blob: 4123dc5fd39fb72b9bb69f1c2b7ebc0f5be7cf1f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Base class to provide access to Texas Instruments INA-based ADCs
Presently tested for:
import errno
import logging
import numpy
import servo.stm32i2c
import time
import hw_driver
import i2c_reg
class Ina2xxError(Exception):
"""Error occurred accessing INA219."""
class ina2xx(hw_driver.HwDriver):
"""class definition
Note, instances of this object get dispatched via base class,
HwDriver's get/set method. That method ulitimately calls:
"_[GS]et_%s" % params['subtype'] below.
For example, a control to read the millivolts of an ADC would be
dispatched to call _Get_millivolts.
# TODO(tbroch) Need to investigate modal uses and need to change configuration
# register. As it stands we capture samples continuously w/ 12-bit samples
# averaged across 532usecs
# TODO(tbroch) For debug, provide shuntv readings
REG_IDX = dict(cfg=0, shv=1, busv=2, pwr=3, cur=4, cal=5, msken=6, alrt=7)
# maximum number of re-reads of bus voltage to do before raising
# exception for failing to see a data conversion. Note the CNVR bit
# is affected by averaging and multiplication as well. I decided on
# 100 by sampling the number average retries during calibration and
# multiplying by 2x to be on the safe side
# sign bit of current output register
CUR_SIGN = 0x8000
# maximum value of current output register.
CUR_MAX = 0x7fff
# maximum number of re-reads of current register to do before raising
# exception because current reading is still saturated
# maximum value of power output register.
PWR_MAX = 0xffff
# mask ( 3-bits ) for ina219 configuration modes
# continuous mode
# sleep mode
def __init__(self, interface, params):
interface: FTDI interface object to handle low-level communication to
params: dictionary of params needed to perform operations on
ina219 devices. All items are strings initially but should be
cast to types detailed below.
Mandatory Params:
slv: integer, 7-bit i2c slave address
subtype: string, used by get/set method of base class to decide
how to dispatch request. Examples are: millivolts, milliamps,
Optional Params:
reg: integer, raw register index [0:5] to read / write.
rsense: float, sense resistor size for adc in ohms. Needed to properly
compute current and power measurements
ina2xxError: if needed params are absent
super(ina2xx, self).__init__(interface, params)
self._slave = int(self._params['slv'], 0)
# TODO(tbroch) Re-visit enabling use_reg_cache once re-req's are
# incorporated into cache's key field ( )
self._i2c_obj = i2c_reg.I2cReg.get_device(
self._interface, self._slave, addr_len=1, reg_len=2, msb_first=True,
no_read=False, use_reg_cache=False)
if 'subtype' not in self._params:
raise Ina2xxError('Unable to find subtype param')
subtype = self._params['subtype']
self._rsense = float(self._params['rsense'])
except Exception:
if (subtype == 'milliamps') or (subtype == 'milliwatts'):
raise Ina2xxError('No sense resistor in params')
self._rsense = None
# base class
self._msb_first = True
self._reg_len = 2
self._mode = None
def _read_cnvr_ovf(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Must be defined by child class')
def _read_cnvr(self):
(is_cnvr, _) = self._read_cnvr_ovf()
return is_cnvr
def _read_ovf(self):
(_, is_ovf) = self._read_cnvr_ovf()
return is_ovf
def _reset(self):
"""Reset object state when device is transistioned to certain modes."""
# TODO(tbroch) Not clear from data sheet what power-down makes IC forget
# so I'm whacking everything stateful
self._calib_reg = None
self._reg_cache = None
def _get_reg_idx(self, name):
"""Get register index and insure its valid.
name: string of register index name.
Ina2xxError: if index or channel is out of range.
