blob: 3114c86e31657ae213b8874d45ae30ca565f7e93 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
# Takes an Entity.txt and generates the Python dicts defining the commands
# and the TLVs associated with those commands
import sys
cmdenum = """
eQMI_CTL_SET_INSTANCE_ID = 32, // 32 Set the unique link instance ID
eQMI_CTL_GET_VERSION_INFO, // 33 Get supported service version info
eQMI_CTL_GET_CLIENT_ID, // 34 Get a unique client ID
eQMI_CTL_RELEASE_CLIENT_ID, // 35 Release the unique client ID
eQMI_CTL_REVOKE_CLIENT_ID_IND, // 36 Indication of client ID revocation
eQMI_CTL_INVALID_CLIENT_ID, // 37 Indication of invalid client ID
eQMI_CTL_SET_DATA_FORMAT, // 38 Set host driver data format
eQMI_CTL_SYNC, // 39 Synchronize client/server
eQMI_CTL_SYNC_IND = 39, // 39 Synchronize indication
eQMI_CTL_SET_EVENT, // 40 Set event report conditions
eQMI_CTL_EVENT_IND = 40, // 40 Event report indication
eQMI_CTL_SET_POWER_SAVE_CFG, // 41 Set power save config
eQMI_CTL_SET_POWER_SAVE_MODE, // 42 Set power save mode
eQMI_CTL_GET_POWER_SAVE_MODE, // 43 Get power save mode
eQMI_WDS_RESET, // 00 Reset WDS service state variables
eQMI_WDS_SET_EVENT, // 01 Set connection state report conditions
eQMI_WDS_EVENT_IND = 1, // 01 Connection state report indication
eQMI_WDS_ABORT, // 02 Abort previously issued WDS command
eQMI_WDS_START_NET = 32, // 32 Start WDS network interface
eQMI_WDS_STOP_NET, // 33 Stop WDS network interface
eQMI_WDS_GET_PKT_STATUS, // 34 Get packet data connection status
eQMI_WDS_PKT_STATUS_IND = 34, // 34 Packet data connection status indication
eQMI_WDS_GET_RATES, // 35 Get current bit rates of the connection
eQMI_WDS_GET_STATISTICS, // 36 Get the packet data transfer statistics
eQMI_WDS_G0_DORMANT, // 37 Go dormant
eQMI_WDS_G0_ACTIVE, // 38 Go active
eQMI_WDS_CREATE_PROFILE, // 39 Create profile with specified settings
eQMI_WDS_MODIFY_PROFILE, // 40 Modify profile with specified settings
eQMI_WDS_DELETE_PROFILE, // 41 Delete the specified profile
eQMI_WDS_GET_PROFILE_LIST, // 42 Get all profiles
eQMI_WDS_GET_PROFILE, // 43 Get the specified profile
eQMI_WDS_GET_DEFAULTS, // 44 Get the default data session settings
eQMI_WDS_GET_SETTINGS, // 45 Get the runtime data session settings
eQMI_WDS_SET_MIP, // 46 Get the mobile IP setting
eQMI_WDS_GET_MIP, // 47 Set the mobile IP setting
eQMI_WDS_GET_DORMANCY, // 48 Get the dormancy status
eQMI_WDS_GET_AUTOCONNECT = 52, // 52 Get the NDIS autoconnect setting
eQMI_WDS_GET_DURATION, // 53 Get the duration of data session
eQMI_WDS_GET_MODEM_STATUS, // 54 Get the modem status
eQMI_WDS_MODEM_IND = 54, // 54 Modem status indication
eQMI_WDS_GET_DATA_BEARER, // 55 Get the data bearer type
eQMI_WDS_GET_MODEM_INFO, // 56 Get the modem info
eQMI_WDS_MODEM_INFO_IND = 56, // 56 Modem info indication
eQMI_WDS_GET_ACTIVE_MIP = 60, // 60 Get the active mobile IP profile
eQMI_WDS_SET_ACTIVE_MIP, // 61 Set the active mobile IP profile
eQMI_WDS_GET_MIP_PROFILE, // 62 Get mobile IP profile settings
eQMI_WDS_SET_MIP_PROFILE, // 63 Set mobile IP profile settings
eQMI_WDS_GET_MIP_PARAMS, // 64 Get mobile IP parameters
eQMI_WDS_SET_MIP_PARAMS, // 65 Set mobile IP parameters
eQMI_WDS_GET_LAST_MIP_STATUS, // 66 Get last mobile IP status
eQMI_WDS_GET_AAA_AUTH_STATUS, // 67 Get AN-AAA authentication status
