tpm2: remove generator

This CL removes generator scripts from tpm2 repository. Future
re-generation of the code is not expected, Python 2 support is being

TEST=build cr50

Change-Id: I3640633bee54e62f997c06d988432b2b1307a6e4
Tested-by: Andrey Pronin <>
Reviewed-by: Vadim Bendebury <>
Commit-Queue: Andrey Pronin <>
diff --git a/generator/README b/generator/README
deleted file mode 100644
index ca8753f..0000000
--- a/generator/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Code generation scripts for libtpm2 process TCG TPM2 library specification in
-HTML form and generate the appropriate type definitions and interface code.
-See  This version of libtpm2 is based on
-Family TPM 2.0 Level 00 Revision 01.16.
-Parts 2,3 and 4 of the specification were converted from PDF into HTML using
-Adobe Acrobat editor, and tarred and zipped into TPM2_Parts_2_3_4.tgz.
-Note that presently the scripts still do not process part4, and ignore all
-source code included in part 3.
-Run this command in the root tpm2 directory:
-$ generator/ generator/TPM2_Parts_2_3_4.tgz
-The generator can also be invoked with separate html files as command line
-$ generator/ <part2>.html <part3>.html
diff --git a/generator/TPM2_Parts_2_3_4.tgz b/generator/TPM2_Parts_2_3_4.tgz
deleted file mode 100644
index 620a24e..0000000
--- a/generator/TPM2_Parts_2_3_4.tgz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
deleted file mode 100755
index dd1e7a8..0000000
--- a/generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""A code generator for TPM 2.0 commands.
-The command generator takes as input a list of command objects generated by
-parsing the TCG specification and outputs valid C code to marshal command
-input and output structures, and also generates functions ParseHandleBuffer
-and CommandDispatcher defined by the TCG TPM2.0 Library Specification.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import re
-from subprocess import call
-from structure_generator import COPYRIGHT_HEADER
-from structure_generator import Field
-#ifndef TPM2_%(name)s_FP_H_
-#define TPM2_%(name)s_FP_H_
-#endif  // TPM2_%(name)s_FP_H
-#include "tpm_generated.h"
-#include "MemoryLib_fp.h"
-#include "%(command_name)s_fp.h"
-_COMMAND_DISPATCHER_INCLUDES = '#include "%(command_name)s_fp.h"\n'
-#include "Implementation.h"
-#include "CommandDispatcher_fp.h"
-TPM_RC CommandDispatcher(
-    TPM_CC command_code,
-    INT32 *request_parameter_buffer_size,
-    BYTE *request_parameter_buffer_start,
-    TPM_HANDLE request_handles[],
-    UINT32 *response_handle_buffer_size,
-    UINT32 *response_parameter_buffer_size) {
-  BYTE *request_parameter_buffer = request_parameter_buffer_start;
-  switch(command_code) {"""
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-    case TPM_CC_%(command_name)s:
-      return Exec_%(command_name)s(tag, &request_parameter_buffer,
-          request_parameter_buffer_size, request_handles,
-          response_handle_buffer_size, response_parameter_buffer_size);
-    default:
-      return TPM_RC_COMMAND_CODE;
-  }
-#include "tpm_generated.h"
-#include "HandleProcess_fp.h"
-#include "Implementation.h"
-#include "TPM_Types.h"
-TPM_RC ParseHandleBuffer(
-    TPM_CC command_code,
-    BYTE **request_handle_buffer_start,
-    INT32 *request_buffer_remaining_size,
-    TPM_HANDLE request_handles[],
-    UINT32 *num_request_handles) {
-  TPM_RC result = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
-  *num_request_handles = 0;
-  switch(command_code) {
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_code)s)
-    case TPM_CC_%(command_code)s:"""
-      result = %(handle_type)s_Unmarshal(
-          (%(handle_type)s*)&request_handles[*num_request_handles],
-          request_handle_buffer_start,
-          request_buffer_remaining_size);"""
-      result = %(handle_type)s_Unmarshal(
-          (%(handle_type)s*)&request_handles[*num_request_handles],
-          request_handle_buffer_start,
-          request_buffer_remaining_size,
-          %(flag_val)s);"""
-      if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-        return result;
-      }
-      ++(*num_request_handles);"""
-      return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
-    default:
-      return TPM_RC_COMMAND_CODE;
-  }
-#include "TPM_Types.h"
-const char* GetCommandCodeString(TPM_CC command_code);
-#include "GetCommandCodeString_fp.h"
-const char* GetCommandCodeString(TPM_CC command_code) {
-  switch(command_code) {"""
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-  case TPM_CC_%(command_name)s:
-      return "%(command_name)s";
-    default:
-      return "Unknown command";
-  }
-class Command(object):
-  """Represents a TPM command.
-  Attributes:
-    name: The command name (e.g. 'TPM2_Startup').
-    command_code: The name of the command code constant (e.g. TPM2_CC_Startup).
-    request_args: A list to hold command input arguments. Each element is a dict
-        and has these keys:
-            'type': The argument type.
-            'name': The argument name.
-            'command_code': The optional value of the command code constant.
-            'description': Optional descriptive text for the argument.
-            'has_conditional': String literal 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' indicating
-                whether 'type' is allowed to have a conditional value.
-    response_args: A list identical in form to request_args but to hold command
-        output arguments.
-  """
-  _HANDLE_RE = re.compile(r'TPMI_.H_.*')
-typedef struct {"""
-  %(type)s %(name)s;"""
-} %(command_name)s_%(direction)s;
-// Executes %(command_name)s with request handles and parameters from
-// |in| and computes response handles and parameters to |out|.
-TPM_RC TPM2_%(command_name)s(
-    %(command_name)s_In *in,
-    %(command_name)s_Out *out);
-// Executes %(command_name)s with request handles and parameters from |in|.
-TPM_RC TPM2_%(command_name)s(
-    %(command_name)s_In *in);
-// Executes %(command_name)s and computes response handles and parameters
-// to |out|.
-TPM_RC TPM2_%(command_name)s(
-    %(command_name)s_Out *out);
-  _EXEC_DECL = """
-// Unmarshals any request parameters starting at |request_parameter_buffer|.
-// Executes command. Marshals any response handles and parameters to the
-// global response buffer and computes |*response_handle_buffer_size| and
-// |*response_parameter_buffer_size|. If |tag| == TPM_ST_SESSIONS, marshals
-// parameter_size indicating the size of the parameter area. parameter_size
-// field is located between the handle area and parameter area.
-TPM_RC Exec_%(command_name)s(
-    BYTE **request_parameter_buffer,
-    INT32 *request_parameter_buffer_size,
-    TPM_HANDLE request_handles[],
-    UINT32 *response_handle_buffer_size,
-    UINT32 *response_parameter_buffer_size);
-TPM_RC Exec_%(command_name)s(
-    BYTE **request_parameter_buffer,
-    INT32 *request_parameter_buffer_size,
-    TPM_HANDLE request_handles[],
-    UINT32 *response_handle_buffer_size,
-    UINT32 *response_parameter_buffer_size) {
-  TPM_RC result = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;"""
-  %(command_name)s_In in;
-  %(command_name)s_Out out;
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-  BYTE *response_buffer;
-  INT32 response_buffer_size;
-  UINT16 bytes_marshalled;
-  UINT16 num_response_handles = %(num_response_handles)s;
-  *response_handle_buffer_size = 0;
-  *response_parameter_buffer_size = 0;
-  // Unmarshal request parameters to input structure.
-  result = %(command_name)s_In_Unmarshal(&in, request_handles,
-      request_parameter_buffer, request_parameter_buffer_size);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }
-  // Execute command.
-  result = TPM2_%(command_name)s(&in, &out);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }
-// Marshal output structure to global response buffer.
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-  response_buffer = MemoryGetResponseBuffer(TPM_CC_%(command_name)s) + 10;
-  response_buffer_size = MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE - 10;
-  bytes_marshalled = %(command_name)s_Out_Marshal(
-      &out, tag, &response_buffer, &response_buffer_size);
-  *response_handle_buffer_size = num_response_handles*sizeof(TPM_HANDLE);
-  *response_parameter_buffer_size =
-      bytes_marshalled - *response_handle_buffer_size;
-  return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
-  %(command_name)s_In in;
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-  BYTE *response_buffer;
-  INT32 response_buffer_size;
-  *response_handle_buffer_size = 0;
-  *response_parameter_buffer_size = 0;
-  // Unmarshal request parameters to input structure.
-  result = %(command_name)s_In_Unmarshal(&in, request_handles,
-      request_parameter_buffer, request_parameter_buffer_size);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }
-  // Execute command.
-  result = TPM2_%(command_name)s(&in);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-  response_buffer = MemoryGetResponseBuffer(TPM_CC_%(command_name)s) + 10;
-  response_buffer_size = MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE - 10;
-  // Add parameter_size field, always equal to 0 here.
-  if (tag == TPM_ST_SESSIONS) {
-    UINT32_Marshal(response_parameter_buffer_size, &response_buffer,
-        &response_buffer_size);
-  }
-  return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
-  %(command_name)s_Out out;
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-  BYTE *response_buffer;
-  INT32 response_buffer_size;
-  UINT16 bytes_marshalled;
-  UINT16 num_response_handles = %(num_response_handles)s;
-  *response_handle_buffer_size = 0;
-  *response_parameter_buffer_size = 0;
-  // Execute command.
-  result = TPM2_%(command_name)s(&out);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }
-// Marshal output structure containing response handles and parameters to
-// response buffer.
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-  response_buffer = MemoryGetResponseBuffer(TPM_CC_%(command_name)s) + 10;
-  response_buffer_size = MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE - 10;
-  bytes_marshalled = %(command_name)s_Out_Marshal(
-      &out, tag, &response_buffer, &response_buffer_size);
-  *response_handle_buffer_size = num_response_handles*sizeof(TPM_HANDLE);
-  *response_parameter_buffer_size =
-      bytes_marshalled - *response_handle_buffer_size;
-  return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
-static TPM_RC %(command_name)s_In_Unmarshal(
-    %(command_name)s_In *target,
-    TPM_HANDLE request_handles[],
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  TPM_RC result = TPM_RC_SUCCESS;"""
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-static UINT16 %(command_name)s_Out_Marshal(
-    %(command_name)s_Out *source,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  UINT16 total_size = 0;
-  UINT32 parameter_size = 0;
-  BYTE *parameter_size_location;
-  INT32 parameter_size_size = sizeof(UINT32);
-  UINT32 num_response_handles = %(num_response_handles)s;"""
-  if ((result == TPM_RC_SUCCESS) && *size) {
-    result = TPM_RC_SIZE;
-  }
-  return result;
-  _MARSHAL_END = """
-  // Compute actual parameter_size. Don't add result to total_size.
-  if (tag == TPM_ST_SESSIONS) {
-    parameter_size = total_size - num_response_handles*sizeof(TPM_HANDLE);
-    UINT32_Marshal(
-        &parameter_size, &parameter_size_location, &parameter_size_size);
-  }
-  return total_size;
-  target->%(field_name)s = request_handles[%(num)s];"""
-  // Add parameter_size=0 to indicate size of the parameter area. Will be
-  // replaced later by computed parameter_size.
-  if (tag == TPM_ST_SESSIONS) {
-    parameter_size_location = *buffer;
-    // Don't add to total_size, but increment *buffer and decrement *size.
-    UINT32_Marshal(&parameter_size, buffer, size);
-  }"""
-  def __init__(self, name):
-    """Initializes a Command instance.
-    Initially the request_args and response_args attributes are not set.
-    Args:
-      name: The command name (e.g. 'TPM2_Startup').
-    """
- = name
-    self.request_args = None
-    self.response_args = None
-    if name.startswith('TPM2_'):
-      self.command_code = name.replace('TPM2_', 'TPM_CC_')
-    else:
-      self.command_code = ''
-  def __str__(self):
-    s = ['%s:' %,]
-    if self.request_args:
-      s.append(' req:')
-      for r in self.request_args:
-        s.append('  %s: %s' % (r['type'], r['name']))
-    if self.response_args:
-      s.append(' resp:')
-      for r in self.response_args:
-        s.append('  %s: %s' % (r['type'], r['name']))
-    s.append('')
-    return '\n'.join(s)
-  def OutputMarshalFunction(self, out_file, typemap):
-    """Generates a marshal function for the command output structure.
-    Args:
-      out_file: File to be written to opened by the caller.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-          Generated by structure_generator.
-    """
-    if not self.response_args:
-      return
-    # Categorize arguments as either handles or parameters.
-    handles, parameters = self._SplitArgs(self.response_args)
-    out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_COMMAND_START % {
-        'command_name': self.MethodName(),
-        'num_response_handles': self._GetNumberOfResponseHandles()})
-    if handles:
-      out_file.write('\n  // Marshal response handles.')
-    for handle in handles:
-      typemap[handle['type']].OutputMarshalCall(
-          out_file, Field(handle['type'],
-                          handle['name'],
-                          conditional_value=handle['has_conditional']))
-    out_file.write(self._PARAMETERSIZE_CHECK)
-    if parameters:
-      out_file.write('\n  // Marshal response parameters.')
-    for parameter in parameters:
-      typemap[parameter['type']].OutputMarshalCall(
-          out_file, Field(parameter['type'], parameter['name'],
-                          conditional_value=parameter['has_conditional']))
-    out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_END)
-  def OutputUnmarshalFunction(self, out_file, typemap):
-    """Generates a unmarshal function for the command input structure.
-    Args:
-      out_file: File to be written to opened by the caller.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-          Generated by structure_generator.
-    """
-    if not self.request_args:
-      return
-    # Categorize arguments as either handles or parameters.
-    handles, parameters = self._SplitArgs(self.request_args)
-    out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_COMMAND_START % {
-        'command_name': self.MethodName()})
-    if handles:
-      out_file.write('\n  // Get request handles from request_handles array.')
-    for index, handle in enumerate(handles):
-      out_file.write(self._SET_COMMAND_HANDLE % {'field_name': handle['name'],
-                                                 'num': index})
-    if parameters:
-      out_file.write('\n  // Unmarshal request parameters.')
-    for parameter in parameters:
-      typemap[parameter['type']].OutputUnmarshalCall(
-          out_file, Field(parameter['type'],
-                          parameter['name'],
-                          conditional_value=parameter['has_conditional']))
-    out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END)
-  def OutputExecFunction(self, out_file):
-    """Generates an exec function for the command.
-    Args:
-      out_file: File to be written to opened by the caller.
-    """
-    out_file.write(
-        self._EXEC_COMMAND_IMPL_START % {'command_name': self.MethodName()})
-    if self.request_args and self.response_args:
-      out_file.write(self._EXEC_COMMAND_IMPL_IN_OUT % {
-          'command_name': self.MethodName(),
-          'num_response_handles': self._GetNumberOfResponseHandles()})
-    elif self.request_args:
-      out_file.write(self._EXEC_COMMAND_IMPL_IN % {
-          'command_name': self.MethodName()})
-    elif self.response_args:
-      out_file.write(self._EXEC_COMMAND_IMPL_OUT % {
-          'command_name': self.MethodName(),
-          'num_response_handles': self._GetNumberOfResponseHandles()})
-  def OutputDecl(self, out_file):
-    """Generates a TPM object declaration."""
