blob: f482d4206199a4c314f60c5b4fa5b4734c9e3855 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// main entry for the decoder
// Author: Vincent Rabaud (
#include "src/dec/lossless/losslessi_dec.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "src/common/color_precision.h"
#include "src/common/constants.h"
#include "src/common/lossless/color_cache.h"
#include "src/common/progress_watcher.h"
#include "src/common/symbols.h"
#include "src/common/vdebug.h"
#include "src/dec/wp2_dec_i.h"
#include "src/dsp/lossless/decl_dsp.h"
#include "src/dsp/math.h"
#include "src/utils/ans_utils.h"
#include "src/utils/plane.h"
#include "src/utils/vector.h"
#include "src/wp2/format_constants.h"
namespace WP2L {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const uint8_t kCodeToPlane[kCodeToPlaneCodes] = {
0x18, 0x07, 0x17, 0x19, 0x28, 0x06, 0x27, 0x29, 0x16, 0x1a, 0x26, 0x2a,
0x38, 0x05, 0x37, 0x39, 0x15, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x3a, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x48, 0x04,
0x47, 0x49, 0x14, 0x1c, 0x35, 0x3b, 0x46, 0x4a, 0x24, 0x2c, 0x58, 0x45,
0x4b, 0x34, 0x3c, 0x03, 0x57, 0x59, 0x13, 0x1d, 0x56, 0x5a, 0x23, 0x2d,
0x44, 0x4c, 0x55, 0x5b, 0x33, 0x3d, 0x68, 0x02, 0x67, 0x69, 0x12, 0x1e,
0x66, 0x6a, 0x22, 0x2e, 0x54, 0x5c, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x65, 0x6b, 0x32, 0x3e,
0x78, 0x01, 0x77, 0x79, 0x53, 0x5d, 0x11, 0x1f, 0x64, 0x6c, 0x42, 0x4e,
0x76, 0x7a, 0x21, 0x2f, 0x75, 0x7b, 0x31, 0x3f, 0x63, 0x6d, 0x52, 0x5e,
0x00, 0x74, 0x7c, 0x41, 0x4f, 0x10, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6e, 0x30, 0x73, 0x7d,
0x51, 0x5f, 0x40, 0x72, 0x7e, 0x61, 0x6f, 0x50, 0x71, 0x7f, 0x60, 0x70};
// Reads a prefix coded number where the prefix is stored as symbol 'sym' in
// cluster 'cluster'.
static inline WP2Status ReadLZ77PrefixCode(
uint32_t sym, uint32_t cluster, uint32_t min, uint32_t max, WP2_OPT_LABEL,
WP2::SymbolReader* const sr, WP2::ANSDec* const dec, uint32_t* const result,
float* const cost) {
const WP2::PrefixCode prefix_code_max(max - min, kLZ77PrefixCodeSize);
// Read information about the prefix code representation.
int32_t prefix;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(sr->ReadWithMax(sym, cluster, prefix_code_max.prefix, label,
&prefix, cost));
const uint32_t extra_bits_num =
WP2::PrefixCode::NumExtraBits(prefix, kLZ77PrefixCodeSize);
// Figure out the rest of the prefix code representation.
uint32_t extra_bits_value = 0;
const std::string label_bits = WP2SPrint("%s_bits", label);
if (extra_bits_num == 0) {
// keep extra_bits_value = 0
} else if (prefix == (int32_t)prefix_code_max.prefix) {
// In case we are in the upper part of the prefix code representation.
const uint32_t new_range =
max - min + 1 - WP2::PrefixCode::Merge(prefix, kLZ77PrefixCodeSize, 0);
if (new_range <= WP2::kANSMaxRange) {
extra_bits_value = dec->ReadRValue(new_range, label_bits.c_str());
if (cost != nullptr) *cost += WP2Log2(new_range);
} else {
// Go recursively.
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(ReadLZ77PrefixCode(sym, cluster, /*min=*/0,
/*max=*/new_range - 1, label, sr, dec,
&extra_bits_value, cost));
} else {
if (extra_bits_num <= WP2::kANSMaxUniformBits) {
extra_bits_value = dec->ReadUValue(extra_bits_num, label_bits.c_str());
} else {
extra_bits_value =
dec->ReadUValue(WP2::kANSMaxUniformBits, label_bits.c_str());
extra_bits_value |=
dec->ReadUValue(extra_bits_num - WP2::kANSMaxUniformBits,
<< WP2::kANSMaxUniformBits;
if (cost != nullptr) *cost += extra_bits_num;
*result = min + WP2::PrefixCode::Merge(prefix, kLZ77PrefixCodeSize,
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
static inline uint32_t PlaneCodeToDistance(uint32_t width,
uint32_t plane_code) {
if (plane_code >= kCodeToPlaneCodes) {
return plane_code + 1 - kCodeToPlaneCodes;
} else {
const int dist_code = kCodeToPlane[plane_code];
const int yoffset = dist_code >> 4;
const int xoffset = 8 - (dist_code & 0xf);
const uint32_t dist = yoffset * width + xoffset;
return (dist >= 1) ? dist : 1; // dist<1 can happen if width is very small
// Reads an image encode in a raw manner.
