blob: 9c92e7d987fa5cdb866db14ad39fa018f04a0a91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef __TOKEN_REPLACER_H__
#define __TOKEN_REPLACER_H__
#include <regex>
#include <string>
class TokenReplacer {
TokenReplacer() = delete;
TokenReplacer(const std::string& host,
const std::string& user,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& copies);
// For testing purposes
const std::string& GetTitle() const { return title_; };
// Replaces tokens in the @PJL section of the print job as follows:
// 1) GETMYHOST is replaced with host
// 2) GEYMYUSERNAME is replaced with user
// 3) GETMYJOBNAME is replaced with an escaped title
// 4) GETMYCOPIES is replaced with copies
const std::string TokenizeLine(std::string line) const;
// Escape a string according to the following rules (see myjob in
// fax-pnh-filter for the rules):
// 1) One or two backslashes in sequence are replaced with one backslash
// 2) double-quotes are replaced with single-quotes
// Note that fax-pnh-filter has additional rules for ampersands & slashes, but
// these are only to deal with the fact that the title string is being passed
// to sed on the command-line, so those characters are being escaped because
// they would be interpreted on the command-line as bash control characters.
// The outputted title from the filter would revert \& and \/ to & and /
// respectively. Therefore there is no need to escape those characters here.
static std::string EscapeTitle(std::string title);
const std::string title_;
const std::regex re_host_;
const std::string host_replacement_;
const std::regex re_user_;
const std::string user_replacement_;
const std::regex re_title_;
const std::string title_replacement_;
const std::regex re_copies_;
const std::string copies_replacement_;
#endif // __TOKEN_REPLACER_H__