-    if self.request_args:
-      out_file.write(self._STRUCT_DECL_START)
-      for arg in self.request_args:
-        out_file.write(self._STRUCT_DECL_FIELD % {'type': arg['type'],
-                                                  'name': arg['name']})
-      out_file.write(self._STRUCT_DECL_END % {'command_name': self.MethodName(),
-                                              'direction': 'In'})
-    if self.response_args:
-      out_file.write(self._STRUCT_DECL_START)
-      for arg in self.response_args:
-        out_file.write(self._STRUCT_DECL_FIELD % {'type': arg['type'],
-                                                  'name': arg['name']})
-      out_file.write(self._STRUCT_DECL_END % {'command_name': self.MethodName(),
-                                              'direction': 'Out'})
-    if len(self.response_args) and len(self.request_args):
-      out_file.write(
-          self._FUNCTION_DECL_IN_OUT % {'command_name': self.MethodName()})
-    elif self.response_args:
-      out_file.write(
-          self._FUNCTION_DECL_OUT % {'command_name': self.MethodName()})
-    elif self.request_args:
-      out_file.write(
-          self._FUNCTION_DECL_IN % {'command_name': self.MethodName()})
-    out_file.write(self._EXEC_DECL % {'command_name': self.MethodName()})
-  def _GetNumberOfRequestHandles(self):
-    """Returns the number of input handles for this command."""
-    return len(self._SplitArgs(self.request_args)[0])
-  def _GetNumberOfResponseHandles(self):
-    """Returns the number of output handles for this command."""
-    return len(self._SplitArgs(self.response_args)[0])
-  def MethodName(self):
-    """Creates an appropriate generated method name for the command.
-    We use the command name without the TPM2_ prefix.
-    Returns:
-      The method name.
-    """
-    if not'TPM2_'):
-      return
-    return[5:]
-  def GetRequestHandles(self):
-    """Returns a list of input handles for this command."""
-    return self._SplitArgs(self.request_args)[0]
-  def _SplitArgs(self, args):
-    """Splits a list of args into handles and parameters."""
-    always_params = {
-        'TPM_CC_FlushContext': 'TPMI_DH_CONTEXT',
-        'TPM_CC_Hash': 'TPMI_RH_HIERARCHY',
-        'TPM_CC_LoadExternal': 'TPMI_RH_HIERARCHY',
-        'TPM_CC_SequenceComplete': 'TPMI_RH_HIERARCHY',
-    }
-    handles = []
-    parameters = []
-    always_handle = set(['TPM_HANDLE'])
-    # Handle types that appear as command parameters.
-    always_parameter = set(['TPMI_RH_ENABLES', 'TPMI_DH_PERSISTENT'])
-    if self.command_code in always_params:
-      always_parameter.add(always_params[self.command_code])
-    for arg in args:
-      if (arg['type'] in always_handle or
-          (['type']) and
-           arg['type'] not in always_parameter)):
-        handles.append(arg)
-      else:
-        parameters.append(arg)
-    return handles, parameters
-def _OutputCommandDispatcher(commands):
-  """Generates implementation file for CommandDispatcher function.
-  Args:
-    commands: A list of Command objects.
-  """
-  with open('CommandDispatcher.c', 'w') as out_file:
-    out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
-    for command in commands:
-      out_file.write(_COMMAND_DISPATCHER_INCLUDES %
-                     {'command_name': command.MethodName()})
-    out_file.write(_COMMAND_DISPATCHER_START)
-    for command in commands:
-      out_file.write(_COMMAND_DISPATCHER_CASE %
-                     {'command_name': command.MethodName()})
-    out_file.write(_COMMAND_DISPATCHER_END)
-  _ProcessClangFormat('CommandDispatcher.c')
-def _OutputHandleProcess(commands, typemap):
-  """Generates implementation file for ParseHandleBuffer function.
-  Args:
-    commands: A list of Command objects.
-    typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-        Generated by structure_generator.
-  """
-  with open('HandleProcess.c', 'w') as out_file:
-    out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
-    out_file.write(_HANDLE_PROCESS_START)
-    for command in commands:
-      out_file.write(_HANDLE_PROCESS_CASE_START %
-                     {'command_code': command.MethodName()})
-      for handle in command.GetRequestHandles():
-        if typemap[handle['type']].HasConditional():
-          out_file.write(_HANDLE_PROCESS_CASE_UNMARSHAL_FLAG %
-                         {'handle_type': handle['type'],
-                          'flag_val': handle['has_conditional']})
-        else:
-          out_file.write(_HANDLE_PROCESS_CASE_UNMARSHAL %
-                         {'handle_type': handle['type']})
-        out_file.write(_HANDLE_PROCESS_CASE_CHECK)
-      out_file.write(_HANDLE_PROCESS_CASE_END)
-    out_file.write(_HANDLE_PROCESS_END)
-  _ProcessClangFormat('HandleProcess.c')
-def _OutputGetCommandCodeString(commands):
-  """Generates header and implementation files for GetCommandCodeString.
-  Args:
-    commands: A list of Command objects.
-  """
-  with open('GetCommandCodeString_fp.h', 'w') as out_file:
-    out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
-    out_file.write(_GET_COMMAND_CODE_STRING_HEADER)
-  _ProcessClangFormat('GetCommandCodeString_fp.h')
-  with open('GetCommandCodeString.c', 'w') as out_file:
-    out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
-    out_file.write(_GET_COMMAND_CODE_STRING_START)
-    for command in commands:
-      out_file.write(_GET_COMMAND_CODE_STRING_CASE %
-                     {'command_name': command.MethodName()})
-    out_file.write(_GET_COMMAND_CODE_STRING_END)
-  _ProcessClangFormat('GetCommandCodeString.c')
-def GenerateHeader(commands):
-  """Generates a header file with declarations for all given generator objects.
-  Args:
-    commands: A list of Command objects.
-  """
-  for command in commands:
-    command_header_file = command.MethodName()+'_fp.h'
-    with open(command_header_file, 'w') as out_file:
-      out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
-      out_file.write(
-          _HEADER_FILE_GUARD_HEADER % {'name': command.MethodName().upper()})
-      out_file.write(_HEADER_FILE_INCLUDES)
-      command.OutputDecl(out_file)
-      out_file.write(
-          _HEADER_FILE_GUARD_FOOTER % {'name': command.MethodName().upper()})
-    _ProcessClangFormat(command_header_file)
-def GenerateImplementation(commands, typemap):
-  """Generates implementation code for each command.
-  Args:
-    commands: A list of Command objects.
-    typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-        Generated by structure_generator.
-  """
-  for command in commands:
-    marshal_command_file = 'Marshal_'+command.MethodName()+'.c'
-    with open(marshal_command_file, 'w') as out_file:
-      out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
-      out_file.write(_IMPLEMENTATION_FILE_INCLUDES %
-                     {'command_name': command.MethodName()})
-      command.OutputMarshalFunction(out_file, typemap)
-      command.OutputUnmarshalFunction(out_file, typemap)
-      command.OutputExecFunction(out_file)
-    _ProcessClangFormat(marshal_command_file)
-  _OutputHandleProcess(commands, typemap)
-  _OutputCommandDispatcher(commands)
-  _OutputGetCommandCodeString(commands)
-def _ProcessClangFormat(file_name):
-  """Call clang-format on the given file name.
-  Args:
-    file_name: A file name to apply clang-format.
-  """
-  call(['clang-format', '-i', '-style=Chromium', '-sort-includes=false',
-        file_name])
diff --git a/generator/cros.patch b/generator/cros.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ad34a9..0000000
--- a/generator/cros.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-diff --git b/tpm_generated.c a/tpm_generated.c
-index b6bd839..954bff3 100644
---- b/tpm_generated.c
-+++ a/tpm_generated.c
-@@ -2349,7 +2349,11 @@ UINT16 TPMS_SIG_SCHEME_RSASSA_Marshal(TPMS_SIG_SCHEME_RSASSA* source,
-                                         BYTE** buffer,
-                                         INT32* size) {
-+  return TPMI_ALG_HASH_Unmarshal(&target->hashAlg, buffer, size, TRUE);
-   return TPMS_SCHEME_HASH_Unmarshal(target, buffer, size);
- }
-diff --git b/tpm_types.h a/tpm_types.h
-index eec5e48..9528c36 100644
---- b/tpm_types.h
-+++ a/tpm_types.h
-@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ typedef UINT8 TPM_HT;
- #define TPM_HT_PERMANENT       0x40
- #define TPM_HT_TRANSIENT       0x80
- #define TPM_HT_PERSISTENT      0x81
-+#define TPM_HT_HIDDEN          0xfe
- // Table 29  Definition of TPM_RH Constants <  S>
- typedef TPM_HANDLE TPM_RH;
-@@ -404,6 +405,7 @@ typedef TPM_HANDLE TPM_HC;
- #define HR_PERSISTENT                       (TPM_HT_PERSISTENT <<  HR_SHIFT)
- #define HR_NV_INDEX                           (TPM_HT_NV_INDEX <<  HR_SHIFT)
- #define HR_PERMANENT                         (TPM_HT_PERMANENT <<  HR_SHIFT)
-+#define HR_HIDDEN                               (TPM_HT_HIDDEN <<  HR_SHIFT)
- #define PCR_FIRST                                               (HR_PCR + 0)
- #define PCR_LAST                          (PCR_FIRST + IMPLEMENTATION_PCR-1)
- #define HMAC_SESSION_FIRST                             (HR_HMAC_SESSION + 0)
-@@ -1119,9 +1121,12 @@ typedef union {
- #ifdef TPM_ALG_ECDSA
-   TPMS_SIG_SCHEME_ECDSA      ecdsa;
- #endif
--#ifdef TPM_ALG_ECDAA
-+// TODO(ngm): ECDAA is not currently supported
-+// on CR50, but this field has unguarded references
-+// in CryptUtil.c, so allow its inclusion.
-+// #ifdef TPM_ALG_ECDAA
-   TPMS_SIG_SCHEME_ECDAA      ecdaa;
-+// #endif
- #ifdef TPM_ALG_SM2
-   TPMS_SIG_SCHEME_SM2        sm2;
- #endif
-diff --git a/tpm_types.h b/tpm_types.h
-index 9528c36..822e5bd 100644
---- a/tpm_types.h
-+++ b/tpm_types.h
-@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ typedef UINT8 TPM_HT;
- #define TPM_HT_POLICY_SESSION  0x03
- #define TPM_HT_ACTIVE_SESSION  0x03
- #define TPM_HT_PERMANENT       0x40
--#define TPM_HT_TRANSIENT       0x80
--#define TPM_HT_PERSISTENT      0x81
--#define TPM_HT_HIDDEN          0xfe
-+#define TPM_HT_TRANSIENT       ((TPM_HT)0x80)
-+#define TPM_HT_PERSISTENT      ((TPM_HT)0x81)
-+#define TPM_HT_HIDDEN          ((TPM_HT)0xfe)
- // Table 29  Definition of TPM_RH Constants <  S>
- typedef TPM_HANDLE TPM_RH;
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
deleted file mode 100755
index 24a2ff5..0000000
--- a/generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Module for parsing TCG TPM2 library specification in HTML format.
-This module processes parts 2 and 3 of the specification, extracting
-information related to tables defined in the documents, feeding the
-information into the Table object for further processing and creating the
-appropriate TPM2 objects.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import HTMLParser
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import tpm_table
-table_name = re.compile(r'^\s*Table\s+[0-9]+')
-class SpecParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
-  """A class for parsing TCG specifications in html format."""
-  # The state machine of the parser could be in one of the following states.
-  ANCHOR = 0       # Look for table title anchor
-  TABLE_NAME = 1   # Look for table title in the data stream
-  TABLE_BODY = 2   # Scraping the actual table body
-  MAYBE_DONE = 3   # Could be over, unless a single spec table is split in
-                   # multiple HTML tables (to continue on the next page)
-  SKIP_HEADER = 4  # Ignore the header of the split tables
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Initialize a parser object to default state."""
-    HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self)
-    self._state = self.ANCHOR
-    self._title = ''
-    self._table = tpm_table.Table()
-    self._previous_table_number = 0  # Used to check if there are skipped tables
-  def _Normalize(self, data):
-    """Normalize HTML data.
-    HTML files generated from TCG specifications sometimes include utf8
-    characters (like long dashes), which appear only in comments/table titles
-    and can be safely ignored.
-    Args:
-     data: a string representing portion of data from the HTML being parsed.
-    Returns:
-      a string, the input data with characters above ASCII printable range
-                 excluded.
-    """
-    return ' ' + ''.join(x for x in self.unescape(data) if ord(x) < 128)
-  def GetTable(self):
-    """Return the Table object containing all information parsed so far."""
-    return self._table
-  def _SetState(self, new_state):
-    if self._state != new_state:
-      self._state = new_state
-      if new_state == self.TABLE_NAME:
-        self._title = ''
-  def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
-    """Invoked each time a new HTML tag is opened.
-    This method drives changes in the parser FSM states, its heuristics are
-    derived from the format of the HTML files the TCG specs get converted to.
-    Each specification table is preceded with a tittle. The title is wrapped
-    in an anchor tag with a property 'name' set to 'bookmark#xxx. The title
-    text starts with ' Table [0-9]+ '. Once the table title is detected,
-    the state machine switches to looking for the actual HTML table, i.e. tags
-    'table', 'tr' and 'td' (the generated specs do not use the 'th' tags).
-    Large specification tables can be split into multiple HTML tables (so that
-    they fit in a page). This is why the presence of the closing 'table' tag
-    is not enough to close the parsing of the current specification table.
-    In some cases the next table is defined in the spec immediately after the
-    current one - this is when the new anchor tag is used as a signal that the
-    previous table has been completely consumed.
-    Args:
-      tag: a string, the HTML tag
-      attrs: a tuple of zero or more two-string tuples, the first element -
-             the HTML tag's attribute, the second element - the attribute
-             value.
-    """
-    if tag == 'a':
-      if [x for x in attrs if x[0] == 'name' and x[1].startswith('bookmark')]:
-        if self._state == self.ANCHOR:
-          self._SetState(self.TABLE_NAME)
-        elif self._state == self.MAYBE_DONE:
-          # Done indeed
-          self._table.ProcessTable()
-          self._table.Init()
-          self._SetState(self.TABLE_NAME)
-        elif self._state == self.TABLE_NAME:
-          self._title = ''
-    elif tag == 'p' and self._state == self.TABLE_NAME and not self._title:
-      # This was not a valid table start, back to looking for the right anchor.
