blob: 7d7cb05f280be8f67d70b9917d164a08b90f3853 [file] [log] [blame]
# shellcheck disable=SC2091
# quicktest runs the ShellCheck unit tests.
# Once `doctests` test executable is build, we can just run it
# This allows running tests without compiling library, which is faster.
# 'cabal test' remains the source of truth.
$(find dist -type f -name doctests)
# Note: if you have build the project with new-build
# % cabal new-build -w ghc-8.4.3 --enable-tests
# and have cabal-plan installed (e.g. with cabal new-install cabal-plan),
# then you can quicktest with
# % $(cabal-plan list-bin doctests)
# Once the test executable exists, we can simply run it to perform doctests
# which use GHCi under the hood.