blob: d486f3bb297abe9ff2cb8865396e819a8d5d4731 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import time
import cros_ec_power
class crosEcSoftrecPower(cros_ec_power.CrosECPower):
"""Driver for power_state that uses the EC to trigger recovery.
A number of boards (generally, the ARM based boards and some x86
based board) require using the EC to trigger recovery mode.
# Recovery types.
_REC_TYPE_REC_ON = 'rec_on'
_REC_TYPE_REC_OFF = 'rec_off'
_REC_TYPE_REC_OFF_CLEARB = 'rec_off_clearb'
_REC_TYPE_FASTBOOT = 'fastboot'
# Corresponding hostevent commands entered on the EC.
_HOSTEVENT_CMD_REC_ON = 'hostevent set 0x4000'
_HOSTEVENT_CMD_REC_OFF = 'hostevent clear 0x4000'
_HOSTEVENT_CMD_REC_OFF_CLEARB = 'hostevent clearb 0x4000'
_HOSTEVENT_CMD_FASTBOOT = 'hostevent set 0x1000000'
# Time in seconds to allow the EC to pick up the recovery
# host event.
def __init__(self, interface, params):
interface: driver interface object
params: dictionary of params
super(crosEcSoftrecPower, self).__init__(interface, params)
# Delay to allow boot into recovery before passing back control.
self._boot_to_rec_screen_delay = float(
self._params.get('boot_to_rec_screen_delay', 5.0))
# Short delay to allow settle between hostevents.
self._hostevent_delay = float(
self._params.get('hostevent_delay', 0.1))
self._warm_reset_can_hold_ap = ('yes' == self._params.get(
'warm_reset_can_hold_ap', 'yes'))
self._wait_ext_is_fake = ('yes' == self._params.get(
'wait_ext_is_fake', 'no'))
self._role_swap_delay = float(
self._params.get('role_swap_delay', 1.0))
def _power_on_ap(self):
"""Power on the AP after initializing recovery state."""
def _power_on_bytype(self, rec_mode, rec_type=_REC_TYPE_REC_ON):
self._interface.set('ec_uart_cmd', '\r')
if rec_mode == self.REC_ON:
if self._warm_reset_can_hold_ap:
# Hold warm reset so the AP doesn't boot when EC reboots.
# Note that this only seems to work reliably for ARM devices.
self._interface.set('warm_reset', 'on')
if self._wait_ext_is_fake:
raise Exception("wait-ext isn't supported")
# Before proceeding, we should really check that the EC has reset from
# our command. Pexpect is minimally greedy so we won't be able to match
# the exact reset cause string. But, this should be good enough.
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', '["Waiting"]')
self._interface.set('ec_uart_cmd', 'reboot wait-ext ap-off')
# Reset the EC to force it back into RO code; this clears
# the EC_IN_RW signal, so the system CPU will trust the
# upcoming recovery mode request.
# If the EC doesn't support wait-ext, fallback to the old route.
# Reset the EC to force it back into RO code; this clears
# the EC_IN_RW signal, so the system CPU will trust the
# upcoming recovery mode request.
# For devices whose warm_reset can't hold AP, AP may boot faster that
# the original recovery reason is overwritten.
# Send reboot command to EC with only the ap-off argument.
# This will still prevent a race condition between the
# EC and AP when rebooting. However, the reboot will be triggered
# internally by the EC watchdog, and there is no external reset signal.
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', '["Rebooting!"]')
self._interface.set('ec_uart_cmd', 'reboot ap-off')
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', 'None')
self._logger.debug('Reset recovery wait: %s', self._reset_recovery_time)
if self._warm_reset_can_hold_ap:
# Release warm reset after a potential cold reset settles.
self._interface.set('warm_reset', 'off')
# Need to clear the flag in secondary (B) copy of the host events if
# we're in non-recovery mode.
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', '["Events:"]')
self._interface.set('ec_uart_cmd', cmd)
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', 'None')
# Tell the EC to tell the CPU we're in recovery mode or non-recovery mode.
self._logger.debug('Hostevent delay: %s', self._hostevent_delay)
cmd = self._REC_TYPE_HOSTEVENT_CMD_DICT[rec_type]
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', '["Events:"]')
self._interface.set('ec_uart_cmd', cmd)
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', 'None')
self._logger.debug('Recovery detection delay: %s',
if rec_mode == self.REC_ON:
# Allow time to reach the recovery screen before yielding control.
self._logger.debug('Boot to rec screen delay: %s',
# If we are using CCD, make sure the DUT's Type-C port is a DFP so that
# the ethernet and USB ports will be connected. Since servo_v4 has the
# power role of source, its data role is a "downstream facing port" (DFP)
# and therefore making the DUT's role an "upstream facing port" (UFP).
# When the data roles are as such, the ethernet port and USB/microSD ports
# will not be connected to the DUT. Therefore, we will need to trigger a
# data role swap by via the EC console.
# This is needed because the data role swaps normally don't happen in
# EC_RO (which is the image we MUST be in for entering recovery mode).
if 'ccd' in self._interface.get('servo_type'):
# Check current data role. Assuming port 0 is the CCD port.
cmd = 'pd 0 state'
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', '["SNK-UFP"]')
self._interface.set('ec_uart_cmd', 'pd 0 state')
self._logger.debug('Initiating data role swap...')
# Clear the regexp.
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', 'None')
cmd = 'pd 0 swap data'
self._interface.set('ec_uart_cmd', cmd)
# Did it work?
self._logger.debug('Role swap delay: %s',
cmd = 'pd 0 state'
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', '["DFP"]')
self._interface.set('ec_uart_cmd', 'pd 0 state')
self._logger.debug('Checking data role swap...')
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', 'None')
except Exception as e:
self._logger.error('DUT cannot enable DFP!')
except Exception as e:
# Assuming the DUT's data role is already a DFP.
self._logger.debug('DUT\'s port may already be a DFP.')
# Clear the regexp.
self._interface.set('ec_uart_regexp', 'None')
def _power_on(self, rec_mode):
if rec_mode == self.REC_ON:
rec_type = self._REC_TYPE_REC_ON
rec_type = self._REC_TYPE_REC_OFF
self._power_on_bytype(rec_mode, rec_type)
def _power_on_fastboot(self):
self._power_on_bytype(self.REC_ON, rec_type=self._REC_TYPE_FASTBOOT)