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* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License ("GPL") version 2 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation.
* Generic battery interface, used to avoid access to specific drivers from
* generic code. We provide access to information about the battery and a
* battery charging state machine which turns charging on / off as required
* by the supplied charge configuration.
* At present this supports:
* tps65090: A PMIC / battery charger IC
* A smart battery, conforming to the smart battery specification
* We could generalise this to support multipler chargers/fuel gauages if
* required.
#ifndef __BATTERY_H
#define __BATTERY_H
/* The various states that the battery can be in */
enum charge_status_t {
BATTERY_UNKNOWN, /* Can't communicate with charger */
BATTERY_MISSING, /* Cannot find the battery */
BATTERY_IDLE, /* Nothing happening */
BATTERY_DISCHARGING, /* Battery is discharging */
BATTERY_CHARGING, /* Battery is charging */
BATTERY_CHARGED, /* Battery is fully charged */
BATTERY_DISCHARGED, /* Battery is fully discharged */
/* Information about how to charge the battery, limits, etc. */
struct battery_charge_config {
int min_temperature; /* minimum temperature to charge */
int max_start_temperature; /* max temperature to start charging */
int max_charge_temperature; /* max temperature to charge */
int max_temperature; /* max temperature to allow */
/* Some errors we can return */
enum battery_err_t {
BATTERY_ERR_OK, /* no error */
BATTERY_ERR_CHARGER_COMMS = -2, /* cannot talk to charger */
BATTERY_ERR_FUEL_GAUGE_COMMS = -3, /* cannot talk to fuel guage */
BATTERY_ERR_UNKNOWN_STATE = -4, /* battery in unknown state */
/* Requested battery charge actions */
enum battery_action_t {
BATTERY_ACT_NONE, /* no action */
BATTERY_ACT_START_CHARGE, /* start charging */
BATTERY_ACT_STOP_CHARGE, /* stop charging */
BATTERY_ACT_DISCONNECT, /* disconnect power */
/* Holds all the state about the battery system while charging */
struct battery_charge_state {
unsigned start_time; /* time that we started */
unsigned seconds; /* seconds since boot */
/* Parameters we read from the system in battery_get_state() */
unsigned percent_charge; /* percentage changed (0-100) */
unsigned average_current_ma; /* average current in mA */
int battery_status; /* battery status, -1 if unknown */
int charger_status; /* charger status register, or -1 */
int milli_degrees_c; /* battery temperature */
int charging; /* -1=err, 0=!charging, 1=charging */
/* Derived information and decisions in calculate_action() */
int charger_error; /* non-zero if charger has problem */
enum charge_status_t status; /* current charge status */
enum battery_action_t req_action; /* requested battery action */
enum battery_action_t action; /* selected battery action */
/* This structure holds basic information about the battery */
struct battery_info {
char manuf_name[20]; /* Manufacturer name */
char device_name[12]; /* Device name */
char device_chem[10]; /* Device chemistry, e,g, 'LION' */
unsigned serial_num; /* Serial number */
unsigned design_cap_mah; /* Design capacity in mA hours */
unsigned design_voltage_mv; /* Design voltage in mV */
unsigned voltage_mv; /* Current voltage in mV */
int average_current_ma; /* Average current (-ve = discharge) */
unsigned relative_charge; /* Relative charge % (0-100) */
unsigned battery_status; /* Raw battery status */
* Get the current battery temperature
* The temperature is measured in thousandths of degrees celcius. So 25
* degrees C will be reported as 25000.
* @param milli_degrees_c Place to put temperature
* @return 0 if ok. -1 on error
int battery_get_temperature(int *milli_degrees_c);
* Get information about the battery system
* @param info Place to put battery info
* @return 0 if ok, -1 if unable to get info / communicate with battery
int battery_get_info(struct battery_info *info);
* Get the name of a battery charge status value
* @param status Battery charge status to look up
* @return pointer to name
const char *battery_get_status_name(enum charge_status_t status);
* Get the name of a battery action value
* @param status Battery charge status to look up
* @return pointer to name
const char *battery_get_action_name(enum battery_action_t action);
* Read the battery status
* We calculate this based on input from smartbat and tps65090. If we
* cannot get the required input, we return BATTERY_UNKNOWN.
* @return the battery status
enum charge_status_t battery_get_status(void);
* Calculate the next action of the battery charging state machine
* We use the state as provided to decide what to do next.
* @param state Battery state, from battery_get_state()
* @param config Charging configuration
* @return Requested battery action, BATTERY_ACT_...
enum battery_action_t battery_calculate_action(
struct battery_charge_state *state,
const struct battery_charge_config *config);
* Gets the current charge state of the battery system.
* @param state Place to put battery state
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int battery_get_charge_state(struct battery_charge_state *state);
* Get ready to start the battery state machine
* @param state Returns resulting battery state
int battery_charge_init(struct battery_charge_state *state);
* Enable / disable the battery charger
* @param enable 0 to disable charging, non-zero to enable
int battery_set_charge_enable(int enable);
* Set up the battery system
* This communicates with the battery to make sure it is present and ready
* @return 0 if ok, -1 if battery missing
int battery_init(void);