blob: c69b8978a3c52a5f090a2436485bb6ca91dac6c7 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _NODELIST_H
#define _NODELIST_H
#include "avltree.h"
/* define a macro that make an advanced free on pointer */
#define xfree(a) \
do { \
gsh_free(a); \
a = NULL; \
} while (0)
/*! \addtogroup NODELIST_RANGE
* @{
* \brief structure that represent a range of long int value
typedef struct nl_range {
long int from;
long int to;
} nl_range_t;
* \brief set bridge range values
* \param r1 input range
* \param v1 from value
* \param v2 to value
void nl_range_set(nl_range_t *r1, long int v1, long int v2);
* \brief Indicate if the range is a valid one. That is to say if from value
* is lower that to value
* \param r1 input range
* \retval 1 if the range is valid
* \retval 0 if the range is not valid
int nl_range_check(nl_range_t *r1);
* @brief Indicate if the first range equals, is placed before
* or is placed after the second one
* \param r1 one of the two input ranges
* \param r2 one of the two input ranges
* \retval 1 if the second one end before the start of the first one
* \retval 0 if the two ranges are equals
* \retval -1 if the second one start after the end of the first one
int nl_range_compare(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2);
* \brief Indicate if it exists an non empty intersection
* between the two input ranges
* \param r1 one of the two input ranges
* \param r2 one of the two input ranges
* \retval 1 an intersection exists
* \retval 0 otherwise
int nl_range_intersects(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2);
* \brief Gives the range that is common to the two input ranges
* \param r1 one of the two input ranges
* \param r2 one of the two input ranges
* \param r3 output range
* \retval 0 operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
int nl_range_intersection(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2,
nl_range_t *r3);
* \brief Indicate if the two input ranges are contiguous
* \param r1 one of the two input ranges
* \param r2 one of the two input ranges
* \retval 0 if not continuous
* \retval 1 if continuous and r1 is before r2
* \retval 2 if continuous and r2 is before r1
int nl_range_contiguous(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2);
* \brief Indicate if one of the two input range is included in the other
* one
* \param r1 one of the two input ranges
* \param r2 one of the two input ranges
* \retval 0 if no inclusion detected
* \retval 1 if r2 is included in r1 (r1 is the bigger one)
* \retval 2 if r1 is included in r2 (r2 is the bigger one)
int nl_range_includes(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2);
* brief Gives a nl_range that represent the union of the two nl_ranges
* given in input. The two ranges must intersect or be continuous otherwise
* operation will failed
* @param[in] r1 one of the two input ranges
* @param[in] r2 one of the two input ranges
* @param[out] rout output range
* @retval 0 operation successfully done
* @retval -1 operation failed
int nl_range_union(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2,
nl_range_t *rout);
* @}
* @{
* \brief structure that represent a range of long int value
typedef struct nl_rangelist {
long int ranges_nb;
nl_range_t *array;
size_t pre_allocated_ranges;
} nl_rangelist_t;
void nl_rangelist_init(nl_rangelist_t *array);
void nl_rangelist_init_by_copy(nl_rangelist_t *array, nl_rangelist_t *a2c);
* \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
* \brief Free a bridge ranges array structure contents
* \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to finalize
void nl_rangelist_free_contents(nl_rangelist_t *array);
* \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
* \brief Increment a bridge ranges array storage zone
* \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to increment
void nl_rangelist_incremente_size(nl_rangelist_t *array);
* \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
* \brief Add a range to a bridge ranges array
* The range will be merge with already existing ranges if required
* and resulting ranges will be sorted
* \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to use for add-on
* \param r range that will be add to the array
void nl_rangelist_add_range(nl_rangelist_t *array, nl_range_t *r);
* \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
* \brief Add a list of values to a bridge ranges array
* The range will be merge with already existing ranges if required
* and resulting ranges will be sorted
* \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to use for add-on
* \param list values list that must be added (pattern [*,*-*...])
