network_WiFi_UpdateRouter: update Gale test AP version

For various reasons (see b/177380545 and b/180617663) we need
to deploy a new image to the Gale test APs in the near future.

Unfortunately it's difficult to build a new R85-based image
(same issue as b/172414187#comment17 cropping up again). The
simplest and most future-proof solution is another version-
bump to a release which has the required fixes merged already,
so the new images are built from the R88 release branch.

In addition to that, there are three or four CLs we would like
to patch in (see the motivating bugs above): Modifies watchdog behavior on panic Fixes k->vfree() in essedma driver Drops rmmod support in essedma driver Enable CONFIG_MBO in hostapd

The watchdog fix is still up in the air, and I started testing
with an image lacking the CONFIG_MBO change, so the following
configurations of image have been tested:

  (A) R88-13597.90.0-b4793198:  Watchdog and both essedma fixes
  (B) R88-13597.100.0-b4802789: Watchdog, essedma, and CONFIG_MBO
  (C) R88-13597.100.0-b4802787: essedma and CONFIG_MBO only

The first image was tested thoroughly against various types
of DUT, and the latter two were spot-checked just in case.
Full test details:

  R88 (A) + Zork:
  R88 (A) + Hatch:
  R88 (A) + Octopus:
  R88 (A) + Atlas:
  R88 (B) + Hatch:
  R88 (C) + Hatch:

In addition to running WiFi test suites, I manually verified that
patching in CL 2689216 stops check_ethernet.hook from causing a
panic, and that CL 2689214 appears to fix reboot-on-panic.

This CL currently modifies network_WiFi_UpdateRouter to use
option B (all the CLs), but I don't really have an opinion
on whether we ought to include the watchdog change. If the
consensus is to go with option C instead I'll change it.

BUG=b:177380545, b:180617663
TEST=See Above

Change-Id: I8fb63bc5cb0c3f49e40917310addcb58a8153554
Reviewed-by: Brian Norris <>
Reviewed-by: Matthew Wang <>
Reviewed-by: Harpreet Grewal <>
Tested-by: Will Donnelly <>
Commit-Queue: Will Donnelly <>
1 file changed
tree: c9e202fd563e2050ff5bcc17956bf25df896eaf2
  1. bin/
  2. cli/
  3. client/
  4. contrib/
  5. database/
  6. docs/
  7. frontend/
  8. logs/
  9. metadata/
  10. results/
  11. server/
  12. site_utils/
  13. test_suites/
  14. tko/
  15. utils/
  16. venv/
  17. .gitignore
  18. .style.yapf
  25. global_config.ini
  30. moblab_config.ini
  31. PRESUBMIT.cfg
  34. ssp_deploy_config.json
  35. unblocked_terms.txt

Autotest: Automated integration testing for Android and Chrome OS Devices

Autotest is a framework for fully automated testing. It was originally designed to test the Linux kernel, and expanded by the Chrome OS team to validate complete system images of Chrome OS and Android.

Autotest is composed of a number of modules that will help you to do stand alone tests or setup a fully automated test grid, depending on what you are up to. A non extensive list of functionality is:

  • A body of code to run tests on the device under test. In this setup, test logic executes on the machine being tested, and results are written to files for later collection from a development machine or lab infrastructure.

  • A body of code to run tests against a remote device under test. In this setup, test logic executes on a development machine or piece of lab infrastructure, and the device under test is controlled remotely via SSH/adb/some combination of the above.

  • Developer tools to execute one or more tests. test_that for Chrome OS and test_droid for Android allow developers to run tests against a device connected to their development machine on their desk. These tools are written so that the same test logic that runs in the lab will run at their desk, reducing the number of configurations under which tests are run.

  • Lab infrastructure to automate the running of tests. This infrastructure is capable of managing and running tests against thousands of devices in various lab environments. This includes code for both synchronous and asynchronous scheduling of tests. Tests are run against this hardware daily to validate every build of Chrome OS.

  • Infrastructure to set up miniature replicas of a full lab. A full lab does entail a certain amount of administrative work which isn't appropriate for a work group interested in automated tests against a small set of devices. Since this scale is common during device bringup, a special setup, called Moblab, allows a natural progressing from desk -> mini lab -> full lab.

Run some autotests

See the guides to test_that and test_droid:

test_droid Basic Usage

test_that Basic Usage

Write some autotests

See the best practices guide, existing tests, and comments in the code.

Autotest Best Practices

Grabbing the latest source

git clone

Hacking and submitting patches

See the coding style guide for guidance on submitting patches.

Coding Style

Pre-upload hook dependencies

You need to run utils/ to set up the dependencies for pre-upload hook tests.

Setting up Lucifer

Setting up Lucifer