rsp =
while (len(rsp) != 1 or ord(orig_ch) != (~ord(rsp) & 0xff)) \
and count < self.MAX_RSP_RETRIES:
rsp =
print 're-read rsp'
count += 1
if count == self.MAX_RSP_RETRIES:
raise Exception('Failed to get correct response from usbkm232')
print 'usbkm232: response [-] = \\0%03o 0x%02x' % (ord(rsp), ord(rsp))
def _write(self, mylist, check=False, clear=True):
"""Write list of commands to usbkm232.
mylist: list of encoded commands to send to the uart side of the
check: boolean determines whether response from usbkm232 should be
clear: boolean determines whether keytroke clear should be sent at end
of the sequence.
# TODO(tbroch): USB queue depth is 6 might be more efficient to write
# more than just one make/break
for i, write_ch in enumerate(mylist):
print 'usbkm232: writing [%d] = \\0%03o 0x%02x' % \
(i, ord(write_ch), ord(write_ch))
if check:
if clear:
print 'usbkm232: clearing keystrokes'
if check:
def writestr(self, mystr):
"""Write string to usbkm232.
mystr: string to send across the usbkm232
rlist = []
for write_ch in mystr:
def ctrl_d(self, press_secs=''):
"""Press and release ctrl-d sequence."""
self._write([self._press('<lctrl>'), self._press('d')])
def ctrl_u(self, press_secs=''):
"""Press and release ctrl-u sequence."""
self._write([self._press('<lctrl>'), self._press('u')])
def d_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
def enter_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Press and release enter"""
def ctrl_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
def crtl_enter(self):
"""Press and release ctrl+enter"""
self._write([self._press('<lctrl>'), self._press('<enter>')])
def space_key(self):
"""Press and release space key."""
self._write([self._press(' ')])
def refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Refresh key (F3) button press."""
def ctrl_refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl and Refresh (F3) simultaneous press.
This key combination is an alternative of Space key.
self._write([self._press('<lctrl>'), self._press('<f3>')])
def sysrq_x(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Alt VolumeUp X simultaneous press.
This key combination is the kernel system request (sysrq) x.
self._write([self._press('<lalt>'), self._press('<f10>'), self._press('x')])
def tab(self):
"""Press and release tab"""
def close(self):
"""Close usbkm232 device."""