eQMI_WDS_GET_CUR_DATA_BEARER, // 68 Get current data bearer
eQMI_WDS_GET_CALL_LIST, // 69 Get the call history list
eQMI_WDS_GET_CALL_ENTRY, // 70 Get an entry from the call history list
eQMI_WDS_CLEAR_CALL_LIST, // 71 Clear the call history list
eQMI_WDS_GET_CALL_LIST_MAX, // 72 Get maximum size of call history list
eQMI_WDS_SET_IP_FAMILY = 77, // 77 Set the client IP family preference
eQMI_WDS_SET_AUTOCONNECT = 81, // 81 Set the NDIS autoconnect setting
eQMI_WDS_GET_DNS, // 82 Get the DNS setting
eQMI_WDS_SET_DNS, // 83 Set the DNS setting
eQMI_WDS_GET_PRE_DORMANCY, // 084 Get the CDMA pre-dormancy settings
eQMI_WDS_SET_CAM_TIMER, // 085 Set the CAM timer
eQMI_WDS_GET_CAM_TIMER, // 086 Get the CAM timer
eQMI_WDS_SET_SCRM, // 087 Set SCRM status
eQMI_WDS_GET_SCRM, // 088 Get SCRM status
eQMI_WDS_SET_RDUD, // 089 Set RDUD status
eQMI_WDS_GET_RDUD, // 090 Get RDUD status
eQMI_WDS_SET_PM_PERIOD, // 092 Set EV-DO page monitor period
eQMI_WDS_SET_FORCE_LONG_SLEEP, // 093 Set EV-DO force long sleep feature
eQMI_WDS_GET_PM_PERIOD, // 094 Get EV-DO page monitor period
eQMI_WDS_GET_CALL_THROTTLE, // 095 Get call throttle info
eQMI_WDS_SET_DUN_CTRL_PREF, // 097 Set DUN control preference
eQMI_WDS_GET_DUN_CTRL_INFO, // 098 Set DUN control info
eQMI_WDS_SET_DUN_CTRL_EVENT, // 099 Set DUN control event preference
eQMI_WDS_PENDING_DUN_CTRL, // 100 Control pending DUN call
eQMI_WDS_GET_DATA_SYS = 105, // 105 Get preferred data system
eQMI_WDS_GET_LAST_DATA_STATUS, // 106 Get last data call status
eQMI_WDS_GET_CURR_DATA_SYS, // 107 Get current data systems status
eQMI_WDS_GET_PDN_THROTTLE, // 108 Get PDN throttle info
eQMI_DMS_RESET, // 00 Reset DMS service state variables
eQMI_DMS_SET_EVENT, // 01 Set connection state report conditions
eQMI_DMS_EVENT_IND = 1, // 01 Connection state report indication
eQMI_DMS_GET_CAPS = 32, // 32 Get the device capabilities
eQMI_DMS_GET_MANUFACTURER, // 33 Get the device manfacturer
eQMI_DMS_GET_MODEL_ID, // 34 Get the device model ID
eQMI_DMS_GET_REV_ID, // 35 Get the device revision ID
eQMI_DMS_GET_NUMBER, // 36 Get the assigned voice number
eQMI_DMS_GET_POWER_STATE, // 38 Get the get power state
eQMI_DMS_UIM_SET_PIN_PROT, // 39 UIM - Set PIN protection
eQMI_DMS_GET_MSM_ID = 44, // 44 Get MSM ID
eQMI_DMS_GET_OPERTAING_MODE, // 45 Get the operating mode
eQMI_DMS_SET_OPERATING_MODE, // 46 Set the operating mode
eQMI_DMS_GET_TIME, // 47 Get timestamp from the device
eQMI_DMS_GET_PRL_VERSION, // 48 Get the PRL version
eQMI_DMS_GET_ACTIVATED_STATE, // 49 Get the activation state
eQMI_DMS_ACTIVATE_AUTOMATIC, // 50 Perform an automatic activation
eQMI_DMS_ACTIVATE_MANUAL, // 51 Perform a manual activation
eQMI_DMS_GET_USER_LOCK_STATE, // 52 Get the lock state
eQMI_DMS_SET_USER_LOCK_STATE, // 53 Set the lock state
eQMI_DMS_SET_USER_LOCK_CODE, // 54 Set the lock PIN
eQMI_DMS_READ_USER_DATA, // 55 Read user data
eQMI_DMS_WRITE_USER_DATA, // 56 Write user data
eQMI_DMS_READ_ERI_FILE, // 57 Read the enhanced roaming indicator file
eQMI_DMS_FACTORY_DEFAULTS, // 58 Reset to factory defaults
eQMI_DMS_VALIDATE_SPC, // 59 Validate service programming code
eQMI_DMS_GET_FIRWARE_ID, // 61 Get firmware ID
eQMI_DMS_SET_FIRMWARE_ID, // 62 Set firmware ID
eQMI_DMS_GET_HOST_LOCK_ID, // 63 Get host lock ID
eQMI_DMS_UIM_GET_CK_STATUS, // 64 UIM - Get control key status
