blob: fc1c2f68eae8121969a21470cd8c519d28567848 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- ******** Controls ******** -->
<doc>Used to turn fw wp off and on</doc>
<params clobber_ok="" fw_wp_vref="off"/>
Simple property indicating what model of EC we have. We use a Nuvoton EC
and the UART programmer, hence "npcx_uut".
<doc>EC chip name (read-only)</doc>
<params clobber_ok="" cmd="get" subtype="chip" interface="servo"
drv="cros_chip" chip="npcx_uut"/>
Add a massive shutdown_delay because other similar boards have it, so we
probably need it too. Speculation is that this is due to b/76229658,
AKA: 'Cr50 drops a bunch of characters from EC uart on "apshutdown"'.
The 'reset_recovery="0.5"' seems redundant since it's already in
ec_common.xml (which is included by arm_ec_common.xml), but for some reason
everyone else likes to put it here so I guess we should too?
<doc>Used to turn the DUT off and on</doc>
<params clobber_ok="" shutdown_delay="11.0" reset_recovery="0.5"/>
If you have the rework, this lets you choose between SD and SPI for
firmware. It repurposes the original "rec_mode" pin as "cpu_boot_mode".
NOTE: Without the rework, you'll end up with SPI boot, but if you have a
a fully erased SPI it appears to fall back to SD anyway.
<doc>Choose between SD and SPI</doc>
<params spi="1" sd="0"></params>
<doc>Google SPI boot mode</doc>
<params map="sd_spi" init="sd" clobber_ok=""></params>