blob: 3c896d3817770871478e015148527ea76c7fd305 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Servo Server."""
import contextlib
import datetime
import fcntl
import fnmatch
import imp
import logging
import os
import random
import shutil
import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import urllib
# TODO(tbroch) deprecate use of relative imports
from drv.hw_driver import HwDriverError
import bbadc
import bbi2c
import bbgpio
import bbuart
import ec3po_interface
import ftdigpio
import ftdii2c
import ftdi_common
import ftdiuart
import i2cbus
import keyboard_handlers
import servo_interfaces
import servo_postinit
import stm32gpio
import stm32i2c
import stm32uart
MAX_I2C_CLOCK_HZ = 100000
# It takes about 16-17 seconds for the entire probe usb device method,
# let's wait double plus some buffer.
class ServodError(Exception):
"""Exception class for servod."""
class Servod(object):
"""Main class for Servo debug/controller Daemon."""
_HTTP_PREFIX = "http://"
_USB_J3 = "usb_mux_sel1"
_USB_J3_TO_SERVO = "servo_sees_usbkey"
_USB_J3_TO_DUT = "dut_sees_usbkey"
_USB_J3_PWR = "prtctl4_pwren"
_USB_J3_PWR_ON = "on"
_USB_J3_PWR_OFF = "off"
_USB_LOCK_FILE = "/var/lib/servod/lock_file"
# This is the key to get the main serial used in the _serialnames dict.
MAIN_SERIAL = "main"
MICRO_SERVO_SERIAL = "micro_servo"
CCD_SERIAL = "ccd"
def init_servo_interfaces(self, vendor, product, serialname,
"""Init the servo interfaces with the given interfaces.
We don't use the self._{vendor,product,serialname} attributes because we
want to allow other callers to initialize other interfaces that may not
be associated with the initialized attributes (e.g. a servo v4 servod object
that wants to also initialize a servo micro interface).
vendor: USB vendor id of FTDI device.
product: USB product id of FTDI device.
serialname: String of device serialname/number as defined in FTDI
interfaces: List of strings of interface types the server will
ServodError if unable to locate init method for particular interface.
# Extend the interface list if we need to.
interfaces_len = len(interfaces)
interface_list_len = len(self._interface_list)
if interfaces_len > interface_list_len:
self._interface_list += [None] * (interfaces_len - interface_list_len)
shifted = 0
for i, interface in enumerate(interfaces):
is_ftdi_interface = False
if type(interface) is dict:
name = interface['name']
# Store interface index for those that care about it.
interface['index'] = i
elif type(interface) is str and interface != 'dummy':
name = interface
# It's a FTDI related interface.
interface = (i % ftdi_common.MAX_FTDI_INTERFACES_PER_DEVICE) + 1
is_ftdi_interface = True
elif type(interface) is str and interface == 'dummy':
# 'dummy' reserves the interface for future use. Typically the
# interface will be managed by external third-party tools like
# openOCD for JTAG or flashrom for SPI. In the case of servo V4,
# it serves as a placeholder for servo micro interfaces.
raise ServodError("Illegal interface type %s" % type(interface))
# servos with multiple FTDI are guaranteed to have contiguous USB PIDs
if is_ftdi_interface and i and \
((i % ftdi_common.MAX_FTDI_INTERFACES_PER_DEVICE) == 0):
product += 1"Changing to next FTDI part @ pid = 0x%04x",
product)"Initializing interface %d to %s", i + 1, name)
func = getattr(self, '_init_%s' % name)
except AttributeError:
raise ServodError("Unable to locate init for interface %s" % name)
result = func(vendor, product, serialname, interface)
if isinstance(result, tuple):
result_len = len(result)
shifted += result_len - 1
self._interface_list += [None] * result_len
for result_index, r in enumerate(result):
self._interface_list[i + result_index] = r
self._interface_list[i + shifted] = result
def __init__(self, config, vendor, product, serialname=None,
interfaces=None, board="", version=None, usbkm232=None):
"""Servod constructor.