static void ReadRawImage(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
const LosslessSymbolsInfo& symbols_info,
WP2::ANSDec* dec, int16_t* const argb) {
// Cache the extrema.
int16_t mins[4], maxs[4];
for (Symbol sym : {kSymbolA, kSymbolR, kSymbolG, kSymbolB}) {
if (symbols_info.IsUnused(sym)) continue;
const uint32_t c = (int)sym - (int)kSymbolA;
mins[c] = symbols_info.Min(sym, /*cluster=*/0);
maxs[c] = symbols_info.Max(sym, /*cluster=*/0);
// Read the raw pixel values.
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
int16_t* const row = &argb[4 * width * y];
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
row[4 * x + 0] = symbols_info.IsUnused(kSymbolA)
? WP2::kAlphaMax
: dec->ReadRange(mins[0], maxs[0],
kSymbolNames[(int)kSymbolA + 0]);
for (uint32_t c = 1; c < 4; ++c) {
row[4 * x + c] =
symbols_info.IsUnused((int)kSymbolA + c)
? 0
: dec->ReadRange(WP2::DivBy255(mins[c] * row[4 * x + 0]),
WP2::DivBy255(maxs[c] * row[4 * x + 0]),
kSymbolNames[(int)kSymbolA + c]);
// Reads packed symbol depending on GREEN channel
WP2Status Decoder::ReadANSStats(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
const LosslessSymbolsInfo& symbols_info) {
WP2::ANSDebugPrefix prefix(dec_, "symbols");
WP2::SymbolReader* const sr = &hdr_.sr_;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(sr->Init(symbols_info, dec_));
const uint32_t num_clusters = symbols_info.NumClusters(0);
for (uint32_t cluster = 0; cluster < num_clusters; ++cluster) {
// Deal with the first symbol.
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(sr->ReadHeader(kSymbolType, cluster, width * height,
bool is_maybe_used[kSymbolTypeNum];
sr->GetPotentialUsage(kSymbolType, cluster, is_maybe_used, kSymbolTypeNum);
for (int s = 1; s < kSymbolNum; ++s) {
if (symbols_info.IsUnused(s)) continue;
const Symbol sym = (Symbol)(s);
if (!IsSymbolUsed(sym, is_maybe_used)) continue;
sr->ReadHeader(sym, cluster, width * height, kSymbolNames[s]));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Emit rows without any scaling.
template <typename T>
uint32_t EmitRows(const int16_t* row_in, uint32_t mb_w, uint32_t mb_h,
bool has_alpha, bool premultiply, T* const out,
uint32_t out_stride) {
int lines = mb_h;
T* row_out = out;
while (lines-- > 0) {
// TODO(vrabaud) support multiple output color spaces.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4 * mb_w; i += 4, row_in += 4) {
const uint8_t alpha = (uint8_t)row_in[0];
if (!has_alpha) assert(alpha == WP2::kAlphaMax);
row_out[i] = alpha;
if (alpha > 0) {
for (int j = 1; j <= 3; ++j) {
row_out[i + j] = premultiply
? static_cast<T>(WP2::DivBy255(
static_cast<uint32_t>(row_in[j]) * alpha))
: static_cast<T>(row_in[j]);
} else {
// To optimize encoding, the encoder can store arbitrary rgb values when
// a = 0 (fully transparent pixel, see GetResidual in
// To make sure we return proper pre-multiplied Argb, we sanitize these
// values by setting rgb to 0.
for (int j = 1; j <= 3; ++j) row_out[i + j] = 0;
row_out = (T*)(((uint8_t*)row_out) + out_stride);
return mb_h; // Num rows out == num rows in.
static inline int GetMetaIndex(const WP2::Vector_s16& image, uint32_t width,
int bits, int x, int y) {
if (bits == 0 || image.empty()) return 0;
return image[4 * (width * (y >> bits) + (x >> bits)) + 2];
// Main loop, with custom row-processing function
WP2Status Decoder::ApplyInverseTransforms(uint32_t num_rows,
const int16_t* rows) {
uint32_t num_transforms = 0;
while (num_transforms < kPossibleTransformCombinationSize &&
transforms_[num_transforms].type_ != TransformType::kNum) {
const uint32_t cache_pixs = tile_->rect.width * num_rows;
if (num_transforms == 0) {
// No transform called, hence just copy.
std::copy(rows, rows + 4 * cache_pixs, argb_cache_);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
const uint32_t start_row = last_row_;
const uint32_t end_row = start_row + num_rows;
int16_t* const rows_out = (int16_t*)argb_cache_;
// Inverse transforms.
for (int ind = num_transforms - 1; ind >= 0; --ind) {
const Transform& transform = transforms_[ind];
if (transform.type_ == TransformType::kColorIndexing ||
transform.type_ == TransformType::kGroup4) {
// Check that all color map indices are valid here rather than in dsp.