-      self._SetState(self.ANCHOR)
-    elif self._state == self.TABLE_NAME and tag == 'table':
-      if not
-        # Table title does not match the expected format - back to square one.
-        self._SetState(self.ANCHOR)
-        return  # will have to start over
-      table_number = int(self._title.split()[1])
-      self._previous_table_number += 1
-      if table_number > self._previous_table_number:
-        print('Table(s) %s missing' % ' '.join(
-            '%d' % x for x in
-            range(self._previous_table_number, table_number)), file=sys.stderr)
-        self._previous_table_number = table_number
-      self._table.Init(self._title)
-      self._SetState(self.TABLE_BODY)
-    elif self._state == self.MAYBE_DONE and tag == 'tr':
-      self._SetState(self.SKIP_HEADER)
-    elif self._state == self.SKIP_HEADER and tag == 'tr':
-      self._SetState(self.TABLE_BODY)
-      self._table.NewRow()
-    elif self._state == self.TABLE_BODY:
-      if tag == 'tr':
-        self._table.NewRow()
-      elif tag == 'td':
-        self._table.NewCell()
-  def handle_endtag(self, tag):
-    """Invoked each time an HTML tag is closed."""
-    if tag == 'table' and self._table.InProgress():
-      self._SetState(self.MAYBE_DONE)
-  def handle_data(self, data):
-    """Process data outside HTML tags."""
-    if self._state == self.TABLE_NAME:
-      self._title += ' %s' % self._Normalize(data)
-    elif self._state == self.TABLE_BODY:
-      self._table.AddData(self._Normalize(data))
-    elif self._state == self.MAYBE_DONE:
-      # Done indeed
-      self._table.ProcessTable()
-      self._table.Init()
-      self._SetState(self.ANCHOR)
-  def close(self):
-    """Finish processing of the HTML buffer."""
-    if self._state in (self.TABLE_BODY, self.MAYBE_DONE):
-      self._table.ProcessTable()
-    self._state = self.ANCHOR
-  def handle_entityref(self, name):
-    """Process HTML escape sequence."""
-    entmap = {
-        'amp': '&',
-        'gt': '>',
-        'lt': '<',
-        'quot': '"',
-    }
-    if name in entmap:
-      if self._state == self.TABLE_BODY:
-        self._table.AddData(entmap[name])
-      elif self._state == self.TABLE_NAME:
-        self._title += entmap[name]
-def main(structs_html_file_name):
-  """When invoked standalone - dump .h file on the console."""
-  parser = SpecParser()
-  with open(structs_html_file_name) as input_file:
-    html_content =
-  parser.feed(html_content)
-  parser.close()
-  print(parser.GetTable().GetHFile())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  if len(sys.argv) != 2:
-    print('%s: One parameter is required, the name of the html file '
-          'which is the TPM2 library Part 2 specification' %
-          os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
-    sys.exit(1)
-  main(sys.argv[1])
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
deleted file mode 100755
index aa1027f..0000000
--- a/generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""A Main file for command and structure generators.
-Takes in structures.txt and commands.txt as outputted by extract_*.sh, then
-passes files as input to structure_generator and command_generator objects.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import command_generator
-import extract_structures
-import structure_generator
-TMP_DIR = '/tmp'
-TYPES_FILE = 'tpm_types.h'
-class GeneratorException(Exception):
-  """Generator error, a convenience class."""
-  pass
-usage = ('''
-usage: %s [-h|[tar_archive|part2.html part3.html]]
-    -h  show this message and exit
-    tar_archive - a tarred archive consisting of at least two HTML files,
-                  parts 2 and 3 of the TCG TPM2 library specification. File
-                  names must include 'part2' and 'part3'. The extracted files
-                  could be found in %s after this script finished processing.
-    part{23}.html - parts 2 and 3 of the TCG TPM2 library specification in
-                    html format.
-''' % (os.path.basename(__file__), TMP_DIR))
-def _TryUntarring(tar_file_name):
-  """Try retrieving parts 2 and 3 from the passed in archive.
-  Args:
-    tar_file_name: a string, file name of the tar file which is supposed to
-        contain parts 2 and 3 of the specification.
-  Returns:
-    A tuple of strings, two file names in case they were found in the archive
-    and successfully extracted.
-  """
-  part2 = None
-  part3 = None
-  tar_extract_base = ['tar', '-C', TMP_DIR, '-f']
-  components = subprocess.check_output(['tar', 'tf', tar_file_name],
-                                       stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-  for name in components.splitlines():
-    if'part2', name, re.IGNORECASE):
-      subprocess.check_output(tar_extract_base + [tar_file_name, '-x', name],
-                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-      part2 = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, name)
-    if'part3', name, re.IGNORECASE):
-      subprocess.check_output(tar_extract_base + [tar_file_name, '-x', name],
-                              stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-      part3 = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, name)
-  return part2, part3
-def _ParseCommandLine(args):
-  """Process command line and determine input file names.
-  Input files could be supplied by two different ways - as part of a tar
-  archive (in which case only one command line parameter is expected), or as
-  two separate file names, one for part 2 and one for part 3.
-  If a single command line parameter is supplied, and it is not '-h', tar
-  extraction is attempted and if successful, two separate files are created in
-  Args:
-    args: a list of string, command line parameters retrieved from sys.argv
-  Returns:
-    A tuple of two strings, two html files to process, part 2 and part 3 of
-    the spec.
-  Raises:
-    GeneratorException: on input errors.
-  """
-  if len(args) == 1:
-    if args[0] == '-h':
-      print(usage)
-      sys.exit(0)
-    try:
-      structures_file, commands_file = _TryUntarring(args[0])
-    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-      raise GeneratorException("command '%s' failed:\n%s\n%s" %
-                               (' '.join(e.cmd), e.output, usage))
-  elif len(args) == 2:
-    structures_file = args[0]
-    commands_file = args[1]
-  else:
-    raise GeneratorException(usage)
-  return structures_file, commands_file
-def _PatchCrosChanges():
-  """After generation is completed add Chrome OS specific patches."""
-  # A single fixed name patch file is included in the repository, use it to
-  # update generated files with Chrome Os specific changes.
-['patch', '-i', 'generator/cros.patch'])
-def main(argv):
-  """A Main function.
-  TPM structures and commands files are parsed and C header and C implementation
-  files are generated.
-  Args:
-    argv: a list of strings, command line parameters.
-  """
-  structures_file, commands_file = _ParseCommandLine(argv[1:])
-  print('parse part2...')
-  html_parser = extract_structures.SpecParser()
-  tpm_table = html_parser.GetTable()
-  # The tables included in the below tuple are defined twice in the
-  # specification, once in part 2 and once in part 4. Let's ignore the part 2
-  # definitions to avoid collisions.
-  tpm_table.SetSkipTables((2, 6, 9, 10, 13))
-  html_parser.feed(open(structures_file).read())
-  html_parser.close()
-  tpm_defines = tpm_table.GetHFile()
-  print('parse part3...')
-  tpm_table.SetSkipTables(())
-  html_parser.feed(open(commands_file).read())
-  html_parser.close()
-  # Move to the root directory, which is one level above the script.
-  os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(argv[0]), '..'))
-  # Save types include file.
-  print('generate output...')
-  types_file = open(TYPES_FILE, 'w')
-  guard_name = TYPES_FILE.upper()
-  guard_name = guard_name.replace('.', '_')
-  guard_name = 'TPM2_' + guard_name + '_'
-  types_file.write((structure_generator.COPYRIGHT_HEADER +
-                    structure_generator.HEADER_FILE_GUARD_HEADER) %
-                   {'name': guard_name})
-  types_file.write(tpm_defines)
-  types_file.write((structure_generator.HEADER_FILE_GUARD_FOOTER) %
-                   {'name': guard_name})
-  types_file.close()
-  typemap = tpm_table.GetTypeMap()
-  structure_generator.GenerateHeader(typemap)
-  structure_generator.GenerateImplementation(typemap)
-  commands = tpm_table.GetCommandList()
-  command_generator.GenerateHeader(commands)
-  command_generator.GenerateImplementation(commands, typemap)
-  _PatchCrosChanges()
-  print('Processed %d TPM types.' % len(typemap))
-  print('Processed %d commands.' % len(commands))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  try:
-    main(sys.argv)
-  except GeneratorException as e:
-    if e.message:
-      print(e, file=sys.stderr)
-      sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
deleted file mode 100755
index 570b338..0000000
--- a/generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1402 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""A code generator for TPM 2.0 structures.
-The structure generator provides classes to create various objects
-(structures, unions, constants, etc.) and then convert the set of generated
-objects into valid C files named tpm_generated.{h,c}.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import datetime
-import re
-from subprocess import call
-_BASIC_TYPES = ['uint8_t', 'int8_t', 'uint16_t', 'int16_t', 'uint32_t',
-                'int32_t', 'uint64_t', 'int64_t']
-_OUTPUT_FILE_H = 'tpm_generated.h'
-_OUTPUT_FILE_CC = 'tpm_generated.c'
-    '// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.\n'
-    '// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can '
-    'be\n'
-    '// found in the LICENSE file.\n'
-    '\n'
-#ifndef %(name)s
-#define %(name)s
-#endif  // %(name)s
-#include <endian.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "TPM_Types.h"
-#include "Tpm.h"
-#include "tpm_generated.h"
-# Function signatures for generated marshaling code are specified in TCG TPM2.0
-# Library Specification, Part 4: Supporting Routines, sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3.
-UINT16 %(type)s_Marshal(%(type)s *source, BYTE **buffer, INT32 *size) {
-  %(type)s value_net = *source;
-  if (!size || *size < sizeof(%(type)s)) {
-    return 0;  // Nothing has been marshaled.
-  }
-  switch (sizeof(%(type)s)) {
-    case 2:
-      value_net = htobe16(*source);
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      value_net = htobe32(*source);
-      break;
-    case 8:
-      value_net = htobe64(*source);
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-  memcpy(*buffer, &value_net, sizeof(%(type)s));
-  *buffer += sizeof(%(type)s);
-  *size -= sizeof(%(type)s);
-  return sizeof(%(type)s);
-TPM_RC %(type)s_Unmarshal(%(type)s *target, BYTE **buffer, INT32 *size) {
-  %(type)s value_net = 0;
-  if (!size || *size < sizeof(%(type)s)) {
-  }
-  memcpy(&value_net, *buffer, sizeof(%(type)s));
-  switch (sizeof(%(type)s)) {
-    case 2:
-      *target = be16toh(value_net);
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      *target = be32toh(value_net);
-      break;
-    case 8:
-      *target = be64toh(value_net);
-      break;
-    default:
-      *target = value_net;
-  }
-  *buffer += sizeof(%(type)s);
-  *size -= sizeof(%(type)s);
-  return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
-UINT16 %(type)s_Marshal(
-    %(type)s *source,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size);
-TPM_RC %(type)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(type)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size);
-def _IsTPM2B(name):
-  return name.startswith('TPM2B_')
-class Field(object):
-  """Represents a field in TPM structure or union.
-  This object is used in several not fully overlapping cases, not all
-  attributes apply to all use cases.
-  The 'array_size' and 'run_time_size' attributes below are related to the
-  following code example:
-  struct {
-    int size;
-    byte array[MAX_SIZE]
-  } object.
-  In this structure the actual number of bytes in the array could be anything
-  from zero to MAX_SIZE. The field 'size' denotes the actual number of
-  elements at run time. So, when this object is constructed, array_size is
-  'MAX_SIZE' and run_time_size is 'size'.
-  The 'selector_value' attribute is used to associate union fields with
-  certain object types. For instance
-  typedef union {
-    TPMS_ECC_POINT        ecc;
-  the field named 'rsa' will have its 'selector_value' set to 'TPM_ALG_RSA'.
-  Attributes:
-    field_type: a string, the type of field.
-    field_name: a string, the name of the field.
-    array_size: a string, see example above
-    run_time_size: a string, see example above
-    selector_value: a string, see example above
-    conditional_value: a string, necessary for validation when unmarshaling.
-                       Some types have a value that is allowed for some
-                       commands but not others. E.g. 'TPM_RS_PW' is a
-                       conditional value for the 'TPMI_SH_AUTH_SESSION' type
-                       and TPM_ALG_NULL is a conditional value for the
-                       TPMI_ALG_HASH type.
-  """
-  for (i = 0; i < source->%(array_length)s; ++i) {
-    total_size += %(type)s_Marshal(&source->%(name)s[i], buffer, size);
-  }"""
-  for (i = 0; i < target->%(array_length)s; ++i) {
-    result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(&target->%(name)s[i], buffer, size);
-    if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-      return result;
-    }
-  }"""
-  def __init__(self, field_type, field_name,
-               selector=None, array_size='',
-               conditional_value='FALSE',
-               run_time_size=None):
-    """Initializes a Field instance.
-    Args:
-      field_type: Initial value for the field type attribute.
-      field_name: Initial value for the field name attribute.
-      selector: Initial value for the selector attribute.
-      array_size: Initial value for the array_size attribute.
-      conditional_value: Initial value of the conditional_value attribute.
-      run_time_size: Initial value of the run_time_size attribute
-    """
-    if not field_type:
-      # Some tables include rows without data type, for instance 'Table 70 -
-      # Definition of TPMU_HA Union' in part 2. These rows are supposed to
-      # cause another case added to the switch in the marshaling function
-      # (processing of TPM_ALG_NULL in this example). Setting field name to ''
-      # makes sure that the actual generated structure/union does not have an
-      # entry for this field, setting type of such field to some value
-      # simplifies functions generating the marshaling code.
-      self.field_type = 'BYTE'
-      self.field_name = ''
-    else:
-      self.field_type = field_type
-      self.field_name = field_name
-    self.array_size = array_size
-    self.selector_value = selector
-    self.conditional_value = conditional_value
-    self.run_time_size = run_time_size
-  def OutputMarshal(self, out_file, typemap):
-    """Write a call to marshal the field this instance represents.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if self.array_size:
-      if self.run_time_size:
-        real_size = self.run_time_size
-      else:
-        real_size = self.array_size
-      out_file.write(
-          self._MARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY % {'type': self.field_type,
-                                       'name': self.field_name,
-                                       'array_length': real_size})
-    else:
-      typemap[self.field_type].OutputMarshalCall(out_file, self)
-  def OutputUnmarshal(self, out_file, typemap):
-    """Write a call to unmarshal the field this instance represents.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if self.array_size:
-      if self.run_time_size:
-        real_size = self.run_time_size
-      else:
-        real_size = self.array_size
-      out_file.write(
-          self._UNMARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY % {'type': self.field_type,
-                                         'name': self.field_name,
-                                         'array_length': real_size})
-    else:
-      typemap[self.field_type].OutputUnmarshalCall(out_file, self)
-class TPMType(object):
-  """Base type for all TPMTypes.
-     Contains functions and string literals common to all TPM types.