config: instance of SystemConfig containing all controls for
particular Servod invocation
vendor: usb vendor id of FTDI device
product: usb product id of FTDI device
serialname: string of device serialname/number as defined in FTDI eeprom.
interfaces: list of strings of interface types the server will instantiate
version: String. Servo board version. Examples: servo_v1, servo_v2,
servo_v2_r0, servo_v3
usbkm232: String. Optional. Path to USB-KM232 device which allow for
sending keyboard commands to DUTs that do not have built in
keyboards. Used in FAFT tests. Use 'atmega' for on board AVR MCU.
e.g. '/dev/ttyUSB0' or 'atmega'
ServodError: if unable to locate init method for particular interface
self._logger = logging.getLogger("Servod")
self._vendor = vendor
self._product = product
self._serialnames = {self.MAIN_SERIAL: serialname}
self._syscfg = config
# Hold the last image path so we can reduce downloads to the usb device.
self._image_path = None
# list of objects (Fi2c, Fgpio) to physical interfaces (gpio, i2c) that ftdi
# interfaces are mapped to
self._interface_list = []
# Dict of Dict to map control name, function name to to tuple (params, drv)
# Ex) _drv_dict[name]['get'] = (params, drv)
self._drv_dict = {}
self._board = board
self._version = version
self._usbkm232 = usbkm232
# Seed the random generator with the serial to differentiate from other
# servod processes.
random.seed(serialname if serialname else time.time())
# Note, interface i is (i - 1) in list
if not interfaces:
interfaces = servo_interfaces.INTERFACE_BOARDS[board][vendor][product]
except KeyError:
interfaces = servo_interfaces.INTERFACE_DEFAULTS[vendor][product]
self.init_servo_interfaces(vendor, product, serialname, interfaces)
def _init_keyboard_handler(self, servo, board=''):
"""Initialize the correct keyboard handler for board.
servo: servo object.
board: string, board name.
keyboard handler object.
if board == 'parrot':
return keyboard_handlers.ParrotHandler(servo)
elif board == 'stout':
return keyboard_handlers.StoutHandler(servo)
elif board in ('buddy', 'cranky', 'guado', 'jecht', 'mccloud', 'monroe',
'ninja', 'nyan_kitty', 'panther', 'rikku', 'stumpy',
'sumo', 'tidus', 'tricky', 'veyron_fievel', 'veyron_mickey',
'veyron_rialto', 'veyron_tiger', 'zako'):
if self._usbkm232 is None:"No device path specified for usbkm232 handler. Use "
"the servo atmega chip to handle.")
self._usbkm232 = 'atmega'
if self._usbkm232 == 'atmega':
# Use servo onboard keyboard emulator.
self.set('atmega_rst', 'on')
self.set('at_hwb', 'off')
self.set('atmega_rst', 'off')
self._usbkm232 = self.get('atmega_pty')
# We don't need to set the atmega uart settings if we're a servo v4.
if self._version != 'servo_v4':
self.set('atmega_baudrate', '9600')
self.set('atmega_bits', 'eight')
self.set('atmega_parity', 'none')
self.set('atmega_sbits', 'one')
self.set('usb_mux_sel4', 'on')
self.set('usb_mux_oe4', 'on')
# Allow atmega bootup time.
time.sleep(1.0)'USBKM232: %s', self._usbkm232)
return keyboard_handlers.USBkm232Handler(servo, self._usbkm232)
# The following boards don't use Chrome EC.
if board in ('alex', 'butterfly', 'lumpy', 'zgb'):
return keyboard_handlers.MatrixKeyboardHandler(servo)
return keyboard_handlers.ChromeECHandler(servo)
def __del__(self):
"""Servod deconstructor."""
for interface in self._interface_list:
def _init_ftdi_dummy(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Dummy interface for ftdi devices.
