blob: 0b35a003f1b1b1383a9937cb78828f364f03d74c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <ftdi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ftdi_common.h"
#include "ftdii2c.h"
static int fi2c_start_bit_cmds(struct fi2c_context *fic) {
int i;
// for now don't allow starts in middle of a command buffer
assert(fic->bufcnt == 0);
// TODO(tbroch) factor in whether its high speed dev or not
// guarantee minimum setup time between SDA -> SCL transistions
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// SCL & SDA high
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// SCL high, SDA low
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, (SDA_POS));
// SCL & SDA low
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, (SCL_POS | SDA_POS));
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;
static int fi2c_stop_bit_cmds(struct fi2c_context *fic) {
int i;
// guarantee minimum setup time between SDA -> SCL transistions
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// SCL high, SDA low
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, (SDA_POS));
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// SCL & SDA high
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, 0);
// SCL & SDA release
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, 0);
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;
static int fi2c_write_cmds(struct fi2c_context *fic) {
int bytes_wrote = 0;
int bufcnt = fic->bufcnt;
fic->bufcnt = 0;
assert(bufcnt <= FI2C_BUF_SIZE);
bytes_wrote = ftdi_write_data(fic->fc, fic->buf, bufcnt);
if (bytes_wrote < 0) {
ERROR_FTDI("fi2c_write_cmds", fic->fc);
return FI2C_ERR_FTDI;
} else if (bytes_wrote != bufcnt) {
return FI2C_ERR_WRITE;
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;
static int fi2c_read_from_ftdi(struct ftdi_context *fc, uint8_t *rdbuf,
unsigned int rdcnt) {
int rv = 0;
unsigned int bytes_read = 0;
unsigned int read_attempts = 0;
uint8_t *buf = rdbuf;
while ((bytes_read < rdcnt) &&
(read_attempts < FI2C_READ_ATTEMPTS)) {
rv = ftdi_read_data(fc, buf, (rdcnt - bytes_read));
if (rv < 0) {
ERROR_FTDI("read of ftdi", fc);
return FI2C_ERR_FTDI;
buf += rv;
bytes_read += rv;
prn_dbg("bytes read %d of %d\n", bytes_read, rdcnt);
if (bytes_read != rdcnt) {
prn_dbg("bytes read %d != %d\n", bytes_read, rdcnt);
return FI2C_ERR_READ;
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;
// TODO(tbroch) can we use the WAIT_ON_x cmds to postpone checking and increase
// the payload to/from ftdi queues. At the very least use
// WAIT_ON to h/w check the ack for speeds sake
static int fi2c_send_byte_and_check(struct fi2c_context *fic, uint8_t data) {
uint8_t rdbuf_byte;
uint8_t *rdbuf = &rdbuf_byte;
// clk the single byte out
FI2C_WBUF(fic, 0x07);
FI2C_WBUF(fic, data);
// SCL low, SDA release for Ack
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, SCL_POS);
// read of the ack (cmd,num of bits)
FI2C_WBUF(fic, 0x00);
// force rx buffer back to host so you can see ack/noack
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_write_cmds(fic), "write cmds for ack check\n");
prn_dbg("bufcnt after write = %d\n", fic->bufcnt);
// TODO(tbroch) this is s/w ACK should be doable via h/w WAIT_ON_x
if (fi2c_read_from_ftdi(fic->fc, rdbuf, 1)) {
ERROR_FTDI("read of ack", fic->fc);
return FI2C_ERR_FTDI;
if ((rdbuf[0] & 0x80) != 0x0) {
prn_dbg("ack read 0x%02x != 0x0\n", (rdbuf[0] & 0x80));
return FI2C_ERR_ACK;
prn_dbg("saw the ack 0x%02x\n", rdbuf[0]);
// TODO(tbroch) : shouldn't need to pull SDA high here but get strange results
// otherwise. Needs investigation
// SCL low, SDA high
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;
static int fi2c_send_slave(struct fi2c_context *fic, int rd) {
return fi2c_send_byte_and_check(fic, (fic->slv<<1) | (rd ? 0x1 : 0x0));
static int fi2c_wr(struct fi2c_context *fic, uint8_t *wbuf, int wcnt) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < wcnt; i++) {
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_send_byte_and_check(fic, wbuf[i]),
"wr byte look for ack\n");
if (fic->error)
return fic->error;
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;
static int fi2c_rd(struct fi2c_context *fic, uint8_t *rbuf, int rcnt) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < rcnt; i++) {
// SCL low
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, SCL_POS);
FI2C_WBUF(fic, 0x00);
FI2C_WBUF(fic, 0x00);
if (i == rcnt - 1) {
// last byte ... send NACK
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, (SCL_POS));
FI2C_WBUF(fic, 0x0);
FI2C_WBUF(fic, 0xff);
} else {
// send ACK