-     Attributes:
-      _base_type: a string, when set - the very basic type this type is
-                  derived from (should be used for marshaling/unmarshaling to
-                  shortcut multiple nested invocations).
-  """
-  # A function to marshal a TPM typedef.
-UINT16 %(new_type)s_Marshal(
-    %(new_type)s *source,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  return %(old_type)s_Marshal(source, buffer, size);
-  # The function signature and unmarshaling call to the base type of a TPM
-  # typedef. After the value is unmarshaled, additional validation code is
-  # generated based on tables in TCG TPM2.0 Library Specification, Part 2:
-  # Structures.
-TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(new_type)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  TPM_RC result;
-  result = %(old_type)s_Unmarshal(target, buffer, size);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }"""
-  _UNMARSHAL_END = '\n  return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;\n}\n'
-  # Snippets of code for value validation.
-  _VALUE_START_SWITCH = '\n  switch (%(name)s) {'
-  _VALUE_CASE = '\n    case %(value)s:'
-  _VALUE_CASE_IFDEF = '\n#ifdef %(value)s\n    case %(value)s:\n#endif'
-      break;
-    default:
-      return %(error_code)s;
-  }"""
-  # A declaration for marshaling and unmarshaling functions for a TPM type.
-  # Snippets of code which make calls to marshaling functions. Marshals a value
-  # of type 'type' into a field 'name' within a structure. This is used in
-  # generation of structure and command marshaling code.
-  _MARSHAL_CALL = """
-  total_size += %(type)s_Marshal(
-      &source->%(name)s, buffer, size);"""
-  result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(
-      &target->%(name)s, buffer, size);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }"""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._base_type = None
-  def SetBaseType(self, base_type):
-    self._base_type = base_type
-  def _GetBaseType(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
-    '''Return base type for this object.
-    The base type is used for shortcutting marshaling/unmarshaling code.
-    If _base_type is not set, return the old_type value as the base type.
-    If the base type's marshaling/unmarshaling code has not been generated
-    yet, issue it before continuing processing.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
-          have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    Returns:
-      A string, the name of the type to use for marshaling/unmarshaling.
-    '''
-    if self._base_type:
-      base_type = self._base_type
-    else:
-      base_type = self.old_type
-    if base_type not in marshalled_types:
-      typemap[base_type].OutputMarshalImpl(
-        out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    return base_type
-  def HasConditional(self):
-    """Returns true if TPMType has a conditional value."""
-    return False
-  def OutputMarshalCall(self, out_file, field):
-    """Write a call to Marshal function for TPMType to |out_file|.
-       Accumulates a variable 'total_size' with the result of marshaling
-       field |field_name| in structure 'source'.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      field: A Field object describing this type.
-    """
-    out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_CALL % {'type': field.field_type,
-                                         'name': field.field_name})
-  def OutputUnmarshalCall(self, out_file, field):
-    """Write a call to Unmarshal function for TPMType to |out_file|.
-       Assigns result of unmarshaling field |field_name| in structure 'source'
-       to variable 'result'. Returns if the unmarshalling was unsuccessful.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      field: A Field object describing this type.
-    """
-    obj_type = field.field_type
-    if obj_type == 'TPM_CC':
-      obj_type = 'UINT32'
-    out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_CALL % {'type': obj_type,
-                                           'name': field.field_name})
-  def _OutputTypedefMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
-    """Write marshal declarations for TPM typedefs to |out_file|.
-       Can only be called on Typedef, ConstantType, AttributeStruct, and
-       Interface objects.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
-          declarations have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if self.new_type in declared_types:
-      return
-    if self.old_type not in declared_types and self.old_type in typemap:
-      typemap[self.old_type].OutputMarshalDecl(
-          out_file, declared_types, typemap)
-    out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type': self.new_type})
-    declared_types.add(self.new_type)
-  def _OutputStructOrUnionMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types):
-    """Write marshal declarations for a TPM Structure or Union.
-       Can only be called on Structure and Union objects.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
-        declarations have already been generated.
-    """
-    # TPMU_NAME and TPMU_ENCRYPTED_SECRET type are never used across the
-    # interface.
-    if ( in declared_types or
- == 'TPMU_NAME' or
-      return
-    out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type':})
-    declared_types.add(
-class Typedef(TPMType):
-  """Represents a TPM typedef.
-  Attributes:
-    old_type: The existing type in a typedef statement.
-    new_type: The new type in a typedef statement.
-  """
-  # A function to unmarshal a TPM typedef with no extra validation.
-TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(new_type)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  return %(old_type)s_Unmarshal(target, buffer, size);
-  def __init__(self, old_type, new_type):
-    """Initializes a Typedef instance.
-    Args:
-      old_type: The base type of the attribute structure.
-      new_type: The name of the type.
-    """
-    super(Typedef, self).__init__()
-    self.old_type = old_type
-    self.new_type = new_type
-  def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal implementations for Typedef to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
-          have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if self.new_type in marshalled_types:
-      return
-    base_type = self._GetBaseType(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    out_file.write(self._TYPEDEF_MARSHAL_FUNCTION % {'old_type': base_type,
-                                                     'new_type': self.new_type})
-    out_file.write(
-        self._TYPEDEF_UNMARSHAL_FUNCTION % {'old_type': base_type,
-                                            'new_type': self.new_type})
-    marshalled_types.add(self.new_type)
-  def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal declarations for Typedef to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
-          declarations have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    self._OutputTypedefMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types, typemap)
-class ConstantType(TPMType):
-  """Represents a TPM Constant type definition.
-  Attributes:
-     old_type: The base type of the constant (e.g. 'int').
-     new_type: The name of the type (e.g. 'TPM_RC').
-     valid_values: The list of valid values this type can take (e.g.
-         'TPM_RC_SUCCESS').
-     error_code: Error to be returned when unmarshalling is unsuccessful.
-  """
-  _CHECK_VALUE = """
-  if (*target == %(value)s) {
-    return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
-  }"""
-#ifdef %(value)s
-  if (*target == %(value)s) {
-    return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
-  }
-#if IS_CC_ENABLED(%(command_name)s)
-  if (*target == TPM_CC_%(command_name)s) {
-    return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;
-  }
-  return %(error_code)s;
-  def __init__(self, old_type, new_type):
-    """Initializes a ConstantType instance.
-    Values are added to valid_values attribute during parsing.
-    Args:
-      old_type: The base type of the constant type.
-      new_type: The name of the type.
-    """
-    super(ConstantType, self).__init__()
-    self.old_type = old_type
-    self.new_type = new_type
-    self.valid_values = []
-    self.error_code = 'TPM_RC_VALUE'
-  def _NeedsIfdef(self):
-    """Returns True if new_type is a type which needs ifdef enclosing."""
-    return'^TPM_ALG', self.new_type)
-  def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal implementations for ConstantType to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
-          have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if self.new_type in marshalled_types:
-      return
-    base_type = self._GetBaseType(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    out_file.write(self._TYPEDEF_MARSHAL_FUNCTION % {'old_type': base_type,
-                                                     'new_type': self.new_type})
-    out_file.write(self._TYPEDEF_UNMARSHAL_START % {'old_type': base_type,
-                                                    'new_type': self.new_type})
-    for value in self.valid_values:
-      # Commands below aren't real TPM commands, but opcode placeholders.
-      if value in ['TPM_CC_FIRST', 'TPM_CC_PP_FIRST',
-                   'TPM_CC_LAST', 'TPM_CC_PP_LAST']: continue
-      if self._NeedsIfdef():
-        out_file.write(self._CHECK_VALUE_IFDEF % {'value': value})
-      elif self.new_type == 'TPM_CC':
-        out_file.write(self._CHECK_COMMAND_IFDEF % {'command_name': value.replace('TPM_CC_', '')})
-      else:
-        out_file.write(self._CHECK_VALUE % {'value': value})
-    out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END % {'error_code': self.error_code})
-    marshalled_types.add(self.new_type)
-  def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal declarations for ConstantType to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
-          declarations have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    self._OutputTypedefMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types, typemap)
-class AttributeStructure(TPMType):
-  """Represents a TPM attribute structure type definition.
-  Attributes:
-     old_type: The base type of the constant (e.g. 'int').
-     new_type: The name of the type (e.g. 'TPMA_OBJECT').
-     reserved: The list of bit bounds where bits must be 0 (e.g. ['10_2','3']).
-  """
-  # Attribute structures need an explicit cast to the base type.
-UINT16 %(new_type)s_Marshal(
-    %(new_type)s *source,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  return %(old_type)s_Marshal((%(old_type)s*)source, buffer, size);
-TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(new_type)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  TPM_RC result;
-  result = %(old_type)s_Unmarshal((%(old_type)s*)target, buffer, size);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }"""
-  if (target->reserved%(bits)s != 0) {
-  }"""
-  def __init__(self, old_type, new_type):
-    """Initializes an AttributeStructure instance.
-    Values may be added to reserved attribute during parsing.
-    Args:
-      old_type: The base type of the attribute structure.
-      new_type: The name of the type.
-    """
-    super(AttributeStructure, self).__init__()
-    self.old_type = old_type
-    self.new_type = new_type
-    self.reserved = []
-  def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal implementations for AttributStructure to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
-          have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if self.new_type in marshalled_types:
-      return
-    base_type = self._GetBaseType(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    out_file.write(self._ATTRIBUTE_MARSHAL_FUNCTION %
-                   {'old_type': base_type,
-                    'new_type': self.new_type})
-    out_file.write(self._ATTRIBUTE_UNMARSHAL_START %
-                   {'old_type': base_type,
-                    'new_type': self.new_type})
-    for bits in self.reserved:
-      out_file.write(self._CHECK_RESERVED % {'bits': bits})
-    out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END)
-    marshalled_types.add(self.new_type)
-  def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal declarations for AttributeStructure to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
-          declarations have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    self._OutputTypedefMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types, typemap)
-class Interface(TPMType):
-  """Represents a TPM interface type definition.
-  Attributes:
-     old_type: The base type of the interface (e.g. 'TPM_HANDLE').
-     new_type: The name of the type (e.g. 'TPMI_DH_OBJECT').
-     valid_values: List of valid values for new_type. If this is not empty,
-         valid values for new_type is explicitly defined in the spec.
-     bounds: List of pairs representing bounds. If nonempty, target must fall
-         between one of these bounds.
-     conditional_value: Name of conditionally allowed value. If there is no
-         such value, this variable will be None.
-     supported_values: String literal indicating the name of a list of supported
-         values to be substituted at compile time (e.g. 'AES_KEY_SIZES_BITS').
-         If this is not None, valid values for new_type depends on the
-         implementation.
-     error_code: Return code when an unmarshalling error occurs.
-  """
-TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(new_type)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size,
-    BOOL allow_conditional_value) {
-  TPM_RC result;"""
-TPM_RC %(new_type)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(new_type)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  TPM_RC result;"""
-  result = %(old_type)s_Unmarshal(target, buffer, size);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }"""
-  result = %(old_type)s_Unmarshal(target, buffer, size);
-  if ((result != TPM_RC_VALUE) && (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS)) {
-    return result;
-  }"""
-  uint16_t supported_values[] = %(supported_values)s;
-  size_t length = sizeof(supported_values)/sizeof(supported_values[0]);
-  size_t i;
-  BOOL is_supported_value = FALSE;"""
-  for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
-    if (*target == supported_values[i]) {
-      is_supported_value = TRUE;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!is_supported_value) {
-    return %(error_code)s;
-  }"""
-  if (*target == %(name)s) {
-    return allow_conditional_value ? TPM_RC_SUCCESS : %(error_code)s;
-  }"""
-  _SETUP_CHECK_VALUES = '\n  BOOL has_valid_value = FALSE;'
-      has_valid_value = TRUE;
-      break;
-  }"""
-  _CHECK_BOUND = """
-  if((*target >= %(lower)s) && (*target <= %(upper)s)) {
-    has_valid_value = TRUE;
-  }"""
-  if (!has_valid_value) {
-    return %(error_code)s;
-  }"""
-UINT16 %(type)s_Marshal(
-    %(type)s *source,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size);
-TPM_RC %(type)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(type)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size,
-    BOOL allow_conditioanl_value);
-  result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(
-      &target->%(name)s, buffer, size, %(flag)s);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }"""
-  _IFDEF_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r'^TPMI_(ALG|ECC)_.*')
-  def __init__(self, old_type, new_type):
-    """Initializes an Interface instance.
-    Values may be added/assigned to valid_values, bounds, conditional_value,
-    supported_values, and error_code attributes new values during parsing.
-    Args:
-      old_type: The base type of the interface.
-      new_type: The name of the type.
-    """
-    super(Interface, self).__init__()
-    self.old_type = old_type
-    self.new_type = new_type
-    self.valid_values = []
-    self.bounds = []
-    self.conditional_value = None
-    self.supported_values = None
-    self.error_code = 'TPM_RC_VALUE'
-  def HasConditional(self):
-    """Returns true if Interface has a valid conditional_value."""
-    return self.conditional_value is not None
-  def _NeedsIfdef(self):
-    """Returns True if new_type is a type which needs ifdef enclosing."""
-    return
-  def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal implementation for Interface to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
-          have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if self.new_type in marshalled_types:
-      return
-    base_type = self._GetBaseType(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    out_file.write(self._TYPEDEF_MARSHAL_FUNCTION % {'old_type': base_type,
-                                                     'new_type': self.new_type})
-    if self.conditional_value:
-                     {'old_type': base_type,
-                      'new_type': self.new_type})
-    else:
-      out_file.write(
-          self._INTERFACE_UNMARSHAL_START % {'old_type': base_type,
-                                             'new_type': self.new_type})
-    # Creating necessary local variables.
-    if self.supported_values:
-      out_file.write(self._SETUP_CHECK_SUPPORTED_VALUES %
-                     {'supported_values': self.supported_values})
-    if len(self.valid_values)+len(self.bounds) > 0:
-      out_file.write(self._SETUP_CHECK_VALUES)
-      out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_VALUE_ALLOW_RC_VALUE %
-                     {'old_type': base_type})
-    else:
-      out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_VALUE % {'old_type': base_type})
-    if self.supported_values:
-      out_file.write(self._CHECK_SUPPORTED_VALUES %
-                     {'supported_values': self.supported_values,
-                      'error_code': self.error_code})
-    if self.conditional_value:
-      out_file.write(
-          self._CHECK_CONDITIONAL % {'name': self.conditional_value,
-                                     'error_code': self.error_code})
-    # Checking for valid values.
-    if len(self.valid_values)+len(self.bounds) > 0:
-      if self.valid_values:
-        out_file.write(self._VALUE_START_SWITCH % {'name': '*target'})
-        for value in self.valid_values:
-          if self._NeedsIfdef():
-            out_file.write(self._VALUE_CASE_IFDEF % {'value': value})
-          else:
-            out_file.write(self._VALUE_CASE % {'value': value})
-        out_file.write(self._VALUE_END_SWITCH)
-      for (lower, upper) in self.bounds:
-        out_file.write(
-            self._CHECK_BOUND % {'lower': lower, 'upper': upper})
-      out_file.write(self._CHECK_VALUES_END % {'error_code': self.error_code})
-    out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END)
-    marshalled_types.add(self.new_type)
-  def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal declarations for Interface to |out_file|.