This is a dummy function specifically for ftdi devices to not initialize
anything but to help pad the interface list.
return None
def _init_ftdi_gpio(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initialize gpio driver interface and open for use.
interface: interface number of FTDI device to use.
Instance object of interface.
ServodError: If init fails
fobj = ftdigpio.Fgpio(vendor, product, interface, serialname)
except ftdigpio.FgpioError as e:
raise ServodError('Opening gpio interface. %s ( %d )' % (e.msg, e.value))
return fobj
def _init_stm32_uart(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initialize stm32 uart interface and open for use
Note, the uart runs in a separate thread. Users wishing to
interact with it will query control for the pty's pathname and connect
with their favorite console program. For example:
cu -l /dev/pts/22
interface: dict of interface parameters.
Instance object of interface
ServodError: Raised on init failure.
""""Suart: interface: %s" % interface)
sobj = stm32uart.Suart(vendor, product, interface['interface'],
except stm32uart.SuartError as e:
raise ServodError('Running uart interface. %s ( %d )' % (e.msg, e.value))"%s" % sobj.get_pty())
return sobj
def _init_stm32_gpio(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initialize stm32 gpio interface.
interface: interface number of stm32 device to use.
Instance object of interface
SgpioError: Raised on init failure.
interface_number = interface
# Interface could be a dict.
if type(interface) is dict:
interface_number = interface['interface']"Sgpio: interface: %s" % interface_number)
return stm32gpio.Sgpio(vendor, product, interface_number, serialname)
def _init_stm32_i2c(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initialize stm32 USB to I2C bridge interface and open for use
interface: USB interface number of stm32 device to use
Instance object of interface.
Si2cError: Raised on init failure.
""""Si2cBus: interface: %s" % interface)
port = interface.get('port', 0)
return stm32i2c.Si2cBus(vendor, product, interface['interface'],
port=port, serialname=serialname)
def _init_bb_adc(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initalize beaglebone ADC interface."""
return bbadc.BBadc()
def _init_bb_gpio(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initalize beaglebone gpio interface."""
return bbgpio.BBgpio()
def _init_ftdi_i2c(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initialize i2c interface and open for use.
interface: interface number of FTDI device to use
Instance object of interface
ServodError: If init fails
fobj = ftdii2c.Fi2c(vendor, product, interface, serialname)
except ftdii2c.Fi2cError as e:
raise ServodError('Opening i2c interface. %s ( %d )' % (e.msg, e.value))
# Set the frequency of operation of the i2c bus.
# TODO(tbroch) make configureable
return fobj
# TODO (sbasi) - Implement bb_i2c.
def _init_bb_i2c(self, interface):
"""Initalize beaglebone i2c interface."""
return bbi2c.BBi2c(interface)
def _init_dev_i2c(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initalize Linux i2c-dev interface."""
return i2cbus.I2CBus('/dev/i2c-%d' % interface['bus_num'])
def _init_ftdi_uart(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initialize ftdi uart inteface and open for use
Note, the uart runs in a separate thread (pthreads). Users wishing to
interact with it will query control for the pty's pathname and connect
with there favorite console program. For example:
cu -l /dev/pts/22
interface: interface number of FTDI device to use
Instance object of interface
ServodError: If init fails
fobj = ftdiuart.Fuart(vendor, product, interface, serialname)
except ftdiuart.FuartError as e:
raise ServodError('Running uart interface. %s ( %d )' % (e.msg, e.value))"%s" % fobj.get_pty())
return fobj
# TODO (sbasi) - Implement bbuart.
def _init_bb_uart(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initalize beaglebone uart interface."""