NotImplementedError: if channel is set incorrectly.
channel = 0
if 'channel' in self._params:
channel = int(self._params['channel'])
except ValueError, e:
raise Ina2xxError(e)
if channel > self.MAX_CHANNEL or channel < 0:
raise Ina2xxError('register channel %d, out of range' % channel)
reg = self.REG_IDX[name]
if name in ['busv', 'shv']:
reg += channel * 2
if reg > self.MAX_REG_INDEX or reg < self.REG_IDX['cfg']:
raise Ina2xxError('register index %d, out of range' % reg)
return reg
def _has_reg(self, reg):
return reg in self.REG_IDX
def _read_reg(self, name, timeout_retries=10):
"""Read architected register and return value."""
last_exception = None
for i in range(0, timeout_retries):
if i > 0:
sleep_ms = i ** 2
self._logger.warning('Read timed out, trying again in %d ms', sleep_ms)
time.sleep(sleep_ms / 1000.0)
return self._i2c_obj._read_reg(self._get_reg_idx(name))
except IOError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT:
last_exception = e
except servo.stm32i2c.Si2cError as e:
last_exception = e
if last_exception:
raise last_exception
raise ValueError('timeout_retries must be > 0')
def _write_reg(self, name, value):
"""Write architected register."""
self._i2c_obj._write_reg(self._get_reg_idx(name), value)
def _read_busv(self):
"""Read bus voltage value."""
busv_reg = self._read_reg('busv')
return busv_reg >> self.BUSV_MV_OFFSET
def _get_next_ovf(self):
"""Watch conversion ready bit assertion then return overflow status
Note datasheet doesn't spell this out but it seems logical.
is_ovf: Boolean of whether overflow has occurred
Ina2xxError: if conversion didn't assert after self.BUSV_READ_RETRY times
for _ in xrange(self.BUSV_READ_RETRY):
is_cnvr = self._read_cnvr()
if is_cnvr:
# if we didn't _break_ from for loop
if not is_cnvr:
raise Ina2xxError('Failed to see conversion (CNVR) while calibrating')
return self._read_ovf()
def _calibrate(self):
"""Calibrate the INA219.
Proper calibration of adc is paramount in successful sampling of the current
and power measurements.
As such, if overflow occurs re-calibration is done. The calibration
register is inversely proportional to precision of the adc's lsb for current
and power conversion.
For example, for a 50mOhm sense resistor with the calibration register set
to its maximum (MAX_CALIB), the adc is capable of 800mA range @ ~12.5uA/lsb.
Dividing the calibration by two would provide 1600mA range @ 25uA/lsb.
Ina2xxError: If calibration failed or doesn't have register.
if not self._has_reg('cal'):
raise Ina2xxError('ADC does NOT have calibration register')
# TODO(tbroch): should look at re-calibrating to increase precision if
# there's plenty of headroom in result
# TODO(tbroch): remove read of calibration below once instantiation of INA
# controls resolves that there is only one device for many controls.
# Currently it is possible to overflow and adjust calibration say for the
# milliwatts but be unaware of the change for the milliamps calculations as
# each control has a separate instance of ina219 object and therefore a
# private copy of the calibration register.
calib_reg = self._calib_reg = self._read_reg('cal')
if self._calib_reg in [None, 0]:
self._write_reg('cal', self.MAX_CALIB)
self._calib_reg = self.MAX_CALIB
is_ovf = self._get_next_ovf()
is_ovf = self._read_ovf()
while is_ovf:
if calib_reg == self.MIN_CALIB:
raise Ina2xxError('Failed to calibrate for lowest precision')
calib_reg = (self._calib_reg >> 1) & self.MAX_CALIB
self._logger.debug('writing calibrate to 0x%04x' % (calib_reg))
self._write_reg('cal', calib_reg)
self._calib_reg = calib_reg
is_ovf = self._get_next_ovf()
def _Get_millivolts(self):
"""Retrieve voltage measurement for ADC in millivolts.
integer of potential in millivolts
busv = self._read_busv()
millivolts = busv * self.BUSV_MV_PER_LSB
assert millivolts < self.BUSV_MAX, \
'bus voltage measurement exceeded maximum'
if millivolts >= self.BUSV_MAX:
'bus voltage measurement exceeded maximum %x' % millivolts)
return millivolts
def _get_milliamps_reg(self):
"""Retrieve current measurement for ADC in milliamps from current register.
