blob: 82421d367eb86b25bc01e8f7a27ed53c5b740459 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "usb_device.h"
namespace huddly {
extern const uint16_t kVendorId;
extern const uint16_t kProductIdApp;
extern const uint16_t kProductIdBootloader;
// Vendor command
enum class VendorRequest : uint8_t {
VERSION = 0x00,
REBOOT = 0x01,
BOOT_MODE = 0x10,
// UVC_EP_MODE = 0x11, // No use. Leave for reference.
HW_REV = 0x12,
// MV2 commands: MV2 for Movidius Myriad Version 2
MV2_WRITE = 0x41,
MV2_READ = 0x42,
MV2_ISALIVE = 0x48,
enum class BootMode : uint8_t {
// Note: 0x00 is used for APP, not for UNKNOWN.
APP = 0x00, // Known as "spi" mode in old huddly reference code.
BOOTLOADER = 0x01, // Known as "usb" mode in old huddly reference code.
BOOTLOADER_STICKY = 0x02, // Known as "usb-sticky".
UNKNOWN = 0x10,
enum class StreamMode : uint16_t {
SINGLE = 0x0000,
DUAL = 0x0001,
TRIPLE = 0x0002,
WRITE_ENABLE = 0x8eb0,
uint16_t BootModeToProductId(BootMode mode);
std::string BootModeStr(BootMode boot_mode);
std::string StreamModeToStr(StreamMode stream_mode);
class MinicamDevice : public go::UsbDevice {
MinicamDevice(uint16_t vendor_id, uint16_t product_id,
std::string usb_path = "", std::string usb_serial = "");
bool CheckIfExists();
bool RebootInMode(BootMode boot_mode, std::string *err_msg);
bool Reboot(std::string *err_msg);
bool WriteImage(int data_len, uint8_t *data, std::string *err_msg,
bool dry_run = false) const;
// Show hardware revision and the firmware versions of bootloader and app
// firmware.
void ShowInfo();
// Works in any mode.
bool GetHwRevision(std::string *hw_rev_str, std::string *err_msg) const;
// Works in Bootloader mode.
std::string QueryFirmwareVersion() const;
// Works in App mode only.
bool GetVersion(std::string *app_ver, std::string *bootloader_ver);
bool GetStreamMode(StreamMode *stream_mode) const;
bool SetStreamMode(StreamMode stream_mode, std::string *err_msg) const;
bool GetForceHighSpeedMode(bool *force_high_speed,
std::string *err_msg) const;
bool SetForceHighSpeedMode(const bool force_high_speed,
std::string *err_msg) const;
MinicamDevice(const MinicamDevice&) = delete;
MinicamDevice& operator=(const MinicamDevice&) = delete;
bool VendorRead(VendorRequest vendor_request,
uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const;
bool VendorWrite(VendorRequest vendor_request,
uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const;
bool GetBootMode(BootMode* boot_mode, std::string* err_msg) const;
bool SetBootMode(BootMode boot_mode, std::string* err_msg) const;
bool IsBootloaderMode() const;
bool AllocateBuffer(uint32_t size, std::string* err_msg) const;
bool UploadImage(uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const;
void ShowProgress(uint32_t offset, uint32_t data_len) const;
bool Mv2Commit(uint32_t offet, uint32_t size, std::string* err_msg) const;
bool Mv2WriteChunk(uint32_t offset,
uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const;
bool Mv2Write(uint32_t data_len, uint8_t* data, std::string* err_msg) const;
bool Mv2Read(uint32_t data_len, uint8_t* data, std::string* err_msg) const;
bool Mv2Command(uint32_t cmd_len,
uint8_t* cmd,
uint32_t retries,
std::string* err_msg) const;
bool Mv2GetAck() const;
std::string FormatVersion(uint8_t* data) const;
} // namespace huddly