blob: a55941ac108d6f0436fcae1644105efd168770f1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO (sbasi) - Implement BBuart.
"""Allow creation of uart interface for beaglebone devices."""
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import bbmux_controller
import uart
BITS_RE = 'cs(?P<value>[5-8])'
PARITY_RE = '\-?parodd'
SBITS_RE = '(?P<value>\-?cstopb)'
SPEED_RE = 'speed (?P<value>[0-9]*) baud'
PARITY_MAP = {0: '-parenb', 1: 'parodd', 2: '-parodd'}
SBITS_MAP = {0: '-cstopb', 1: '-cstopb', 2: 'cstopb'}
# Map of interfaces to tty.
1: '/dev/ttyO1', # Uart1/ec_uart
2: '/dev/ttyO2', # Uart2/cpu_uart
4: '/dev/ttyO4', # Uart4/atmega_uart
5: '/dev/ttyO5'
} # Uart3/legacy_uart- Uart3 is connected to
# Beaglebone Uart5.
DEFAULT_UART_SETTINGS = {'baudrate': 115200, 'bits': 8, 'parity': 0, 'sbits': 0}
'-ignbrk', '-brkint', '-ignpar', '-parmrk', '-inpck', '-istrip', '-inlcr',
'-igncr', '-icrnl', '-ixon', '-ixoff', '-iuclc', '-ixany', '-imaxbel',
'-iutf8', '-opost', '-olcuc', '-ocrnl', 'onlcr', '-onocr', '-onlret',
'-ofill', '-ofdel', 'nl0', 'cr0', 'tab0', 'bs0', 'vt0', 'ff0', '-isig',
'-icanon', '-iexten', '-echo', '-echoe', '-echok', '-echonl', '-noflsh',
'-xcase', '-tostop', '-echoprt', '-echoctl', '-echoke'
# Uart Signal Names
TXD_PATTERN = 'uart%d_txd'
TXD_MODE = 0x0
RXD_PATTERN = 'uart%d_rxd'
class BBuartError(Exception):
"""Class for exceptions of Buart."""
def __init__(self, msg, value=0):
"""BBuartError constructor.
msg: string, message describing error in detail
value: integer, value of error when non-zero status returned. Default=0
super(BBuartError, self).__init__(msg, value)
self.msg = msg
self.value = value
class BBuart(uart.Uart):
"""Provides interface to a beaglebone's UART interfaces.
Instance Variables:
_interface: interface dictionary for this interface.
_uart_num: UART port number for this controller.
_pty: pseudo terminal for this UART interface.
_bbmux_controller: controller to select and setup signals on the
beaglebone's pins.
def __init__(self, interface):
super(BBuart, self).__init__()
self._interface = interface
self._uart_num = interface['uart_num']
self._pty = TTY_MAP[self._uart_num]
if bbmux_controller.use_omapmux():
self._bbmux_controller = bbmux_controller.BBmuxController()
self._logger = logging.getLogger('bbuart')
self._logger.debug('Initialized BBuart for interface %s with tty:%s',
interface, self._pty)
# Beaglebone defaults to a baudrate of 9600, set it to what servo expects.
def _open_pin(self, params, pattern, mode):
"""Selects a Uart signal (TX or RX) through the OMAP Muxes.
Most of the uart signals are labelled properly in the mux files; however,
uart 5 is not. Therefore any interfaces with specifically labelled
transmit or receive signals can provide the mux file name and which select
value to use via the params arg.
params: can be None. If not a list of muxfile name and and the select
value to open this signal.
pattern: if params is not supplied, the signal pattern to use to select
this signal.
mode: mode value to set the pull of the pin.
if params:
self._bbmux_controller.set_muxfile(params[0], mode, params[1])
# Have the bbmux controller determine the correct mux file and select
# value.
self._bbmux_controller.set_pin_mode(pattern % self._uart_num, mode)
def open(self):
"""Opens access to beaglebone uart interface.