logging.debug('UART INTERFACE: %s', interface)
return bbuart.BBuart(interface)
def _init_ftdi_gpiouart(self, vendor, product, serialname,
"""Initialize special gpio + uart interface and open for use
Note, the uart runs in a separate thread (pthreads). Users wishing to
interact with it will query control for the pty's pathname and connect
with there favorite console program. For example:
cu -l /dev/pts/22
interface: interface number of FTDI device to use
Instance objects of interface
ServodError: If init fails
fgpio = self._init_ftdi_gpio(vendor, product, serialname, interface)
fuart = ftdiuart.Fuart(vendor, product, interface, serialname, fgpio._fc)
except ftdiuart.FuartError as e:
raise ServodError('Running uart interface. %s ( %d )' % (e.msg, e.value))"uart pty: %s" % fuart.get_pty())
return fgpio, fuart
def _init_ec3po_uart(self, vendor, product, serialname, interface):
"""Initialize EC-3PO console interpreter interface.
interface: A dictionary representing the interface.
An EC3PO object representing the EC-3PO interface or None if there's no
interface for the USB PD UART.
vid = vendor
pid = product
# The current PID might be incremented if there are multiple FTDI.
# Therefore, try rewinding the PID back one if we don't find the base PID in
if (vid, pid) not in servo_interfaces.SERVO_ID_DEFAULTS:
self._logger.debug('VID:PID pair not found. Rewinding PID back one...')
pid -= 1
self._logger.debug('vid:0x%04x, pid:0x%04x', vid, pid)
if 'raw_pty' in interface:
# We have specified an explicit target for this ec3po.
raw_uart_name = interface['raw_pty']
raw_ec_uart = self.get(raw_uart_name)
# Servo V2 / V3 should have the interface indicies in the same spot.
elif ((vid, pid) in servo_interfaces.SERVO_V2_DEFAULTS or
(vid, pid) in servo_interfaces.SERVO_V3_DEFAULTS):
# Determine if it's a PD interface or just main EC console.
if interface['index'] == servo_interfaces.EC3PO_USBPD_INTERFACE_NUM:
# Obtain the raw EC UART PTY and create the EC-3PO interface.
raw_ec_uart = self.get('raw_usbpd_uart_pty')
except NameError:
# This overlay doesn't have a USB PD MCU, so skip init.'No PD MCU UART.')
return None
except AttributeError:
# This overlay has no get method for the interface so skip init. For
# servo v2, it's common for interfaces to be overridden such as
# reusing JTAG pins for the PD MCU UART instead. Therefore, print an
# error message indicating that the interface might be set
# incorrectly.
if (vid, pid) in servo_interfaces.SERVO_V2_DEFAULTS:
self._logger.warn('No interface for PD MCU UART.')
self._logger.warn('Usually, this happens because the interface is '
'set incorrectly. If you\'re overriding an '
'existing interface, be sure to update the '
'interface lists for your board at the end of '
return None
elif interface['index'] == servo_interfaces.EC3PO_EC_INTERFACE_NUM:
raw_ec_uart = self.get('raw_ec_uart_pty')
# Servo V3, miniservo, Toad, Reston, Fruitpie, or Plankton
elif ((vid, pid) in servo_interfaces.MINISERVO_ID_DEFAULTS or
(vid, pid) in servo_interfaces.TOAD_ID_DEFAULTS or
(vid, pid) in servo_interfaces.RESTON_ID_DEFAULTS or
(vid, pid) in servo_interfaces.FRUITPIE_ID_DEFAULTS or
(vid, pid) in servo_interfaces.PLANKTON_ID_DEFAULTS):
raw_ec_uart = self.get('raw_ec_uart_pty')
raise ServodError(('Unexpected EC-3PO interface!'
' (0x%04x:0x%04x) %r') % (vid, pid, interface))
return ec3po_interface.EC3PO(raw_ec_uart)
def _camel_case(self, string):
output = ''
for s in string.split('_'):
if output:
output += s.capitalize()
output = s
return output
def _get_param_drv(self, control_name, is_get=True):
"""Get access to driver for a given control.