eQMI_DMS_UIM_SET_CK_PROT, // 65 UIM - Set control key protection
eQMI_DMS_UIM_UNBLOCK_CK, // 66 UIM - Unblock facility control key
eQMI_DMS_GET_IMSI, // 67 Get the IMSI
eQMI_DMS_UIM_GET_STATE, // 68 UIM - Get the UIM state
eQMI_DMS_GET_BAND_CAPS, // 69 Get the device band capabilities
eQMI_DMS_GET_FACTORY_ID, // 70 Get the device factory ID
eQMI_DMS_GET_FIRMWARE_PREF, // 71 Get firmware preference
eQMI_DMS_SET_FIRMWARE_PREF, // 72 Set firmware preference
eQMI_DMS_LIST_FIRMWARE, // 73 List all stored firmware
eQMI_DMS_DELETE_FIRMWARE, // 74 Delete specified stored firmware
eQMI_DMS_SET_TIME, // 75 Set device time
eQMI_DMS_GET_FIRMWARE_INFO, // 76 Get stored firmware info
eQMI_DMS_GET_ALT_NET_CFG, // 77 Get alternate network config
eQMI_DMS_SET_ALT_NET_CFG, // 78 Set alternate network config
eQMI_DMS_GET_IMG_DLOAD_MODE, // 79 Get next image download mode
eQMI_DMS_SET_IMG_DLOAD_MODE, // 80 Set next image download mod
eQMI_DMS_GET_SW_VERSION, // 81 Get software version
eQMI_NAS_RESET, // 00 Reset NAS service state variables
eQMI_NAS_ABORT, // 01 Abort previously issued NAS command
eQMI_NAS_SET_EVENT, // 02 Set NAS state report conditions
eQMI_NAS_EVENT_IND = 2, // 02 Connection state report indication
eQMI_NAS_SET_REG_EVENT, // 03 Set NAS registration report conditions
eQMI_NAS_GET_RSSI = 32, // 32 Get the signal strength
eQMI_NAS_SCAN_NETS, // 33 Scan for visible network
eQMI_NAS_REGISTER_NET, // 34 Initiate a network registration
eQMI_NAS_ATTACH_DETACH, // 35 Initiate an attach or detach action
eQMI_NAS_GET_SS_INFO, // 36 Get info about current serving system
eQMI_NAS_SS_INFO_IND = 36, // 36 Current serving system info indication
eQMI_NAS_GET_HOME_INFO, // 37 Get info about home network
eQMI_NAS_GET_NET_PREF_LIST, // 38 Get the list of preferred networks
eQMI_NAS_SET_NET_PREF_LIST, // 39 Set the list of preferred networks
eQMI_NAS_GET_NET_BAN_LIST, // 40 Get the list of forbidden networks
eQMI_NAS_SET_NET_BAN_LIST, // 41 Set the list of forbidden networks
eQMI_NAS_SET_TECH_PREF, // 42 Set the technology preference
eQMI_NAS_GET_TECH_PREF, // 43 Get the technology preference
eQMI_NAS_GET_ACCOLC, // 44 Get the Access Overload Class
eQMI_NAS_SET_ACCOLC, // 45 Set the Access Overload Class
eQMI_NAS_GET_SYSPREF, // 46 Get the CDMA system preference
eQMI_NAS_GET_NET_PARAMS, // 47 Get various network parameters
eQMI_NAS_SET_NET_PARAMS, // 48 Set various network parameters
eQMI_NAS_GET_RF_INFO, // 49 Get the SS radio/band channel info
eQMI_NAS_GET_AAA_AUTH_STATUS, // 50 Get AN-AAA authentication status
eQMI_NAS_SET_SYS_SELECT_PREF, // 51 Set system selection preference
eQMI_NAS_GET_SYS_SELECT_PREF, // 52 Get system selection preference
eQMI_NAS_SET_DDTM_PREF = 55, // 55 Set DDTM preference
eQMI_NAS_GET_DDTM_PREF, // 56 Get DDTM preference
eQMI_NAS_GET_PLMN_MODE = 59, // 59 Get PLMN mode bit from CSP
eQMI_NAS_PLMN_MODE_IND, // 60 CSP PLMN mode bit indication
eQMI_NAS_GET_PLMN_NAME = 68, // 68 Get operator name for specified network
eQMI_NAS_BIND_SUBS, // 69 Bind client to a specific subscription
eQMI_NAS_MANAGED_ROAMING_IND, // 70 Managed roaming indication
eQMI_NAS_DSB_PREF_IND, // 71 Dual standby preference indication
eQMI_NAS_SUBS_INFO_IND, // 72 Subscription info indication
eQMI_NAS_GET_MODE_PREF, // 73 Get mode preference
eQMI_NAS_SET_DSB_PREF = 75, // 75 Set dual standby preference