Only necessary on Beaglebone kernel 3.2
self._open_pin(self._interface.get('txd', None), TXD_PATTERN, TXD_MODE)
self._open_pin(self._interface.get('rxd', None), RXD_PATTERN, RXD_MODE)
def close(self):
"""Closes connection to beaglebone uart interface.
BBuartError: If close fails
def _get_value(self, output, regex):
"""Parses output supplied from stty to retrieve an Uart attribute.
output: output supplied from stty.
regex: regex to retrieve a value from output. Note this regex requires
a group named 'value'
BBuartError: If regex is invalid or failed to retrieve 'value' from the
if 'value' not in regex:
# Invalid regex passed in.
raise BBuartError('Improper regex passed in: %s.' % regex)
value =, output)
if not value:
raise BBuartError('Failed to retrieve a value for %s with output: %s'
' using regex: %s' % (self._pty, output, regex))
def _get_sbits(self, output):
"""Parses stty output to retrieve Uart sbits.
output: output supplied from stty.
integer, number of stop bits. Can be 0|1|2 inclusive where:
0: 1 stop bit
2: 2 stop bits
# stty only returns 1 or 2 stop bits.
value = self._get_value(output, SBITS_RE)
if '-' in value:
return 0
return 2
def _get_parity(self, output):
"""Parses stty output to retrieve Uart parity.
output: output supplied from stty.
parity of 0-2 inclusive where:
0: no parity
1: odd parity
2: even parity
if '-parenb' in output:
# Parity is disabled.
parity = 0
par_mode =, output)
if is '-parodd':
parity = 2
parity = 1
return parity
def get_uart_props(self):
"""Gets the uart's properties.
Calls stty and parses it's output. Example (shortened) output:
speed 115200 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>;
-parenb -parodd cs8 hupcl -cstopb cread clocal -crtscts
dict where:
baudrate: integer of uarts baudrate
bits: integer, number of bits of data Can be 5|6|7|8 inclusive
parity: integer, parity of 0-2 inclusive where:
0: no parity
1: odd parity
2: even parity
sbits: integer, number of stop bits. Can be 0|1|2 inclusive where:
0: 1 stop bit
1: 1.5 stop bits
2: 2 stop bits
BBuartError: Unable to properly parse stty output.
self._logger.debug('Getting uart properties for interface: %s.',
line_props = {}
stty_args = ['stty', '-F', self._pty, '-a']
self._logger.debug('Calling %s', ' '.join(stty_args))
output = subprocess.check_output(stty_args)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise BBuartError('Failed to get uart properites for %s with error: %s.' %
(self._pty, e))
line_props['baudrate'] = int(self._get_value(output, SPEED_RE), 0)
line_props['parity'] = self._get_parity(output)
line_props['bits'] = int(self._get_value(output, BITS_RE), 0)
line_props['sbits'] = self._get_sbits(output)
return line_props
def set_uart_props(self, line_props):
"""Sets the uart's properties.
line_props: dict where:
baudrate: integer of uarts baudrate
bits: integer, number of bits of data ( prior to stop bit)
parity: integer, parity of 0-2 inclusive where
0: no parity
1: odd parity
2: even parity
sbits: integer, number of stop bits. Can be 0|1|2 inclusive where:
0: 1 stop bit
1: 1.5 stop bits
2: 2 stop bits
BBuartError: If failed to set line properties
self._logger.debug('Setting line props to: %s', line_props)
self._uart_props_validation(line_props, exception_type=BBuartError)
bits = 'cs%d' % line_props['bits']
# According to the web, a UART set to 1 stop bit can receive 1.5 fine.
sbits = SBITS_MAP[line_props['sbits']]
parity = PARITY_MAP[line_props['parity']]
stty_args = [
'stty', '-F', self._pty,
'%d' % line_props['baudrate'], bits, sbits, parity
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise BBuartError('Failed to set uart properites for %s with output: %s.'
' Error: %s.' % (self._pty, e.output, e))
def get_pty(self):
"""Gets path to pty for communication to/from uart.
String path to the pty connected to the uart
return self._pty