Note, some controls have different parameter dictionaries for 'getting' the
control's value versus 'setting' it. Boolean is_get distinguishes which is
being requested.
control_name: string name of control
is_get: boolean to determine
tuple (param, drv) where:
param: param dictionary for control
drv: instance object of driver for particular control
ServodError: Error occurred while examining params dict
# if already setup just return tuple from driver dict
if control_name in self._drv_dict:
if is_get and ('get' in self._drv_dict[control_name]):
return self._drv_dict[control_name]['get']
if not is_get and ('set' in self._drv_dict[control_name]):
return self._drv_dict[control_name]['set']
params = self._syscfg.lookup_control_params(control_name, is_get)
if 'drv' not in params:
self._logger.error("Unable to determine driver for %s" % control_name)
raise ServodError("'drv' key not found in params dict")
if 'interface' not in params:
self._logger.error("Unable to determine interface for %s" %
raise ServodError("'interface' key not found in params dict")
interface_id = params.get(
'%s_interface' % self._version, params['interface'])
if interface_id == 'servo':
interface = self
index = int(interface_id) - 1
interface = self._interface_list[index]
servo_pkg = imp.load_module('servo', *imp.find_module('servo'))
drv_pkg = imp.load_module('drv',
*imp.find_module('drv', servo_pkg.__path__))
drv_name = params['drv']
drv_module = getattr(drv_pkg, drv_name)
drv_class = getattr(drv_module, self._camel_case(drv_name))
drv = drv_class(interface, params)
if control_name not in self._drv_dict:
self._drv_dict[control_name] = {}
if is_get:
self._drv_dict[control_name]['get'] = (params, drv)
self._drv_dict[control_name]['set'] = (params, drv)
return (params, drv)
def doc_all(self):
"""Return all documenation for controls.
string of <doc> text in config file (xml) and the params dictionary for
all controls.
For example:
warm_reset :: Reset the device warmly
------------------------> {'interface': '1', 'map': 'onoff_i', ... }
return self._syscfg.display_config()
def doc(self, name):
"""Retreive doc string in system config file for given control name.
name: name string of control to get doc string
doc string of name
NameError: if fails to locate control
self._logger.debug("name(%s)" % (name))
if self._syscfg.is_control(name):
return self._syscfg.get_control_docstring(name)
raise NameError("No control %s" %name)
def _switch_usbkey(self, mux_direction):
"""Connect USB flash stick to either servo or DUT.
This function switches 'usb_mux_sel1' to provide electrical
connection between the USB port J3 and either servo or DUT side.
Switching the usb mux is accompanied by powercycling
of the USB stick, because it sometimes gets wedged if the mux
is switched while the stick power is on.
mux_direction: "servo_sees_usbkey" or "dut_sees_usbkey".
self.set(self._USB_J3_PWR, self._USB_J3_PWR_OFF)
self.set(self._USB_J3, mux_direction)
self.set(self._USB_J3_PWR, self._USB_J3_PWR_ON)
if mux_direction == self._USB_J3_TO_SERVO:
def _get_usb_port_set(self):
"""Gets a set of USB disks currently connected to the system
A set of USB disk paths.
usb_set = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir("/dev/"), "sd[a-z]")
return set(["/dev/" + dev for dev in usb_set])
def _block_other_servod(self, timeout=None):
"""Block other servod processes by locking a file.
To enable multiple servods processes to safely probe_host_usb_dev, we use
a given lock file to signal other servod processes that we're probing
for a usb device. This will be a context manager that will return
if the block was successful or not.
If the lock file exists, we open it and try to lock it.
- If another servod processes has locked it already, we'll sleep a random
amount of time and try again, we'll keep doing that until
timeout amount of time has passed.
- If we're able to lock the file, we'll yield that the block was successful
and upon return, unlock the file and exit out.
This blocking behavior is only enabled if the lock file exists, if it
doesn't, then we pretend the block was successful.
timeout: Max waiting time for the block to succeed.
if not os.path.exists(self._USB_LOCK_FILE):
# No lock file so we'll pretend the block was a success.
yield True
start_time =
while True:
with open(self._USB_LOCK_FILE) as lock_file:
fcntl.flock(lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
yield True
fcntl.flock(lock_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
except IOError:
current_time =
current_wait_time = (current_time - start_time).total_seconds()
if timeout and current_wait_time > timeout:
yield False
# Sleep random amount.
sleep_time = time.sleep(random.random())
def safe_switch_usbkey_power(self, power_state, timeout=0):
"""Toggle the usb power safely.