-       Outputted declaration depends on whether Interface type has a
-       conditionally valid value.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
-          declarations have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if self.new_type in declared_types:
-      return
-    if self.old_type not in declared_types:
-      typemap[self.old_type].OutputMarshalDecl(
-          out_file, declared_types, typemap)
-    if self.HasConditional():
-      out_file.write(
-          self._CONDITIONAL_MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type': self.new_type})
-    else:
-      out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type': self.new_type})
-    declared_types.add(self.new_type)
-  def OutputUnmarshalCall(
-      self, out_file, field):
-    """Write a call to Unmarshal function for Interface type to |out_file|.
-       Override TPMType OutputUnmarshalCall because when an Interface type has
-       a conditionally valid value, a BOOL value (|conditional_valid|) is passed
-       as a parameter.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      field: A Field object representing an element of this interface.
-    """
-    if self.conditional_value:
-      out_file.write(
-          self._CONDITIONAL_UNMARSHAL_CALL % {'type': field.field_type,
-                                              'name': field.field_name,
-                                              'flag': field.conditional_value})
-    else:
-      out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_CALL % {'type': field.field_type,
-                                             'name': field.field_name})
-class Structure(TPMType):
-  """Represents a TPM structure.
-  Attributes:
-    name: The name of the structure.
-    fields: A list of Field objects representing struct fields.
-    upper_bounds: A dictionary of (name, val) tuples mapping name to max val.
-    lower_bounds: A dictionary of (name, val) tuples mapping name to min val.
-    size_check: Set if TPM2B structure must be size checked (triggered by size=)
-    valid_tag_values: A list of values field tag is allowed to take.
-    error_code: The return code to be returned if an error occurs
-  """
-UINT16 %(name)s_Marshal(
-    %(name)s *source,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  UINT16 total_size = 0;"""
-TPM_RC %(name)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(name)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size) {
-  TPM_RC result;"""
-  _MARSHAL_END = '\n  return total_size;\n}\n'
-  _SETUP_ARRAY_FIELD = '\n  INT32 i;'
-  UINT32 start_size = *size;
-  UINT32 struct_size;"""
-  _CHECK_SIZE_END = """
-  struct_size = start_size - *size - sizeof(target->t.size);
-  if (struct_size != target->t.size) {
-    return TPM_RC_SIZE;
-  }"""
-  _TPM2B_ZERO_SIZE = """
-  if (target->t.size == 0) {
-    return %(return_value)s;
-  }"""
-  _CHECK_BOUND = """
-  if (target->%(name)s %(operator)s %(bound_value)s) {
-    return %(error_code)s;
-  }"""
-  _FIX_SIZE_FIELD = """
-  {
-    BYTE *size_location = *buffer - total_size;
-    INT32 size_field_size = sizeof(%(size_field_type)s);
-    UINT16 payload_size = total_size - (UINT16)size_field_size;
-    %(size_field_type)s_Marshal(&payload_size,
-      &size_location, &size_field_size);
-  }"""
-  def __init__(self, name):
-    """Initializes a Structure instance.
-    Initially the instance will have no fields, upper_bounds, lower_bounds, or
-    valid_tag_values. Those can be added with AddField(), AddUpperBound(),
-    AddLowerBound(), and AddTagVal() methods.
-    Args:
-      name: The name of the structure.
-    """
-    super(Structure, self).__init__()
- = name
-    self.fields = []
-    self.upper_bounds = {}
-    self.lower_bounds = {}
-    self.size_check = False
-    self.valid_tag_values = []
-    self.error_code = 'TPM_RC_VALUE'
-  def AddField(self, field):
-    """Adds a field to fields attribute in Structure.
-    Args:
-      field: Instance of Field
-    """
-    self.fields.append(field)
-  def AddUpperBound(self, field_name, value):
-    """Adds an upper bound for a field.
-    Args:
-       field_name: Name of field with bound.
-       value: Value of upper bound.
-    """
-    if _IsTPM2B(
-      field_name = 't.' + field_name
-    self.upper_bounds[field_name] = value
-  def AddLowerBound(self, field_name, value):
-    """Adds a lower bound for a field.
-    Args:
-       field_name: Name of field with bound.
-       value: Value of lower bound.
-    """
-    if _IsTPM2B(
-      field_name = 't.' + field_name
-    self.lower_bounds[field_name] = value
-  def _AddTagValue(self, value):
-    """Adds a valid value for tag field.
-    Args:
-       value: Valid value for tag field.
-    """
-    self.valid_tag_values.append(value)
-  def _GetFieldTypes(self):
-    """Creates a set which holds all current field types.
-    Returns:
-      A set of field types.
-    """
-    return set([field.field_type for field in self.fields])
-  def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal implementations for Structure to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
-          have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if in marshalled_types:
-      return
-    # Make sure any dependencies already have marshal functions defined.
-    for field_type in self._GetFieldTypes():
-      if field_type not in marshalled_types:
-        typemap[field_type].OutputMarshalImpl(
-            out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-        marshalled_types.add(field_type)
-    out_file.write(self._STRUCTURE_MARSHAL_START % {'name':})
-    # If any field is an array, create local variable INT32 i.
-    for field in self.fields:
-      if field.array_size:
-        out_file.write(self._SETUP_ARRAY_FIELD)
-        break
-    for field in self.fields:
-      # Each TPM2B is a union of two sized buffers, one which is type specific
-      # (the 't' element) and the other is a generic value (the 'b' element).
-      # For this reason a 't.' is prepended for fields in a TPM2B type. See
-      # section 9.11.6 in TCG TPM2.0 Library Specification, Part 2: Structures
-      # for more details.
-      if _IsTPM2B(
-        field.field_name = 't.' + field.field_name
-        if field.run_time_size:
-          field.run_time_size = 't.' + field.run_time_size
-      field.OutputMarshal(out_file, typemap)
-    if self.size_check:
-      out_file.write(self._FIX_SIZE_FIELD % {'size_field_type': self.fields[0].field_type})
-    out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_END)
-    out_file.write(self._STRUCTURE_UNMARSHAL_START % {'name':})
-    if self.size_check:
-      out_file.write(self._CHECK_SIZE_START)
-    # If any field is an array, create local variable INT32 i.
-    for field in self.fields:
-      if field.array_size:
-        out_file.write(self._SETUP_ARRAY_FIELD)
-        break
-    for field in self.fields:
-      field.OutputUnmarshal(out_file, typemap)
-      return_value = self.error_code
-      if field.field_name == 't.size' and self.size_check:
-        out_file.write(self._TPM2B_ZERO_SIZE % {'return_value': 'TPM_RC_SIZE'})
-      if field.field_name == 't.size' and not self.size_check:
-        out_file.write(
-            self._TPM2B_ZERO_SIZE % {'return_value': 'TPM_RC_SUCCESS'})
-      if field.field_name in self.upper_bounds:
-        if (field.field_name == 'count' or
-            field.field_name == 't.size' or
-            field.field_name == 'size'):
-          return_value = 'TPM_RC_SIZE'
-        out_file.write(self._CHECK_BOUND %
-                       {'name': field.field_name,
-                        'operator': '>',
-                        'bound_value': self.upper_bounds[field.field_name],
-                        'error_code': return_value})
-      if field.field_name in self.lower_bounds:
-        if (field.field_name == 'count' or
-            field.field_name == 't.size' or
-            field.field_name == 'size'):
-          return_value = 'TPM_RC_SIZE'
-        out_file.write(self._CHECK_BOUND %
-                       {'name': field.field_name,
-                        'operator': '<',
-                        'bound_value': self.lower_bounds[field.field_name],
-                        'error_code': return_value})
-      if field.field_name == 'tag' and self.valid_tag_values:
-        out_file.write(self._VALUE_START_SWITCH % {'name': 'target->tag'})
-        for value in self.valid_tag_values:
-          out_file.write(self._VALUE_CASE % {'value': value})
-        out_file.write(self._VALUE_END_SWITCH % {'error_code': 'TPM_RC_TAG'})
-    if self.size_check:
-      out_file.write(self._CHECK_SIZE_END)
-    if not self.fields:
-      # The spec includes a definition of an empty structure, as a side effect
-      # the marshaling/unmarshaling functions become empty, the compiler
-      # warning is suppressed by the below statement.
-      out_file.write('  (void)result;\n')
-    out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END)
-    marshalled_types.add(
-  def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, _):
-    """Writes marshal declarations for Structure to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
-          declarations have already been generated.
-    """
-    self._OutputStructOrUnionMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types)
-class Union(TPMType):
-  """Represents a TPM union.
-  Attributes:
-    name: The name of the union.
-    fields: A list of Field objects representing union fields.
-  """
-UINT16 %(name)s_Marshal(
-    %(name)s *source,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size,
-    UINT32 selector) {
-  %(array_extras)s
-  switch(selector) {"""
-TPM_RC %(name)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(name)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size,
-    UINT32 selector) {
-  switch(selector) {"""
-  _MARSHAL_END = '\n  }\n  return 0;\n}\n'
-  _UNMARSHAL_END = '\n  }\n  return TPM_RC_SELECTOR;\n}\n'
-UINT16 %(type)s_Marshal(
-    %(type)s *source,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size,
-    UINT32 selector);
-TPM_RC %(type)s_Unmarshal(
-    %(type)s *target,
-    BYTE **buffer,
-    INT32 *size,
-    UINT32 selector);
-    case %(selector)s:"""
-      return 0;"""
-      return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;"""
-      return %(type)s_Marshal(
-          (%(type)s*)&source->%(name)s, buffer, size);"""
-      return %(type)s_Unmarshal(
-          (%(type)s*)&target->%(name)s, buffer, size);"""
-    INT32 i;
-    UINT16 total_size = 0;"""
-    INT32 i;
-    TPM_RC result;"""
-    for (i = 0; i < %(array_length)s; ++i) {
-      total_size += %(type)s_Marshal(
-          &source->%(name)s[i], buffer, size);
-    }
-    return total_size;"""
-    for (i = 0; i < %(array_length)s; ++i) {
-      result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(
-          &target->%(name)s[i], buffer, size);
-      if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-        return result;
-      }
-    }
-    return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;"""
-    return %(type)s_Unmarshal(
-        &target->%(name)s, buffer, size, FALSE);"""
-  total_size += %(type)s_Marshal(
-      &source->%(name)s, buffer, size, source->%(selector)s);"""
-  result = %(type)s_Unmarshal(
-      &target->%(name)s, buffer, size, target->%(selector)s);
-  if (result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) {
-    return result;
-  }"""
-  _IFDEF = '\n#ifdef %(type)s'
-  _ENDIF = '\n#endif'
-  _IFDEF_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r'^TPM_(ALG|CC).*')
-  def __init__(self, name):
-    """Initializes a Union instance.
-    Initially the instance will have no fields. Fields are added with the
-    AddField() method.
-    Args:
-      name: The name of the structure.
-    """
-    super(Union, self).__init__()
- = name
-    self.fields = []
-  def _NeedsIfdef(self, selector):
-    """Returns True if selector is a type which needs ifdef enclosing."""
-    return
-  def AddField(self, field):
-    """Adds a field to fields attribute in Union.
-    Args:
-      field: instance of Field
-    """
-    # xor is a C++ keyword and must be fixed.
-    if field.field_name == 'xor':
-      field.field_name = 'xor_'
-    self.fields.append(field)
-  def _OutputMarshalField(
-      self, out_file, field_type, field_name, array_length):
-    """Write a call to marshal a field in this union.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      field_type: The type of field.
-      field_name: The name of the field.
-      array_length: Variable indicating length of array, None if field is not
-          an array.
-    """
-    if array_length:
-      out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY % {'type': field_type,
-                                                  'name': field_name,
-                                                  'array_length': array_length})
-    else:
-      out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_FIELD % {'type': field_type,
-                                            'name': field_name})
-  def _OutputUnmarshalField(
-      self, out_file, field_type, field_name, array_length, typemap):
-    """Write a call to unmarshal a field in this union.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file object.
-      field_type: The type of field.
-      field_name: The name of the field.
-      array_length: Variable indicating length of array, None if field is not
-          an array.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if array_length:
-      out_file.write(
-          self._UNMARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY % {'type': field_type,
-                                         'name': field_name,
-                                         'array_length': array_length})
-    elif typemap[field_type].HasConditional():
-      out_file.write(
-          self._UNMARSHAL_FIELD_CONDITIONAL % {'type': field_type,
-                                               'name': field_name})
-    else:
-      out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_FIELD % {'type': field_type,
-                                              'name': field_name})
-  def OutputMarshalImpl(self, out_file, marshalled_types, typemap):
-    """Writes marshal implementations for Union to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      marshalled_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal functions
-          have already been generated.
-      typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-    """
-    if ( in marshalled_types or
- == 'TPMU_NAME' or
-        not self.fields):
-      return
-    field_types = {f.field_name: f.field_type for f in self.fields}
-    array_lengths = {}
-    for f in self.fields:
-      if f.array_size:
-        array_lengths[f.field_name] = f.array_size
-      else:
-        array_lengths[f.field_name] = None
-    # Make sure any dependencies already have marshal functions defined.
-    for field_type in field_types.itervalues():
-      if field_type not in marshalled_types:
-        typemap[field_type].OutputMarshalImpl(
-            out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-        marshalled_types.add(field_type)
-    if self.fields[0].array_size:
-      array_extras = self._SETUP_MARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY
-    else:
-      array_extras = ''
-    out_file.write(self._UNION_MARSHAL_START % {'name':,
-                                                'array_extras': array_extras})
-    # Set up variables if Union is an array type.
-    for field in self.fields:
-      selector = field.selector_value
-      if not selector:
-        continue
-      field_name = field.field_name
-      if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
-        out_file.write(self._IFDEF % {'type': selector})
-      out_file.write(self._CASE_SELECTOR % {'selector': selector})
-      # Selector is not associated with a name, so no marshaling occurs.
-      if not field_name:
-        out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_EMPTY)
-        if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
-          out_file.write(self._ENDIF)
-        continue
-      field_type = field_types[field_name]
-      array_length = array_lengths[field_name]
-      self._OutputMarshalField(out_file, field_type, field_name, array_length)
-      if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
-        out_file.write(self._ENDIF)
-    out_file.write(self._MARSHAL_END)
-    out_file.write(self._UNION_UNMARSHAL_START % {'name':})
-    # Set up variables if Union is an array type.