eQMI_NAS_NETWORK_TIME_IND, // 76 Network time indication
eQMI_NAS_GET_SYSTEM_INFO, // 77 Get system info
eQMI_NAS_SYSTEM_INFO_IND, // 78 System info indication
eQMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_INFO, // 79 Get signal info
eQMI_NAS_CFG_SIGNAL_INFO, // 80 Configure signal info report
eQMI_NAS_SIGNAL_INFO_IND, // 81 Signal info indication
eQMI_NAS_GET_ERROR_RATE, // 82 Get error rate info
eQMI_NAS_ERROR_RATE_IND, // 83 Error rate indication
eQMI_NAS_EVDO_SESSION_IND, // 84 CDMA 1xEV-DO session close indication
eQMI_NAS_EVDO_UATI_IND, // 85 CDMA 1xEV-DO UATI update indication
eQMI_NAS_GET_EVDO_SUBTYPE, // 86 Get CDMA 1xEV-DO protocol subtype
eQMI_NAS_GET_EVDO_COLOR_CODE, // 87 Get CDMA 1xEV-DO color code
eQMI_NAS_GET_ACQ_SYS_MODE, // 88 Get current acquisition system mode
eQMI_NAS_SET_RX_DIVERSITY, // 89 Set the RX diversity
eQMI_NAS_GET_RX_TX_INFO, // 90 Get detailed RX/TX information
eQMI_NAS_UPDATE_AKEY_EXT, // 91 Update the A-KEY (extended)
eQMI_NAS_GET_DSB_PREF, // 92 Get dual standby preference
eQMI_NAS_DETACH_LTE, // 093 Detach the current LTE system
eQMI_NAS_RESET_LTE_PLMN_BLK, // 096 Reset LTE PLMN blocking
eQMI_NAS_CUR_PLMN_NAME_IND, // 097 Current PLMN name indication
eQMI_NAS_CONFIG_EMBMS, // 098 Configure eMBMS
eQMI_NAS_GET_EMBMS_STATUS, // 099 Get eMBMS status
eQMI_NAS_EMBMS_STATUS_IND, // 100 eMBMS status indication
eQMI_NAS_GET_CDMA_POS_INFO, // 101 Get CDMA position info
eQMI_NAS_RF_BAND_INFO_IND, // 102 RF band info indication
eQMI_WMS_RESET, // 00 Reset WMS service state variables
eQMI_WMS_SET_EVENT, // 01 Set new message report conditions
eQMI_WMS_EVENT_IND = 1, // 01 New message report indication
eQMI_WMS_RAW_SEND = 32, // 32 Send a raw message
eQMI_WMS_RAW_WRITE, // 33 Write a raw message to the device
eQMI_WMS_RAW_READ, // 34 Read a raw message from the device
eQMI_WMS_MODIFY_TAG, // 35 Modify message tag on the device
eQMI_WMS_DELETE, // 36 Delete message by index/tag/memory
eQMI_WMS_GET_MSG_PROTOCOL = 48, // 48 Get the current message protocol
eQMI_WMS_GET_MSG_LIST, // 49 Get list of messages from the device
eQMI_WMS_SET_ROUTES, // 50 Set routes for message memory storage
eQMI_WMS_GET_ROUTES, // 51 Get routes for message memory storage
eQMI_WMS_GET_SMSC_ADDR, // 52 Get SMSC address
eQMI_WMS_SET_SMSC_ADDR, // 53 Set SMSC address
eQMI_WMS_GET_MSG_LIST_MAX, // 54 Get maximum size of SMS storage
eQMI_WMS_SET_RETRY_PERIOD, // 56 Set retry period
eQMI_WMS_SET_RETRY_INTERVAL, // 57 Set retry interval
eQMI_WMS_SET_DC_DISCO_TIMER, // 58 Set DC auto-disconnect timer
eQMI_WMS_SET_MEMORY_STATUS, // 59 Set memory storage status
eQMI_WMS_SET_BC_ACTIVATION, // 60 Set broadcast activation
eQMI_WMS_SET_BC_CONFIG, // 61 Set broadcast config
eQMI_WMS_GET_BC_CONFIG, // 62 Get broadcast config
eQMI_WMS_MEMORY_FULL_IND, // 63 Memory full indication
eQMI_WMS_GET_DOMAIN_PREF, // 64 Get domain preference
eQMI_WMS_SET_DOMAIN_PREF, // 65 Set domain preference
eQMI_WMS_MEMORY_SEND, // 66 Send message from memory store
eQMI_WMS_GET_MSG_WAITING, // 67 Get message waiting info
eQMI_WMS_MSG_WAITING_IND, // 68 Message waiting indication
eQMI_WMS_SET_PRIMARY_CLIENT, // 69 Set client as primary client
eQMI_WMS_SMSC_ADDR_IND, // 70 SMSC address indication
eQMI_WMS_INDICATOR_REG, // 71 Register for indicators