// TODO(yguyon): Remove pessimization.
const int16_t color_map_size = (int16_t)transform.data_.size() / 4;
const int16_t* const r_end = rows + 4 * num_rows * transform.width_pic_;
for (const int16_t* r = rows; r < r_end; r += 4) {
WP2_CHECK_OK(r[2] >= 0 && r[2] < color_map_size,
int16_t minima_range[4], maxima_range[4];
if (transform.type_ == TransformType::kPredictor ||
transform.type_ == TransformType::kPredictorWSub) {
// Define the minimum/maximum values before applying the predictors.
TransformType transforms_type[(uint32_t)TransformType::kNum];
for (int i = 0; i < ind; ++i) transforms_type[i] = transforms_[i].type_;
GetARGBRanges(transforms_type, hdr_.symbols_info_.SampleFormat(),
num_colors_, minima_range, maxima_range, ind);
int16_t* predicted = nullptr;
if (((transform.type_ == TransformType::kPredictor ||
transform.type_ == TransformType::kPredictorWSub) &&
VDMatch(config_, "lossless/prediction/raw")) ||
(transform.type_ == TransformType::kCrossColor &&
VDMatch(config_, "lossless/cross-color/raw"))) {
predicted = (int16_t*)predicted_.GetRow16(start_row);
ind, num_rows, /*num_bits=*/8, rows,;
InverseTransform(&transform, start_row, end_row, minima_range, maxima_range,
rows, gparams_->has_alpha_, rows_out, predicted);
ind, num_rows, /*num_bits=*/8, predicted,;
rows = rows_out;
// In case the selected transformed image is the first one and the reference
// image is the original one.
/*index=*/-1, num_rows, /*num_bits=*/8, rows,;
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status Decoder::ProcessRows(uint32_t row) {
const int16_t* const rows = + 4 * tile_->rect.width * last_row_;
if (row > last_row_) { // Emit output.
WP2::ArgbBuffer* const buf = &tile_->rgb_output;
const uint32_t num_rows = row - last_row_;
// We can't process more than kNumARGBCacheRows at a time (that's the size
// of argb_cache_), but we currently don't need more than that.
assert(num_rows <= kNumARGBCacheRows);
int16_t* const rows_data = argb_cache_;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(ApplyInverseTransforms(num_rows, rows));
uint32_t num_rows_out;
if (WP2Formatbpc(buf->format()) <= 8) {
num_rows_out =
EmitRows(rows_data, buf->width(), num_rows, gparams_->has_alpha_,
premultiply_, buf->GetRow8(last_out_row_), buf->stride());
} else {
num_rows_out =
EmitRows(rows_data, buf->width(), num_rows, gparams_->has_alpha_,
premultiply_, buf->GetRow16(last_out_row_), buf->stride());
// Update 'last_out_row_'.
last_out_row_ += num_rows_out;
tile_->num_decoded_rows += num_rows_out;
// Update 'last_row_'.
last_row_ = row;
assert(last_row_ <= tile_->rect.height);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Helper functions for fast pattern copy.
static inline void CopyBlock(int16_t* dst, uint32_t dist, uint32_t length) {
uint32_t length_written = 0;
const int16_t* const dst_ini = dst - 4 * dist;
int16_t* dst_end = dst;
while (length_written < length) {
// We cannot write more than what is left, and we cannot write further than
// dst_end.
const uint32_t length_to_write =
std::min(length - length_written, (uint32_t)((dst_end - dst_ini) / 4));
std::copy(dst_ini, dst_ini + 4 * length_to_write, dst_end);
dst_end += 4 * length_to_write;
length_written += length_to_write;
WP2Status Decoder::DecodeAndProcess(uint32_t width, uint32_t last_row,
bool do_process,
WP2::Vector_s16* const data_vec,
WP2::Planef* const bits_per_pixel,
WP2::DecoderInfo* const decoder_info,
int16_t** src_out) {
int16_t* const data = data_vec->data();
uint32_t row = last_pixel_ / width;
uint32_t col = last_pixel_ % width;
int16_t* src = data + 4 * last_pixel_;
const int16_t* last_cached = src;
const int16_t* const src_end = &data_vec->back() + 1; // End of data
int16_t* const src_last =
data + 4 * width * last_row; // Last pixel to decode
ColorCache* const color_cache =
do_process ? hdr_.color_cache_.get() : nullptr;
const uint32_t mask = hdr_.histogram_mask_;
WP2::SymbolReader* const sr = &hdr_.sr_;
uint32_t cluster =
(src < src_last)
? GetMetaIndex(hdr_.histogram_image_, hdr_.histogram_xsize_,
hdr_.histogram_subsample_bits_, col, row)
: 0;
assert(last_row_ < last_row);
assert(src_last <= src_end);
const bool has_alpha = LosslessSymbolsInfo::HasAlpha(sr->symbols_info());
const bool is_label_image =
const bool get_cost = (bits_per_pixel != nullptr || decoder_info != nullptr);
uint32_t i_pixel = 0;
while (src < src_last) {
float cost = 0.f;
#if defined(WP2_BITTRACE)
float* const cost_ptr = get_cost ? &cost : nullptr;
float* const cost_ptr = nullptr;
uint32_t distance = 0;
uint32_t length = 0; // Silence -Werror=maybe-uninitialized
const auto type =
(SymbolType)sr->Read(kSymbolType, cluster, "lossless_mode", cost_ptr);
if (type == kSymbolTypeLiteral) {
WP2::ANSDebugPrefix prefix(dec_, "literal");
length = 1;
if (has_alpha) {
src[0] = sr->Read(kSymbolA, cluster, "A", cost_ptr);
} else {
// For transform images/entropy image, alpha is not used: any value
// works. The default value only matters for real ARGB samples.