Note may trigger calibration which will increase latency. This calibration
occurs when math overflow is detected from the OVF bit in the BUSV
register. If OVF asserts, software will attempt to adjust the calibration
register until overflow is gone.
float of current in milliamps
AssertionError: when current is saturated.
milliamps_per_lsb = self._milliamps_per_lsb()
raw_cur = self._read_reg('cur')
assert raw_cur != self.CUR_MAX, 'current saturated'
if raw_cur == self.CUR_MAX:
self._logger.error('current saturated %x\n' % raw_cur)
raw_cur = int(numpy.int16(raw_cur))
return raw_cur * milliamps_per_lsb
def _get_shunt_millivolts(self):
"""Retrieve shunt voltage measurement for ADC.
float of shunt voltage in millivolts.
Ina2xxError: if shunt voltage overflowed.
vshunt_reg = self._read_reg('shv')
logging.debug('shv = 0x%x', vshunt_reg)
# its negative ... two's complement
if vshunt_reg & 0x8000:
vshunt_reg = ~vshunt_reg & self.SHV_MASK
vshunt_reg += 1 << self.SHV_OFFSET
vshunt_reg *= -1
logging.debug('shv = 0x%04x after negate', vshunt_reg)
if abs(vshunt_reg) >= self.SHV_MASK:
raise Ina2xxError('vshunt overflow 0x%04x', vshunt_reg)
vshunt_reg = vshunt_reg >> self.SHV_OFFSET
return vshunt_reg * self.SHV_UV_PER_LSB / 1000.
def _Get_shuntmv(self):
"""Retrieve shunt voltage measurement for ADC in millivolts.
float of shunt voltage in millivolts.
return self._get_shunt_millivolts()
def _get_milliamps_calc(self):
"""Retrieve current measurement for ADC in milliamps by calculation.
Calculation is I = Vshunt / Rsense
float of current in milliamps
vshunt_mv = self._get_shunt_millivolts()
logging.debug('vshunt_mv = %2.2f', vshunt_mv)
return vshunt_mv / self._rsense
def _Get_milliamps(self):
"""Retrieve current measurement for ADC in milliamps.
At moment there are two methods for determining current:
1. Reading ADCs current reg and scaling by ma/lsb
2. Reading shunt voltage reg and calculating via Ohm's law
I = Vshunt/Rsense
Below is list of devices and which method they can support.
Method 1: INA219, INA231
Method 2: INA219, INA231, INA3221
The method will retrieve current in milliamps choosing best available
float of current in milliamps
if self._has_reg('cur'):
return self._get_milliamps_reg()
return self._get_milliamps_calc()
def _get_milliwatts_reg(self):
"""Retrieve power measurement for ADC in milliamps from power register.
Note may trigger calibration which will increase latency
float of power in milliwatts
AssertionError: when power is saturated.
# call first to force compulsory calibration
milliwatts_per_lsb = self._milliwatts_per_lsb()
raw_pwr = self._read_reg('pwr')
assert not (raw_pwr & 0x8000), \
'Unknown whether power register is signed or unsigned'
if raw_pwr & 0x8000:
self._logger.error('Power may be signed %x\n' % raw_pwr)
assert raw_pwr != self.PWR_MAX, 'power saturated'
if raw_pwr == self.PWR_MAX:
self._logger.error('power saturated %x\n' % raw_pwr)
raw_pwr = int(numpy.int16(raw_pwr))
return raw_pwr * milliwatts_per_lsb
def _get_milliwatts_calc(self):
"""Retrieve power measurement for ADC in milliamps from calculation.
float of power in milliwatts
volts = self._Get_millivolts() / 1000.
milliamps = self._get_milliamps_calc()
return volts * milliamps
def _Get_milliwatts(self):
"""Retrieve power measurement for INA ADCs in milliwatts.