eQMI_WMS_GET_TRANSPORT_INFO, // 72 Get transport layer info
eQMI_WMS_TRANSPORT_INFO_IND, // 73 Transport layer info indication
eQMI_WMS_GET_NW_REG_INFO, // 74 Get network registration info
eQMI_WMS_NW_REG_INFO_IND, // 75 Network registration info indication
eQMI_WMS_BIND_SUBSCRIPTION, // 76 Bind client to a subscription
eQMI_WMS_GET_INDICATOR_REG, // 77 Get indicator registration
eQMI_WMS_CALL_STATUS_IND, // 80 Call status indication
eQMI_PDS_RESET, // 00 Reset PDS service state variables
eQMI_PDS_SET_EVENT, // 01 Set PDS report conditions
eQMI_PDS_EVENT_IND = 1, // 01 PDS report indication
eQMI_PDS_GET_STATE = 32, // 32 Return PDS service state
eQMI_PDS_STATE_IND = 32, // 32 PDS service state indication
eQMI_PDS_SET_STATE, // 33 Set PDS service state
eQMI_PDS_START_SESSION, // 34 Start a PDS tracking session
eQMI_PDS_GET_SESSION_INFO, // 35 Get PDS tracking session info
eQMI_PDS_FIX_POSITION, // 36 Manual tracking session position
eQMI_PDS_END_SESSION, // 37 End a PDS tracking session
eQMI_PDS_GET_NMEA_CFG, // 38 Get NMEA sentence config
eQMI_PDS_SET_NMEA_CFG, // 39 Set NMEA sentence config
eQMI_PDS_INJECT_TIME, // 40 Inject a time reference
eQMI_PDS_GET_DEFAULTS, // 41 Get default tracking session config
eQMI_PDS_SET_DEFAULTS, // 42 Set default tracking session config
eQMI_PDS_GET_XTRA_PARAMS, // 43 Get the GPS XTRA parameters
eQMI_PDS_SET_XTRA_PARAMS, // 44 Set the GPS XTRA parameters
eQMI_PDS_FORCE_XTRA_DL, // 45 Force a GPS XTRA database download
eQMI_PDS_GET_AGPS_CONFIG, // 46 Get the AGPS mode configuration
eQMI_PDS_SET_AGPS_CONFIG, // 47 Set the AGPS mode configuration
eQMI_PDS_GET_SVC_AUTOTRACK, // 48 Get the service auto-tracking state
eQMI_PDS_SET_SVC_AUTOTRACK, // 49 Set the service auto-tracking state
eQMI_PDS_GET_COM_AUTOTRACK, // 50 Get COM port auto-tracking config
eQMI_PDS_SET_COM_AUTOTRACK, // 51 Set COM port auto-tracking config
eQMI_PDS_RESET_DATA, // 52 Reset PDS service data
eQMI_PDS_SINGLE_FIX, // 53 Request single position fix
eQMI_PDS_GET_VERSION, // 54 Get PDS service version
eQMI_PDS_INJECT_XTRA, // 55 Inject XTRA data
eQMI_PDS_INJECT_POSITION, // 56 Inject position data
eQMI_PDS_INJECT_WIFI, // 57 Inject Wi-Fi obtained data
eQMI_PDS_SEND_NI_RESPONSE, // 60 Send network initiated response
eQMI_PDS_INJECT_ABS_TIME, // 61 Inject absolute time
eQMI_PDS_INJECT_EFS, // 62 Inject EFS data
eQMI_PDS_GET_DPO_CONFIG, // 63 Get DPO config
eQMI_PDS_SET_DPO_CONFIG, // 64 Set DPO config
eQMI_PDS_GET_ODP_CONFIG, // 65 Get ODP config
eQMI_PDS_SET_ODP_CONFIG, // 66 Set ODP config
eQMI_PDS_CANCEL_SINGLE_FIX, // 67 Cancel single position fix
eQMI_PDS_GET_GPS_STATE, // 68 Get GPS state
eQMI_PDS_GET_METHODS = 80, // 80 Get GPS position methods state
eQMI_PDS_SET_METHODS, // 81 Set GPS position methods state
eQMI_PDS_INJECT_SENSOR, // 82 Inject sensor data
eQMI_PDS_INJECT_TIME_SYNC, // 83 Inject time sync data
eQMI_PDS_GET_SENSOR_CFG, // 84 Get sensor config
eQMI_PDS_SET_SENSOR_CFG, // 85 Set sensor config
eQMI_PDS_GET_NAV_CFG, // 86 Get navigation config
eQMI_PDS_SET_NAV_CFG, // 87 Set navigation config
eQMI_PDS_SET_WLAN_BLANK = 90, // 90 Set WLAN blanking
eQMI_PDS_SET_LBS_SC_RPT, // 91 Set LBS security challenge reporting
eQMI_PDS_LBS_SC_IND = 91, // 91 LBS security challenge indication
eQMI_PDS_SET_LBS_SC, // 92 Set LBS security challenge