src[0] = WP2::kAlphaMax;
if (!gparams_->has_alpha_) assert(src[0] == WP2::kAlphaMax);
if (is_label_image) {
src[1] = src[3] = 0;
} else {
src[1] = sr->Read(kSymbolR, cluster, "R", cost_ptr);
src[3] = sr->Read(kSymbolB, cluster, "B", cost_ptr);
src[2] = sr->Read(kSymbolG, cluster, "G", cost_ptr);
} else if (type == kSymbolTypeCopy) {
WP2::ANSDebugPrefix prefix(dec_, "copy");
const uint32_t pixel_ind = (src - data) / 4;
const uint32_t max_plane_code = pixel_ind + kCodeToPlaneCodes - 1;
uint32_t dist_code = 0; // Silence -Werror=maybe-uninitialized
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(ReadLZ77PrefixCode(kSymbolDist, cluster, /*min=*/0,
max_plane_code, "dist", sr, dec_,
&dist_code, cost_ptr));
distance = PlaneCodeToDistance(width, dist_code);
WP2_CHECK_OK(pixel_ind >= distance, WP2_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR);
length = 0;
do {
// Read in chunks of size kLZ77LengthEscape.
const uint32_t min_length = (length == 0) ? kLZ77LengthMin : 0u;
const uint32_t max_length = std::min(
(uint32_t)((src_end - (src + 4 * length)) / 4), kLZ77LengthEscape);
uint32_t length_tmp = 0;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(ReadLZ77PrefixCode(kSymbolLen, cluster, min_length,
max_length, "len", sr, dec_,
&length_tmp, cost_ptr));
length += length_tmp;
if (length_tmp != kLZ77LengthEscape) break;
} while (true);
CopyBlock(src, distance, length);
if (!gparams_->has_alpha_) assert(src[0] == WP2::kAlphaMax);
} else if (type == kSymbolTypeCacheIdx) {
length = 1;
assert(color_cache != nullptr);
while (last_cached < src) {
color_cache->Insert(last_cached, /*index_ptr=*/nullptr);
last_cached += 4;
int32_t cache_index;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(sr->ReadWithMax(kSymbolCache, cluster,
color_cache->IndexRange() - 1,
"cache_idx", &cache_index, cost_ptr));
color_cache->Lookup(cache_index, src);
if (!gparams_->has_alpha_) assert(src[0] == WP2::kAlphaMax);
} else { // Not reached
WP2_CHECK_OK(false, WP2_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR); // For error reporting.
if (get_cost) {
type, last_pixel_ + i_pixel, distance, length, cost, decoder_info));
if (bits_per_pixel != nullptr) {
const float bits = cost / length;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
const uint32_t pixel = last_pixel_ + i_pixel + j;
bits_per_pixel->Row(pixel / width)[pixel % width] = bits;
i_pixel += length;
src += 4 * length;
col += length;
while (col >= width) {
col -= width;
if (do_process) {
if (row <= last_row && (row % kNumARGBCacheRows == 0)) {
// Only update when changing tile. Note we could use this test:
// if "((((prev_col ^ col) | prev_row ^ row)) > mask)" -> tile changed
// but that's actually slower and needs storing the previous col/row.
if ((type == kSymbolTypeCopy || (col & mask) == 0) && src < src_end) {
cluster = GetMetaIndex(hdr_.histogram_image_, hdr_.histogram_xsize_,
hdr_.histogram_subsample_bits_, col, row);
// Finish filling the color cache.
