blob: ded57617b834e1457c396ff8f1bb8b2aad539851 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "firmware.h"
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include <ftw.h> // nftw
#include "manifest.h"
#include "tools.h"
namespace huddly {
namespace {
// Base directory to fetch binary and manifest files.
// kDefaultPkgDir from auto upgrade in ChromeOS, kManualPkgDir for manual
// upgrade.
#if __ANDROID__
// Core-Devices Android specific builds change for android alternatives.
const char kDefaultPkgDir[] = "/system/etc/peripheral_firmware/huddly/";
const char kDefaultPkgDir[] = "/lib/firmware/huddly/";
#if __ANDROID__
// Consider acquiring tmp directory programatically or storing in memory.
const char kManualPkgDir[] = "/data/local/tmp/huddly/";
const char kManualPkgDir[] = "/tmp/huddly/";
// Huddly firmware binary and manifest files, relative to the base directory.
const char kFirmwareApp[] = "bin/huddly.bin";
const char kFirmwareBootloader[] = "bin/huddly_boot.bin";
const char kFirmwareManifest[] = "manifest.json";
const char kDefaultVerStr[] = "unknown";
} // namespace
Firmware::Firmware(const std::string& pkg_path) : pkg_path_(pkg_path) {
if (!IsManualUpgrade()) {
// ChromeOS auto upgrade workflow.
pkg_dir_ = kDefaultPkgDir;
} else {
// Manual upgrade workflow.
pkg_dir_ = kManualPkgDir;
if (!pkg_dir_.empty() && pkg_dir_.back() != '/') {
pkg_dir_ += "/";
app_path_ = pkg_dir_ + kFirmwareApp;
bootloader_path_ = pkg_dir_ + kFirmwareBootloader;
manifest_path_ = pkg_dir_ + kFirmwareManifest;
Firmware::~Firmware() {
#if __ANDROID__
if (IsManualUpgrade() && HasFile(pkg_dir_)) {
nftw(pkg_dir_.c_str(), NftwDeleteFile, 10, FTW_DEPTH);
bool Firmware::IsReady(std::string* err_msg) const {
if (IsManualUpgrade()) {
// Package file is given directly. Need to uncompress before proceeding.
if (!HasFile(pkg_path_)) {
*err_msg = ".. firmware package file does not exist: ";
*err_msg += pkg_path_;
return false;
if (!Uncompress(pkg_path_, err_msg)) {
return false;
if (!HasFile(app_path_)) {
*err_msg = "firmware app not ready: " + std::string(app_path_);
return false;
if (!HasFile(bootloader_path_)) {
*err_msg =
"firmware bootloader not ready: " + std::string(bootloader_path_);
return false;
if (!IsManualUpgrade() && !HasFile(manifest_path_)) {
// Manual upgrade workflow does not require the manifest.txt.
*err_msg = "firmware manifest not ready: " + std::string(manifest_path_);
return false;
return true;
bool Firmware::HasFile(const std::string& file_path) const {
// Not only checking the precense, but also checks the
// goodness in the sense of ifstream.
std::ifstream f(file_path.c_str());
return f.good();
bool Firmware::Uncompress(const std::string& file_path,
std::string* err_msg) const {
if (!HasFile(pkg_dir_)) {
LOG(INFO) << ".. Uncompressing " << file_path << " on " << pkg_dir_;
} else {
return true;
#ifdef __ANDROID__
return UncompressZip(pkg_dir_.c_str(), file_path.c_str(), err_msg);
// TODO(porce): Consider using standard library.
std::string command = "mkdir -p " + pkg_dir_ + " && cd " + pkg_dir_ +
" && unzip -o " + pkg_path_;
return RunCommand(command, err_msg);
bool Firmware::ParseManifestJSON(std::string* app_ver,
std::string* bootloader_ver,
std::string* hw_rev) const {
const base::FilePath path(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(manifest_path_.c_str()));
huddly::Manifest manifest(path);
if (!manifest.ParseFile()) {
// Fallback on defaults
*app_ver = kDefaultVerStr;
*bootloader_ver = kDefaultVerStr;
*hw_rev = kDefaultVerStr;
return false;
*app_ver = manifest.app_ver();
*bootloader_ver = manifest.boot_ver();
*hw_rev = manifest.hw_rev();
return true;
void Firmware::ShowInfo() const {
std::string app_ver, bootloader_ver, hw_rev;
ParseManifestJSON(&app_ver, &bootloader_ver, &hw_rev);
// Bypass the logging facility. libchrome logging does not honor stdout
// properly. Instead it goes to stderr.
std::cout << "Firmware package:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " dir: " << pkg_dir_ << std::endl;
std::cout << " bootloader: " << bootloader_ver << std::endl;
std::cout << " app: " << app_ver << std::endl;
std::cout << " hw_rev: " << hw_rev << std::endl;
} // namespace huddly