blob: 5b91def893dadaacc3f3b176d64ca1b4028f43d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for SystemConfig."""
import unittest
import system_config
class TestSystemConfig(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unittests for SystemConfig class behavior."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# ALLOWABLE_INPUT_TYPES is defined in system_config module
def setUp(self):
"""Set up a SystemConfig object to use. Cache module values."""
self.syscfg = system_config.SystemConfig()
def tearDown(self):
"""Restore module values."""
def _AddMap(self, map_name, params):
"""Helper to add a map to the SystemConfig."""
self.syscfg.syscfg_dict['map'][map_name] = {'map_params': params}
def test_ResolveValStandardInt(self):
"""A string containing an int gets returned as an int."""
input_str = '1'
# Empty dictionary is passing empty params.
self.assertEqual(int(input_str), self.syscfg.resolve_val({}, input_str))
def test_ResolveValStandardFloat(self):
"""A string containing a float gets returned as a float."""
input_str = '1.1'
# Empty dictionary is passing empty params.
self.assertEqual(float(input_str), self.syscfg.resolve_val({}, input_str))
def test_ResolveValMappedIntNotUsingMap(self):
"""A mapped control allows for raw input when the map is not used."""
map_key = 'mapped_int'
map_val = '1'
map_name = 'sample_map'
map_params = {map_key: map_val}
self._AddMap(map_name, map_params)
# These are the params from the control using the map. In this case they
# need to include the map name.
control_params = {'map': map_name}
# The control is being set with 7, a raw input that is valid & does not
# use the map.
self.assertEqual(7, self.syscfg.resolve_val(control_params, 7))
def test_ResolveValMappedInt(self):
"""A mapped integer value gets returned as its mapped integer value."""
map_key = 'mapped_int'
map_val = '1'
map_name = 'sample_map'
map_params = {map_key: map_val}
self._AddMap(map_name, map_params)
# These are the params from the control using the map. In this case they
# need to include the map name.
control_params = {'map': map_name}
self.assertEqual(int(map_val), self.syscfg.resolve_val(control_params,
def test_ResolveValMappedFloat(self):
"""A mapped float value gets returned as its mapped float value."""
map_key = 'mapped_float'
map_val = '1.1'
map_name = 'sample_map'
map_params = {map_key: map_val}
self._AddMap(map_name, map_params)
# These are the params from the control using the map. In this case they
# need to include the map name.
control_params = {'map': map_name}
self.assertEqual(float(map_val), self.syscfg.resolve_val(control_params,
def test_ResolveValMapNonExistant(self):
"""A non-existant map raises a SystemConfigError."""
fake_map_name = 'fake_map'
control_params = {'map': fake_map_name}
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(system_config.SystemConfigError,
"Map %s isn't defined" % fake_map_name):
# 'random_key' passed as key as the key does not matter for this test.
self.syscfg.resolve_val(control_params, 'random_key')
def test_ResolveValMapKeyNonExistant(self):
"""A non-existant map key raises a SystemConfigError."""
map_key = 'mapped_float'
map_val = '1.1'
map_name = 'sample_map'
map_params = {map_key: map_val}
self._AddMap(map_name, map_params)
fake_map_key = 'fake_mapped_float'
# These are the params from the control using the map. In this case they
# need to include the map name.
control_params = {'map': map_name}
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(system_config.SystemConfigError,
"Map %s doesn't contain "
'key %s' % (map_name, fake_map_key)):
self.syscfg.resolve_val(control_params, fake_map_key)
def test_ResolveValInputType(self):
"""Each input type in |ALLOWABLE_INPUT_TYPES| gets returned properly."""
# The input types are str, float, and int. Sample is int which can be all
# 3
raw_input_str = '1'
# in setUp, ALLOWABLE_INPUT_TYPES get cached in self.
for input_type, transform in self.ALLOWABLE_INPUT_TYPES.iteritems():
# These are the params from the control using the map. In this case they
# need to include the input type.
control_params = {'input_type': input_type}
resolved_val = self.syscfg.resolve_val(control_params, raw_input_str)
expected_resolved_val = transform(raw_input_str)
# Ensure they have the same value.
self.assertEqual(expected_resolved_val, resolved_val)
# Ensure they have the same type.
self.assertEqual(type(expected_resolved_val), type(resolved_val))
def test_ResolveValInputTypeInvalid(self):
"""Invalid input_type does not raise an error, does normal conversion."""
system_config.ALLOWABLE_INPUT_TYPES = {}
control_params = {'input_type': 'int'}
input_val = expected_resolved_val = 1
# Casting to string to verify that it does normal flow of converting to int.
resolved_val = self.syscfg.resolve_val(control_params, str(input_val))
# Ensure they have the same value.
self.assertEqual(expected_resolved_val, resolved_val)
# Ensure they have the same type.
self.assertEqual(type(expected_resolved_val), type(resolved_val))
def test_ResolveValMappedInputType(self):
"""A mapped value will also be transformed to the proper input type."""
map_key = 'mapped_int'
map_val = '1'
map_name = 'sample_map'
map_params = {map_key: map_val}
self._AddMap(map_name, map_params)
# These are the params from the control using the map. In this case they
# need to include the map name, and the input_type.
control_params = {'map': map_name,
'input_type': 'float'}
expected_resolved_val = float(map_val)
# First, the |map_key| is converted to |map_val| i.e. '1'.
# Second, input_type 'float' means resolve returns float('1')
resolved_val = self.syscfg.resolve_val(control_params, map_key)
# Ensure they have the same value.
self.assertEqual(expected_resolved_val, resolved_val)
# Ensure they have the same type.
self.assertEqual(type(expected_resolved_val), type(resolved_val))
if __name__ == '__main__':