if (color_cache != nullptr) {
while (last_cached < src) {
color_cache->Insert(last_cached, /*index_ptr=*/nullptr);
last_cached += 4;
if (src_out != nullptr) *src_out = src;
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status Decoder::DecodeHelperImage(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
const LosslessSymbolsInfo& symbols_info,
WP2::Vector_s16* const data_vec) {
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(data_vec->resize(4 * (uint64_t)width * height));
if (width * height == 1) {
ReadRawImage(width, height, symbols_info, dec_, data_vec->data());
} else {
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(ReadANSStats(width, height, symbols_info));
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(DecodeAndProcess(width, /*last_row=*/height,
/*do_process=*/false, data_vec));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status Decoder::DecodeImageData(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
uint32_t last_row,
WP2::Planef* const bits_per_pixel) {
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(pixels_.resize(4 * (uint64_t)width * height));
int16_t* src;
if (encoding_algorithm_ == EncodingAlgorithm::kGroup4) {
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(DecodeGroup4(width, last_row, bits_per_pixel, &src));
} else if (encoding_algorithm_ == EncodingAlgorithm::kLZW) {
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(DecodeLZW(width, last_row, bits_per_pixel, &src));
} else {
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(DecodeAndProcess(width, last_row, /*do_process=*/true,
&pixels_, bits_per_pixel,,
// Process the remaining rows corresponding to last row-block.
const uint32_t row = (src - / 4 / width;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(ProcessRows(row > last_row ? last_row : row));
// When decoding the main image, update the last pixel, otherwise reset.
int16_t* const data =;
last_pixel_ = (uint32_t)(src - data) / 4; // end-of-scan marker
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Transform
static WP2Status ReadPaletteVerbatim(uint32_t num_colors,
WP2SampleFormat format, bool has_alpha,
bool is_grayscale, WP2::ANSDec* const dec,
Transform* const transform) {
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(transform->data_.resize(4 * num_colors));
uint32_t channel_max[4];
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < 4; ++c) {
channel_max[c] = WP2::FormatMax(format, /*channel=*/c);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) {
if (has_alpha) {
transform->data_[4 * i + 0] =
dec->ReadRValue(channel_max[0] + 1, "color_verbatim");
for (uint32_t c = 1; c < 4; ++c) {
const uint32_t max = WP2::DivRound(
(uint32_t)(channel_max[c] * transform->data_[4 * i + 0]),
transform->data_[4 * i + c] =
(is_grayscale && c > 1)
? transform->data_[4 * i + 1]
: dec->ReadRValue(max + 1, "color_verbatim");
} else {
transform->data_[4 * i + 0] = channel_max[0];
for (uint32_t c = 1; c < 4; ++c) {
transform->data_[4 * i + c] =
(is_grayscale && c > 1)
? transform->data_[4 * i + 1]
: dec->ReadRValue(channel_max[c] + 1, "color_verbatim");
return dec->GetStatus();
WP2Status Decoder::ReadPalette(Transform* const transform) {
transform->bits_ = 0;
// There are at least 2 colors in the palette.
num_colors_ = ReadPrefixCode(
/*min=*/2, MaxPaletteSize(transform->width_pic_ * transform->height_pic_),
0, dec_, "num_colors");
const bool is_grayscale = dec_->ReadBool("is_grayscale");
const uint32_t num_channels = (is_grayscale ? 2 : 4);
if (num_colors_ <= kSmallPaletteLimit) {
num_colors_, hdr_.symbols_info_.SampleFormat(), gparams_->has_alpha_,
is_grayscale, dec_, transform));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Fill the sign array.
WP2::Vector_u8 is_positive[4];
for (WP2::Vector_u8& vec : is_positive) {
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(vec.resize(num_colors_ - 1));
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
if (c == 0 && !gparams_->has_alpha_) continue;
const bool is_monotonous = dec_->ReadBool("is_monotonous");
const bool use_opposite_sign = dec_->ReadBool("use_opposite_sign");
if (is_monotonous) {
std::fill(is_positive[c].begin(), is_positive[c].end(),
} else {
WP2::ReadVector(dec_, 1, is_positive[c]);
if (use_opposite_sign) {
for (auto& is_pos : is_positive[c]) is_pos = !is_pos;
if (dec_->ReadBool("use_image")) {
// Read the header of the palette image.
LosslessSymbolsInfo symbols_info;
symbols_info.Init(num_colors_, gparams_->has_alpha_,
// Read the palette image.
DecodeHelperImage(num_colors_, 1, symbols_info, &transform->data_));
// Convert the diffs to proper colors.
int16_t* const data = transform->;
// data[0] stays unchanged and serves as a basis to adding successive
// differences.
if (!gparams_->has_alpha_) assert(data[0] == WP2::kAlphaMax);
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < num_colors_; ++i) {
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
if (c == 0 && !gparams_->has_alpha_) {
assert(data[4 * i + c] == WP2::kAlphaMax);
const int16_t alpha = data[4 * i + 0];
int16_t channel_prev = data[4 * (i - 1) + c];
if (c > 0 && channel_prev > alpha) channel_prev = alpha;
const auto channel_diff = data[4 * i + c];
if (is_positive[c][i - 1]) {
data[4 * i + c] = channel_prev + channel_diff;
} else {
data[4 * i + c] = channel_prev - channel_diff;
} else {
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(transform->data_.resize(4 * num_colors_));
std::fill(transform->data_.begin(), transform->data_.end(), 0);
// Read the channels one by one.