eQMI_PDS_GET_LBS_ENCRYPT_CFG, // 93 Get LBS security encryption config
eQMI_PDS_SET_LBS_UPDATE_RATE, // 94 Set LBS security update rate
eQMI_PDS_SET_CELLDB_CONTROL, // 95 Set cell database control
eQMI_PDS_READY_IND, // 96 Ready indication
eQMI_AUTH_START_EAP = 32, // 32 Start the EAP session
eQMI_AUTH_SEND_EAP, // 33 Send and receive EAP packets
eQMI_AUTH_EAP_RESULT_IND, // 34 EAP session result indication
eQMI_AUTH_GET_EAP_KEYS, // 35 Get the EAP session keys
eQMI_AUTH_END_EAP, // 36 End the EAP session
eQMI_AUTH_RUN_AKA, // 37 Runs the AKA algorithm
eQMI_AUTH_AKA_RESULT_IND, // 38 AKA algorithm result indication
eQMI_VOICE_INDICATION_REG = 3, // 03 Set indication registration state
eQMI_VOICE_CALL_ORIGINATE = 32, // 32 Originate a voice call
eQMI_VOICE_CALL_END, // 33 End a voice call
eQMI_VOICE_CALL_ANSWER, // 34 Answer incoming voice call
eQMI_VOICE_GET_CALL_INFO = 36, // 36 Get call information
eQMI_VOICE_INFO_REC_IND, // 38 New info record indication
eQMI_VOICE_SEND_FLASH, // 39 Send a simple flash
eQMI_VOICE_BURST_DTMF, // 40 Send a burst DTMF
eQMI_VOICE_START_CONT_DTMF, // 41 Starts a continuous DTMF
eQMI_VOICE_STOP_CONT_DTMF, // 42 Stops a continuous DTMF
eQMI_VOICE_DTMF_IND, // 43 DTMF event indication
eQMI_VOICE_SET_PRIVACY_PREF, // 44 Set privacy preference
eQMI_VOICE_PRIVACY_IND, // 45 Privacy change indication
eQMI_VOICE_ALL_STATUS_IND, // 46 Voice all call status indication
eQMI_VOICE_GET_ALL_STATUS, // 47 Get voice all call status
eQMI_VOICE_MANAGE_CALLS = 49, // 49 Manage calls
eQMI_VOICE_SUPS_NOTIFICATION_IND, // 50 Supplementary service notifications
eQMI_VOICE_SET_SUPS_SERVICE, // 51 Manage supplementary service
eQMI_VOICE_GET_CALL_WAITING, // 52 Query sup service call waiting
eQMI_VOICE_GET_CALL_BARRING, // 53 Query sup service call barring
eQMI_VOICE_GET_CLIP, // 54 Query sup service CLIP
eQMI_VOICE_GET_CLIR, // 55 Query sup service CLIR
eQMI_VOICE_GET_CALL_FWDING, // 56 Query sup service call forwarding
eQMI_VOICE_SET_CALL_BARRING_PWD, // 57 Set call barring password
eQMI_VOICE_ORIG_USSD, // 58 Initiate USSD operation
eQMI_VOICE_ANSWER_USSD, // 59 Answer USSD request
eQMI_VOICE_CANCEL_USSD, // 60 Cancel USSD operation
eQMI_VOICE_USSD_RELEASE_IND, // 61 USSD release indication
eQMI_VOICE_USSD_IND, // 62 USSD request/notification indication
eQMI_VOICE_UUS_IND, // 63 UUS information indication
eQMI_VOICE_SET_CONFIG, // 64 Set config
eQMI_VOICE_GET_CONFIG, // 65 Get config
eQMI_VOICE_SUPS_IND, // 66 Sup service request indication
eQMI_VOICE_ASYNC_ORIG_USSD, // 67 Initiate USSD operation
eQMI_VOICE_ASYNC_USSD_IND = 67, // 67 USSD request/notification indication
eQMI_VOICE_BIND_SUBSCRIPTION, // 68 Bind subscription
eQMI_VOICE_ALS_SET_LINE_SW, // 69 ALS set line switching
eQMI_VOICE_ALS_SELECT_LINE, // 70 ALS select line
eQMI_VOICE_AOC_SET_ACM_MAX, // 72 ACM set ACM maximum
eQMI_VOICE_AOC_GET_CM_INFO, // 73 AOC get call meter info
eQMI_VOICE_AOC_LOW_FUNDS_IND, // 74 AOC low funds indication
eQMI_VOICE_GET_COLP, // 75 Get COLP info
eQMI_VOICE_GET_COLR, // 76 Get COLR info
eQMI_VOICE_GET_CNAP, // 77 Get CNAP info
eQMI_VOICE_MANAGE_IP_CALLS, // 78 Manage VoIP calls
eQMI_CAT_RESET, // 00 Reset CAT service state variables
eQMI_CAT_SET_EVENT, // 01 Set new message report conditions
eQMI_CAT_EVENT_IND = 1, // 01 New message report indication