We'll make sure we're the only servod process toggling the usbkey power.
power_state: The setting to set for the usbkey power.
timeout: Timeout to wait for blocking other servod processes, default is
no timeout.
An empty string to appease the xmlrpc gods.
with self._block_other_servod(timeout=timeout):
if power_state != self.get(self._USB_J3_PWR):
self.set(self._USB_J3_PWR, power_state)
return ''
def safe_switch_usbkey(self, mux_direction, timeout=0):
"""Toggle the usb direction safely.
We'll make sure we're the only servod process toggling the usbkey direction.
power_state: The setting to set for the usbkey power.
timeout: Timeout to wait for blocking other servod processes, default is
no timeout.
An empty string to appease the xmlrpc gods.
with self._block_other_servod(timeout=timeout):
return ''
def probe_host_usb_dev(self, timeout=_MAX_USB_LOCK_WAIT):
"""Probe the USB disk device plugged in the servo from the host side.
Method can fail by:
1) Having multiple servos connected and returning incorrect /dev/sdX of
another servo unless _USB_LOCK_FILE exists on the servo host. If that
file exists, then it is safe to probe for usb devices among multiple
servod instances.
2) Finding multiple /dev/sdX and returning None.
timeout: Timeout to wait for blocking other servod processes.
USB disk path if one and only one USB disk path is found, otherwise an
empty string.
with self._block_other_servod(timeout=timeout) as block_success:
if not block_success:
return ''
original_value = self.get(self._USB_J3)
original_usb_power = self.get(self._USB_J3_PWR)
# Make the host unable to see the USB disk.
if (original_usb_power == self._USB_J3_PWR_ON and
original_value != self._USB_J3_TO_DUT):
no_usb_set = self._get_usb_port_set()
# Make the host able to see the USB disk.
has_usb_set = self._get_usb_port_set()
# Back to its original value.
if original_value != self._USB_J3_TO_SERVO:
if original_usb_power != self._USB_J3_PWR_ON:
self.set(self._USB_J3_PWR, self._USB_J3_PWR_OFF)
# Subtract the two sets to find the usb device.
diff_set = has_usb_set - no_usb_set
if len(diff_set) == 1:
return diff_set.pop()
return ''
def download_image_to_usb(self, image_path, probe_timeout=_MAX_USB_LOCK_WAIT):
"""Download image and save to the USB device found by probe_host_usb_dev.
If the image_path is a URL, it will download this url to the USB path;
otherwise it will simply copy the image_path's contents to the USB path.
image_path: path or url to the recovery image.
probe_timeout: timeout for the probe to take.
True|False: True if process completed successfully, False if error
Can't return None because XMLRPC doesn't allow it. PTAL at tbroch's
comment at the end of set().
self._logger.debug("image_path(%s)" % image_path)
self._logger.debug("Detecting USB stick device...")
usb_dev = self.probe_host_usb_dev(timeout=probe_timeout)
if not usb_dev:
self._logger.error("No usb device connected to servo")
return False
# Let's check if we downloaded this last time and if so assume the image is
# still on the usb device and return True.
if self._image_path == image_path:
self._logger.debug("Image already on USB device, skipping transfer")
return True
if image_path.startswith(self._HTTP_PREFIX):
self._logger.debug("Image path is a URL, downloading image")
urllib.urlretrieve(image_path, usb_dev)
shutil.copyfile(image_path, usb_dev)
except IOError as e:
self._logger.error("Failed to transfer image to USB device: %s ( %s ) ",
e.strerror, e.errno)
return False
except urllib.ContentTooShortError:
self._logger.error("Failed to download URL: %s to USB device: %s",
image_path, usb_dev)
return False
except BaseException as e:
self._logger.error("Unexpected exception downloading %s to %s: %s",
image_path, usb_dev, str(e))
return False
# We just plastered the partition table for a block device.
# Pass or fail, we mustn't go without telling the kernel about
# the change, or it will punish us with sporadic, hard-to-debug
# failures.["sync"])["blockdev", "--rereadpt", usb_dev])
self._image_path = image_path
return True
def make_image_noninteractive(self):
"""Makes the recovery image noninteractive.