const uint32_t alpha_max =
WP2::FormatMax(hdr_.symbols_info_.SampleFormat(), 0);
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
const uint32_t channel_max =
WP2::FormatMax(hdr_.symbols_info_.SampleFormat(), c);
if (c == 0 && !gparams_->has_alpha_) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_colors_; ++i) {
transform->data_[4 * i + 0] = channel_max;
const bool use_vector = dec_->ReadBool("use_vector");
// Read the first channel.
const uint32_t max_first = (c == 0) ? channel_max : transform->data_[0];
int16_t channel = dec_->ReadRValue(max_first + 1, "first_channel");
transform->data_[c] = channel;
if (use_vector) {
WP2::Vector_u16 diffs;
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(diffs.resize(num_colors_ - 1));
WP2::ReadVector(dec_, channel_max, diffs);
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < num_colors_; ++i) {
if (gparams_->has_alpha_) {
const int16_t alpha = transform->data_[4 * i + 0];
if (c > 0 && channel > alpha) channel = alpha;
channel = WP2::Clamp<int32_t>(
channel + (is_positive[c][i - 1] ? diffs[i - 1] : -diffs[i - 1]),
0, channel_max);
transform->data_[4 * i + c] = channel;
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < num_colors_; ++i) {
const int16_t alpha = transform->data_[4 * i + 0];
assert(alpha >= 0 && alpha <= (int16_t)alpha_max);
if (gparams_->has_alpha_ && c > 0 && channel > alpha) channel = alpha;
if (is_positive[c][i - 1]) {
const uint32_t max =
(c == 0) ? channel_max
: WP2::DivRound(channel_max * alpha, alpha_max);
channel += dec_->ReadRValue(max + 1 - channel, "store_diff");
} else {
channel -= dec_->ReadRValue(channel + 1, "store_diff");
transform->data_[4 * i + c] = channel;
// Duplicate the G/B channels if needed.
if (is_grayscale) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_colors_; ++i) {
const uint32_t channel = transform->data_[4 * i + 1];
transform->data_[4 * i + 2] = channel;
transform->data_[4 * i + 3] = channel;
return dec_->GetStatus();
WP2Status Decoder::ReadTransform(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
TransformType type,
Transform* const transform) {
transform->type_ = type;
transform->width_pic_ = width;
transform->height_pic_ = height;
transform->width_ = 0;
transform->height_ = 0;
switch (type) {
case TransformType::kPredictor:
case TransformType::kPredictorWSub:
case TransformType::kCrossColor: {
if (type == TransformType::kCrossColor) {
} else {
assert(type == TransformType::kPredictor ||
type == TransformType::kPredictorWSub);
transform->bits_ = dec_->ReadRange(kTransformBitsMin, kTransformBitsMax,
// Read the transform header.
transform->width_ =
SubSampleSize(transform->width_pic_, transform->bits_);
transform->height_ =
SubSampleSize(transform->height_pic_, transform->bits_);
LosslessSymbolsInfo symbols_info;
const uint32_t num_pixels = transform->width_ * transform->height_;
if (type == TransformType::kPredictor ||
type == TransformType::kPredictorWSub) {
} else {
// Read the transform image.
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(DecodeHelperImage(transform->width_, transform->height_,
symbols_info, &transform->data_));
if (type == TransformType::kPredictorWSub &&
dec_->ReadBool("use_sub_modes")) {
const WP2::ANSDebugPrefix prefix_sub_modes(dec_, "sub_modes");
WP2::SymbolReader sr;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(sr.Init(symbols_info, dec_));
transform->width_ * transform->height_,
// Read the sub-modes.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4 * transform->height_ * transform->width_;
i += 4) {
int16_t& mode = transform->data_[i + 2];
if (kPredictorType[mode] != PredictorType::Angle) continue;
// Decide between 45 degrees, 180, or anything else.
const uint32_t cluster =
(kPredictorIndex[mode] == 0) ? 0
: (kPredictorIndex[mode] == kNumPredictorsAngle - 1) ? 1
: 2;
const int sub_mode = sr.Read(kSymbolSubMode, cluster, "sub_mode");
// Store the signed sub-mode as signed so that it is positive and
// does not create issues with future (potentially signed) shifts.
// Also make surec 0 maps to 0 for when we do not use sub-modes.
mode |= ((sub_mode >= 0 ? 2 * sub_mode : -2 * sub_mode - 1)
<< kNumPredictorsBits);
case TransformType::kColorIndexing: {
case TransformType::kGroup4: {
const uint32_t color_map_size = (uint32_t)transform->data_.size() / 4;
group4_first_color_ = dec_->ReadRValue(color_map_size, "first_color");
const bool use_move_to_front =
(num_colors_ > 3) ? dec_->ReadBool("use_move_to_front") : false;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(mtf_.Init(use_move_to_front, num_colors_));
WP2::SymbolsInfo info;
InitGroup4(width, color_map_size, &info);
// Read the headers.