eQMI_CAT_GET_STATE = 32, // 32 Get service state information
eQMI_CAT_SEND_TERMINAL, // 33 Send a terminal response
eQMI_CAT_SEND_ENVELOPE, // 34 Send an envelope command
eQMI_CAT_GET_EVENT, // 35 Get last message report
eQMI_CAT_SEND_DECODED_TERMINAL, // 36 Send a decoded terminal response
eQMI_CAT_SEND_DECODED_ENVELOPE, // 37 Send a decoded envelope command
eQMI_CAT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION, // 38 Event confirmation
eQMI_CAT_SCWS_OPEN_CHANNEL, // 39 Open a channel to a SCWS
eQMI_CAT_SCWS_OPEN_IND = 39, // 39 SCWS open channel indication
eQMI_CAT_SCWS_CLOSE_CHANNEL, // 40 Close a channel to a SCWS
eQMI_CAT_SCWS_CLOSE_IND = 40, // 40 SCWS close channel indication
eQMI_CAT_SCWS_SEND_DATA, // 41 Send data to a SCWS
eQMI_CAT_SCWS_SEND_IND = 41, // 41 SCWS send data indication
eQMI_CAT_SCWS_DATA_AVAILABLE, // 42 Indicate that data is available
eQMI_CAT_SCWS_CHANNEL_STATUS, // 43 Provide channel status
eQMI_RMS_RESET, // 00 Reset RMS service state variables
eQMI_RMS_GET_SMS_WAKE = 32, // 32 Get SMS wake settings
eQMI_RMS_SET_SMS_WAKE, // 33 Set SMS wake settings
eQMI_OMA_RESET, // 00 Reset OMA service state variables
eQMI_OMA_SET_EVENT, // 01 Set OMA report conditions
eQMI_OMA_EVENT_IND = 1, // 01 OMA report indication
eQMI_OMA_START_SESSION = 32, // 32 Start client inititated session
eQMI_OMA_CANCEL_SESSION, // 33 Cancel session
eQMI_OMA_GET_SESSION_INFO, // 34 Get session information
eQMI_OMA_SEND_SELECTION, // 35 Send selection for net inititated msg
eQMI_OMA_GET_FEATURES, // 36 Get feature settings
eQMI_OMA_SET_FEATURES, // 37 Set feature settings
entities = { 30: TP_REQUEST, # 30 QMI CTL request
31: TP_RESPONSE, # 31 QMI CTL response
32: TP_INDICATION, # 32 QMI CTL indication
33: TP_REQUEST, # 33 QMI WDS request
34: TP_RESPONSE, # 34 QMI WDS response
35: TP_INDICATION, # 35 QMI WDS indication
36: TP_REQUEST, # 36 QMI DMS request
37: TP_RESPONSE, # 37 QMI DMS response
38: TP_INDICATION, # 38 QMI DMS indication
39: TP_REQUEST, # 39 QMI NAS request
40: TP_RESPONSE, # 40 QMI NAS response
41: TP_INDICATION, # 41 QMI NAS indication
42: TP_REQUEST, # 42 QMI QOS request
43: TP_RESPONSE, # 43 QMI QOS response
44: TP_INDICATION, # 44 QMI QOS indication
45: TP_REQUEST, # 45 QMI WMS request
46: TP_RESPONSE, # 46 QMI WMS response
47: TP_INDICATION, # 47 QMI WMS indication
48: TP_REQUEST, # 48 QMI PDS request
49: TP_RESPONSE, # 49 QMI PDS response
50: TP_INDICATION, # 50 QMI PDS indication
51: TP_REQUEST, # 51 QMI AUTH request
52: TP_RESPONSE, # 52 QMI AUTH response
53: TP_INDICATION, # 53 QMI AUTH indication
54: TP_REQUEST, # 54 QMI CAT request
55: TP_RESPONSE, # 55 QMI CAT response
56: TP_INDICATION, # 56 QMI CAT indication
57: TP_REQUEST, # 57 QMI RMS request
58: TP_RESPONSE, # 58 QMI RMS response
59: TP_INDICATION, # 59 QMI RMS indication
60: TP_REQUEST, # 60 QMI OMA request
61: TP_RESPONSE, # 61 QMI OMA response
62: TP_INDICATION, # 62 QMI OMA indication
63: TP_REQUEST, # 63 QMI voice request
64: TP_RESPONSE, # 64 QMI voice response
65: TP_INDICATION # 65 QMI voice indication
class Tlv:
def __init__(self, entno, cmdno, tlvno, service, cmdname, tlvname, direction):
self.entno = entno
self.cmdno = cmdno
self.tlvno = tlvno
self.service = service
self.cmdname = cmdname = tlvname
self.direction = direction
def show(self):