A noninteractive image will reboot automatically after installation
instead of waiting for the USB device to be removed to initiate a system
Mounts partition 1 of the image stored on usb_dev and creates a file
called "non_interactive" so that the image will become noninteractive.
True|False: True if process completed successfully, False if error
result = True
usb_dev = self.probe_host_usb_dev()
if not usb_dev:
self._logger.error("No usb device connected to servo")
return False
# Create TempDirectory
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if tmpdir:
# Mount drive to tmpdir.
partition_1 = "%s1" % usb_dev
rc =["mount", partition_1, tmpdir])
if rc == 0:
# Create file 'non_interactive'
non_interactive_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "non_interactive")
open(non_interactive_file, "w").close()
except IOError as e:
self._logger.error("Failed to create file %s : %s ( %d )",
non_interactive_file, e.strerror, e.errno)
result = False
except BaseException as e:
self._logger.error("Unexpected Exception creating file %s : %s",
non_interactive_file, str(e))
result = False
# Unmount drive regardless if file creation worked or not.
rc =["umount", partition_1])
if rc != 0:
self._logger.error("Failed to unmount USB Device")
result = False
self._logger.error("Failed to mount USB Device")
result = False
# Delete tmpdir. May throw exception if 'umount' failed.
except OSError as e:
self._logger.error("Failed to remove temp directory %s : %s",
tmpdir, str(e))
return False
except BaseException as e:
self._logger.error("Unexpected Exception removing tempdir %s : %s",
tmpdir, str(e))
return False
self._logger.error("Failed to create temp directory.")
return False
return result
def set_get_all(self, cmds):
"""Set &| get one or more control values.
cmds: list of control[:value] to get or set.
rv: list of responses from calling get or set methods.
rv = []
for cmd in cmds:
if ':' in cmd:
(control, value) = cmd.split(':')
rv.append(self.set(control, value))
return rv
def get(self, name):
"""Get control value.
name: name string of control
Response from calling drv get method. Value is reformatted based on
control's dictionary parameters
HwDriverError: Error occurred while using drv
self._logger.debug("name(%s)" % (name))
if name == 'serialname':
if self._serialnames[self.MAIN_SERIAL]:
return self._serialnames[self.MAIN_SERIAL]
return 'unknown'
(param, drv) = self._get_param_drv(name)
val = drv.get()
rd_val = self._syscfg.reformat_val(param, val)
self._logger.debug("%s = %s" % (name, rd_val))
return rd_val
except AttributeError, error:
self._logger.error("Getting %s: %s" % (name, error))
except HwDriverError:
self._logger.error("Getting %s" % (name))
def get_all(self, verbose):
"""Get all controls values.
verbose: Boolean on whether to return doc info as well
string creating from trying to get all values of all controls. In case of
error attempting access to control, response is 'ERR'.
rsp = []
for name in self._syscfg.syscfg_dict['control']:
self._logger.debug("name = %s" %name)
value = self.get(name)
except Exception:
value = "ERR"
if verbose:
rsp.append("GET %s = %s :: %s" % (name, value, self.doc(name)))
rsp.append("%s:%s" % (name, value))
return '\n'.join(sorted(rsp))
def set(self, name, wr_val_str):
"""Set control.
name: name string of control
wr_val_str: value string to write. Can be integer, float or a
alpha-numerical that is mapped to a integer or float.