WP2::SymbolReader* const sr = &hdr_.sr_;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(sr->Init(info, dec_));
WP2::ANSDebugPrefix prefix(dec_, "group4");
for (uint32_t s = 0; s < (uint32_t)kSymbolG4Num; ++s) {
if (color_map_size <= 2 &&
(s == kSymbolG4ColorChange || s == kSymbolG4NewColor)) {
const uint32_t max_nnz = width * height;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(sr->ReadHeader(s, max_nnz, kSymbolGroup4Names[s]));
case TransformType::kLZW: {
const uint32_t lzw_capacity =
dec_->ReadRange(num_colors_ + 1, kLZWCapacityMax, "capacity");
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(lzw_segments_.reserve(lzw_capacity + 1));
const WP2::Vector_s16& palette = transforms_[0].data_;
lzw_segments_.resize_no_check(num_colors_ + 1);
lzw_segments_[0] = {nullptr, 0}; // reserved for clear code
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < num_colors_; ++index) {
lzw_segments_[index + 1] = {&palette[4 * index], 1};
case TransformType::kSubtractGreen:
case TransformType::kYCoCgR:
assert(false); // can't happen
return dec_->GetStatus();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Metadata
void Metadata::Init(uint32_t num_pixels, bool has_alpha,
WP2SampleFormat format) {
symbols_info_.Init(num_pixels, has_alpha, format);
histogram_mask_ = 0;
histogram_subsample_bits_ = 0;
histogram_xsize_ = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decoder
Decoder::Decoder() {
DecLDspInit(); // Init critical function pointers.
void Decoder::Init(const WP2::DecoderConfig& config,
const WP2::GlobalParams& gparams, WP2::ANSDec* const dec,
WP2::Tile* const tile) {
config_ = config;
gparams_ = &gparams;
dec_ = dec;
last_out_row_ = 0;
tile_ = tile;
tile->num_decoded_rows = 0;
hdr_.Init(tile->rect.GetArea(), gparams.has_alpha_,
WP2Status Decoder::AllocateInternalBuffers(uint32_t final_width) {
const uint64_t num_pixels = (uint64_t)tile_->rect.GetArea();
// Scratch buffer corresponding to top-prediction row for transforming the
// first row in the row-blocks. Not needed for paletted alpha.
const uint64_t cache_top_pixels = final_width;
// Scratch buffer for temporary BGRA storage. Not needed for paletted alpha.
const uint64_t cache_pixels = (uint64_t)final_width * kNumARGBCacheRows;
const uint64_t total_num_pixels =
num_pixels + cache_top_pixels + cache_pixels;
assert(tile_->rect.width <= final_width);
argb_cache_ = nullptr; // for sanity check
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(pixels_.resize(4 * total_num_pixels));
argb_cache_ = + 4 * (num_pixels + cache_top_pixels);
if ( != nullptr &&>bits_per_pixel != nullptr) {
bits_per_pixel_.SetView(*>bits_per_pixel, tile_->rect));
} else if (VDMatch(config_, "bits-per-pixel") ||
VDMatch(config_, "lossless")) {
bits_per_pixel_.Resize(tile_->rect.width, tile_->rect.height));
if (VDMatch(config_, "lossless")) {
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(predicted_.Resize(tile_->rect.width, tile_->rect.height));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status Decoder::DecodeHeader() {
state_ = READ_HDR;
const WP2::ANSDebugPrefix prefix1(dec_, "GlobalHeader");
// Read the transforms.
encoding_algorithm_ = EncodingAlgorithm::kClassical;
const uint32_t index =
dec_->ReadRValue(kPossibleTransformCombinationsNum, "index");
const TransformType* transforms = kPossibleTransformCombinations[index];
uint32_t num_transforms = 0;
for (; num_transforms < kPossibleTransformCombinationSize; ++num_transforms) {
if (kPossibleTransformCombinations[index][num_transforms] ==
TransformType::kNum) {
// De-activate all transforms in case the decoder is re-used.
for (Transform& t : transforms_) t.type_ = TransformType::kNum;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_transforms; ++i) {
TransformType type = transforms[i];
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(ReadTransform(tile_->rect.width, tile_->rect.height, type,
if (type == TransformType::kGroup4) {
encoding_algorithm_ = EncodingAlgorithm::kGroup4;
// Make sure it is the only used transform.
assert(num_transforms == 1);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
} else if (type == TransformType::kLZW) {
encoding_algorithm_ = EncodingAlgorithm::kLZW;
// Make sure it is the only used transform.
assert(num_transforms == 1);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
premultiply_ = (gparams_->has_alpha_ ? dec_->ReadBool("premultiply") : false);
// Modify the main image ranges if we only use the palette.
if (num_transforms == 1 && transforms[0] == TransformType::kColorIndexing) {
hdr_.symbols_info_.InitAsLabelImage(tile_->rect.GetArea(), num_colors_);
} else if (num_transforms != 0) {
int16_t minima_range[4], maxima_range[4];
// Find the ranges in which the ARGB values are.