FI2C_CFG_IO(fic, 0, (SCL_POS | SDA_POS ));
FI2C_WBUF(fic, 0x0);
FI2C_WBUF(fic, 0x0);
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_write_cmds(fic), "FTDI cmd write for read\n");
if (fic->error)
return fic->error;
if (fi2c_read_from_ftdi(fic->fc, rbuf, rcnt)) {
return FI2C_ERR_READ;
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;
int fi2c_init(struct fi2c_context *fic, struct ftdi_context *fc) {
memset(fic, 0, sizeof(*fic));
fic->fc = fc;
fic->fc->usb_read_timeout = 10000;
if ((fic->buf = malloc(FI2C_BUF_SIZE)) != NULL) {
fic->bufsize = FI2C_BUF_SIZE;
fic->bufcnt = 0;
// init all inputs
fic->gpio.direction = 0;
fic->gpio.value = 0;
fic->gpio.mask = ~(SCL_POS | SDA_POS | SDB_POS);
fic->error = FI2C_ERR_NONE;
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;
int fi2c_open(struct fi2c_context *fic, struct ftdi_common_args *fargs) {
ftdi_set_interface(fic->fc, fargs->interface);
if (!IS_FTDI_OPEN(fic->fc)) {
int rv = ftdi_usb_open_desc(fic->fc, fargs->vendor_id, fargs->product_id,
NULL, fargs->serialname);
if (rv < 0 && rv != -5) {
ERROR_FTDI("Opening usb connection", fic->fc);
prn_error("vid:0x%02x pid:0x%02x serial:%s\n", fargs->vendor_id,
fargs->product_id, fargs->serialname);
return rv;
if (!fcom_is_mpsse(fic->fc, fargs)) {
prn_error("ftdi device / interface doesn't support MPSSE\n");
return FI2C_ERR_FTDI;
return fcom_cfg(fic->fc, fargs->interface, BITMODE_MPSSE, 0);
int fi2c_setclock(struct fi2c_context *fic, uint32_t clk) {
uint8_t buf[4] = { 0, 0, 0 }; /* Only three bytes used. */
int divide_result;
buf[0] = FTDI_CMD_3PHASE;
CHECK_FTDI(ftdi_write_data(fic->fc, buf, 1), "Set 3-phase clocking",
if (clk > FTDI_CLK_MAX_X5 || clk < FTDI_CLK_MIN) {
return FI2C_ERR_CLK;
if (clk > FTDI_CLK_MAX_X5) {
buf[0] = FTDI_CMD_X5_OFF;
CHECK_FTDI(ftdi_write_data(fic->fc, buf, 1), "Set master clock 60mhz",
// 1.5 due to 3-phase requirement
divide_result = DIV_VALUE((clk*1.5));
if (!divide_result) {
prn_error("Unable to determine clock divisor\n");
return FI2C_ERR_CLK;
buf[0] = TCK_DIVISOR;
buf[1] = (divide_result >> 0) & 0xFF;
buf[2] = (divide_result >> 8) & 0xFF;
CHECK_FTDI(ftdi_write_data(fic->fc, buf, 3), "Set clk div", fic->fc);
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;
int fi2c_reset(struct fi2c_context *fic) {
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_start_bit_cmds(fic), "Start sent as reset\n");
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_write_cmds(fic), "FTDI write cmds\n");
fic->error = FI2C_ERR_NONE;
return fic->error;
int fi2c_wr_rd(struct fi2c_context *fic, uint8_t *wbuf, int wcnt,
uint8_t *rbuf, int rcnt) {
int err = 0;
int retry_count = 0;
static int tot_retry_count = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
int i;
if (retry_count >= FI2C_ACK_RETRY_MAX) {
goto WR_RD_DONE;
// flush both buffers to guarantee clean restart when retrying
if (retry_count) {
fic->error = 0;
err = 0;
prn_dbg("Retry, retry_count = %d\n", retry_count);
CHECK_FTDI(ftdi_usb_purge_buffers(fic->fc), "Purge rx/tx buf", fic->fc);
if (wcnt && wbuf) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("begin write of: ");
for (i = 0; i < wcnt; i++) {
printf("0x%02x ", wbuf[i]);
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_start_bit_cmds(fic), "(WR) Start bit\n");
err = fi2c_send_slave(fic, 0);
if ((err == FI2C_ERR_ACK) || (err == FI2C_ERR_READ)) {
goto retry;
if (!fic->error && !err) {
err = fi2c_wr(fic, wbuf, wcnt);
if (err == FI2C_ERR_READ) {
goto retry;
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_stop_bit_cmds(fic), "(WR) Stop bit\n");
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_write_cmds(fic), "(WR) FTDI write cmds\n");
if (rcnt && rbuf && !fic->error && !err) {
prn_dbg("begin read\n");
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_start_bit_cmds(fic), "(RD) Start bit\n");
err = fi2c_send_slave(fic, 1);
if ((err == FI2C_ERR_ACK) || (err == FI2C_ERR_READ)) {
goto retry;
if (!fic->error && !err) {
CHECK_FI2C(fic, fi2c_rd(fic, rbuf, rcnt), "(RD) Payload\n");
if (fic->error == FI2C_ERR_READ) {
goto retry;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("end read: ");
for (i = 0; i < rcnt; i++) {
printf("0x%02x ", rbuf[i]);
if (fic->error || err) {
prn_error("Slave 0x%02x failed wr_rd with fic->error:%d err:%d\n",
fic->slv, fic->error, err);
tot_retry_count += retry_count;
prn_dbg("Done. retry_count = %d, tot_retry_count = %d\n",
retry_count, tot_retry_count);
return fic->error || err;
int fi2c_close(struct fi2c_context *fic) {
CHECK_FTDI(ftdi_usb_close(fic->fc), "fic close", fic->fc);
return FI2C_ERR_NONE;