print (" " * 10) + '%s: "%s/%s/%s",' % (self.tlvno, self.service, self.cmdname,
class Cmd:
def __init__(self, service, cmdno, name):
self.service = service
self.cmdno = cmdno = name
self.tlvs = { TP_REQUEST: {}, TP_RESPONSE: {}, TP_INDICATION: {} }
def add_tlv(self, direction, tlv):
if self.tlvs[direction].has_key(tlv.tlvno):
old = self.tlvs[direction][tlv.tlvno]
raise ValueError("Tried to add duplicate TLV [%s %d:%d (%s/%s/%s)] had [%s %d:%d (%s/%s/%s)]" % (self.service, \
self.cmdno, tlv.tlvno, self.service,,, self.service, self.cmdno, old.tlvno, self.service, \,
self.tlvs[direction][tlv.tlvno] = tlv
def show_direction(self, direction):
if len(self.tlvs[direction].keys()) == 0:
print "%s = { # %d" % (self.get_array_name(direction), self.cmdno)
keys = self.tlvs[direction].keys()
for k in keys:
tlv = self.tlvs[direction][k]
print (" " * 8) + "}\n"
def show_tlvs(self):
def get_array_name(self, direction):
if len(self.tlvs[direction].keys()) == 0:
return "None"
tags = { TP_REQUEST: "req", TP_RESPONSE: "rsp", TP_INDICATION: "ind" }
return "%s_%s_%s_tlvs" % (self.service,, tags[direction])
# parse list of services and their commands
services = {}
for l in cmdenum.split("\n"):
l = l.strip()
if not len(l):
l = l.replace("eQMI_", "")
svcend = l.find("_")
if svcend < 0:
raise ValueError("Failed to get service")
svc = l[:svcend].lower()
l = l[svcend + 1:]
comma = l.find(",")
space = l.find(" =")
idx = -1
if comma >= 0 and (space < 0 or comma < space):
idx = comma
elif space >= 0 and (comma < 0 or space < comma):
idx = space
raise ValueError("Couldn't determine command name")
cmdname = l[:idx]
l = l[idx:]
comment = l.index("// ")
l = l[comment + 3:]
end = l.index(" ")
cmdno = int(l[:end])
cmd = Cmd(svc, cmdno, cmdname)
if not services.has_key(svc):
services[svc] = {}
if services[svc].has_key(cmdno):
# ignore duplicat indication numbers
if cmdname.find("_IND") >= 0:
raise KeyError("Already have %s/%s/%d" % (svc, cmdname, cmdno))
services[svc][cmdno] = cmd
# read in Entity.txt
f = open(sys.argv[1])
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
parts = line.split("^")
struct = int(parts[3])
entno = int(parts[0])
ids = parts[1].replace('"', "").split(",")
cmdno = int(ids[0])
tlvno = int(ids[1])
name = parts[2].replace('"', "").split("/")
service = name[0]
cmdname = name[1]
tlvname = name[2]
direction = entities[entno]
tlv = Tlv(entno, cmdno, tlvno, service, cmdname, tlvname, direction)
services[service.lower()][cmdno].add_tlv(direction, tlv)
svcsorted = services.keys()
for s in svcsorted:
# print each service's command's TLVs
cmdssorted = services[s].keys()
for c in cmdssorted:
cmd = services[s][c]
# print each service's command dict
print "%s_cmds = {" % s
for c in cmdssorted:
cmd = services[s][c]
print ' %d: ("%s", %s, %s, %s),' % (cmd.cmdno,, \
cmd.get_array_name(TP_REQUEST), cmd.get_array_name(TP_RESPONSE), cmd.get_array_name(TP_INDICATION))
print " }"
print ""
# print out services
slist = { 0: "ctl", 1: "wds", 2: "dms", 3: "nas", 4: "qos", 5: "wms",
6: "pds", 7: "auth", 9: "voice", 224: "cat", 225: "rms", 226: "oma" }
slistsorted = slist.keys()
print "services = {"
for s in slistsorted:
cmdlistname = "None"
if slist[s] != "qos":
# QoS doesn't appear to have any commands
cmdlistname = slist[s] + "_cmds"
print ' %d: ("%s", %s),' % (s, slist[s], cmdlistname)
print " }"