blob: 1ef9f9db01caed109beb3bde302ed2c9078fff44 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef> // ptrdiff_t
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/dsp/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/memory.h"
namespace libgav1 {
struct LoopRestoration {
LoopRestorationType type[kMaxPlanes];
int unit_size[kMaxPlanes];
// Self guided projection filter.
struct SgrProjInfo {
int index;
int multiplier[2];
struct WienerInfo {
static const int kVertical = 0;
static const int kHorizontal = 1;
alignas(kMaxAlignment) int16_t filter[2][kSubPixelTaps];
struct RestorationUnitInfo : public MaxAlignedAllocable {
LoopRestorationType type;
SgrProjInfo sgr_proj_info;
WienerInfo wiener_info;
struct RestorationBuffer {
// For self-guided filter.
int* box_filter_process_output[2];
ptrdiff_t box_filter_process_output_stride;
uint32_t* box_filter_process_intermediate[2];
ptrdiff_t box_filter_process_intermediate_stride;
// For wiener filter.
uint16_t* wiener_buffer;
ptrdiff_t wiener_buffer_stride;
// Section 6.8.20.
// Note: In spec, film grain section uses YCbCr to denote variable names,
// such as num_cb_points, num_cr_points. To keep it consistent with other
// parts of code, we use YUV, i.e., num_u_points, num_v_points, etc.
struct FilmGrainParams {
bool apply_grain;
bool update_grain;
bool chroma_scaling_from_luma;
bool overlap_flag;
bool clip_to_restricted_range;
uint8_t num_y_points; // [0, 14].
uint8_t num_u_points; // [0, 10].
uint8_t num_v_points; // [0, 10].
// Must be [0, 255]. 10/12 bit /= 4 or 16. Must be in increasing order.
uint8_t point_y_value[14];
uint8_t point_y_scaling[14];
uint8_t point_u_value[10];
uint8_t point_u_scaling[10];
uint8_t point_v_value[10];
uint8_t point_v_scaling[10];
uint8_t chroma_scaling; // [8, 11].
uint8_t auto_regression_coeff_lag; // [0, 3].
int8_t auto_regression_coeff_y[24]; // [-128, 127]
int8_t auto_regression_coeff_u[25]; // [-128, 127]
int8_t auto_regression_coeff_v[25]; // [-128, 127]
// Shift value: auto regression coeffs range
// 6: [-2, 2)
// 7: [-1, 1)
// 8: [-0.5, 0.5)
// 9: [-0.25, 0.25)
uint8_t auto_regression_shift;
uint16_t grain_seed;
int reference_index;
int grain_scale_shift;
// These multipliers are encoded as nonnegative values by adding 128 first.
// The 128 is subtracted during parsing.
int8_t u_multiplier; // [-128, 127]
int8_t u_luma_multiplier; // [-128, 127]
// These offsets are encoded as nonnegative values by adding 256 first. The
// 256 is subtracted during parsing.
int16_t u_offset; // [-256, 255]
int8_t v_multiplier; // [-128, 127]
int8_t v_luma_multiplier; // [-128, 127]
int16_t v_offset; // [-256, 255]
} // namespace libgav1