GetARGBRanges(transforms, hdr_.symbols_info_.SampleFormat(), num_colors_,
minima_range, maxima_range);
// Read the ARGB ranges. As the encoder tries to reduce the ranges of ARGB
// values around zero, they are more efficiently stored with prefix coding.
for (Symbol sym : {kSymbolA, kSymbolR, kSymbolG, kSymbolB}) {
if (hdr_.symbols_info_.IsUnused(sym)) continue;
const uint32_t channel = (int)sym - (int)kSymbolA;
int16_t minimum, maximum;
if (minima_range[channel] < 0 && dec_->ReadBool("min_is_negative")) {
minimum = ReadPrefixCode(minima_range[channel], -1,
kARGBRangePrefixSize, dec_, "minimum");
if (dec_->ReadBool("max_is_negative")) {
maximum = ReadPrefixCode(minimum, -1, kARGBRangePrefixSize, dec_,
} else {
maximum = ReadPrefixCode(0, maxima_range[channel],
kARGBRangePrefixSize, dec_, "maximum");
} else {
minimum = ReadPrefixCode(0, maxima_range[channel], kARGBRangePrefixSize,
dec_, "minimum");
maximum = ReadPrefixCode(minimum, maxima_range[channel],
kARGBRangePrefixSize, dec_, "maximum");
hdr_.symbols_info_.SetMinMax(sym, minimum, maximum);
// Color cache
hdr_.cache_config_.type = CacheType::kNone;
hdr_.cache_config_.cache_bits = 0;
// Color cache is disabled for 1x1 images.
if (tile_->rect.GetArea() > 1 && dec_->ReadBool("color_cache")) {
hdr_.cache_config_.type = CacheType::kHash;
hdr_.cache_config_.cache_bits =
dec_->ReadRange(1, kMaxCacheBits, "color_cache_bits");
// Find the maximum subsampling that would result in at least 2 histograms.
uint32_t max_sampling;
bool more_than_one_hist = false;
for (max_sampling = kHistogramBitsMax + 1;
!more_than_one_hist && max_sampling-- > kHistogramBitsMin;) {
more_than_one_hist = (SubSampleSize(tile_->rect.width, max_sampling) > 1 ||
SubSampleSize(tile_->rect.height, max_sampling) > 1);
// Read the entropy image if needed.
uint32_t num_histo;
if (more_than_one_hist && dec_->ReadBool("write_histogram_image")) {
WP2::ANSDebugPrefix prefix_histogram_image(dec_, "histogram_image");
const uint32_t histogram_precision =
dec_->ReadRange(kHistogramBitsMin, max_sampling, "histogram_bits");
const uint32_t histogram_width =
SubSampleSize(tile_->rect.width, histogram_precision);
const uint32_t histogram_height =
SubSampleSize(tile_->rect.height, histogram_precision);
assert(histogram_width > 1 || histogram_height > 1); // more_than_one_hist
num_histo = dec_->ReadRange(
2, std::min(kMaxHistogramImageSize, histogram_width * histogram_height),
// Read the entropy image probabilities.
LosslessSymbolsInfo symbols_info;
symbols_info.InitAsLabelImage(histogram_width * histogram_height,
// Read the entropy image.
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(DecodeHelperImage(histogram_width, histogram_height,
symbols_info, &hdr_.histogram_image_));
hdr_.histogram_subsample_bits_ = histogram_precision;
} else {
num_histo = 1;
// Finish setting up the color-cache
if (hdr_.cache_config_.type != CacheType::kNone) {
// Read the ANS probabilities.
LosslessSymbolsInfo symbols_info;
ReadANSStats(tile_->rect.width, tile_->rect.height, symbols_info));
// Update information about the image.
const int num_bits = hdr_.histogram_subsample_bits_;
hdr_.histogram_xsize_ = SubSampleSize(tile_->rect.width, num_bits);
hdr_.histogram_mask_ = (num_bits == 0) ? ~0 : (1 << num_bits) - 1;
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status Decoder::DecodeImage() { return DecodeLines(tile_->rect.height); }
WP2Status Decoder::DecodeLines(uint32_t n_lines) {
assert(last_row_ + n_lines <= tile_->rect.height);
// Initialization.
if (state_ != READ_DATA) {
state_ = READ_DATA;
WP2::Planef* const bits_per_pixel =
bits_per_pixel_.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : &bits_per_pixel_;
// Decode.
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(DecodeImageData(tile_->rect.width, tile_->rect.height,
last_row_ + n_lines, bits_per_pixel));
#if !defined(WP2_REDUCE_BINARY_SIZE)
if (VDMatch(config_, "bits-per-pixel") && last_row_ == tile_->rect.height) {
WP2::ArgbBuffer debug_output;
debug_output.SetView(>debug_output, tile_->rect));
&debug_output, /*bit_depth=*/{5, /*is_signed=*/false}));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
} // namespace WP2L