* \retval n padding if operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
int nl_rangelist_add_list(nl_rangelist_t *array, char *list);
* \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
* \brief Sort a bridge ranges array
* \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to sort
void nl_rangelist_sort(nl_rangelist_t *array);
* @}
/*! \addtogroup NODELIST_IDS_LIST
* @{
* \brief structure that represent a range of long int value
typedef struct nl_idlist {
long int id_nb;
nl_rangelist_t rangelist; /*!<
* ranges array of this list
} nl_idlist_t;
* \brief Initialize a bridge ids list structure
* \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure to initialize
* \param lists array of strings containing ids to add to this list
* \param lists_nb quanity of string in the array
* \retval 0 operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
int nl_idlist_init(nl_idlist_t *idlist, char **lists,
int lists_nb);
* \brief Free a bridge ids list structure
* \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure to finalize
* \retval 0 operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
int nl_idlist_free_contents(nl_idlist_t *idlist);
* \brief Add a ids list to a bridge ids list structure
* \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure
* \param list ids list to add to this bridge ids list
* \retval n padding length if operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
int nl_idlist_add_ids(nl_idlist_t *idlist, char *list);
* \brief Get ids quantity
* \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure
* \retval quantity of ids in this bridge ids list
long int nl_idlist_ids_quantity(nl_idlist_t *idlist);
* \brief Get extended ids string
* \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure
* \param p_string pointer on a string that will be allocated
* and filled with ids names
* \retval 0 operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
int nl_idlist_get_extended_string(nl_idlist_t *idlist,
char **p_string);
* \brief Get compacted ids string
* \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure
* \param p_string pointer on a string that will be allocated
* and filled with compacted ids list
* \retval 0 operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
int nl_idlist_get_compacted_string(nl_idlist_t *idlist,
char **p_string);
* @}
* @{
* \brief structure that represent a nodename pattern
* can be use for basic node or enumartion node (prefixXXXsuffix pattern)
typedef struct nl_nodepattern {
int padding; /*!< padding length */
char *prefix; /*!< nodename prefix */
char *suffix; /*!< nodename suffix */
int basic; /*!< basic node flag 0=no 1=yes */
} nl_nodepattern_t;
* \brief Initialize a bridge node pattern structure
* by default, padding is set to 0, prefix and suffix to NULL
* and the node pattern is basic
* \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to initialize
void nl_nodepattern_init(nl_nodepattern_t *np);
* \brief Initialize a bridge node pattern structure by dumping an other one
* by default, padding is set to 0, prefix and suffix to NULL
* and the node pattern is basic
* \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to initialize
* \param npin pointer on a bridge node pattern to copy
void nl_nodepattern_init_by_copy(nl_nodepattern_t *np, nl_nodepattern_t *npin);
* \brief Clean a bridge node pattern structure
* \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to free
void nl_nodepattern_free_contents(nl_nodepattern_t *np);
* \brief Set bridge node pattern padding
* \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to free
* \param padding padding value of the pattern
static inline void nl_nodepattern_set_padding(nl_nodepattern_t *np, int padding)
np->padding = padding;
* \brief Set bridge node pattern prefix
* \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure
* \param prefix node pattern prefix
static inline
void nl_nodepattern_set_prefix(nl_nodepattern_t *np, char *prefix)
if (prefix != NULL) {
np->prefix = gsh_strdup(prefix);
* \brief Set bridge node pattern suffix
* \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure
* \param suffix node pattern suffix
static inline
void nl_nodepattern_set_suffix(nl_nodepattern_t *np, char *suffix)
if (suffix != NULL) {
np->suffix = gsh_strdup(suffix);
int nl_nodepattern_equals(nl_nodepattern_t *np1,
nl_nodepattern_t *np2);
* @}
/*! \addtogroup NODELIST_NODELIST
* @{
* \brief structure that represent a range of long int value
typedef struct nl_nodelist {
nl_nodepattern_t pattern;
nl_rangelist_t rangelist;
struct nl_nodelist *next;
} nl_nl_t;
* \brief Initialize a bridge nodes list structure
* \param nodelist pointer on a bridge nodes list structure to initialize
* \param lists array of strings containing nodes to add to this list
* \param lists_nb quanity of string in the array
void nl_nl_init(nl_nl_t *nodelist, char **lists, int lists_nb);
* \brief Free a bridge nodes list structure
* \param nodelist pointer on a bridge nodes list structure to finalize
void nl_nl_free_contents(nl_nl_t *nodelist);
* \brief Add a nodes list to a bridge nodes list structure
* \param nodelist pointer on a bridge nodes list structure
* \param list nodes list to add to this bridge nodes list
void nl_nl_add_nodes(nl_nl_t *nodelist, char *list);
* \brief Get nodes quantity
* \param nodelist pointer on a bridge nodes list structure
* \retval quantity of nodes in this bridge nodes list
long int nl_nl_nodes_quantity(nl_nl_t *nodelist);
* \brief Get an compacted nodes list based on a extended one
* \param src_list extended (or not) nodes list
* \param p_dst_list compacted nodes list
* \retval n nodes quantity if operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
* @}
* \brief Get number of tokens included in a string
* \param string input string
* \param separators_list string containing allowed token 's separators
* \param p_token_nb pointer on an integer that will be set
* to tokens quantity found in the string
* \retval 0 operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
int nl_common_string_get_tokens_quantity(char *string,
char *separators_list,
int *p_token_nb);
* \brief Get a specific token included in a string
* \param string input string
* \param separators_list string containing allowed token 's separators
* \param token id the id of the token in the list
* \param p_token pointer on a string that will be
* set according to the token value (must be free later)
* \retval 0 operation successfully done
* \retval -1 operation failed
int nl_common_string_get_token(char *string, char *separators_list,
int token_id, char **p_token);
int nl_map_condensed(char *src_list,
int (*map_function)(char *, void *),
void *otherparams);