blob: 5e72a3b72c48ac46f95263276f5a34dce0d22b58 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (C) 2017 secunet Security Networks AG
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
with HW.GFX.GMA.Config;
package body HW.GFX.GMA.Connectors.DDI.Buffers
subtype Skylake_HDMI_Range is DDI_HDMI_Buf_Trans_Range range 0 .. 10;
type HDMI_Buf_Trans is record
Trans1 : Word32;
Trans2 : Word32;
end record;
type HDMI_Buf_Trans_Array is array (Skylake_HDMI_Range) of HDMI_Buf_Trans;
Skylake_Trans_EDP : constant Buf_Trans_Array :=
(16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00a8#,
16#0000_4013#, 16#0000_00a9#,
16#0000_7011#, 16#0000_00a2#,
16#0000_9010#, 16#0000_009c#,
16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00a9#,
16#0000_6013#, 16#0000_00a2#,
16#0000_7011#, 16#0000_00a6#,
16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00ab#,
16#0000_7013#, 16#0000_009f#,
16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00df#);
Skylake_U_Trans_EDP : constant Buf_Trans_Array :=
(16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00a8#,
16#0000_4013#, 16#0000_00a9#,
16#0000_7011#, 16#0000_00a2#,
16#0000_9010#, 16#0000_009c#,
16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00a9#,
16#0000_6013#, 16#0000_00a2#,
16#0000_7011#, 16#0000_00a6#,
16#0000_2016#, 16#0000_00ab#,
16#0000_5013#, 16#0000_009f#,
16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00df#);
Skylake_Trans_DP : constant Buf_Trans_Array :=
(16#0000_2016#, 16#0000_00a0#,
16#0000_5012#, 16#0000_009b#,
16#0000_7011#, 16#0000_0088#,
16#8000_9010#, 16#0000_00c0#,
16#0000_2016#, 16#0000_009b#,
16#0000_5012#, 16#0000_0088#,
16#8000_7011#, 16#0000_00c0#,
16#0000_2016#, 16#0000_00df#,
16#8000_5012#, 16#0000_00c0#,
others => 0);
Skylake_U_Trans_DP : constant Buf_Trans_Array :=
(16#0000_201b#, 16#0000_00a2#,
16#0000_5012#, 16#0000_0088#,
16#8000_7011#, 16#0000_00cd#,
16#8000_9010#, 16#0000_00c0#,
16#0000_201b#, 16#0000_009d#,
16#8000_5012#, 16#0000_00c0#,
16#8000_7011#, 16#0000_00c0#,
16#0000_2016#, 16#0000_0088#,
16#8000_5012#, 16#0000_00c0#,
others => 0);
Skylake_Trans_HDMI : constant HDMI_Buf_Trans_Array :=
((16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00ac#),
(16#0000_5012#, 16#0000_009d#),
(16#0000_7011#, 16#0000_0088#),
(16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00a1#),
(16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_0098#),
(16#0000_4013#, 16#0000_0088#),
(16#8000_6012#, 16#0000_00cd#),
(16#0000_0018#, 16#0000_00df#),
(16#8000_3015#, 16#0000_00cd#),
(16#8000_3015#, 16#0000_00c0#),
(16#8000_0018#, 16#0000_00c0#));
procedure Translations (Trans : out Buf_Trans_Array; Port : Digital_Port)
DDIA_Low_Voltage_Swing : constant Boolean :=
Config.EDP_Low_Voltage_Swing and then Port = DIGI_A;
HDMI_Trans : constant Skylake_HDMI_Range :=
(if Config.DDI_HDMI_Buffer_Translation in Skylake_HDMI_Range
then Config.DDI_HDMI_Buffer_Translation
else Config.Default_DDI_HDMI_Buffer_Translation);
Trans :=
(if not Config.Is_ULT then
(if DDIA_Low_Voltage_Swing
then Skylake_Trans_EDP
else Skylake_Trans_DP)
(if DDIA_Low_Voltage_Swing
then Skylake_U_Trans_EDP
else Skylake_U_Trans_DP));
if not DDIA_Low_Voltage_Swing then
Trans (18) := Skylake_Trans_HDMI (HDMI_Trans).Trans1;
Trans (19) := Skylake_Trans_HDMI (HDMI_Trans).Trans2;
end if;
end Translations;
end HW.GFX.GMA.Connectors.DDI.Buffers;