HwDriverError: Error occurred while using driver
self._logger.debug("name(%s) wr_val(%s)" % (name, wr_val_str))
(params, drv) = self._get_param_drv(name, False)
wr_val = self._syscfg.resolve_val(params, wr_val_str)
except HwDriverError:
self._logger.error("Setting %s -> %s" % (name, wr_val_str))
# TODO(tbroch) Figure out why despite allow_none=True for both xmlrpc server
# & client I still have to return something to appease the
# marshall/unmarshall
return True
def hwinit(self, verbose=False):
"""Initialize all controls.
These values are part of the system config XML files of the form
init=<value>. This command should be used by clients wishing to return the
servo and DUT its connected to a known good/safe state.
Note that initialization errors are ignored (as in some cases they could
be caused by DUT firmware deficiencies). This might need to be fine tuned
verbose: boolean, if True prints info about control initialized.
Otherwise prints nothing.
This function is called across RPC and as such is expected to return
something unless transferring 'none' across is allowed. Hence adding a
dummy return value to make things simpler.
for control_name, value in self._syscfg.hwinit:
# Workaround for bug chrome-os-partner:42349. Without this check, the
# gpio will briefly pulse low if we set it from high to high.
if self.get(control_name) != value:
self.set(control_name, value)
if verbose:'Initialized %s to %s', control_name, value)
except Exception as e:
self._logger.error("Problem initializing %s -> %s :: %s",
control_name, value, str(e))
# Init keyboard after all the intefaces are up.
self._keyboard = self._init_keyboard_handler(self, self._board)
return True
def echo(self, echo):
"""Dummy echo function for testing/examples.
echo: string to echo back to client
self._logger.debug("echo(%s)" % (echo))
return "ECH0ING: %s" % (echo)
def get_board(self):
"""Return the board specified at startup, if any."""
return self._board
def get_version(self):
"""Get servo board version."""
return self._version
def power_long_press(self):
"""Simulate a long power button press."""
# After a long power press, the EC may ignore the next power
# button press (at least on Alex). To guarantee that this
# won't happen, we need to allow the EC one second to
# collect itself.
return True
def power_normal_press(self):
"""Simulate a normal power button press."""
return True
def power_short_press(self):
"""Simulate a short power button press."""
return True
def power_key(self, secs=''):
"""Simulate a power button press.
secs: Time in seconds to simulate the keypress.
return True
def ctrl_d(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-d simultaneous button presses."""
return True
def ctrl_u(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-u simultaneous button presses."""
return True
def ctrl_enter(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl-enter simultaneous button presses."""
return True
def d_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
return True
def ctrl_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
return True
def enter_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Enter key button press."""
return True
def refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Refresh key (F3) button press."""
return True
def ctrl_refresh_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Ctrl and Refresh (F3) simultaneous press.
This key combination is an alternative of Space key.
return True
def imaginary_key(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate imaginary key button press.
Maps to a key that doesn't physically exist.
return True
def sysrq_x(self, press_secs=''):
"""Simulate Alt VolumeUp X simultaneous press.
This key combination is the kernel system request (sysrq) x.
return True
def get_servo_serials(self):
"""Return all the serials associated with this process."""
return self._serialnames
def test():
"""Integration testing.
TODO(tbroch) Enhance integration test and add unittest (see mox)
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - " +
"%(levelname)s - %(message)s")
# configure server & listen
servod_obj = Servod(1)
# 4 == number of interfaces on a FT4232H device
for i in xrange(4):
if i == 1:
# its an i2c interface ... see __init__ for details and TODO to make
# this configureable
servod_obj._interface_list[i].wr_rd(0x21, [0], 1)
# its a gpio interface
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 9999),
server.register_instance(servod_obj)"Listening on localhost port 9999")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# simple client transaction would look like
remote_uri = 'http://localhost:9999'
client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(remote_uri, verbose=False)
send_str = "Hello_there"
print "Sent " + send_str + ", Recv " + client.echo(send_str)