-    if self.fields[0].array_size:
-      out_file.write(self._SETUP_UNMARSHAL_FIELD_ARRAY)
-    for field in self.fields:
-      selector = field.selector_value
-      if not selector:
-        continue
-      field_name = field.field_name
-      if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
-        out_file.write(self._IFDEF % {'type': selector})
-      out_file.write(self._CASE_SELECTOR % {'selector': selector})
-      # Selector is not associated with a name, so no unmarshaling occurs.
-      if not field_name:
-        out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_EMPTY)
-        if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
-          out_file.write(self._ENDIF)
-        continue
-      field_type = field_types[field_name]
-      array_length = array_lengths[field_name]
-      self._OutputUnmarshalField(
-          out_file, field_type, field_name, array_length, typemap)
-      if self._NeedsIfdef(selector):
-        out_file.write(self._ENDIF)
-    out_file.write(self._UNMARSHAL_END)
-    marshalled_types.add(
-  def OutputMarshalDecl(self, out_file, declared_types, _):
-    """Writes marshal declarations for Union to |out_file|.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      declared_types: A set of types for which marshal and unmarshal function
-          declarations have already been generated.
-    """
-    self._OutputStructOrUnionMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types)
-  def OutputMarshalCall(self, out_file, field):
-    """Write a call to marshal function for Union type to |out_file|.
-       Override TPMType OutputMarshalCall to pass in selector value.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      field: A Field object representing a member of this union
-    """
-    out_file.write(self._UNION_MARSHAL_CALL %
-                   {'type': field.field_type,
-                    'name': field.field_name,
-                    'selector': field.selector_value})
-  def OutputUnmarshalCall(self, out_file, field):
-    """Write a call to unmarshal function for Union type to |out_file|.
-       Override TPMType OutputUnmashalCall to pass in selector value.
-    Args:
-      out_file: The output file.
-      field: A Field object representing a member of this union
-    """
-    out_file.write(self._UNION_UNMARSHAL_CALL %
-                   {'type': field.field_type,
-                    'name': field.field_name,
-                    'selector': field.selector_value})
-def GenerateHeader(typemap):
-  """Generates a header file with declarations for all given generator objects.
-  Args:
-    typemap: A dict mapping type names to the corresponding object.
-  """
-  out_file = open(_OUTPUT_FILE_H, 'w')
-  out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
-  guard_name = 'TPM2_%s_' % _OUTPUT_FILE_H.upper().replace('.', '_')
-  out_file.write(HEADER_FILE_GUARD_HEADER % {'name': guard_name})
-  out_file.write(_HEADER_FILE_INCLUDES)
-  # These types are built-in or defined by <stdint.h>; they serve as base cases
-  # when defining type dependencies.
-  declared_types = set(_BASIC_TYPES)
-  # Generate serialize / parse function declarations.
-  for basic_type in _BASIC_TYPES:
-    out_file.write(_STANDARD_MARSHAL_DECLARATION % {'type': basic_type})
-  for tpm_type in [typemap[x] for x in sorted(typemap.keys())]:
-    tpm_type.OutputMarshalDecl(out_file, declared_types, typemap)
-  out_file.write(HEADER_FILE_GUARD_FOOTER % {'name': guard_name})
-  out_file.close()
-  call(['clang-format', '-i', '-style=Chromium', 'tpm_generated.h'])
-def GenerateImplementation(typemap):
-  """Generates implementation code for each type.
-  Args:
-    typemap: A dict mapping string type names to the corresponding object.
-  """
-  out_file = open(_OUTPUT_FILE_CC, 'w')
-  out_file.write(COPYRIGHT_HEADER)
-  marshalled_types = set(_BASIC_TYPES)
-  for basic_type in _BASIC_TYPES:
-    out_file.write(_MARSHAL_BASIC_TYPE % {'type': basic_type})
-  for tpm_type in [typemap[x] for x in sorted(typemap.keys())]:
-    tpm_type.OutputMarshalImpl(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-  out_file.close()
-  call(['clang-format', '-i', '-style=Chromium', 'tpm_generated.c'])
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
deleted file mode 100755
index fcff891..0000000
--- a/generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Unit tests for the libtpm2 structure_generator."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-import StringIO
-import os
-import unittest
-import extract_structures
-import structure_generator
-class TestGenerators(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Test structure_generator classes."""
-  def testTypedefMarshal(self):
-    """Test generation of marshaling code for typedefs."""
-    marshalled_types = set(['int'])
-    typedef = structure_generator.Typedef('int', 'INT')
-    typedef2 = structure_generator.Typedef('INT', 'INT2')
-    typemap = {'INT': typedef}
-    out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
-    typedef2.OutputMarshalImpl(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    self.assertIn('INT', marshalled_types)
-    self.assertIn('INT2', marshalled_types)
-    out_file.close()
-  def testConstantTypeMarshal(self):
-    """Test generation of marshaling code for constant types."""
-    marshalled_types = set(['int'])
-    typedef = structure_generator.Typedef('int', 'UINT16')
-    constant = structure_generator.ConstantType('UINT16', 'TPM_TYPE')
-    constant.valid_values.append('VALUE0')
-    constant.valid_values.append('VALUE1')
-    typemap = {'UINT16': typedef}
-    out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
-    constant.OutputMarshalImpl(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    self.assertIn('UINT16', marshalled_types)
-    self.assertIn('TPM_TYPE', marshalled_types)
-    out_file.close()
-  def testAttributeStructureMarshal(self):
-    """Test generation of marshaling code for attribute structures."""
-    marshalled_types = set(['int'])
-    typedef = structure_generator.Typedef('int', 'UINT16')
-    attributeStruct = structure_generator.AttributeStructure(
-        'UINT16', 'TPM_TYPE')
-    attributeStruct.reserved.append('4_7')
-    attributeStruct.reserved.append('1')
-    typemap = {'UINT16': typedef}
-    out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
-    attributeStruct.OutputMarshalImpl(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    self.assertIn('UINT16', marshalled_types)
-    self.assertIn('TPM_TYPE', marshalled_types)
-    out_file.close()
-  def testInterfacemarshal(self):
-    """test generation of marshaling code for interfaces."""
-    marshalled_types = set(['int'])
-    typedef = structure_generator.Typedef('int', 'UINT16')
-    interface = structure_generator.Interface('UINT16', 'TPM_TYPE')
-    interface.conditional = 'TPM_VALUE_NULL'
-    interface.bounds.append(('TPM_MIN', 'TPM_MAX'))
-    interface.valid_values.append('VALUE0')
-    interface.valid_values.append('VALUE1')
-    typemap = {'UINT16': typedef}
-    out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
-    interface.OutputMarshalImpl(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    self.assertIn('UINT16', marshalled_types)
-    self.assertIn('TPM_TYPE', marshalled_types)
-    out_file.close()
-  def testStructMarshal(self):
-    """Test generation of marshaling code for structures."""
-    marshalled_types = set(['int'])
-    struct = structure_generator.Structure('TEST_STRUCT')
-    struct.AddField(structure_generator.Field('UINT16', 'type', None, False))
-    struct.AddField(structure_generator.Field('TPMI_TYPE', 'interfaceField0',
-                                              'TRUE', False))
-    struct.AddField(structure_generator.Field('TPMI_TYPE', 'interfaceField1',
-                                              'FALSE', False))
-    struct.AddField(structure_generator.Field('TPMU_SYM_MODE', 'unionField',
-                                              'type', False))
-    struct.AddField(structure_generator.Field('UINT16', 'arrayField',
-                                              'MAX_VALUE', True))
-    typedef = structure_generator.Typedef('int', 'UINT16')
-    interface = structure_generator.Interface('UINT16', 'TPMI_TYPE')
-    # Choose TPMU_SYM_MODE because it exists in selectors definition and it
-    # has few fields.
-    union = structure_generator.Union('TPMU_SYM_MODE')
-    union.AddField(structure_generator.Field('UINT16', 'aes', None))
-    union.AddField(structure_generator.Field('UINT16', 'SM4', None))
-    typemap = {
-        'UINT16': typedef,
-        'TPMI_TYPE': interface,
-        'TPMU_SYM_MODE': union
-    }
-    out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
-    struct.OutputMarshalImpl(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    self.assertIn('UINT16', marshalled_types)
-    self.assertIn('TPMI_TYPE', marshalled_types)
-    self.assertIn('TPMU_SYM_MODE', marshalled_types)
-    self.assertIn('TEST_STRUCT', marshalled_types)
-    out_file.close()
-  def testUnionMarshal(self):
-    """Test generation of marshaling code for unions."""
-    marshalled_types = set(['int'])
-    union = structure_generator.Union('TPMU_SYM_MODE')
-    union.AddField(structure_generator.Field('UINT16', 'aes', None))
-    union.AddField(structure_generator.Field('UINT16', 'SM4', None))
-    typedef = structure_generator.Typedef('int', 'UINT16')
-    typemap = {'UINT16': typedef}
-    out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
-    union.OutputMarshalImpl(out_file, marshalled_types, typemap)
-    self.assertIn('UINT16', marshalled_types)
-    self.assertIn('TPMU_SYM_MODE', marshalled_types)
-    out_file.close()
-  def _MakeArg(self, arg_type, arg_name):
-    return {'type': arg_type,
-            'name': arg_name,
-            'command_code': None,
-            'description': None}
-class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
-  """Test structure parser."""
-  def testStructureParser(self):
-    """Test the structure parser with valid data.
-       One of each typedef, constant type, attribute structure, interface,
-       structure, and union. Should appear in types array in that order.
-    """
-    html_parser = extract_structures.SpecParser()
-    html_file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                                  'test_structure_generator.html')
-    html_parser.feed(open(html_file_name).read())
-    html_parser.close()
-    types = html_parser.GetTable().GetTypeMap()
-    self.assertEqual(len(types), 6)
-    tpm_obj = types['UINT16']
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.old_type, 'uint16_t')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.new_type, 'UINT16')
-    tpm_obj = types['TPMA_LOCALITY']
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.old_type, 'base_type')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.new_type, 'TPMA_LOCALITY')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.reserved[0], '4_7')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.reserved[1], '9')
-    tpm_obj = types['const_type']
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.old_type, 'base_type')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.new_type, 'const_type')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.valid_values[0], 'const_name')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.error_code, 'return_name')
-    tpm_obj = types['TPMI_DH_OBJECT']
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.old_type, 'base_type')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.new_type, 'TPMI_DH_OBJECT')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.bounds[0][0], 'min_name')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.bounds[0][1], 'max_name')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.valid_values[0], 'const_name')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.conditional_value, 'null_name')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.error_code, 'return_name')
-    tpm_obj = types['struct_type']
-    self.assertEqual(, 'struct_type')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[0].field_type, 'UINT16')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[0].field_name, 'field1')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[1].field_type, 'UINT16')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[1].field_name, 'field2')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[2].field_type, 'UINT16')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[2].field_name, 'field3')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[2].run_time_size, 'field1')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[3].field_type, 'UINT16')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[3].field_name, 'field4')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[3].selector_value, 'field2')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[4].field_type, 'interface_type')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[4].field_name, 'field5')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.upper_bounds['field1'], 'max')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.lower_bounds['field1'], 'min')
-    tpm_obj = types['union_type']
-    self.assertEqual(, 'union_type')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[0].field_type, 'field1_type')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[0].field_name, 'field1')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[1].field_type, 'field2_type')
-    self.assertEqual(tpm_obj.fields[1].field_name, 'field2')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/generator/test_structure_generator.html b/generator/test_structure_generator.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f645ed..0000000
--- a/generator/test_structure_generator.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this
- source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
- LICENSE file.
-This file contains HTML code which defines a few TPM objects following the
-format of the HTML files generated by pdf=>html converting of TCG TPM2 library
-Some arbitrary text
-<a name="bookmark273"> Table 1 Definition of Types for ints</a>
-<tr><td> Type </td><td> Name </td><td> Description </td></tr>
-<tr><td> uint16_t </td><td> UINT16 </td><td> </td></tr>
-<p>more arbitrary text
-<a name="bookmark219">Table 2 Definition of (base_type) TPMA_LOCALITY Bits
-<tr><td> Bit </td><td> Name </td> <td> Definition </td></tr>
-<tr><td> 3:0  </td><td> TPM_LOC_ZERO </td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td> 7:4  </td><td> Reserved </td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td> 8 </td><td> TPM_LOC_ONE </td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td> 9  </td><td> Reserved </td><td></td></tr>
-<tr><td> 10 </td><td> TPM_LOC_TWO </td><td></td></tr>
-<p>more arbitrary text
-<a name="bookmark219">
-<a name=bookmark99>Table 3 Definition of (base_type) const_type Constants  </a>
-<tr><td> Name </td> <td> Value </td><td> Comments </td></tr>
-<tr><td> const_name </td><td> 0x322E3000 </td><td> terrminator </td></tr>
-<tr><td> TPM_SPEC_LEVEL </td><td> 00 </td> <td> the level number </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> #return_name </td><td> </td> <td>  </td></tr>
-<p>more arbitrary text
-<a name=bookmark274>Table 4 Definition of (base_type) TPMI_DH_OBJECT Type</a>
-<tr><td> Values </td> <td> Comments </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> const_name </td><td> one of valid values </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> {min_name:max_name} </td><td> allowed range </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> {PERSISTENT_FIRST:PERSISTENT_LAST}</td><td> allowed range </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> +null_name </td> <td> the conditional value </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> #return_name </td><td> </td></tr>
-<p>more arbitrary text
-<a name=bookmark274>Table 5 Definition of struct_type Structure <OUT>
-<tr><td> Values </td> <td> Comments </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> field1 </td><td> UINT16 </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> field2 </td><td> UINT16 </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> field3[field1]{min:max} </td><td> UINT16 </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> [field2]field4 </td><td> UINT16 </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> field5= </td><td> interface_type </td> </tr>
-<p>more arbitrary text
-<a name=bookmark781>Table 6 Definition of union_type Union</a>
-<tr><td> Parameter </td><td> Type </td><td> Selector </td><td> Description </td></tr>
-<tr><td> field1 </td><td> field1_type </td><td> field1_selector </td><td> a prime factor of the public key </td> </tr>
-<tr><td> field2 </td><td> field2_type </td><td> field2_selector </td><td> the integer private key </td> </tr>
-<p>more arbitrary text
diff --git a/generator/ b/generator/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97eaf90..0000000
--- a/generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,831 +0,0 @@
-"""Module for processing TCG TPM2 library object descriptions.
-The descriptions are scraped from the tables of parts 2 and 3 of the
-specification by a different module and fed through this module for
-from __future__ import print_function
-import re
-import sys
-from command_generator import Command
-from structure_generator import AttributeStructure
-from structure_generator import ConstantType
-from structure_generator import Field
-from structure_generator import Interface
-from structure_generator import Structure
-from structure_generator import Typedef
-from structure_generator import Union
-def _DebugLog(*args, **kwargs):
-  """When used - sends its inputs to stderr.
-  This function can be used when debugging this module. Its footprint is
-  similar to print(), but the default destination is sys.stderr, which is
-  handy when the script generates stdio output redirected into a file.