See _Get_milliamps for details on multiple methods.
float of power in milliwatts
if self._has_reg('pwr'):
return self._get_milliwatts_reg()
return self._get_milliwatts_calc()
def _Get_readreg(self):
"""Read raw register value from INA219.
Integer value of register
Ina2xxError: If error with register access
if 'reg' not in self._params:
raise Ina2xxError('no register defined in parameters')
reg = self._params['reg']
return self._read_reg(reg)
def _Set_writereg(self, value):
"""Write raw register value from INA219.
value: Integer value to write to register
Ina2xxError: If error with register access
if 'reg' not in self._params:
raise Ina2xxError('no register defined in parameters')
reg = self._params['reg']
if reg == 'cfg':
if self._has_reg('cal'):
self._write_reg('cal', self.MAX_CALIB)
self._calib_reg = self.MAX_CALIB
self._write_reg(reg, value)
if reg is 'cal':
self._calib_reg = value
def _wake(self):
"""Wake up the INA219 adc from sleep."""
if self._mode is None or (self._mode != self.CFG_MODE_CONT):
def _sleep(self):
"""Place device in low-power ( no measurement state )."""
if self._mode is None or (self._mode != self.CFG_MODE_SLEEP):
def _set_cfg_mode(self, mode):
"""Set the configuration mode of the INA219.
Setting the configuration mode allows device to operate in different modes.
Presently only plan to implemented sleep & continuous. By default, the
device powers on in continuous mode.
mode: integer value to write to configuration register to change the mode.
assert (mode & self.CFG_MODE_MASK) == mode, 'Invalid mode: %d' % mode
cfg_reg = self._read_reg('cfg')
self._write_reg('cfg', (cfg_reg & ~self.CFG_MODE_MASK) | mode)
self._mode = mode
def _milliamps_per_lsb(self):
"""Calculate milliamps per least significant bit of the current register.
float of current per lsb value in milliamps.
assert self._calib_reg, 'Calibration reg not calibrated'
lsb = self.CUR_LSB_COEFFICIENT / (self._calib_reg * self._rsense)
self._logger.debug('lsb = %f' % lsb)
return lsb
def _milliwatts_per_lsb(self):
"""Calculate milliwatts per least significant bit of the power register.
float of power per lsb value in milliwatts.
lsb = self.PWR_LSB_COEFFICIENT * self._milliamps_per_lsb()
self._logger.debug('lsb = %f' % lsb)
return lsb
def testit(testname, adc):
"""Test major features of one ADC.
testname: string name of test
adc: integer of 7-bit i2c slave address
for i in range(0, 6):
print '%s: [%d] = 0x%04x' % (testname, i, adc._read_reg(i))
print '%s: mv = %d' % (testname, adc.millivolts())
print '%s: ma = %d' % (testname, adc.milliamps())
print '%s: mw = %d' % (testname, adc.milliwatts())
def test():
"""Integration testing
import ftdi_utils
(options, args) = ftdi_utils.parse_common_args(interface=2)
loglevel = logging.INFO
if options.debug:
loglevel = logging.DEBUG
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - ' + '%(levelname)s - %(message)s')
import ftdii2c
i2c = ftdii2c.Fi2c(options.vendor, options.product, options.interface)
slv = 0x40
wbuf = [0]
# try raw transaction to ftdii2c library reading cfg reg 0x399f
rbuf = i2c.wr_rd(slv, wbuf, 2)'001: i2c read of slv=0x%02x reg=0x%02x == 0x%02x%02x', slv,
wbuf[0], rbuf[0], rbuf[1])
# same read of cfg (0x399f) using ina219 module
adc = ina219.ina219(i2c, slv, 'foo', 0.010)
testit('POR ', adc)
testit('SLEEP', adc)
testit('WAKE ', adc)
if __name__ == '__main__':