-  Args:
-    *args: a list of items of various types to print. Printed space separated,
-           each one converted to str before being printed.
-    **kwargs: a dictionary of variables to pass to print(), if any. In fact the
-              only key this function cares about is 'endl', which allows to
-              suppress adding a newline to the printed string.
-  """
-  endl = kwargs.get('endl', '\n')
-  print(' '.join(str(x) for x in args), end=endl, file=sys.stderr)
-class Table(object):
-  """Representation of TCG TPM2 library specification tables.
-  The purpose of this class is to both generate new TPM2 objects and to keep
-  track of the previously generated objects for post processing (generating C
-  code).
-  The HTML scraper finds tables in the specifications and builds up the
-  tables' contents in this object, one at a time. This object's table
-  representation includes table title, table header and one or more then table
-  rows.
-  The table title must start with 'Table ### xxx', where ### is monotonously
-  increasing table number and xxx is some description allowing to deduce the
-  type of the object defined by this table.
-  The cells of the table include names and types of the components, various
-  decorations are used to convey additional information: array boundaries,
-  values' limits, return values, selectors, etc, etc.
-  Once the entire table is scraped, the scraper invokes a method to process it
-  (ProcessTable). The title of the table is examined by this module and the
-  appropriate processing method is invoked to actually convert the internal
-  table representation into a TPM2 object.
-  Two maps are maintained persistently over the life time of this object, the
-  map of types (keyed by the type name scraped from part 2) and map of
-  commands (keyed by the command name, scraped from part 3).
-  One other thing this module produces is the text for the .h file defining
-  all structures and types this module encountered.
-  Attributes:
-    _alg_id_table: actual table of various TPM2 algorithms, a copy of Table 9
-                   from part 2. It is used to convert encoded algorithm specs
-                   used in other tables into a list of matching algorithms.
-    _h_file: a multiline string, the accumulated .h file defining all TPM
-                   objects processed so far.
-    _type_map: a dictionary of various TPM types, keyed by the string - the
-                   type name
-    _command_map: a dictionary of command_generator.Command objects, keyed by
-                   the string, the command name
-    skip_tables: a tuple of integers, the numbers of tables which should not
-                   be included in the .h file, as the same information was
-                   derived from part 4 earlier.
-    _title: a string, title of the currently being processed specification
-                   table
-    _title_type: a string, base type of the object defined by the currently
-                   being processed specification table
-    _alg_type: a string, in some tables included in the title in curly
-                   brackets, to indicate what type of the algorithm this table
-                   deals with (usually RSA or ECC)
-    _body: a list of strings, rows of the currently being processed
-                   specification table
-    _has_selector_column: a Boolean, set to True if the third column of the
-                   table is the selector to be used to process this row (as in
-                   picking the object type when the table represents a union)
-    _skip_printing: a Boolean, set to True if the table contents should not be
-                   included on tpm_types.h - some tables are also defined in
-                   files extracted from Part 4 of the specification.
-  """
-  # Match table titles with processing routines.
-      (re.compile('(Constants|Defines for Logic Values)'), '_ProcessConstants'),
-      (re.compile('(of Types for|Base Types)'), '_ProcessTypes'),
-      (re.compile('Definition of .* Type'), '_ProcessInterfaceOrType'),
-      (re.compile('Unmarshaling Errors'), '_ProcessEnum'),
-      (re.compile(r'Definition of [\S]+ (Structure|Union)'),
-       '_ProcessStructureOrUnion'),
-      (re.compile('Definition of .* Bits'), '_ProcessBits'),
-      (re.compile(r' TPM2_\S+ (Command|Response)'), '_ProcessCommand'),
-  )
-  # The TCG spec in some cases uses so called 'Algorithm macros' to describe
-  # all algorithms a type should apply to. The macros are described in details
-  # in section 4.12 of part 2 of the spec.
-  #
-  # Basically, the macro consists of the prefix '!ALG' followed by dot
-  # separated descriptions of algorithm types this marco applies to.
-  #
-  # The algorithm types are expressed as sequences or lower or upper case
-  # letters, and should match the third column of Table 9 either inclusively
-  # (in case the type letters are in upper case, or exclusively, in case the
-  # type letters are in lower case.
-  _alg_macro = re.compile(r'!ALG\.([a-z\.]+)', re.IGNORECASE)
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Create a Table class instance."""
-    self._alg_id_table = []
-    # Allow re-initializing attributes outside __init__() (in Init())
-    self.Init()
-    self._h_file = ''
-    self._type_map = {}
-    self._command_map = {}
-    self.skip_tables = ()
-  def Init(self, title=''):
-    """Initialize a new table.
-    This function is invoked each time a new table is encountered in the spec.
-    A typical table header could look like this:
-    'Table 10 - Definition of (UINT16) {ECC} TPM_ECC_CURVE Constants'
-    The algorithm type in curly brackets, if present, is redundant, it is
-    stripped off before the table header comment is generated for the .h file.
-    Some titles include the parenthesized base type the defined object should
-    be typedef'ed from.
-    Args:
-      title: a string, the title of the table as included in the TCG spec.
-    """
-    title_bracket_filter = re.compile(r'({.*?}) ?')
-    title_type_filter = re.compile(r'(\(.*?\)) ?')
-    # Retrieve base type, if present in the table title.
-    m =
-    if m:
-      # the header shown in the docstring above would result in the match of
-      # '(UINT16)', remove the parenthesis and save the base type.
-      self._title_type = m.groups()[0][1:-1]
-      self._title = title_type_filter.sub('', title).strip()
-    else:
-      self._title_type = ''
-      self._title = title.strip()
-    # Now retrieve algorithm type, if present in the table title.
-    m =
-    self._alg_type = ''
-    if m:
-      self._title = title_bracket_filter.sub('', self._title).strip()
-      alg_type = m.groups()[0][1:-1].strip()
-      if not alg_type.startswith('!'):
-        self._alg_type = alg_type
-    self._body = []
-    self._has_selector_column = False
-    self._skip_printing = False
-  def _SplitByAlg(self, word):
-    """Split the passed in word by the regex used to pick TPM algorithms.
-    The TPM algorithm regex is used all over the spec in situations where
-    similar code needs to be generated for different algorithms of a certain
-    type.
-    A string in the spec might look like one of the following:
-    The split would result in a three element list: the part before !ALG
-    (could be empty), the letters between '!ALG.' and _ or end of the string,
-    and the part after the letters included in the algorithm regex.
-    TPMI_!ALG.S_KEY_BITS => ['TPMI_', 'S', '_KEY_BITS']
-    !ALG.S_KEY_SIZES_BITS => ['', 'S', '_KEY_SIZES_BITS']
-    The first and last elements of the split are used as the prefix and suffix
-    of the type names included in the generated file.
-    In some cases there is no regex suffix present, only the !ALG string, as
-    in the selector column in table 127 (TPM_ALG_!ALG) In this case the split
-    by the !ALG string is attempted, and the generated list has just two
-    elements.
-    In yet some other cases, say in Table 126 where the type field does not
-    change at all set to TPMI_ALG_SYM_MODE for all fields. In such cases the
-    split returns a single element list, the second element set to None is
-    added to the list.
-    Args:
-      word: a string, the encoded algorithm string to be split.
-    Returns:
-      a tuple of two strings, first and last elements of the split, either one
-      could be empty.
-    """
-    parts = self._alg_macro.split(word)
-    if len(parts) == 1:
-      parts = word.split('!ALG')
-      if len(parts) == 1:
-        return word, None
-    return parts[0].strip('_'), parts[-1].strip('_')
-  def SetSkipTables(self, skip_tables):
-    """Set the tuple of table numbers to be ignored by the parser."""
-    self.skip_tables = skip_tables
-  def _AddToHfile(self, text=''):
-    self._h_file += text + '\n'
-  def _SetBaseType(self, old_type, tpm_obj):
-    """Set the base type for a new object.
-    Many TPM objects are typedefed hierarchically, for instance
-    uint16_t => UINT16 => TPM_ALG_ID_Marshal => TPMI_ALG_HASH_Marshal
-    This causes excessive nesting when marshaling and unmarshaling, which is
-    bad from both performance and stack size requirements point of view.
-    This function will discover the 'basest' type and set it in the tpm
-    object, this would help to generate direct marshaling/unmarshaling
-    functions.
-    Args:
-      old_type: a string, name of the immediate type this tpm object typedefed
-                from.
-      tpm_obj: a tpm object, derived from TPMType
-    """
-    base_type = old_type
-    while base_type in self._type_map:
-      try:
-        base_type = self._type_map[base_type].old_type
-      except AttributeError:
-        break  # The underlying type is not a typedef
-    tpm_obj.SetBaseType(base_type)
-  def _AddTypedef(self, old_type, new_type):
-    if not self._skip_printing:
-      self._AddToHfile('typedef %s %s;' % (old_type, new_type))
-    # No need to generate marshaling/unmarshaling code for BOOL type.
-    if new_type != 'BOOL':
-      self._type_map[new_type] = Typedef(old_type, new_type)
-      self._SetBaseType(old_type, self._type_map[new_type])
-  def InProgress(self):
-    """Return True when the parser is in the middle of a table."""
-    return self._title
-  def _GetMaxLengths(self, table):
-    """Find out maximum lengths of the table columns.
-    This function helps to generate nicely aligned definitions in the output
-    .h file, by making sure that each field's name starts in the same column,
-    far enough for all fields' types to fit.
-    Args:
-      table: a list of string lists. Each component consists of at least two
-             elements, the first one the field or constant type, the
-             second one the field name or constant value.
-    Returns:
-      a tuple of two integers, the first one - the length of the longest
-              string in the first colume, the second one - the length of the
-              longest string in the second column.
-    """
-    lengths = [0, 0]
-    for row in table:
-      for i in range(len(lengths)):
-        if len(row[i]) > lengths[i]:
-          lengths[i] = len(row[i])
-    return tuple(lengths)
-  def NewRow(self):
-    """Start a new row in the internal table representation."""
-    self._body.append([])
-  def NewCell(self):
-    """Start a new cell in the last row."""
-    self._body[-1].append('')
-  def AddData(self, data):
-    """Add data to the last cell of the last row."""
-    if not self._body:
-      return  # Ignore end of line and whitespace formatting.
-    self._body[-1][-1] += data
-  def ProcessTable(self):
-    """Process accumulated table contents.
-    This function is invoked when the parser state machine detects that the
-    entire HTML table has been processed. The received contents is handled
-    based on the table title by finding the matching entry in TABLE_ROUTER
-    tuple.
-    The result of processing is adding a new TPM type to the _type_map
-    dictionary, or a new command descriptor to the _command_map dictionary.
-    """
-    # The table has a selector column if it has at least three columns, and
-    # the third column is titled 'Selector'.
-    self._has_selector_column = (len(self._body[0]) >= 3 and
-                                 self._body[0][2].strip() == 'Selector')
-    # Preprocess representation of the table scraped from the spec. Namely,
-    # remove the header row, and strip all other cells before adding them to
-    # self._body[], which becomes a list including all scraped table cells,
-    # stripped.
-    self._body = [[cell.strip() for cell in row] for row in self._body[1:]]
-    if 'TPM_ALG_ID Constants' in self._title:
-      self._alg_id_table = [[x[0], x[2].replace(' ', ''), x[3]]
-                            for x in self._body]
-    # The name of the type defined in the table, when present, is always the
-    # fifth element in the stripped header, for instance:
-    # 'Table 10 - Definition of TPM_ECC_CURVE Constants'
-    try:
-      type_name = self._title.split()[4]
-    except IndexError:
-      type_name = ''
-    # Based on the table title, find the function to process the table and
-    # generate a TPM specification object of a certain type.
-    table_func = ''
-    for regex, func in self.TABLE_ROUTER:
-      if
-        table_func = func
-        break
-    else:
-      self._AddToHfile('// Unprocessed: %s' % self._title)
-      return
-    if int(self._title.split()[1]) in self.skip_tables:
-      self._skip_printing = True
-      self._AddToHfile('// Skipped: %s' % self._title)
-    else:
-      self._AddToHfile('// %s' % self._title)
-    # Invoke a TPM type specific processing function.
-    getattr(self, table_func)(type_name)
-  def _ProcessCommand(self, _):
-    """Process command description table from part 3.
-    Each TPM command has two tables associated with it, one describing the
-    request structure, and another one describing the response structure. The
-    first time a TPM command is encountered, a Command object is created and
-    its 'request_args' property is set, the second time it is encountered -
-    the existing object's 'response_args' property is set.
-    """
-    command_name = self._title.split()[2]
-    if command_name not in self._command_map:
-      command = Command(command_name)
-      self._command_map[command_name] = command
-    else:
-      command = self._command_map[command_name]
-    params = []
-    # The first three fields in each request and response are always the same
-    # and are not included in the generated structures. Let's iterate over the
-    # rest of the fields.
-    for row in self._body[3:]:
-      # A dictionary describing a request or response structure field.
-      field = {}
-      # Ignore the '@' decoration for now.
-      field_type, field['name'] = row[0], row[1].lstrip('@')
-      # The '+' decoration means this field can be conditional.
-      if field_type.endswith('+'):
-        field_type = field_type[:-1]
-        field['has_conditional'] = 'TRUE'
-      else:
-        field['has_conditional'] = 'FALSE'
-      field['type'] = field_type
-      if len(row) > 2:
-        field['description'] = row[2]
-      else:
-        field['description'] = ''
-      # Add the new field to the list of request or response fields.
-      params.append(field)
-    if ' Command' in self._title:
-      command.request_args = params
-    else:
-      command.response_args = params
-  def _PickAlgEntries(self, alg_type_str):
-    """Process algorithm id table and find all matching entries.
-    See comments to _alg_macro above.
-    Args:
-     alg_type_str: a string, one or more dot separated encoded algorithm types.
-    Returns:
-      A table of alg_type (Table 9 of part 2) entries matching the passed in
-      encoded type string.
-    """
-    filtered_table = []
-    for alg_type in alg_type_str.split('.'):
-      if re.match('^[A-Z]+$', alg_type):
-        # Exclusive selection, must exactly match algorithm type from table 9
-        # (which is in the second column). Add to the return value all
-        # matching rows of table 9.
-        extension = []
-        for row in self._alg_id_table:
-          if row[1] == alg_type:
-            if self._alg_type and self._alg_type != row[2]:
-              continue
-            extension.append(row)
-        filtered_table.extend(extension)
-      elif re.match('^[a-z]+$', alg_type):
-        # Inclusive selection. All type letters must be present in the type
-        # column, but no exact match is required.
-        for row in self._alg_id_table:
-          for char in alg_type.upper():
-            if char not in row[1]:
-              break
-          else:
-            if not self._alg_type or self._alg_type == row[2]:
-              filtered_table.append(row)
-    return filtered_table
-  def _ParseAlgorithmRegex(self, token):
-    """Process a token as an algorithm regex.
-    This function tries to interpret the passed in token as an encoded
-    algorithm specification.
-    In case the encoded algorithm regex matches, the function splits the token
-    into prefix, algorithm description and suffix, and then retrieves the list
-    of all algorithms matching the algorithm description.
-    Args:
-      token: a string, potentially including the algorithm regex.
-    Returns:
-      in case the regex matched returns a tri-tuple of two strings (prefix and
-      suffix, either one could be empty) and a list of matching algorithms
-      from the algorithm descriptors table. If there has been no match -
-      returns None.
-    """
-    elements = self._alg_macro.split(token)
-    if len(elements) == 3:
-      # The token matched the algorithm regex, Find out prefix and suffix to
-      # be used on the generated type names, and the algorithm regex suffix to
-      # use to find matching entries in the algorithm table.
-      name_prefix, alg_suffix, name_suffix = tuple(elements)
-      name_prefix = name_prefix.strip('_')
-      name_suffix = name_suffix.strip('_')
-      return name_prefix, name_suffix, self._PickAlgEntries(alg_suffix)
-  def _ProcessInterface(self, type_name):
-    """Processes spec tables describing interfaces."""
-    result = self._ParseAlgorithmRegex(type_name)
-    if result:
-      name_prefix, name_suffix, alg_list = tuple(result)
-      # Process all matching algorithm types
-      for alg_desc in alg_list:
-        alg_base = alg_desc[0].replace('TPM_ALG_', '')
-        new_name = '_'.join([name_prefix,
-                             alg_base, name_suffix]).strip('_')
-        new_if = Interface(self._title_type, new_name)
-        self._AddTypedef(self._title_type, new_name)
-        for row in self._body:
-          new_value = row[0]
-          if new_value.startswith('$!ALG'):
-            new_if.supported_values = alg_base + '_' + '_'.join(
-                new_value.split('_')[1:])
-          elif new_value.startswith('$'):
-            new_if.supported_values = new_value[1:]
-          elif new_value.startswith('#'):
-            new_if.error_code = new_value[1:]
-        self._type_map[new_name] = new_if
-      self._AddToHfile('\n')
-      return
-    new_if = Interface(self._title_type, type_name)
-    self._AddTypedef(self._title_type, type_name)
-    self._type_map[type_name] = new_if
-    self._SetBaseType(type_name, new_if)
-    for row in self._body:
-      new_value = row[0]
-      result = self._ParseAlgorithmRegex(new_value)
-      if result:
-        # The field is described using the algorithm regex. The above comment
-        # applies.
-        name_prefix, name_suffix, alg_list = tuple(result)
-        for alg_desc in alg_list:
-          alg_base = alg_desc[0].replace('TPM_ALG_', '')
-          new_if.valid_values.append('_'.join(
-              [name_prefix, alg_base, name_suffix]).strip('_'))
-      else:
-        if new_value.startswith('{'):
-          bounds = tuple(
-              [x.strip() for x in new_value[1:-1].strip().split(':')])
-          new_if.bounds.append(bounds)
-        elif new_value.startswith('+'):
-          new_if.conditional_value = new_value[1:]
-        elif new_value.startswith('#'):
-          new_if.error_code = new_value[1:]
-        elif new_value.startswith('$'):
-          new_if.supported_values = new_value[1:]
-        else:
-          new_if.valid_values.append(new_value)
-    return
-  def _ProcessTypedefs(self, type_name):
-    """Processes spec tables defining new types."""
-    result = self._ParseAlgorithmRegex(type_name)
-    if result:
-      name_prefix, name_suffix, alg_list = tuple(result)
-      for alg_desc in alg_list:
-        alg_base = alg_desc[0].replace('TPM_ALG_', '')
-        new_type = '%s_%s_%s' % (name_prefix, alg_base, name_suffix)
-        self._AddTypedef(self._title_type, new_type)
-      self._AddToHfile('\n')
-    else:
-      self._AddTypedef(self._title_type, type_name)
-  def _ProcessBits(self, type_name):
-    """Processes spec tables describing attributes (bit fields)."""
-    bits_lines = []
-    base_bit = 0
-    tpm_obj = AttributeStructure(self._title_type, type_name)
-    self._type_map[type_name] = tpm_obj
-    self._SetBaseType(self._title_type, tpm_obj)
-    for bits_line in self._body:
-      field, name = tuple(bits_line[:2])
-      if not field:
-        continue
-      if name.startswith('TPM_'):
-        # Spec inconsistency fix.
-        name_pieces = [x.lower() for x in name.split('_')[1:]]
-        name = name_pieces[0]
-        for piece in name_pieces[1:]:
-          name += piece[0].upper() + piece[1:]
-      bit_range = [x.replace(' ', '') for x in field.split(':')]
-      field_base = int(bit_range[-1])
-      if field_base != base_bit:
-        field_name = 'reserved%d' % base_bit
-        field_width = field_base - base_bit
-        if field_width > 1:
-          field_name += '_%d' % (field_base - 1)
-        bits_lines.append(['%s : %d' % (field_name, field_width)])
-        tpm_obj.reserved.append(field_name.replace('reserved', ''))
-      if len(bit_range) > 1:
-        field_width = int(bit_range[0]) - field_base + 1
-      else:
-        field_width = 1
-      if re.match('reserved', name, re.IGNORECASE):
-        name = 'reserved%d' % field_base
-        if field_width > 1:
-          name += '_%d' % (field_base + field_width - 1)
-        tpm_obj.reserved.append(name.replace('reserved', ''))
-      bits_lines.append([name, ': %d' % field_width])
-      base_bit = field_base + field_width
-    max_type_len, _ = self._GetMaxLengths(bits_lines)
-    self._AddToHfile('typedef struct {')
-    for bits_line in bits_lines:
-      self._AddToHfile('  %s %-*s %s;' % (self._title_type, max_type_len,
-                                          bits_line[0], bits_line[1]))
-    self._AddToHfile('} %s;\n' % type_name)
-  def _ExpandAlgs(self, row):
-    """Find all algorithms encoded in the variable name.
-    Args:
-      row: a list of strings, a row of a structure or union table scraped from
-           part 2.
-    Returns:
-      A list for structure_generator.Field objects, one per expanded
-      algorithm.
-    """
-    alg_spec = row[0].split()
-    expansion = []
-    m =[0])
-    if m:
-      alg_type = m.groups()[0]
-      # Find all algorithms of this type in the alg id table
-      alg_entries = self._PickAlgEntries(alg_type)
-      if len(alg_spec) == 2 and alg_spec[1][0] == '[':
-        # This is the case of a union of arrays.
-        raw_size_parts = self._alg_macro.split(alg_spec[1][1:-1])
-        size_prefix = raw_size_parts[0].strip('_')
-        size_suffix = raw_size_parts[2].strip('_')
-        for alg_desc in alg_entries:
-          alg_base = alg_desc[0].replace('TPM_ALG_', '')
-          size = '_'.join([size_prefix, alg_base, size_suffix]).strip('_')
-          if self._has_selector_column:
-            selector_parts = self._alg_macro.split(row[2])
-            selector_prefix = selector_parts[0].strip('_')
-            selector_suffix = selector_parts[2].strip('_')
-            selector = '_'.join([selector_prefix,
-                                 alg_base, selector_suffix]).strip('_')
-          else:
-            selector = ''
-          expansion.append(Field(row[1], alg_base.lower(),
-                                 selector=selector, array_size=size))
-      else:
-        type_prefix, type_suffix = self._SplitByAlg(row[1])
-        if self._has_selector_column:
-          selector_prefix, selector_suffix = self._SplitByAlg(row[2])
-        else:
-          selector = ''
-        for alg_desc in alg_entries:
-          alg_base = alg_desc[0].replace('TPM_ALG_', '')
-          if type_suffix is not None:
-            var_type = '_'.join([type_prefix, alg_base, type_suffix]).strip('_')
-          else:
-            var_type = type_prefix
-          if self._has_selector_column:
-            selector = '_'.join([selector_prefix, alg_base,
-                                 selector_suffix]).strip('_')
-          expansion.append(Field(var_type, alg_base.lower(),
-                                 selector=selector))
-    return expansion
-  def _ProcessInterfaceOrType(self, type_name):
-    if type_name.startswith('TPMI_'):
-      self._ProcessInterface(type_name)
-    else:
-      self._ProcessTypedefs(type_name)
-  def _StructOrUnionToHfile(self, body_fields, type_name, union_mode, tpm_obj):
-    body_lines = []
-    for field in body_fields:
-      tpm_obj.AddField(field)
-      body_lines.append([field.field_type, field.field_name])
-      if field.array_size:
-        body_lines[-1][-1] += '[%s]' % field.array_size
-      if field.selector_value:
-        body_lines[-1].append(field.selector_value)
-    max_type_len, _ = self._GetMaxLengths(body_lines)
-    tpm2b_mode = type_name.startswith('TPM2B_')
-    space_prefix = ''
-    if union_mode:
-      self._AddToHfile('typedef union {')
-    else:
-      if tpm2b_mode:
-        self._AddToHfile('typedef union {')
-        space_prefix = '  '
-        self._AddToHfile('  struct {')
-      else:
-        self._AddToHfile('typedef struct {')
-    for line in body_lines:
-      guard_required = len(line) > 2 and line[2].startswith('TPM_ALG_')
-      if not line[1]:
-        continue
-      if guard_required:
-        self._AddToHfile('#ifdef %s' % line[2])
-      self._AddToHfile(space_prefix + '  %-*s  %s;' % (
-          max_type_len, line[0], line[1]))
-      if guard_required:
-        self._AddToHfile('#endif')
-    if tpm2b_mode:
-      self._AddToHfile('  } t;')
-      self._AddToHfile('  TPM2B b;')
-    self._AddToHfile('} %s;\n' % type_name)
-    self._type_map[type_name] = tpm_obj
-  def _ProcessStructureOrUnion(self, type_name):
-    """Processes spec tables describing structure and unions.
-    Both of these object types share a lot of similarities. Union types have
-    the word 'Union' in the table title.
-    Args:
-      type_name: a string, name of the TPM object type
-    """
-    union_mode = 'Union' in self._title
-    if union_mode:
-      tpm_obj = Union(type_name)
-    else:
-      tpm_obj = Structure(type_name)
-    body_fields = []
-    for row in self._body:
-      if row[0].startswith('#'):
-        tpm_obj.error_code = row[0][1:]
-        continue
-      if (len(row) < 2 or
-          row[1].startswith('#') or
-          row[0].startswith('//')):
-        continue
-      value = row[0]
-      if value.endswith('='):
-        value = value[:-1]
-        tpm_obj.size_check = True
-      if
-        body_fields.extend(self._ExpandAlgs(row))
-        continue
-      array_size = None
-      run_time_size = None
-      vm ='^(\S+)\s*\[(\S+)\]\s*\{(.*:*)\}', value)
-      selector = ''
-      if vm:
-        value, run_time_size, bounds = vm.groups()
-        lower, upper = [x.strip() for x in bounds.split(':')]
-        if upper:
-          array_size = upper
-          tpm_obj.AddUpperBound(run_time_size, upper)
-        else:
-          array_size = run_time_size
-        if lower:
-          tpm_obj.AddLowerBound(run_time_size, lower)
-      else:
-        vm ='^\[(\S+)\]\s*(\S+)', value)
-        if vm:
-          selector, value = vm.groups()
-        else:
-          vm ='^(\S+)\s*\{(.+)\}', value)
-          if vm:
-            value, bounds = vm.groups()
-            if ':' in bounds:
-              lower, upper = [x.strip() for x in bounds.split(':')]
-              if upper:
-                tpm_obj.AddUpperBound(value, upper)
-              if lower:
-                tpm_obj.AddLowerBound(value, lower)
-      if self._has_selector_column:
-        selector = row[2]
-      field_type = row[1]
-      if field_type.startswith('+') or field_type.endswith('+'):
-        field_type = field_type.strip('+')
-        conditional = 'TRUE'
-      else:
-        conditional = 'FALSE'
-      if field_type or value:
-        body_fields.append(Field(field_type,
-                                 value,
-                                 array_size=array_size,
-                                 run_time_size=run_time_size,
-                                 selector=selector,
-                                 conditional_value=conditional))
-    self._StructOrUnionToHfile(body_fields, type_name, union_mode, tpm_obj)
-  def _ProcessEnum(self, _):
-    """Processes spec tables describing enums."""
-    if self._skip_printing:
-      return
-    self._AddToHfile('enum {')
-    for value, row in enumerate(self._body):
-      self._AddToHfile('  %s = %d,' % (row[0], value + 1))
-    self._AddToHfile('};\n')
-  def _ProcessTypes(self, _):
-    """Processes spec tables describing new types."""
-    for type_, name_, _ in self._body:
-      m =
-      if not m:
-        self._AddTypedef(type_, name_)
-        continue
-      qualifier = [x for x in ('ECC', 'RSA') if x == type_.split('_')[-1]]
-      alg_suffix = m.groups()[0]
-      type_base = self._alg_macro.split(name_)[0]
-      for alg_desc in self._PickAlgEntries(alg_suffix):
-        if qualifier and alg_desc[2] != qualifier[0]:
-          continue
-        self._AddTypedef(type_, alg_desc[0].replace('TPM_ALG_', type_base))
-    self._AddToHfile()
-  def _ProcessConstants(self, type_name):
-    """Processes spec tables describing constants."""
-    if self._title_type:
-      self._AddTypedef(self._title_type, type_name)
-    constant_defs = []
-    tpm_obj = ConstantType(self._title_type, type_name)
-    for row in self._body:
-      name = row[0].strip()
-      if not name:
-        continue
-      if name.startswith('#'):
-        tpm_obj.error_code = name[1:]
-        continue
-      if name == 'reserved' or len(row) < 2:
-        continue
-      value = row[1].strip()
-      rm = re.match(r'^(\(.*?\))', value)
-      if rm:
-        value = '%s' % rm.groups()[0]
-      else:
-        v_list = value.split()
-        if len(v_list) > 2 and v_list[1] == '+':
-          value = '((%s)(%s))' % (type_name, ' '.join(v_list[:3]))
-      if ' ' in value and not value.startswith('('):
-        value = '(%s)' % value
-      constant_defs.append([name, value])
-      tpm_obj.valid_values.append(name)
-    if self._title_type:
-      self._type_map[type_name] = tpm_obj
-      self._SetBaseType(self._title_type, tpm_obj)
-    if self._skip_printing:
-      return
-    max_name_len, max_value_len = self._GetMaxLengths(constant_defs)
-    for row in constant_defs:
-      self._AddToHfile('#define %-*s  %*s' % (max_name_len, row[0],
-                                              max_value_len, row[1]))
-    self._AddToHfile()
-  def GetHFile(self):
-    return self._h_file
-  def GetCommandList(self):
-    return sorted(self._command_map.values(),
-                  cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(,
-  def GetTypeMap(self):
-    return self._type_map